The Birthday Gift


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Before long, Kurt could no longer bear it. Having Kay's toes so near to, and even partially inside, his mouth, was an unbearable tease. His tongue intermittently slipped between his lips to lick parts of her toes, and he found he needed to taste her toes much more fully. He stared at her toes, kneaded them again with his hands, spread them with his fingers, licked them slowly, kissed them... but he needed more than anything to taste them. He needed them in his mouth. He wanted more than anything to suck each delectable toe.

He looked up at Kay, still lounging back on the sofa, eyes closed, sighing and smiling, and knew she wouldn't resist. He didn't even notice the other three ladies watching intently. His focus was on Kay's delicious feet. He looked back down at those completely relaxed feet. He kissed all sides of the toes of the foot he had in his hands. He kissed the tops, bottoms, sides, even spreading them to kiss between them. God, how he wanted to suck each and every one! No... no... he couldn't resist a single second longer!

With Amanda, Anya and Judy watching, and with Kay lost in his attention to her feet, Kurt kneaded her toes once again, spreading them gently, and with a deep sigh inserted the first soft toe into his hungry mouth.

Kurt needed badly to suck Kay's toes, and he couldn't get that first toe into his hot, wet mouth fast enough. Though his mind had gone on autopilot, he had every intention of slipping that toe into his mouth slowly. He didn't, after all, want to look like the typical narrow-minded person's idea of a foot freak. He wanted these very special ladies to think of it as sensual and pleasant. But, the best laid plans...

He started to put Kay's big toe in his mouth slowly, erotically, but his hands and mouth betrayed him. His hands shoved that foot into his mouth as if it were his first meal in weeks. And his mouth immediately circled that toe and sucked it. He found himself almost wanting to devour that sweet, succulent digit, and both he and Kay let his mouth do as it pleased. His tongue licked wetly as he sucked that single toe, his teeth even lightly grazed it. He very gently chewed her toe, sucking at the same time. While he wasn't aware of it, Kay was... that as he sucked and chewed her toe, his hands were miraculously still massaging her foot! It felt wonderful, her toe in his warm, moist mouth and his hands busy rubbing away the day's aches and pains. Kay's smile seemed like a permanent part of her face by now, and the other girls could only watch in stunned appreciation of it all.

After savoring Kay's big toe, Kurt's hungry mouth pulled back, but only long enough to slip over far enough to take her next toe into his mouth as well. As he sucked and chewed two toes at once, his tongue, with ideas of its own, slipped between those toes and put his mouth's warmth and wetness in that delicious space. His sucking, mild chewing and space-licking continued as he went from toe to toe, one by one including them in his oral attention to Kay's succulent foot. It wasn't long before his mouth was filled with all five of Kay's wiggling toes. At this point, sucking was a bit more difficult, so he slid her foot in and out of his mouth and let his tongue lick between and at the bases of her toes. His straining mouth was stretched to its limits, and the women chuckled occasionally as Kurt's eyes widened with the effort.

When Kurt took Kay's toes completely out of his mouth, Kay was briefly disappointed. But he immediately began spreading her toes two by two and forcefully licking between them. He licked so hard and thoroughly that his head moved up and down like a cat cleaning its paw. He not only licked so hard that he was actually massaging between her toes with his tongue, but he slid his tongue all the way through the spaces and curled his tongue around to lick the top of each toe as well. His tongue was like a warm, wet sponge all around Kay's toes... and she enjoyed every second of it. The other ladies could only look on in wonder and awe... and maybe a little anticipation of their own.

Having been so busy with his mouth on Kay's foot, Kurt realized at one point that he'd been neglecting his rubbing duties. So his hands immediately got back to massaging her foot, and only then did he allow his mouth to resume it's savoring of Kay's foot. He became lost in her feet, licking, sucking, nibbling, even nuzzling his cheeks into the soles of her feet as he kissed them. He licked and kissed every inch of both her soles. He buried his nose into the base of her toes on both feet, playing with them with his nose and lips and savoring their slight scent. He sucked along the sides of her feet, from toes to heels and back again. He put her entire heel into his mouth and sucked it, licking with his tongue as he did, gently chewing it with his teeth. He kissed, licked and sucked her ankles, doing the same along her instep to her toes. It was during this delightful trek from suckable ankles along smooth instep to tasty toes that Kurt discovered the meticulously painted toenails. They were a reddish brown color, russet, which Kurt later found out was Kay's favorite color. At this point in time, however, he only noticed how lovely they were. He kissed each russet hued toenail, gently and adoringly, and then licked just the toenail of each toe, making sure each one shined wetly when he was done. After that, he went back over them to give each lovely nail yet another kiss... and both he and Kay sighed.

