The Bitch Sister Ch. 01


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It was a wonderful feeling, any man that doesn't like blow jobs, straight or gay, is a fucking liar and I was almost there, BUT it just wasn't enough so I pulled my wet cock out of her mouth and pumped it the last few strokes necessary and started to come, quickly moving the tip into her mouth so my first jets pumped into her open mouth. One of them must have been quite powerful as it caused her to catch her breath and gag slightly, my cue as I finished my revenge come by pushing my cock as back into the entrance of her throat as I could, while pinching her jaw so she couldn't bite down.

I wanked a few times to finish and pulled my cock, wet from her mouth and my come, away from her just as her gag reflex caught up and her body fought to be free of the alcohol she'd drank so much of. The bowl was in the right place, and she vomited straight into it. She started to come round and I turned back into angry brother.

"Oh fucking hell, Sandra for Christ's sake!"

She barked another burst of vomit into the bowl and, I expected, a few cc's of my semen.

She got her breath back, looked blearily up at me as if not sure where she was, and held her head. "Oh fuck," she groaned and tried to sit up. The nurse took over and I helped her get level, leaving to get her a glass of water, and encouraging her to rinse her mouth out. I was no stranger to vomit and took the bowl away to pour it down the toilet, rinse and then take it back to her.

As I helped her through to the spare room, I grinned to myself. She could call me all the names under the sun but I'd come in her mouth! OK, I could never admit to it without going to prison but it was a thought that would keep me warm, and cool for that matter, whenever she started on at me.

Still in nurse mode, I laid her on the bed and unbuttoned her trousers, sliding them off. Next was the blouse leaving her in bra and high cut knickers. For someone past fifty she was still in good shape and even as a gay man I appreciated her curves that must have taken some discipline to maintain. I reached under her to her bra and with more skill than a gay guy should, unclipped her bra with one finger thumb motion. As I made to pull it off, she protested feebly laying a hand across the cups, so I grabbed the thin duvet and laid it across her.

"I'm a nurse Sandra," I said, "I've seen lots of them."

Reaching under the duvet and under her hips I found the back of her panties and pulled them down to her feet leaving naked under the covers, telling her I wanted her to lie in the three quarter prone, recovery position just in case she was sick again. In rolling over I did catch a glimpse of the bottom that had been pushed in my face early that evening. It was OK, nicely curvy BUT attached to a Bitch!

She came round with a enough of a hangover to know about it. She remember bits of the event but only from the point of her being sick. She apologised, well as near to an apology I'm ever likely to get, but it was there if you dug hard enough. I told her that I'd got ready for bed and was trying to get her up and she threw up into the bowl I'd brought with me.

"Did you undress me?" she asked more in embarrassment than anything else.

"Yes," I said, "but as I said at the time, I nurse, you don't have anything I haven't seen before."

"Congratulations by the way," she said sipping her coffee.

"On what?"

"On what I saw when you got out of the shower the other morning, it's a very nice one."

"Seen that many have you?" I said.

"Not that many, but it's the biggest," she gripped her mug and sipped again. "What did you think of what I have?"

"Very nice," I said. She did have very nice full tits, "if you like that sort of thing." She grinned, first time that morning.

We went and saw Mum. There was a great amount of fuss and Mum was over the moon. I left Sandra with her while I walked to the local shop and got some sandwiches, biscuits and cakes so we could have a little tea party. When I got back Mum told me that I'd never guess who had turned up but Sandra!

"Yes Mum," I said, "Isn't it nice..."

We stayed late, and nothing much happened that night. On the Saturday night I was going out with my shift on a leaving party, nothing much to carried away about, after all I was back on nights from Midnight the next day.

When I got back it was to find that Sandra had got another takeaway, Indian this time and the whole place stank of it. She'd done for the rest of the wine plus the top off of a bottle of Amaretto. Curries smell nice, but not when they are someone else's and when they have been left across the kitchen and have started to leech into the hardwood worktops. She was pissed, and I was cross.

"Whassup bum boy," she giggled as I sat on the kitchen chair, "am I making your perfect gay kitchen all dirty am I? Well wifey you should fucking clean it up like your boyfriends Bitch shouldn't you -- BUM BOY!" She turned and pointed her bottom and me and wriggled against my shoulder, "Bum boy!" she called out, "Whatcha gonna do bum boy!"

