The Birthday Gift: Conclusion


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"Quick, Kurt, honey.....rub it into my feet before it liquefies. Use that wonderful dick of yours."

Gathering his strength, Kurt leaned back and took his penis in hand. It was still almost completely hard, so he used it to rub his semen into Anya's feet. She was beside herself with joy, barely able to contain squeals of joy

and childlike giggles.

"Oh, God, that feels wonderful, Kurt! I love it! Don't stop!"

He didn't. He rubbed his slowly deflating muscle all over her feet, spreading the sticky fluid everywhere he could. Anya could only lay on the loveseat and mumble "Oh, my God," over and over.

After awhile, Kurt's overworked penis started to become too soft to massage her feet with. He set Anya's legs down on the arm of the loveseat, and walked around to sit on the loveseat at Anya's feet, lifting her legs so he could sit under them. He took her feet in his hands one at a time and did a much more thorough job of massaging his semen into them. He rubbed the fluid over every inch of her feet, until the semen was so spread out on her feet, that it no longer even seemed to be on them at all, only the

lasting stickiness of it giving away its presence. Anya was cooing like a baby, not only smiling, but licking her lips and kicking her feet with joy.

She sighed, "THAT was just wonderful. I've always wondered what something like that would feel like." She then rolled over onto her back and Kurt rubbed her instep and the tops of her toes a little better. She smiled up at him, sighing and stretching as if she could fall asleep right then and there.

Kurt lifted each foot, smelling himself on her, and kissed both insteps and each toe before placing her feet gently onto his naked lap.

"I just do not believe some of what I've seen here tonight," said Judy with a sly grin.

Amanda, still wistfully remembering the feel of Kurt's ass, and wanting it back again, sighed, "I, for one, have been having a blast."

"Me too," said Kay.

"Mm-hmmm........." was all Anya could muster, her tongue just barely peeking from the corner of her smiling mouth.

"Well," announced Amanda, "I think we could all use a break. Let's all enjoy some real snacks and have some coffee. I think I better stay away from the alcohol for the rest of the night."

"Why," Kurt smiled, "you don't have to drive anywhere."

"Yeah, but I can't be responsible for what I do if I drink anymore."

Smiling wickedly, the three other ladies....and Kurt too, offered Amanda their drinks.

"Oh, sure....TRY to get me in trouble." Amanda giggled.

"We just wanna see what you might do. Could be alot of fun, right, everyone?" said the world's most wicked instigator, Judy.

A truly hedonistic gleam entered Amanda's eyes, and she said, "Hmmm....maybe I WILL have just one more drink at that. But I might attack you, Kurt. Could you live with that?"

"I LIKE the way you 'attack', Amanda....fix yourself another drink. Have several! Attack me all you like." The hedonistic gleam was now occupying his eyes as well. Judy, Anya and Kay exchanged knowing glances, and chuckled in the remains of their drinks.

Amanda brought back a coffee for each of the other ladies, and one for Kurt. For herself, another drink. They all engaged in very animated chat, reviewing the events of the evening, making comments about it all, exchanging lewd jokes and comments...just having fun. Kurt tried twice to put his clothes back on, but the ladies would have none of it.

"You don't get your clothes back until it's time to don't even bother going there," Judy stated bluntly, "we like our men naked and agreeable, so you just be a good little tootsie boy. I'm not even sure if we're done with you yet."

"We're not," Amanda revealed, "there's one thing we have left to do for Kurt."

She'd gotten their interest.

"Well, it IS his birthday, so we have to have a toast to the birthday boy."

Amanda once again strode to the kitchen. She came back with a bottle of champagne and four champagne glasses. She handed one to each lady and kept one for herself. She poured champagne into each glass.

"Um....don't I get any? I AM the birthday boy."

"Just a second, Kurtie," smiled Judy, "you'll see. We wouldn't leave you out."

The girls all clinked their glasses together and saluted Kurt, saying happy birthdays and congratulating him, wishing him many more, etc. He was still mystified, but knew from experience with these ladies that something fun was coming. They apparently had an unending supply of imagination....of which he heartily approved.

"Ok, now you, Kurt. You have to drink some champagne, too. BUT, given the theme of this party and all, you don't get to drink out of a glass," Kay could barely contain herself.

Judy added, "Oh, now, that wouldn't fit this party at all, would it, ladies? Amanda, you're the hostess. Why don't you tell Kurtie here how he has to drink his champagne."

