The Big Tits Club Ch. 39-40


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I nodded. "Thank you for being understanding."

"We're in a unique situation, and we both agreed from the beginning that this was going to be a one-week vacation," she continued. "Yeah, I got my hopes up a little bit that we might last beyond that and maybe turn into something permanent. But just because I let myself be carried away by that dream doesn't give me the right to get mad at you for thinking we were still having the one-week vacation. I should never have expected you to fall head over heels for me out of nowhere when you've never really shown yourself to have those kinds of feelings for me."

"In all fairness, you'd never really shown yourself to have those kinds of feelings for me either, at least up until Tahoe. Even then, you said you were on Team Belle."

"Well it still would've been nice to think you might have those kinds of feelings for me, or maybe wanted to pursue me but couldn't because of The Rule." She shrugged and gave me a dreamy smirk.

"Please don't think my lack of pursuit was a reflection on you. You're an amazing young woman and I cherish the time we spend together. But if you were really hoping this would be a week for us to discover if there could be something a little more special between us... well... your timing kinda sucks." I sighed. "Maybe going first wasn't such a great idea. I'm still coming off this break-up with Neevie. I'm still coming off this thing where I took Belle's key away. I'm in this weird head space where I'm questioning my understanding of what love is, and I'm not in any shape to start a real relationship right now."

"You mean even if we stayed together, I'd just be your rebound girlfriend? Fair enough." Mari looked up at me and rubbed my chest. "I get it. So in the meantime, like Belle said: I'm just gonna enjoy my vacation for what it is."

I smiled and bent down to give her another quick kiss.

When we parted, Mari sat up on the bed and twisted around to face me. The movement let her big unfettered breasts hang free, drawing my attention, and she waited patiently until I brought my gaze back up to her face. "So changing the subject a bit, I'm curious: What's the deal with Zofi and the whole 'Fertilize me!' thing?"

I barked a short laugh. "Uh, that's a long story in itself."

Mari checked the clock again. "Gimme the CliffsNotes?"

I blinked and frowned. As far as I knew, Zofi had not outed herself to anyone else other than Sam and Alice, and it wasn't my place to reveal her secrets. But I settled for explaining, "It just sort of happened. She's on birth control, of course, but I was about to cum and she started whispering in my ear about imagining I was going to knock her up. Like you said, most teenagers would be terrified, but it really turned us both on and I came really, really hard. So did she."

"Yeah, well, don't EVER say that to me in the middle of sex, understand? I do NOT want babies now, maybe not ever."

"Not ever?" I cocked my head. "I think you'd make a wonderful mother."

"Yeah well if I ever do that'll be YEARS from now. Like... after thirty." She started chuckling. "Oh, man. My mom would have a heart attack if she heard me say that."

"Why? She wants you having kids sooner than later?"

Mari looked at me seriously. "My mom had me when she was MY age, and would've had more kids young if it weren't for medical problems. It wasn't even a really big deal when it happened; lots of people in my family have gotten married or had babies before they turned twenty. I know my own parents are expecting me to be married and start popping out kids pretty soon. If I'm not married and pregnant by like... twenty-five... it would be considered quite unusual."

I raised my eyebrows. "I can't imagine being married before twenty-five. And your parents actually WANT you married sooner than later?"

Mari nodded. "That's why I said they'd probably be fine with me sleeping overnight with you... if I could introduce you as my boyfriend, that is. You're my first, Matty. You're my first everything. The fact that I've gone this long without having a boyfriend worries my mom. She wants me out there, dating, finding a man who will take care of me. I've tried to tell her I don't need a man and intend to go to a top university, get a great job, and be quite self-sufficient thank you very much, but that's a completely foreign concept to her."

"What does your dad think?"

Mari pursed her lips and looked down. She furrowed her eyebrows and fidgeted with her fingers. "Dad blames himself for me getting raped. He feels like he failed as a father by not protecting me. To him, that trauma explains why I haven't been dating. He thinks I'm still a virgin (apart from the obvious), which again, is extremely unusual for my age. I know all my cousins, including a bunch of the younger ones, have already been... active. So again, IF I could introduce you as my boyfriend, he'd actually be pretty glad. It would mean I'd gotten over my experience and was finally getting back to 'normal'."

I arched an eyebrow. "Does your mom know?"