Her jeans has started to slip down a bit and I saw the crack of her arse and the tops of her panties. That was it.

I grabbed her by the waist band of her jeans front and back and pulled them down and it brought her blue panties down with it, the belt catching mid-thigh pinning her legs together. Of balance, I threw her across my lap, holding her down with my left arm I raised my right and brought it down over her arse; left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek, leaving flaming red hand prints on her bottom.

"Don't you dare!" she screamed, as I vented my fury on her slowly reddening arse, she was supporting herself with her left hand and trying to fight me off with her right. I grabbed with my left and pinned it across her back holding her even more firmly. She was stuck across my lap and I was going to let her know all about it.

Forty years of being fucked around, abused and insulted all coming out now, and going into the soft padding of her arse. "Owwwww Bill, nooooooo," this time it was more of a growl, each word weakening as I drove my anger into her cheeks of her arse.

"You should have had this done to you years ago," I snapped as she started a gentle weeping, "Dad let you get away with murder because you were such a stroppy Bitch, NOT ME!" SMACK!

"OoOoOoh!" she warbled, at each smack, I realised I was starting to weaken and figured that I'd better maintain some energy just in case she decided she was going to attack me afterwards.

"Right," I said, still keeping her pinned, "you live in my house you treat it with some respect, you think I'm going to let you strut around and insult me and call me names you can sleep in the fucking park for all I care. GET IT!"

She said Nothing, I raised my hand a final time and smack a blow so fiercely that it made my hand sting, "I SAID DO YOU GET IT?!"

"Yes Bill," she spluttered out through tears, "I get it I'm really sorry, honestly."

I raised her to her feet, "Right, clear up your mess in my kitchen!"

"Yes Bill, sorry Bill," she undid her belt and let her trousers and knickers fall to the floor. I expect putting anything to her sore arse would have been painful. She stepped out of them and then proceeded to waddle around the kitchen putting empty packaging into a rubbish bag, grabbing a wet cloth and scrubbing at the red marks on the work surfaces, all the time the red marks on her bottom standing out and flinching every now and again.

She made to walk away, "What about this?" I pointed at the rubbish bag, "if you don't put this in the rubbish, you'll stink my house out."

"Sorry Bill," she said and walked across to where her trousers were. As she bent to pick them up I put my foot on them and looked down at her face, shaking my head.

She snatched the bag from the table, and walked with her head held high to the front door, she briskly stepped outside, walked down the steps and through to the back garden were the large council wheelie bins were kept.

If I'd been quicker of the mark, I'd have shut the door on her.

She came back into the living room with her hands idly held in front of her pussy which I hadn't seen before. "Wine glass," I said. She leant forward to get it from the table finally exposing her shaved pussy, bald but for a short landing strip.

"Anything else oh master?" she said with some of her old fire coming back.

"Yes," I said, "go... go to bed before I lose my temper again." She turned and walked away.

I completed the tidying up, properly this time (come on, I'm a gay man FFS) and then made for my own bed. I locked my door again, just in case she decided she was going to come in and strangle me in the night.

As I lay in bed I put my ear to the wall and listened this time. I could hear more gasps -- not gasps of tears, but other gasps, breathy paced gasps that suggested to me that she was wanking, her long low warbling cry confirming my hypothesis when she came. It was only when I felt my iron hard cock that I realised that I was soon to join her.

The next morning, I noticed that one of the small cushions from the sofa was on the kitchen chair she sat at to eat her breakfast, the same kitchen chair that I'd spanked her troublesome arse on the day before.

She was quiet, but still favoured me with a smile. "You OK?" I said.

"I've got a sore arse," she said, "but other than that fine."

"Well my hand stings a bit now you come to mention it."

"I expect you'll live," she said. She sipped her tea, "what do the boys that you do that to normally do afterwards," she looked just the tiniest bit embarrassed again, "after you spank 'them'."

"First time ever," I said, "Never spanked anyone in my life, you were my first and I trust my last -- on the understanding that you behave of course."

She seemed to have almost a new look for me, a kind of veiled respect, "I thought..." she said, and shook her head, "you just seemed to know what to do and... and to like... stick it to me."

