The Bitch Next Door


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"Remove your clothes and lay them across that chair," he said pointing to a large leather wingback that was in one corner.

It pained her beyond words to strip naked in front of this domineering man... one she had openly mocked only a few weeks ago about being naked in front of others. She knew better, though, than to disobey him. When she was now the naked one, he approached her and gave his second instruction.

"On the table," he began, "there is a selection of canes that I have laid out. Choose one and bring it to me."

Brandy walked across the floor towards the table.

"On your tip toes, girl!" Horst barked at her. "Walk like a woman... not some college preppy!"

Brandy raised up on her tip toes and witnessed her stride change to more of a strut rather than just a walk. Her face burned with the embarrassment of being spoken too in such a way, though.

She looked at the half dozen lengths of wet sticks that were laid out in front of her. They varied in thickness and in weight, but all appeared to be of equal length. She'd seen pictures and scenes in movies of such things, but never dreamt she'd find herself picking out such an implement of punishment to be used upon her own soft derriere. She picked a thin one up by the rubber grip end and noticed immediately how flexible it was. Suddenly, she was aware of Horst standing right beside her.

"The choice is important," he instructed. "That one in your hand... light in weight, but can deliver a wicked sting because of how pliant it is. It's like being stung multiple times on the cheeks... like you've been stung by angry wasps."

He took it from her hand and gave it a quick flip through the air. It made a sharp sort of whistling sound that sent a chill through Brandy. She returned her attention to the other 5 and ran her fingers over the thickest one of the group.

"Ahhh yes...," Horst whispered. "This one, my dear, is for the aficionado that needs the heavy, hard wallop of a good cane. This one will feel like you've been stung by a horse and leave you bruised for a good 10 days. I wouldn't choose that one for my first time if I were you."

Brandy did the most reasonable thing someone could be expected to do in her situation... she chose the one in the middle. Horst laid the willowy cane back on the table, then ran the palm of his hand across the smooth, beautiful skin of her young ass.

"Ahhh... a wise choice, young lady." For the first time today, he actually had a bit of warmth in his voice. "Now, lay face down, on that bench there and we'll begin."

She did as she was instructed. The wood felt rough on her tender skin and soft breasts. Her disciplinarian had her move to one end so her feet were nearly falling over the edge. Under her hips he slipped a rolled up blanket that elevated her rear nicely into the air. The blanket itself was the coarsest she had ever felt. It seemed more appropriately a door mat than a blanket. Nevertheless, it was doing its intended job.

Horst went over what was going to happen and asked her if she had any questions. She thought of something cheeky, but thought again and decided to keep her mouth shut. He then took leather straps and wrapped them over her calves, just above her knees and the third one over the centre of her back. She was left securely fastened to the bench and could raise her rear up higher, but couldn't think of why she would want to do that, but that indeed, was the only option left to her.

"Reach as far above your head, as far as you can and hold the sides of the bench," she was instructed. "If you let go... we start the count again."

Brandy was to count each lash out loud. If she lost count... that too started the punishment over again.

Horst took his place on her left side and ran his hand once again, over the smooth, blemish-free skin, enjoying the feel before he set it alight and turned it to a stinging red pattern of blood-filled welts.

"All right... let's begin with the first 20, shall we?" It was a statement, not a question.

Brandy tensed her ass cheeks in anticipation of the first blow. Before the swish of the wet cane could break the air, however, she suddenly became aware of a bright beam of sunlight across the floor of the room and she could distinctly hear one of those peacocks calling as loudly as if it were right in the room with her. Someone else had joined them, but she dare not turn her head to look.

SWOOOOSH!!! The first stroke landed with the sting of thick rope being ripped through one's hands and tearing the skin away. The sound that the cane made with the air as it sliced between each molecule was terrifying, but the sting... Oh My GOD... was like nothing she'd ever experienced before!

Brandy howled and her brain suddenly stopped functioning rationally as the reality of her situation burned its way through that once blemish-free skin. She had never been spanked as a child and this was completely unprepared for just how severe this could feel.