Amanda sat down next to Kurt, champagne bottle in hand. She reached behind him and brought something out from just behind his head on the loveseat, delighting in the sight of his widening eyes.

"It's going to take a little coordination, but if you hold real still, Kurt, we can get this right."

The other girls laughed.....and Kurt couldn't help laughing right along with them.

"Tilt your head back a little," she said, stifling a giggle, " and open wide."

Still chuckling, Kurt leaned back and opened his mouth. Amanda held her shoe, one of the sexy

red high-heeled platforms she was wearing when he showed up at the door, up to his mouth.

"Now, this shoe is open, so you have to really drink fast, Kurt. I could get another pair of shoes from my closet, but I wanted to use the ones I was wearing tonight. Besides, when you first came in you seemed to like them. So, I'm going to trickle the champagne down the insole of my shoes and you have to drink it all up. Ready? Here it comes."

She trickled champagne slowly down the insole of her strappy shoe. Some of the champagne spilled off to the side and down Kurt's face, but most of it flowed true into his mouth. He drank the bubbly as it trickled off the toe area of the shoe.

"Ahh, how romantic," said Kay, "drinking champagne from a lady's slipper."

Amanda then had him do the same with her other shoe. When she was done, she held up both shoes

to Kurt and asked him if he wanted to lick up any that was left on her shoes. He happily accepted.

"Hmm..." giggled Judy, "those shoes will feel interesting the next time you wear them."

Amanda handed the bottle of bubbly to Anya, who filled both her 3-inch heels about a half inch full of champagne. She then sat next to Kurt and poured the liquid into his mouth from the heel of her shoe.

Next, Kay did the same from her 1-inch heels, and Judy from her 4-inch heels. Judy tilted Kurt's head way back and shook every last drop out of both shoes for him to drink. When this met with whoops and hollers from the other ladies, Judy quipped, "Hey, it's gonna be bad enough wearing these things home now. The least Kurt can do is make them as comfortable as possible for me." She then turned to Kurt and said, "Do be a dear and lick as much out of my shoe as you can, please, Kurtie. As it is my feet are going to stick to them when I wear them. So if you get as much champagne out of them as possible, maybe it won't be so bad." Kurt hesitated just a second or two. Judy took one of her shoes, pushed it to his mouth, picked up one of his hands and put it on the bottom of her shoe, so he could hold it there and lick inside it. She let go of his hand and he held the shoe over his mouth. Chuckling

softly and shaking his head, Kurt licked the inside of her shoe.

"Oooh, such a good boy," she teased, "and do the other one when you're done, too." She ruffled his hair and cooed as if rewarding a pet. The other girls laughed, and Kay said, "Judy, you really, REALLY do have a mean streak."

"What?" she feigned innocence, "Look, he loves it....don't you, Kurtie-boy?" More laughter, even from Kurt, who, yes indeed, did enjoy it.

When he finished, Judy played inspector, making sure Kurt had lapped up as much champagne as possible. She tried on one shoe, worked it around on her foot, then took it off, inspecting her foot for champagne. She tisk-tisked at Kurt and pointed to a spot on her foot, alongside her big toe, that she said had champagne on it, and would he please lick it off. Kurt licked alongside her toe, making sure to thoroughly clean the imaginary spot. Judy then put the shoe back on, took it off again, checked for any

more missed spots, and finally seemed satisfied. She then tried on the second shoe, this time finding two "spots" of champagne that Kurt had to lick off her foot before she was satisfied. She then tousled his hair again, and said, "Good boy."

"Well, I think we've done enough for Kurt, or should I say TO him, tonight, ladies," said Kay, "What say we let his tongue and dickie rest up for awhile and call it a night?"

"I AM kinda beat," said Anya, looking down at her sticky feet and smiling.

"Me too," agreed Judy, still pretending to inspect her shoes, "but this was really a blast. Maybe we should do this again sometime." Then she paused to reflect. She looked at Kurt with another of her sly smiles and said, "Then again, maybe it should be just me and you next time, Kurtie. I like how you take orders...and you certainly do have a talented tongue. I might find all kinds of uses for a cooperative

guy with a long-lasting tongue. Maybe next time YOU can make ME come." She winked and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

And with that, the party seemingly wound down to an end. Shoes were placed back onto pampered feet. Kay insisted Kurt put her shoes back on for her, and he did so happily, giving each luscious, painted toe a tender kiss before slipping her feet into her shoes. Anya's soles clung stickily to her shoes when she put

them on, and she laughed, commenting that these would be her "favorite" shoes from now on. Only Amanda, not needing to go anywhere, left her feet bare.