Amanda, Anya and Judy were mesmerized by it all. They couldn't believe the attention to detail that Kurt paid to every tiny inch of Kay's feet. All in all, by the time Kurt sat back to take a breath, over 45 minutes had elapsed. Kurt's tongue, jaw and fingers were tired, and his lips were vibrating from the constant movement and pressure they'd applied to Kay's feet. But he didn't want to stop. And he probably wouldn't have... had Judy not broken the silence.

"I do not believe what I just saw," she said, her jaw dropped in astonishment, "and look at Kay. You'd think she just slept with Brad Pitt. Look at that silly ass grin. "

"That was unbelievable, Kurt. Kay, did that feel as good as it looked like it did?" asked Anya. "Ohhhhh... yeah," sighed Kay, "did it ever. So relaxing. All that rubbing, that warm tongue squirming all over my feet. God that was great. I might want a steady diet of that from now on, Kurt. " They all chuckled warmly, but the twinkle in Kay's eyes told Kurt she might just be serious. "Well, I'm going to get seconds on my drink. Anybody else?" Amanda asked. "No, thanks," said Anya, "I was too engrossed in what was going on to drink any of mine. "

"Haven't touched mine, either," added Judy. "And you know I didn't touch mine," Kay smiled. "Well, actually, neither did I," Amanda confessed, "but it's gotten warm and I need a cold drink right now. That was just too intense. Kurt, you are something. And I hope we're all going to get some of that treatment. "

"My pleasure," smiled Kurt, "definitely my pleasure. " He blushed and tingled at the same time just thinking about it.

On a whim, Kay shoved her feet out over the edge of the table at Kurt again, and said, "How about just a few more minutes, Kurt?" Kurt, very willing, moved forward to continue pampering Kay's feet, but was stopped by Judy. "No way, Kay, you greedy thing. You've just had close to an hour with Kurt. He's got three other pairs of feet to take care of tonight. And I for one want his tongue fit and full of energy when it gets to my feet. Isn't that right, ladies? We have to share Kurt tonight. " When they all looked at Kay, she brought her feet back reluctantly and said, "Oh, okay," and then giggled and added, "Hey, it doesn't hurt to try," winking at Kurt as she said it.

Judy was just a split second quicker than Anya and Amanda, and it paid off for her. She scooted around the coffee table, pushed Kay's feet way over to the side, and sat on the coffee table, directly in front of Kurt. Before anyone knew what was happening, she brought her lovely bare feet up off the floor and plopped them directly on Kurt's chest. He just sat there, staring at her... but smiling too. Judy leaned forward, lifted one foot in front of Kurt's face, and scrunched her toes so he could see her hot pink polish. Then, one foot still on his chest, she stroked the side of his face with her other foot, from his sideburns down along his jawline to his chin, and then around to his lips. She pressed her toes firmly into his lips and said,

"Now, Kurtie, it's my turn. And I have got some things I want to try. " Then she grinned a truly evil grin and added, "I'm going to teach you what it really means to worship a woman's feet. Are you ready?"

Kurt nodded, puffing a muffled reply through her toes.

With her toes squashing Kurt's mouth, Judy sat up straight and put her hands on her hips, and looked down at him with an arrogant air. Still crushing his mouth with her foot, she moved her foot in a circular motion on his lips. She was playing with him, and enjoying it. Cocking her head to one side, she came to a decision. She smiled another wicked smile and slid her foot over to the side of his mouth, now mashing her toes only into half of it. But that didn't last long. She brought up her other foot and used it to mash the other half of his mouth. Grinning gleefully, she now mashed both her feet all over his lips, distorting his face as she played with it. "You have a nice soft face, Kurtie. You must've shaved before you came here tonight. Did you?"

"Yeph, I bid," he mumbled beneath her feet, and nodded again in case she couldn't understand him. "Well, that was really sweet of you. Now when I rub my feet in your face it'll feel nice and soft on them. Thank you. "

"Vefcum. " his mouth forced between mashing feet. "I assume," Judy went on, "that since you like feet you won't mind me rubbing my feet in your face. So, here's what I was hoping to try. I really liked the way you massaged Kay's feet, and I want mine massaged too. But I want to do part of it myself... with your help, of course. If you don't mind too much, I'm going to use that nice smooth face of yours to massage the soles of my feet for a little bit. Is that ok?" She leaned down close to his head, causing her feet to press even more firmly into his face, and curled her sensuous lips into a smirk Snidely Whiplash would've been envious of, and batted her cool blue eyes at him. She was obviously enjoying her current power over him.