She nodded. "Yeah, but then she doesn't really understand how much it impacted me. I get the impression she got sexually harassed quite a bit growing up - she's got the same kind of body built for sex like me -- and she was able to handle it just fine and move on to have a normal life."

"That's not fair."

"No, it's not," Mari agreed quite emphatically, folding her arms over her chest and looking away for a moment.

I took a deep breath. "So what were you hoping? That you and I would fall in love, you could bring me home to meet your parents, they'd back off pressuring you to find a boyfriend and start on the path to becoming a teenage bride, and then you could just go off to college and not have to worry about them anymore?"

Mari blushed and flashed me a smirk. "Some girls dream of marrying a prince and moving into a big castle. I just wanna be able to live my own life without their expectations."

I took another deep breath and exhaled. "Look... I can't say with any certainty that my feelings for you are going to change this week from what they've already been. I care a great deal about you. It's really important to me that you continue to feel safe. But falling in love and becoming your steady boyfriend and all that? I really have no idea."

"That's okay. I've already accepted that."

"At the same time, I was thinking about Zofi."

Mari snorted. "Typical. I'm buck naked with a guy staring at my tits and all he can think about is skinny little Zofi."

I blinked and looked alarmed. "I didn't mean--"

"Relax," Mari laughed. "That one, I'm just messing with you."

I chuckled in and grinned. "I'm not used to you teasing like that. You're usually the sincere one."

"Yeah, well, ask Belle sometime. She knows I have thoughts just as snarky and sarcastic as anyone's. Sam's not the only one who hides her true face behind a mask. But you were saying about Zofi?"

"Oh, well..." I had to take a moment to collect myself. "What I was going to say is that as far as Zofi's parents are concerned, I'm her boyfriend. It hasn't significantly changed our actual relationship, and it's really just to get her parents off her back. What I was thinking was that maybe I could do the same for you and your parents."

"What? Introduce you to them, have them scrutinize you and give you the whole father-shotgun conversation and threaten you and your family should you ever mistreat me? I would never ask you to go through that for me."

I shrugged. "You don't need to ask; I'm offering. That is, if you want."

"And what happens if Zofi's parents and my parents ever got together and compared notes?"

I blinked. "Uh, well I hadn't thought of that. But the chances seem pretty low. At worst, you can blame me for being a two-timing cheat, but at least until that happens -- IF that ever happens -- you get your mom off your back and your dad feels better AND maybe you and I can have some more overnights together."

Mari raised her eyebrows. "You'd actually want more overnights with me? What if you fall in love with one of the other girls over the next few weeks? What if Neevie and you get back together?"

"You're my Angel. Regardless of how I might ever feel about anyone else, I'd absolutely want more overnights with you. And we already know any of the other BTC girls I might be with would be perfectly happy to let you have occasional overnights with me."

Mari checked the clock again. "I should probably get going. I'm gonna think about it though. Your offer is very... VERY appealing. And I'm touched you'd care enough to go through all that for me."

I smiled. "I do love you, Mariangel, and you're my girlfriend. Of COURSE I'd go through all that... for you."

She beamed at me and leaned in for a sweet kiss. "I love you, too."


Alice was waiting for me and Belle at the parking lot on Thursday morning and came over to us as soon as we stepped onto the curb, although Mari wasn't with her today. So with no other girlfriend with "dibs" around, Alice was more than happy to wrap her arms around my neck and give me a searing kiss. Nobody paid us much attention.

Sam gave me a warm smile when I came in the door for our shared first period. At the end of class, she came over to me, looped her arm through my elbow, and we chatted happily on the way to Calculus for our second period. So far, the day had been going just like any other school day.

That all changed at recess.

Sam and I were walking arm-in-arm from Calculus to our usual lunch table to meet up with the BTC when a sudden commotion from off to our left drew our attention. The noise level escalated quickly, and at first I just looked over in puzzlement. But when a girl screamed, I immediately dropped Sam's hand and took off at a dead run.

The scream, you see, had been instantly familiar. I'd only heard that exact pitch and tone once before: the night I'd accidentally invaded Mari's virgin asshole and then complimented her on her body built for sex. She'd even started screaming the exact same words.

"Get off me! Get off me! GET OFF ME!!!"


-- CHAPTER 40: Queen Mari --


Pushing my way past bystanders at the periphery of whatever was going on, I briefly came to a wall of backpacks formed by the students who had circled around the commotion. "OUT OF MY WAY!" I roared, physically shoving people to the sides as I fought to get to the center.