They all exchanged the usual post-party pleasantries. The girls hugged and kissed, making arrangements to meet the following day, asking each other about work schedules, etc. They congratulated Kurtb on his birthday, saying how much they'd enjoyed the night. When they all looked at Kurt, still naked, and smiled, he felt it might be time to get dressed. As the ladies were preparing to leave, Kurt went to get his clothes. After only two steps, Amanda's outstretched arm stopped him.

"Not just yet, Kurt, honey, okay?"

Kurt looked into her sexy eyes and stopped dead in his tracks. She smiled and said, "Thanks," so sweetly that Kurt would've gladly walked over hot coals to hear her talk that way again. Amanda took Kurt by the hand to the door, where the girls were making their final preparations to leave. Once there, the girls said their final good-byes to Amanda and Kurt. One by one the girls snuggled up to Kurt and

whispered sly little teases in his ear, winking at him. Not only did they assure him that his fetish wasn't anything to be ashamed of, but they even said how much they got into it.....and they whispered even more to him....

"Thanks for my really special lotion, Kurt," whispered Anya,"but I might need more sometime, so keep stocked up, ok?" She brushed her lips on his cheek and winked, smiling broadly, and then left.

"You are quite a foot slut, Kurt," beamed Kay, "Who knows, I just might have room in my busy schedule to keep a good foot slut around." She nibbled his cheek, kissed him lightly on the lips, and walked out the door, looking back to smile and wink also.

Next came Judy, who rubbed up against Kurt seductively, nibbled his ear and whispered, "Kurtie, I'm serious. I think with a little training you could learn to worship my feet really well. I'll bet I could turn you

to mush with my feet...once we're all alone. Think about it. Who knows where I might let that tongue go once it's been properly trained." She leaned into him and kissed him full on the mouth, rubbing her crotch up against his naked one. Her wink was more seductive and suggestive than any he'd ever seen.

Eventually, the good-byes had been said, the festivities completed. It was almost sad to see these wonderful women leave. Kurt felt warm and finally accepted. He really cared for these ladies, and tonight had only solidified that. He turned his smiling,naked self away from the doorway and looked at Amanda. She was standing in the middle of the living room with her hand on her chin, thoughtful.

"Um....let me get dressed and I'll help you clean up, Amanda."

"No, I'm gonna leave that til tomorrow. Why don't you go in and take a nice shower? That bath we gave you couldn't have gotten all the stickies off you. Besides, you have champagne dripping out of your hair still." She chuckled as she playfully flicked a wisp of his sticky hair with a long fingernail.

"I'm ok. You've done enough for me. I really should go. But I really would like to help you with the cleanup."

"No way. You go take a nice, hot shower."

Feeling he'd be imposing, Kurt said, "No, really, Amanda, I'm ok."

She slowly walked up to Kurt until her body was almost brushing up against his. She looked sweetly up into his eyes and said, "Please?" in the exact same tone she'd said thanks to him earlier. He felt his brain melting. But Amanda put one final nail in his coffin. In that same heart-melting voice, she added, "If you go in and take a shower....I'll join you."

Kurt was pretty exhausted by now, but Amanda's sexy smile and that dripping voice inviting herself to shower with him was starting a delicious tingle once again between his thighs. As he obediently headed toward the bathroom, he wondered whether his overworked love muscle would have the strength or stamina to please Amanda if she really was serious about joining him in the shower.

Turning the corner to the bathroom, Kurt looked back and saw Amanda cleaning up. At precisely that same instant, she looked up at him also. Their eyes met and they both smiled. Amanda's eyes looked Kurt's naked body up and down, and she licked her lips. If she wasn't planning on joining him, she certainly was a great tease.

Kurt entered the bathroom, flicking on the lights. He opened the shower door and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature to a comfortable setting. He pulled the valve that transferred the water from faucet to shower, and adjusted the shower nozzle to his height, testing the temperature again with his hand. He stepped into the shower and let the warm water cascade all over his still slightly sticky body. It felt warm and relaxing. He reached back to close the shower door, but it wouldn't budge. Wiping water out of his eyes, he looked back to see why it wouldn't slide shut. There stood Amanda, completely naked, holding the door open. She was beauty personified.

