The Black Rose

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A tribute to two important women, in the story and to me.
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Author Note: This is not your typical erotic love story, there is no sex and yet it is erotic in it's own way. Any of you who have read my story The Tattoo know that i love tattoos and i regret never getting one myself. It was a black rose and it was intended to honor both my mom who died in '83 and my sister who was killed by a drunk driver in the summer of '92. being diabetic prevents me from having it put on now, so i guess this is that tribute i never got around to taking care of, this is for you mom, and for you sis, i know you would both approve.




Jack Bremerton looked at his daughter Jessie and let his doubt fill his eyes as he did, this was his baby, his angel, and they had been through hell and back together in the last eighteen years. From the first moment he had held her in his arms, he had loved the little girl with the golden brown hair and the liquid amber eyes, so much like her mother but yet so much like him. He had watched her grow from a tiny infant, to a little round butter ball, to an overweight teen age fighting acne, and being teased by friend and foes alike, but through it all she had never cried, never complained. Instead she had fought every day of her life and he knew this would be her way, who ever tried to knock her down would find a golden tiger who would come back up swinging.

He hadn't realized how much she had changed in the last six years until today, how her body had grown straight and tall, and while it still fought the weight problem, her acne had cleared up, she had developed curves and a set of breasts that would make any man's mouth water. She was as beautiful as her mother, and had Cheri's fine features and full pouting lips. Cheri had been so proud of her, and today he found he was just as proud as ever.

"Are you sure about this Lexi, you know once you do this it can never be undone."

His darling daughter smiled at him sadly. "Daddy, I knew from day one that this was it, this was what I wanted to remember mom by, and I know that once I do it, it won't be undone. Besides, who's doing this, you or me?"

Jack laughed. "You, but you know I would take all the pain you're about to go through myself if I could."

Lexi nodded. "I know, but you can't, so let's get this over with huh?"

The shop was dark and moody, like the two men who waited for them. Jack knew both of them well, had visited the shop over the years and spent some good times here. Luther greeted them solemnly, and then looked Lexi up and down. This wasn't the little girl he remembered who came with her daddy to watch the magic that happened here. This was a full fledged woman standing before him and while she might be young in age, he knew that she had seen more in her life than any eighteen year old should have. She gave him a smile and he hugged her out of reflex.

"What happened to the little girl I remember sweetheart, the one who sat and watched me all those times and never cringed?"

Lexi's eyes danced. "She grew up Luther, you know, that thing you and dad never did?"

Luther laughed and ran his hand over his bald head. "Most men never do Lexi; our toys just get bigger and more expensive. Damn though girl, if I was only twenty years, my, my..." He licked his lips in appreciation of what he saw.

"Hey Lexi, remember me?" The second man walked up and looked at her, younger than the other two men, but still years older than the girl, he stood as tall and well bodied as the other two. Unlike Luther and her father, he had long flowing hair the color of night and eyes that could make you feel like you were spinning out of control if you stared into them too long. Broad shoulders tapered down to narrow hips and his jeans and tank top revealed how just how well conditioned his body was.

"Lucas..." She looked surprised, but not the least bit intimidated by his good looks or his hunk body. She hugged him as tightly as he hugged her and unlike the other two men; they shared a kiss that would have sent others to the showers for a cooling off period. When she drew back, she smiled. "You kept your promise..."

Lucas Reed nodded. "It's been ten years since I made it, but I never forgot. And I must say you were well worth the wait." Like his father, he had an appreciation for beautiful things and he hadn't seen anyone as beautiful as Lexi in a long time. "I'm just sorry I didn't get here sooner, dad told me about your mom..."

Lexi nodded. "Well, she was in a lot of pain and now she's not, I just need to keep remembering which one of you gets me first...?" She gave both Lucas and his father a saucy little smile.

Luther grinned. "Well I could say age before beauty, but not this time. Luke will get first shot at you sweetheart, but it will be the old man who gets to finish you if you will step into the parlor, said the spider to the fly, and take you shirt off we can get started." He gave her a long, lecherous leer and she shivered.

Lucas led Lexi into the back and closed the curtain. As he watched her take off the tank top, he admired the view of the most beautiful breasts he had seen in his life. For a girl so young they were huge to his eyes, like over ripe cantaloupes with sweet red grapes protruding. The lacy white bra could barely contain them, and he swallowed hard and he helped her lie on the table. "You know this is going to hurt...?"