Kurt's eyes widened at just the thought of what Judy intended to do. He didn't even bother trying to speak this time, and just nodded his agreement. "Oh, and one more thing. Since I'll only be massaging the bottoms of my feet with your face, that means the tops of my feet will be neglected. So, here's where you can help. While I'm using your cute smile to massage the soles of my tired feet, I'd like you to massage the tops of my feet - my insteps, ankles, the tops of my toes, and even a little of my calves - with your hands. Can you do that for me,sweetie?" Her lewd smile was sticky sweet. Kurt nodded instantly. "Fantastic," Judy said, animated and full of enthusiasm, "this is going to be just wonderful. " In her zeal, Judy's toes started to knead and squeeze the skin of Kurt's face. He didn't even try to stop her.

"Okay, ready, Kurt? I really hope this feels as good as I think it will. " Kay noted, "Judy, you really have a mean streak in you, don't you?" and she put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. "Hey, now, Kay, you've had your fun... now let me have mine. Fair's fair. Besides, I don't see Kurt objecting one little bit... do you?" At that, Kurt blushed again... and the girls all giggled to the point of tears running down their faces.

Judy, running the show now, held up her hands to indicate she wanted quiet. She wanted her and Kurt to be the center of attention, as Kay and Kurt had been earlier. When the ladies were all quiet again, Judy announced, "Okay, Kurt... here come my puppies. Before I rub them in your cute little face, I'm going to let you smell them... but only if you want to. Do you?" He nodded so fast Judy's feet almost slipped off his face.

She slid back on the table so she could stretch out her legs, taking her feet off his mouth. She held her feet out to him and told him he could smell her feet whenever he was ready. He leaned forward enough to hold her feet and nuzzle his face into her soles, sniffing gently. When he started to look like he wanted to kiss her feet, Judy told him, "No, not yet, Kurt. You'll have lots of time to kiss my feet later. Just enjoy the scent of them right now. You'll get to taste them, I promise. And Kurt, honey, tell me just how wonderful my feet smell, okay? Let me know how much you appreciate them. " Somewhere in the background, muffled comments of "Ooooh, what a bitch. ", "You're right... a definite cruel streak. ", and "Poor Kurt. He's in for it now. ", could be heard.

After nuzzling his nose on the bottoms of her feet and pushing it into the base of her toes, Kurt was again getting an erection. The softness of her toes and soles was heaven, and the mild scent of her feet was driving him crazy. His mouth wanted to service her feet as he had Kay's, but this was Judy's show and he wanted her to enjoy it. And, obediently, he started complimenting her feet. "Judy, your feet smell so delicious," he smiled, "Like dewey roses on an early autumn morning. " Judy blushed, beaming with pleasure. But Kurt wasn't done. "Your feet are softer than the purest cotton, smoother than silk, and their scent is more alluring than the most exotic perfumes. " He held her toes to his nose and sniffed them like a wine connoisseur savoring a rare vintage. Judy was beside herself at the well-phrased compliments, and was certain that Kurt actually believed what he was saying - that, to him, her feet were sensually delicious, appealing... and arousing.

After several minutes of amusing herself watching him nuzzle and sniff her feet, Judy announced, "Okay, my turn to enjoy, Kurt. Sit back and let me massage my feet now. "

Reluctant to leave her feet, even for a second, Kurt nonetheless obeyed, figuring he was going to have her luscious peds in his face again momentarily. He sat back and waited... and didn't have to wait long. Judy scooted forward again on the table, plopping her feet back on Kurt's chest until both she and Kurt were ready. When he looked ready, Judy slipped her feet up to his neck, rubbing the sides of her feet along it, slowly moving her feet up to his ears and then working them forward toward the front of his face. She rubbed her toes teasingly on his cheeks, forehead and just below his eyes. Then she brought her toes down to his chin, running her toes along his jaw line back to his ears and then back again to his chin. From there she pressed her toes into his face and moved her feet from his chin up to his nose, which she squeezed between her feet, and then continued up until she was gently pressing her toes into his eye sockets and then finished with her toes on his forehead. She rubbed the soles of her feet all around his face vigorously, cooing how good it felt. Then, suddenly, her feet just stopped. She just rested her feet on his face, not moving them, one foot on each side of his nose, completely covering his face. She kept them in that position for a few minutes, waiting to see if Kurt would do anything. When he didn't, she teased him, "Mmm... how comfy this is. I could rest my feet here all night. And I'll bet you'd let me, wouldn't you, Kurt? You'd let me rest my feet on your nice soft face as long as I wanted to, wouldn't you? Well, no matter. I want to massage my feet now, so I'm going to really rub them hard on your face, ok? When I start massaging my feet, that's when you can start to rub the tops of my feet. Ok, here I go. "