"Count!" Horst said harshly, snapping her back into the moment.

"One," she whimpered.

The next two fell side-by-side like a good carpenter laying planks along a boardwalk. Not once did any of the strokes get superimposed on a previous one.

After three, Brandy's eyes had filled with salty tears and she was not sure she would be able to make it to twenty. Horst ran his hand over the cheeks of her ass and soothed them slightly. He ran his fingers over the welts as they raised themselves up one-by-one. The reprieve lasted only moments, however, before the next three came screaming out of the air above.

By the end of the first nine, Brandy recognized the pattern of three and then a rest before the next three rained down. By the end of the ninth, she was crying her eyes out and still, didn't know if she was going to be able to go through with the entire twenty. The one good thing... she hadn't lost count.

The next three sounded like a hissing fuse burning through and one only had to wait for the explosion that was sure to follow. The explosion, however, never came, but what did was a burning sting that could not be differentiated between the slash of a razor and iodine being poured into the resulting cut in the flesh or a red hot wire being brought down upon her buttocks.

"Ten... Eleven... Twelve!" she cried out.

This time, her punisher showed a modicum of mercy and after rubbing the flesh of her beaten ass, let his fingers slip into the cleft at the base of those burning cheeks. She couldn't tell what was happening to her as her brain slipped in and out of rationality, but one thing she did know, was that those fingers felt damn good!

Thirteen, fourteen and fifteen were harsh, but something was happening to her. The pain was still searingly hot, but it didn't bounce off the insides of her skull as she screamed and cried. There was suddenly a calmness that she could not quite explain. As his palm comforted her flesh yet again, this time she raised her hips ever so slightly and welcomed his fingers as they dipped into the puddle that was forming in the swollen gape of her vulva. It felt wonderful to feel him touching her and as harsh as the cane had felt, this was pure honey as he touched her there gently.

Three more lashes followed, then those wonderful fingers again. The break was longer this time and he stroked her hair softly before delivering the final two.

Swoooosh! The cane cut the air and then one more welt was laid in the tapestry upon her buttocks. Instead of the twentieth one in quick succession, Horst paused and rubbed her ass once again. Her head was spinning and she was in another place, but when he let one of his fingers slip a little further in between the curtains of her vagina... she sucked a breath in sharply, then let it out with a slow, mournful moan. He moved his finger in and out slowly, feeling the thick coating of her honey that allowed it to slip and slide with no resistance whatsoever. He had her just where he wanted her.

SSSSSSSNAP!!! The twentieth lash hit her raw skin with a force that actually made her ass cheeks jiggle.

"Tweeeenty," was all that Brandy could manage as the number just seemed to ride on her breath as she exhaled.

She had endured. Her first caning was now history. She had met the first requirement of her sentence.

Horst released the straps.

"Don't try and move just yet; I'm going to give your bottom a bit of relief before you stand."

He took a cool facecloth and spread it out across the welts on Brandy's ass. She immediately let out a gasp followed by a groan as the coolness seeped in and lowered the temperature of her derriere. After a couple of minutes of that, he added a cold pack to continue the soothing.

It was an amazing transformation of character to observe. From the mouthy, self-righteous brat, there came a much calmer, more controlled young woman... and after only one session with the cane. It was impressive, to say the least. As Horst stroked her head again, Brandy made little purring noises. When she seemed quite relaxed, he removed the cool cloth and pack from her behind. Softly touching it with his hand, he inspected the welts to see if they were in need of any special care.

He took a bottle and poured an amount of the ointment into the palm of his hand. It felt good on Brandy's ass and she responded as he gently spread the scented liquid over the area. He was loving the sight of her perfect, young ass, but resisted the temptation to once again dip his fingers into the well of honey between her thighs. As she lay there and slowly recovered, there was a slash of light that came streaming across the floor again. She had forgotten that she'd seen the same thing just before her punishment began. She had no idea who had opened the door that first time, but now knew that Joanie had arrived with a tray of biscuits and refreshments.