She nodded. "I know, and I know you wouldn't unless you had to Lucas, its okay though, I'm ready..."

He nodded. "Okay, let's get started, this is going to take a while..."

In the front, Luther looked at his old friend. "I got a few hours before they're done, how about you and I get some coffee and catch up on some old times. She'll be safe with Lucas."

Jack nodded. "I know, I'm glad he could be here for today, she's missed him over the last few years."

"Well let's be honest, they needed time apart, she needed to grow up and he needed to find his way in the world. I would say both of them did a damn good job."

The two men went out into the crisp morning air and made the short walk to the coffee shop just down the street. It was going to be a long morning for them both.

Lucas lifted his head and looked at Lexi, "You need a break hon?"

She nodded and sat up slowly. She hurt but it was a nice kind of hurt. "That wasn't as bad as I expected, you have a soft touch."

Her long time friend smiled. "Wait till you have dad work on you, he has the soft touch, but I'm getting better. I still can't get over how beautiful you turned out to be Lexi, you look so much like your mom, but I see Jack in you too." He brought her a cup of herbal tea and watched as she sipped it. "I thought about you a lot while I was gone, wondered how you were and if you had any boyfriends yet."

She gave him a smile and shook her head, "No, no boyfriends yet. I missed you too Lucas. You always were my rock when things were bad, and there were a lot of times I was angry with you for leaving me to deal with so much alone."

He nodded. "I know, but you know dad and Jack were right, we needed to know if it was real or not, you were so young, and I was just a kid too." He reached out and cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing across her lips. "You turned into something I never expected to be honest, just looking at you makes me glad I came back."

"Lucas..." Her voice was whispered and she watched as his mouth moved closer to her. When their lips met, she parted hers just enough to be inviting and he plunged in without hesitation. Soon, Lexi felt like she was falling into an abyss, and she clung to him to keep herself focused. "Oh Lucas...I never belonged to anyone but you..."

"And now you're mine forever."

Luther and Jack set out the food and both Lucas and Lexi came as the smell of Cheeseburgers and French fries filled the air. The meal was filled with laughter and memories of earlier times when the four of them had done this. Jack was glad to see his daughter laughing and smiling and teasing both the younger and older male members of the Reed family, it was something Cheri would have done. It reminded him how he, Cheri and Luther had been as kids, and he knew from the look in Luther's eyes that he was remembering as well. Jack also noticed that like his son, Luther was impressed with his daughter's breasts and remembered how he had teased Cheri about hers as well.

Luther grinned as he saw the faint glimmer of jealousy in his son's eyes. It got even worse as he looked at Lexi's bust. Hell, he was an old man, he was entitled to look as much as he wanted, and he'd slap the kid upside the head if he gave him any bull about it. "So are you ready for me Lexi?" He asked it as he finished his coffee and wiped his hands and face on the paper napkin.

The daughter of the woman he had loved as much as his friend Jack had smiled and nodded. "Any time Luther..."

Oh could that be taken two ways, she obviously needed to learn that little girls shouldn't play with fire unless they wanted to get burned. And he was just the man to teach her.

When Luther and Lexi had gone into the back room, Jack looked at Lucas. He had been expecting this and it was clear he needed to have a talk with the young man who his daughter had swore she would marry one day. "Let's go a ride kid, I haven't had a chance to talk to you much since you been back."

Lucas looked at the closed curtain and nodded. He didn't want to be here while the love of his life was in the back with his father. "Sounds good, I need to talk to you too Jack."

Luther ran his hand over Lexi's bare back and saw that like her mother, she had clear, healthy skin, she was soft to the touch and he shivered with memories of how it had been back then. As he heard the front door close, he bent his head close to Lexi's ear and used the same tone of voice he had used with her mother long ago. "Okay sweets, let's get started."

Later, when he had called a quick break, he saw Lexi look at him. "Luther, how did mom decide between you and dad?"