"ALL STUDENTS! BACK UP!" a male voice boomed in a tone of authority, accustomed to instant obedience. Some of those in my way separated and started backing off, which gave me an opening to dart through.

"Mari!" I shouted as soon as I saw her, huddled on the ground. But she wasn't alone.

She was clutched together with a boy, both of them holding each other fiercely. It was Gerald. He had his left arm up to try and shield himself from the hammering fists of some punk I didn't immediately recognize. But before I could rush in to reach them, the punk looked around, realized his audience was bailing, and also noticed Mr. Cartwright, Physics teacher and our school's basketball coach, closing in.

The punk took off at a dead run.

"Hey! You! Freeze!" Mr. Cartwright yelled, running after him.

Most everyone else dispersed as well, but Mari and Gerald remained on the ground. I quickly approached them, with Gerald reflexively throwing up his left arm as a shield between us. But I blew right past him to kneel next to Mari, asking, "Are you okay?"

"Wh-wha?" she blubbered, her eyes filled with water. She didn't recognize me at first and recoiled when I tried to hug her.

"It's me," I said hurriedly. "You okay?"

"Matty!" Mari exclaimed through her tears, letting go of Gerald and burying her face in my chest. I held her tightly, stroked her spine, and tilted my head left and right inspecting her for scratches or bruises. There didn't seem to be any.

Sam was suddenly beside us, barking, "Gerald, what happened?"

I turned my attention to the other boy. Gerald had the beginnings of a black eye and was cradling his ribs protectively. He looked at Sam blankly, perhaps still a little in shock himself. I turned back to Mari, my immediate focus on her while Sam repeated, "What happened?"

Just then, Mr. Cartwright returned alone, having apparently not chased the punk very far. He was breathing hard and looking around left and right as if the kid would magically appear beside us, then approached and called out in his booming voice. "Did anyone see what happened?"

Holly Thompson stepped forward, now with bubblegum pink hair, and explained, "Asher Kipling. He was following Mari making rude comments about her tits. I was by my locker over there." She turned and pointed back down the hallway.

"Then what happened?"

"I didn't see the rest," Holly said apologetically. "I saw him talking to her as they passed, but by the time she started screaming there were too many people in the way."

"He grabbed my ass," Mari blubbered, still with her cheek pressed against my chest. "I told him not to touch me. He wouldn't take 'no' for an answer."

"I heard the commotion and ran up to them," Gerald explained quietly, staring off into space a bit. "He tried to say they were just talking, but I wasn't buying it and put myself between them. That's when he sucker punched me in the face and then kicked me in the side when I fell down."

Mari was crying again, reliving the experience. "He jumped on me and started squeezing my breasts. I just kept yelling for him to get off me. Gerald managed to get himself between us again, and then you all showed up."

Mr. Cartwright nodded and then looked at me, asking gruffly, "Who are you?"

I replied immediately, "I'm her boyfriend."

"Were you here when it happened?"

I shook my head in the negative. "Just got here."

Mr. Cartwright pursed his lips. "Then you're not a witness. You gotta stay here. Everyone else, come with me." He turned and pointed to Holly as well, who sighed a bit reluctantly but nodded.

"No, please..." Mari whimpered, clutching my chest. I could see the same terror in her eyes from the LAST time I'd heard her screaming 'Get off me' in that tone.

I looked up at the teacher. "Suspend me if you have to. I'm not leaving her."

With a weary sigh, Mr. Cartwright muttered, "Fine, you can come too. But you're not a witness, so you don't get to talk, alright?"

"That's fine," I agreed.

"Everyone else!" He turned and addressed the crowd in a booming voice. "Go to your third periods! You too, young lady," he added to Sam, who sighed but took a step back.

A school security officer arrived just then. "Mr. Cartwright, everything handled? Does anybody need medical attention?"

"Gerald should get looked at," I pointed out.

"Can you walk?" the officer asked him.

Gerald nodded.

"I need Miss Stuart to meet us at the Principal's office," the officer called into his radio, referring to the school nurse.

The teacher nodded and gestured for me, Mari, and Gerald to get up. Once Holly joined us, the six of us all marched away to the Principal's office, with Mr. Cartwright leading the way and the security officer in the rear.

Gerald kept sneaking glances at me and Mari. I felt bad for him. HE was the hero here, not me, but I still had the girl. He also walked stiffly, and I couldn't imagine the pain he was in.