"I've brought you something, darling, to help you back into the here and now," Joanie said with no hint of sarcasm whatsoever in her voice. "We must take care of our girl lest she doesn't want to come and play at our house anymore."

To a stranger, this might have sounded like a very odd thing for someone to say, but to Joanie... she understood completely. It had been an evening of multiple epiphanies for Brandy. She sipped a large glass of orange juice and enjoyed homemade muffins as her discipliners saw to her aftercare.

This behaviour continued for another six nights, with three nights off in between each session in order for the skin and muscles of Brandy's ass to recover. It was always the same--twenty strokes, never more, never less, with a rest between each grouping of three. Brandy didn't think that there was any way that she was even going to make it through that first session, but by about night four, she could hardly wait to show up at the door of the garden house at precisely 7 P.M.

Horst had teased his perpetrator the first couple of nights by playing with her vulva and slipping his fingers in and out of the slick honey she excreted in such copious amounts. He knew she was enjoying it and it added that sexual tension to the scene that he thought helped Brandy through the lashes. It was on night three, however, that he changed the session a bit.

After a cool down and some refreshments, he had her stand in front of him on her tip toes with her legs about shoulder width apart. He balanced a book on her head and instructed her that she was not to let that book fall.

"Hands behind your back, girl and lock those fingers together! Understood?"

She nodded and he placed the heavy book in place. With her vulva exposed, he could smell her arousal and gently dipped his finger tips into the mess between her legs.

"OOOOH!" she hissed as he slipped the swollen nub of her clitoris between thumb and index finger.

He rolled the fragile little bead and stroked it like he would his own cock. He pressed his fingers into the tender legs of her clitoris as they descended down either side of her opening. Massaging, he elicited more groans and sharp breaths as her arousal rose higher and higher. She was doing her best to not let that book fall... she hadn't been told what the punishment might be if it had, though.

As he played with her golden snatch, he leaned forward and took one of her perky little nipples into his mouth and sucked. Another sharp suck of air and a long groan. Her Master held the hard little nipple in his teeth and bit down, gently, until she shrieked.


And before moving to her second teat, he again suckled hard on the rigid raisin-like nipple, taking it as deeply into his warm mouth as was possible. Each lovely breast, cone-shaped and about the same size as a scoop of ice cream. Back and forth he went as his fingers played in her willing cunt. She was starting to pant and she was starting to wiggle. An orgasm was building in her loins and she had no idea how she was ever going to deal with that and keep that damn book in place on the top of her head!

"Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!" she groaned again and again.

Horst took his fingers then and slipped them deeper into her hungry pussy. She screeched and howled at first, then settled down to one loooong, continuous groan as he frigged her. His fingers had found her magic spot and was driving her to the very brink of the cliff!

As his long, thick fingers moved like an atomic piston, IN-out, IN-out, IN-out, he pushed her over the edge and she began screaming! The book crashed to the floor and Brandy doubled over as the most intense orgasm she'd ever had, ripped through her entire body. She collapsed to her knees, sobbing and panting. Horst knew he had broken her and she was now his to do with as he pleased. Brandy knew it too.

For the rest of her penance, the little bitch from next door became the perfect house guest. Polite, courteous and intelligent in her conversation, which she and Horst engaged in before each session on the bench. By night five, Horst was naked during the caning and Brandy stayed for over an hour after her session to stroke and admire that magnificent cock that he had. He'd get her off with his fingers and she'd stroke him until he was erect and his great shaft was straight up and locked against his stomach. There was no fucking that took place, though... not yet.

Night seven was a let down for Brandy in a psychological sense. She knew that she had paid her debt and that the canings... and the after play were ending. Of course, Horst made her cum like an insane wench and to reciprocate, she tried to give him a blow job as she played with his donkey cock. It was obvious that her little mouth was not up for the task, but she gave it her best. When she had exhausted herself and nearly dislocated her jaw, she stopped.

"We could work on that if you like," Horst said to her as he stroked her hair.

"We could?" was her quiet response.