"You weren't gonna shut me out, were you, Kurt?" came that sultry voice again.

"I.....well, I wasn't sure if you were serious," he forced out as his heartbeat quickened at the sight of her.

"Kurt, after all that's happened here tonight, you thought I was just teasing? Shame on you."

"Well, then," Kurt recovered quickly, "what's taking you so long? I'm sure you're a little sticky too. Hop right in here. There's plenty of water for both of us."

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied, stepping into the stall.

Kurt turned and let the water once again spray his face and chest. Suddenly, the water was no longer hitting him and he again looked to see why. He looked just in time to see Amanda's hand, reaching over his shoulder, turning the shower head to the side. He then felt her warm body pressing against his back, her hands sliding up and down his thighs. The scent of her perfume wafted to his nostrils in the hot, moist air as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"Yes, Kurt," she whispered, the warmth of her breath caressing his ear, "I am a little sticky....but not as sticky as I'd like to be."

Kurt received the answer to his earlier question concerning the ability of his member to perform yet again. With just those few words from Amanda, it was already at three-quarters mast...and rising.

Amanda giggled as her gliding hands moved from Kurt's thighs to his firm buttocks. A few long, slow rubs on his cheeks, and Kurt's flag was at full mast.

Kurt turned to face Amanda, his throbbing pole slapping her thigh as he turned, and then coming to rest between her legs. They both looked down as Amanda took that erection between her legs and started moving her hips back and forth, rubbing her pubic carpet along it's shaft. They looked deeply into each others eyes and then kissed passionately. Kurt braced himself to pick Amanda up and start their lovemaking.

"Oh, now, Kurt...not so fast," came that sticky sweet voice again. "You've had so many orgasms already tonight. I even kept your little man happy with my lips, didn't I?"

Confused, but wary, Kurt replied, "Yes, and he was ever so grateful."

"Grateful enough for you to return the favor?" she cooed again, eyes twinkling.

"Ahh...I want more than just your toes licked, don't you?"

"Mmm...I sure do.....but I don't want your tongue just between my legs, though that's definitely where I'd like it to end up."

"Hmmm....where else then?" Kurt smiled wickedly.

"Just one second, and I'll show you exactly what I'd like."

Amanda moved to the shower door and slid it open. She reached out and brought something into

the shower. She held it up in front of Kurt. It was the squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup. Smiling, she

tipped the bottle upside down and then with her other hand she brought each of Kurt's hands up from his sides and turned them palm side up. She squeezed a palmful of chocolate into each hand and then set the bottle back down outside the shower door. She moved back to Kurt, sliding up against him with her arms around his neck and his cock back between her legs.

"Now," she smiled, licking her lips again, "rub the chocolate all over my ass."

"Your ass?" Kurt smiled back.

"Yes, my ass. I just love having my ass rubbed...or kissed...or licked. My bottom is very sensitive and I adore having all sorts of attention paid to it. But..if you'd rather not....."

"Oh, no, that's fine by me. You have a wonderful ass. I'd consider myself lucky to rub it...or kiss it...or lick it. Not a problem at all. One chocolate ass coming right up."

Amanda kissed Kurt passionately, forcefully shoving her tongue into his mouth. Kurt moved his hands behind her and slowly rubbed the chocolate into her smooth cheeks, alternating rubbing and squeezing them. She moaned, and Kurt tried to decide if it was from his kisses or from having the chocolate smeared on her bottom, finally concluding it was from both.

After several minutes of long, sensual kissing, Amanda pulled from Kurt's embrace, playfully stroking his penis for the briefest of moments. She then turned around and braced her hands against the shower wall, bending over slowly and seductively. She wiggled her bottom at Kurt, teasing his obviously appreciative eyes. Kurt could see the circles and smears of chocolate where he'd caressed her buns.

"Hungry, Kurt? Want a little more chocolate for your birthday? rubbed so nice. Now let's see if your tongue feels as good on my fanny as it did on my toes."

Kurt's eyes were literally bulging as he got down on his knees and approached that chocolate tush. Amanda gave another teasing wiggle or two, giggling. Kurt stared at that luscious behind. He brought his hands up and placed them on her hips, squeezing gently.

"Kurt, dear, I hope you're not going to just stare at it all night." she laughed. Then, to urge him on, she lifted one foot and started stroking his erection with it. Kurt moaned this time. Amanda bent down a little further, so that her bottom pushed back a little bit, diminishing the distance between Kurt's face and her