Judy pressed her soles firmly into Kurt's face, rubbing them all around vigorously. She, and the other girls, watched as her feet contorted Kurt's face and he just sat there and let her do it. By this time he had turned completely to jello under her feet. He was clay that she could mold at will. He was so into it all that he wanted to just lay back and enjoy her feet all over his face. But he had his duties to perform, too. With a supreme effort of will, he forced his limp arms to come up and begin rubbing her insteps and ankles. He massaged the tops of both her feet with attentive hands while she let his face do the same for the hard pressing soles. His fingertips massaged not only her insteps and ankles, but all around the sides of her feet, her heels and the tops of her toes. She really did enjoy the feel of it. His hands felt lovely, but the amusement of watching his face contort as it comforted her aching soles gave her a wicked itch between her legs. Such deviant fun, she mused to herself. And she wondered what the other ladies would think if they knew how much she was enjoying mashing Kurt's face this way.

As the upper and lower massages continued, Judy got yet another idea. She brought one foot down to Kurt's chin, and used his entire jaw line to massage the sole of her foot. This area of his face being strong, she could press her sole into it pretty hard and really stimulate the bottom of her foot. With her right foot, she used his chin and left jaw line to soothe her aches and pains. Then she did the same on the right side of his face for her left foot, bracing his head by pushing back firmly on his forehead with her other foot. Finally, she did both feet at once, sliding her soles up and down on his jaw line and chin, letting them soothe the flesh all along the entire length of her soles from toes to heel. Her feet were pushing so hard against his jaw that his head was forced back and he looked up at the ceiling. All the while he kept rubbing the tops of her feet. She finished off her foot massage by once again mashing her feet all over Kurt's face, again contorting his mouth and cheeks. When she eventually removed her feet from Kurt's face, his hair was disheveled, and his entire face red and sore... and more than a little sweaty. But, Judy's feet felt great... and that was all that mattered.

"God, that was wonderful, Kurt. Thanks so much. " she said in a truly wicked tone, "and now I hope your tongue is nice and rested. I'd really like to feel it all over my feet. I'm going to teach you how to massage my feet a different way. I'm going to have you massage my feet with your lips. "

At that,the girls roared with laughter, but Judy said, "Watch, and learn, disbelievers. Let me show you how a cooperative pair of lips can follow up a soothing massage with a worshipful one. I have a feeling that Kurt's lips will really feel good when they're used right. And I'm just the one to do it. "

With that, Judy told Kurt to first blow on her feet. All the rubbing had made them hot, and she wanted them cooled off first. He did so, blowing all over her feet, and between her toes. When she was satisfied that her feet were cool enough, she told Kurt to take one of her feet by the heel and hold it up to his mouth. Then she said, "Now, here's your lesson in foot worship. First, whenever your lips touch my feet, I should feel total worship and adoration in the touch. Understood? Good. Use your lips very lightly at first... glide them along gently, all over my feet. Then, slowly work up to a more forceful lip-massage, really pressing your lips into my feet. It's going to take a bit of practice, I think, but I'm willing to believe you'll be a natural at it. Ok, Kurt... ready for phase two?"

Kurt grinned from ear to ear... and forced himself not to drool. "Oh, yeah," he sighed, "I'm ready. "

"Great, start at my heel. Go on... worship my feet like a good boy. "

"Oh, I can't wait to see this!" squealed Amanda. Grabbing her drink, she came around and plopped herself down on the loveseat, to Kurt's left. Kay also moved from the sofa and sat on the arm of the loveseat, to Kurt's right. Anya made herself comfortable on the floor near Kay. They all sipped their drinks, waiting for the fun to begin. Kurt blushed a bit, but Judy grinned and prepared for her unusual foot massage.