"Oh, you've had it coming," I said, "trust me." Then I thought, 'had it coming'; "and after all, you didn't seem to mind."

"Didn't mind," she said almost dropping her mug, "you grabbed me and started..."

"The bedroom walls are really thin Sandra," I said, "and I have good hearing, I don't have to put a glass on the wall to know when someone is recovering from their smacked arse in a special way." I took a mouthful of breakfast cereal and smiled, at her.

"You got me," she said, not making eye contact, "the HRT is playing havoc with my unconscious; and it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Want me to do it again?" I said raising my right hand palm flat towards her.

"No thanks," she said.

"Aww, you're only saying that; by saying no you mean..."

"Fuck off Bill," she grinned.



Life seemed to be OK for the next few weeks at least. I was normally leaving the house mid-evening to begin my night shift, and as promised she stayed off of the wine, and more often than not we ate together. I could see that she was beginning to slip back into her bad ways again.

Then, low and behold on my first evening off, she did for a six pack of strong lager watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. This time I was on the sofa, and she in the armchair.

"So Bill," she said slightly pissed, "do you fancy Captain Jack or Will Turner eeh? Which one?" I kept my views to myself and it made her worse, "come on William... there; must be Will then mustn't it, Orlando himself, Legolas. You fancy spearing him on your long, thick..."

"Once more Sandra, I swear, I'll put you over my knee."

"Aah but this time, I'm more sober and you'd have to catch me."

"Is that a challenge Sandra?"

"Might be," she giggled taking a slurp out of her lager bottle, "bum boy like you couldn't catch..."

I stepped towards her and she caught her leg against a small coffee table and stumbled; we started a short wrestling match on the sofa. I was there trying to pin her down and smack her arse while she wanted solely to stop me. I was sober and stronger and pretty soon, her skirt was over her hips and I was dragging her knickers down. She wasn't letting me this time though and I struggled to get a good blow on her buttocks.

"Wassap bum boy, can't beat a 52 year old woman, cor," she said, "Poofs of today." While she was busy shaking her head I had a thought, and licked my long middle finger, I'd need to be quick.

The wrestling had pretty much come to a draw, "So what's like to stick your cock up a tight arsehole Bill," she said, "is it hot and warm, how much grease do you bum boys have to use... Oooooooooooooh Chriiiiiiiiiist..."

While she prevaricated I'd quickly slipped my hand under her flailing arm, grabbed her buttocks but rather than raise and slap, my middle finger pulled back and into position and pushed against the tight ring of her anus. Initially the finger was just in, but I started a slow massage around the inside of her anus, a gentle pumping motion in and out, in and out.

"There Sandra," I said, "It's a little bit like that, I withdrew it almost all the way out, tickling at the little nerve endings and pulling down and stretching her a bit, but not too much. She had stopped fighting me, so I carried on. "What you have to bear in mind," I said, "it's not a skinny little finger like mine that flickers around and tickles you and pushes down at inconvenient times," I pushed my finger into the front of her bowel where I knew that the her cervix would be close by on the other side of all the pipework, and she groaned, "It's some big hairy fella stood behind you hanging on to your hips," I used my left hand to indicate this, "and pulling you backwards and forwards over his cock, using you for his pleasure, hard," I pushed in, "deep," I pushed my finger in again as far up to the knuckle as I could go, "on and on and on," I finger fucked her arse in time to my description and she I could feel that her arm had snuck under her and was playing with her pussy and clit -- I stopped and withdrew my finger, "not that you'd be interested in what a bunch of bum boys get up to of course."

I wiped it across her bare buttock a couple of times, and figured what the hey, wrapped my left arm across her trunk pinned both arms to her sides, and started to spank her again. This time I could feel the fumbling of her right hand not fighting me but fighting to bring herself off as I smacked her arse for her.

She started to cry again but this time interspersed with gasping groans I could feel from the tautness of her body that she was getting close. Sensing she was almost there, I stopped my spanking of her instead pushing my finger into her wet pussy.

"Oh Bill," she gasped.

"Sorry Sandra, I don't do pussies," with that I pulled my sopping finger out of her puss and slipped it with little ceremony into her arse and began pumping it in and out.