I scanned the other way and noticed Sam pacing us, watching with obvious concern. "Hey, we're fine," I told her. "Go tell the others what's going on."

At first, she looked like she didn't want to leave us. But a moment later, she nodded and turned back.

I sighed. You couldn't say my life was ever boring.


Gerald ended up having to go to the nurse's office after we explained everything to Principal Lancaster, and Alice later reported that the school called for an ambulance to take him to the hospital to get a more complete checkup. He'd gotten bruised ribs but nothing was broken, and the black eye would take weeks to go away.

Asher Kipling had been retrieved from his third period classroom and held by school security. The word was that he tried to deny everything at first, and then melted under the Principal's grilling. He was lucky he was still seventeen and therefore a minor, but still got referred to Juvenile Justice for sexual assault. None of us ever saw him again.

I was excused from third period but otherwise had to finish my school day. Mari spent the morning talking with the school counselor and missed lunch with us. And then in the afternoon she got pulled from her final period to also discuss the matter with a sexual assault counselor dispatched from the district office. The school also said it was trying to contact her parents but hadn't had any luck yet. Mari told everyone she was fine and just wanted everything over with, but both counselors said they would be checking in on her again in the future.

After school, rather than go home immediately, the BTC banded together to get the full story, and Mari blamed herself.

"It was my fault," she muttered through moist eyes. "I was so happy I was practically skipping down the hallway. It's been such a great week with my boyfriend, and after what we talked about yesterday, I started thinking that my life is really starting to come together. I guess I was just a little too bouncy and effervescent given this plunging V-neck sweater here, and I attracted the wrong kind of attention."

"Stop right there," Sam interjected rather sternly. "This was NOT your fault. Being 'bouncy and effervescent' does NOT give a guy permission to grab your ass or tits."

"I know, I know," Mari whimpered. "But at the same time I can't help but feel that he wouldn't have done it if my boobs hadn't been gyrating so much."

"This is NOT your fault," I repeated and squeezed her tightly since she was in my lap. "I'm only sorry I wasn't there to defend you."

"Good thing Gerald was nearby, though," Belle pointed out.

"I agree," I stated. "The guy is your hero."

Mari blushed and wouldn't look at me. "I suppose," she mumbled.

I chuckled at her expression. "Relax, I'm not jealous about it."

She snuggled a little tighter. "I told you: I LIKE you being jealous over me."

"Well, let's be clear here. You're MY girlfriend and I don't want you giving him a blowjob as a reward for defending your honor or anything like that. But I'm genuinely glad he was there."

"Fair enough." Mari snuggled closer to me and sighed. "Seriously, I just wanna get OUT of here."

I nodded and stroked her hair. "Let's go."


Thursday afternoons had always been spent at Belle's house, so rather than go into my place and wait for my girlfriend's arrival, Belle and I went straight to her place and spread our books out in her bedroom. Belle, as usual, took her desk. I sat on her bed, leaning back against the wall.

Things still weren't back to normal yet between us, and probably wouldn't be until she got her key back. It was sort of a chicken or egg dilemma. What needed to happen first? It sort of felt like she needed to have the key back in order to relax and open up to me. But then I needed to feel like I could trust her in order to give her the key back. But how could I feel like I could trust her until she relaxed and opened up to me?

In the meantime, Belle and I continued to go through the motions, neither estranged nor completely comfortable around each other. I wasn't MAD at her, and we still talked. But it was clear to both of us that there was some work still to do. Unfortunately, neither of us knew exactly what work we should do. And in the end, that afternoon became a perfect example of just how strange our relationship had become.

Belle and I did our homework in silence for about twenty minutes before Mari arrived. Once she did, my lusty Latina bombshell immediately started stripping off her clothes as she tackled me onto the bed. The adrenaline rush of the attack had fueled her arousal and received no outlet at school. I had worried that getting sexually assaulted at school would somehow make her withdraw inside herself and return to old traumas - like when she'd gone catatonic that night in January after I'd complimented her body built for sex and she'd promptly freaked out - and I'd mentally prepared myself for a long, drawn-out conversation to discuss what had happened and reassure her that we would support her in whatever way she needed. But Mari reacted in exactly the opposite way, demanding that Belle and I fuck the daylights out of her and wash away all memory of that punk's hands ever touching her body.