Horst smiled to himself. He'd enjoyed prosecuting Brandy with the cane, but that had been only phase one. The second and final phase was coming next and that in particular, was going to make the trouble and loss of his prize fish, almost worth it. He licked his lips with his moist tongue.

The following weekend, both Joey and Brandy were relaxing on the chaise lounges with Horst and Joanie. It was easy to see that all signs of Brandy's punishment had healed and disappeared. It was easy to see because no one had a single stitch on. Joey and her had switched places so now she laid next to Horst and Joey beside Joanie. One might never have believed what had had to occur before they could have reached this place, though. Brandy had even apologized for her behaviour to both Joanie and the other neighbour whom she had spread stories to. It seemed all was well...


Tiki torches burned around the perimeter of the patio and soft lights lit the beds of flowers as they descended away and into the depths of the gardens. The peacocks had put on a magnificent display on the lawn before the sun set and they flew to a low branch to call into the nautical twilight that hung in the sky beyond the great wall of trees. There was a warm flicker of light from the windows of the garden house.

Four couples were bathed in the candle light as preparations were made. All were naked except for delicate, ornate black masks the four ladies wore. Music filled the air, but only as ambience in the background. The men watched as the ladies prepared the leather sling. When all was set, they helped the newest member of the group lay back into its webbing and secured her feet into the stirrups and her hands to the heavy straps near her shoulders. A red 'S' was painted on her forehead by a delicate finger.

Since day one, Joanie had thought she would enjoy eating a little of that brat's pussy and tonight she was going to make good on that thought. As Joanie positioned herself between Brandy's parted thighs, the other two ladies awaited their turns by enjoying those perky, young tits and the sweet mouth of the girl who before, could not have said anything nice. The kissing and the suckling started and Joanie softly ran her tongue the length of their pledge's pussy. The air in the room was pungent with the fragrance of aroused cunt and the heavier it became, the wilder the night grew.

Before the sun had once again slipped above the rim of the horizon. Every person there had taken their pleasures with Brandy and... each other. Horst, with the biggest cock and as the host, had waited until all the others had shared in the sacrifice. Brandy had lost count of how many times she had orgasmed and could have cared less. All she knew was that life had never been as beautiful as this before and even Joey and her had found new love in their marriage.

She laid back with her eyes closed and just drifted on the endorphins. She was ready to call it a night and find that blissful sleep that only one's own bed can offer. She was ready to climb out of the sling, when she felt that familiar tongue on the swollen lips of her well-used pussy. She raised her head and saw Horst between her parted thighs. She smiled to herself, laid back and closed her eyes again and just let his tongue take her to that magical place one more time that night. She'd cum on his fingers, as well as his tongue during her visits over the past few weeks, and as she lay there drifting off, she wondered why he had been the last to come to her that evening? Little did she know at that point, that if he had been at the start of the line instead of the end--she may not have felt the pleasures of a single other cock that night. Thoughtful, on his part, indeed.

His touch was beautiful and as his tongue followed the folds of her vulva, his fingers slipped easily inside of her and slowly pushed towards her pleasure nook. He stroked her and tongued her cunt, coaxing the honey to flow once more and coat the warm, welcoming walls of her little cauldron. He coaxed and she floated and he paddled her boat across the great pond. She could smell the night blooming water lilies and she could hear a chorus of frogs singing in the warm evening air. Inch by beautiful inch, Horst led her back to those stairs that led to the room where the orgasms were hidden. Inch by delicious inch. And then it all stopped.

She laid there, waiting, wondering why he'd left her at the foot of the stairs. She was ready to climb them one more time that night and enjoy the slippery, crazy ride all the way back down, but he had stopped...

Suddenly, in the next breath, she knew why. She could feel exactly why he stopped and in a startled moment, her eyes snapped open and she raised her head to watch as the head of the largest cock she'd ever seen... ever touched... ever sucked, was nosing its way into the opening of her vagina! Into her pussy! Up her cunt! And as the man who beat her black and blue mounted her, she could suddenly feel that rough blanket he'd pushed under hips! She could smell horse liniment and she could hear a mare whinnying as the stallion was about to mount her!