"Aaaaaah, Aaaaahah, unnnnnggghhnnnnnn! Aaaaaaaaaaah!" she let out a screech as her orgasm took her finally.

Here I was, a forty two year old gay nurse, happy, healthy, comfortably off, but obviously not that wise as I'd just spanked and finger fucked my fifty two year old sister to climax.

What the fuck.

She lay across me, panting. Neither of us wanted to move, neither one of us wanted to make the eye contact that mean we both knew what we had done, or what I had done to her.

Sandra broke the silence,

"So are you going to fuck me or what?" she said, her arms resting down on the floor.

"Sandra, I'm gay," I said, "you're my sister and..."

"So you being gay and my brother means you can strip and spank and finger your sister until she comes but not that you can put your cock in her cunt and fuck her afterwards. I can feel that you're hard." She flexed her upper arm and I felt it touch my erection.

"Sandra, this is too complicated, you're drunk, I'm angry and I took advantage, I'm sorry I did that to you. I don't know why I did but..."

"But you did."

"I'm sorry,"

"So am I," she said and pushed herself off of my leg to stand straight. Her panties fell to the floor and she bent to pick them. I had the closest view of her pussy ever pinched between her thighs and her anus, still the tiniest bit pink from my attentions. Taking her panties she walked from the room returning a few moments later.

She put her panties on the sofa and stepped into the middle of the room. She undid the button on her skirt, pulled of the buttoned blouse over her head and clipped her bra. I sat and watched my sister strip off until she was naked, then she knelt before me.

"Here I am Bill," she said, "Naked and hornier than I've been in twenty years; you have an erection and I have a pussy, I'll even let you get your hard, naked, hairy body behind me and do me on my hands and knees, using me for your own pleasure."

As she made this speech she was brushing along my thigh occasionally rubbing across my balls and the base of my cock. I must confess I had never felt more like fucking a woman since I was in the Navy.

"I'll blow you first Bill," she said, "I'll suck your cock for you like your bum boys do, how's that. I'll get you so hard you'll be able to drive nails in with the bastard." She said. "Come on, Bill, I won't tell anyone honestly, I won't tell your gay friends that you fucked a hot older woman, I won't say you fucked your sister really I won't." She stood and walked across to switch of the main light leaving the room lit only by the silent TV and a small table lamp. She padded back to where I was sat and knelt before me again.

She fumbled with her wrist and pulled off a hair band, and reaching behind her she tied her short hair pulling it back from her face. She folded her arms across her tits, in an attempt to squash them,

"There Bill," she said dropping her voice, "If I was to turn around like this..." she stood and knelt on the sofa resting her elbows on the high back, "and then clamped my thighs together like this, in this light who'd know what you were doing or to whom." She closed her eyes, "you could use my vagina in any way you liked, it's only a fleshy hole Bill," she sighed, resting her shoulders down on the sofa. Her bottom did look extremely tempting, and apart from the added curve it was hard to tell.

I stood, still unsure but undid my shirt buttons anyway, and looking back over her shoulder she noticed, "Let me Bill, let me be your boy Bitch," she stood up and slowly unbuttoned my shirt, letting it fall from my shoulders, then she knelt down undoing my belt and pulled down my trousers and boxers in one movement. She left them at my ankles centring her attentions on my rigid cock that sprang out before her.

For the second time in my life, I eased my penis into my sister's mouth and started a gentle motion in and out. I took hold of her head and thought about coming in her mouth for a second time. As I pushed faster and harder I began to think about erupting into her hot mouth and telling her about it at the same time.

She didn't quite have the skill that many of my previous oral partners but she tried. She pulled off of me and stood, stepping daintily to kneel on the sofa her thighs tightly together, and her head bowed.

"Here," she said handing me the famous blue and white box marked KY, "horny I may be but I went through the change a few years back; you might need this as the HRT is good but not THAT good. It's yours anyway. I can't get pregnant... do you err... do you need a condom?"

"No," I said, "I absolutely know that I'm free from infection, my good friend Ralph and I checked ourselves about a year ago and neither of us has slept with anyone else since. I have one if you want though."

"Nah," she said, "I trust you and your bum boy doctor friend,"

"Bum boy?" I said, "you are soooooooooooo going to regret that smartarse comment."