"She didn't, I was the one who walked away. I knew how much your dad loved her, and how much she loved both of us. But I loved both of them too, and I knew that in the end, one of us would have to lose. I didn't want it to be my best buddy, or Cheri. So I enlisted in the Navy, and met Lucas' mom a year later in Hawaii. You should have seen her Lexi, as beautiful as a sunset; all that gorgeous black hair falling down her back, and those big black eyes. Not to mention a body that wouldn't stop. And I mean wouldn't stop, especially when she did the was enough to make a man hard as a rock and dream the most erotic things you could think of."

"Mom said when she died it was the only time she had seen you cry since you were a kid."

"When Leila died, I felt like a part of me died too. I still miss her, one of the reasons I've never been able to go back to the islands, even when Lucas was there, I could never bring myself to get on that plane knowing she wouldn't be there when I got off."

"Lucas told me that his grandmother has never forgiven you for taking Leila to the mainland with you."

"She never will either, put a curse on me after Leila died, said I would never find love the way I had known it with her daughter, so far she's been right."

Unexpectedly, Lexi put her arms around him and kissed him gently. "But you are loved Luther, dad and Lucas love you, and I know mom did up till the day she died, and I...I love you too."

"Do you love me as much as you love my son Lexi?" He grinned as she blushed.

"'s been a long time, Lucas and I need to get to know each other again."

He leaned his head against her forehead. "Lexi, the air in this room reeks of sex; I'd say the two of you used that time alone to get to know each other again very well..."

She swallowed hard. "Uh, maybe we should get back to work Luther..."

Luther decided that she was right.

It was getting to be dusk when Jack pulled up in front of Luther's place and wondered if going to the bar had been such a good idea, thankfully Lexi could handle the Harley as well as he could. As it was, he needed Lucas to help him up the stairs to the door. No, not a good idea, he hadn't been this drunk in a long time, but he had needed it. Going in he found Luther and Lexi sitting at the table they had eaten lunch at, and a bottle of Jack Daniels sitting open on the table. Luther grinned as he staggered over to the table. Lucas looked just as drunk, but his age helped him hide it better.

"Better figure on ordering Chinese for four tonight Lexi, none of us are going to be in any shape to cook, let alone you drive your dad home."

Lucas nodded, and looked at the only woman in the room. Putting one hand on the back of her chair and the other flat on the table he was able to bend his head and not feel like he was going to fall over as he found her mouth and kissed her deeply. When he drew back, he swallowed hard. "Love you Lexi girl, have forever..."

"I know...but you better sit down before you fall down." She smiled as she guided him to a chair. "Now be a good boy and sit there until I come back." Looking at her dad, she held out her hand and he handed over the keys to the Harley, "You too dad."

As the Harley fired up to be driven around the back, Luther smiled as Jack weaved. "Hey, no passing out yet. Let me and Lexi catch you with you two first."

His old friend grinned. "You better hurry up then, we're about twenty shots ahead of you."

When Lexi came back, she deposited the key in her pocket, and took a moment to call in the food order. She also locked the front door and turned out the front lights. The delivery guy would know to come to the side door. Going back to the table, she picked up her shot glass and downed it. "Hit me again Luther..."

He laughed and filled her glass back up, "Time to see if you really are your mom's daughter."

It was late when the two older men looked down at the young couple sprawled on the bed. Lucas lay on his side, curled up protectively next to Lexi, who lay on her stomach. Luther pulled a blanket up over them and then looked at his old friend. "She changed it Jack, can you see it or are you still too drunk to read...?"

Jack moved closer to his daughter's exposed shoulder. There it was, the large black rose, its black petals outlined with red and the drops of blood forming a reflecting pool below it. He swallowed hard as he saw the words that encircled it. On top, Cheri's name and on the bottom the word "Leila", the words" Rest in Peace" spaced out from the middle. "When...?"

"She said it only made sense, and I like the idea of her carrying a piece of her. Lord knows my boy has his way, she'll be the mother of Leila's grandchildren."

Jack nodded. "Cheri would approve..." He wiped his eyes. "I need a drink, anything left in that bottle...?"

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ACFallonACFallonover 13 years ago

a beautiful story!

sexygirl76sexygirl76over 13 years ago

I have read quite a few of your stories mom, but that is the only one I have ever read that brought a tear to my eye. That is by far your best work and I agree.... Grandma and Aunt Jenny would most definitely approve.

Keep it up!!!

TheJourneymanTheJourneymanover 13 years ago

nice to read a story that is about more than just doing the locomotion...

thanks for sharing, TJ

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