The Blood Drive


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"Oh, Sweetie!" she breathed, "good answer!"


More feverish kissing, and again her lips made their way across his cheek to his ear. She nibbled the lobe, traced the edge with her tongue, and whispered: "So, Slayer, how many of my sisters have you staked tonight?" A hand dropped from his neck, insinuating itself between their bodies, and as she said the word "staked" she palmed his cock through his pants, exploring his erection, stroking and squeezing him. His breath caught, and she smiled. "Be a good boy, and tell me..." she coaxed.


She giggled. "Still determined to resist my evil seduction, hmmm?" Then leaning close, she breathed: "Too late! Soon you'll be begging me to..." she gave his cock another slow caress, "!" She pulled her hand away and he moaned. Then she raised her hands to his face bent his head down and hissed: "Now...look into my eyes!"


His first thought: 'Seriously?' Then he looked into her eyes. They were as beautiful as the rest of her: large and round, a darker blue than they'd appeared at first--or maybe that was just the way the light in the room caught them--long, thick lashes. He thought: 'Go with it! Don't spoil her fun, or yours!' He looked, stifled the smile that had been rising into his own eyes, and tried to look like...he wasn't quite he was being hypnotized?

She released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, smiled, gave him a lingering kiss on the mouth, thought: 'Oh boy!' Out loud she purred: "Go sit on the bed."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Just hearing him address her that way sent a little jolt of something wet and warm right between her thighs. She gave a quick little shudder, dragged the chair on which he'd been sitting out of the way, clearing maybe six feet of open space between the bed and the door, and turned back to see him perched on the edge of the bed with his hands resting by his side, his legs slightly spread. He was trying to keep his face neutral, but...reading his mind wasn't rocket science. She thought: 'You sure you want my fangs down there, Handsome?' Then she hoped if she decided to go for it, she wouldn't swallow the damn things. Worry about it later.

"Now. How many?"

"What?" Yup, his mind had been elsewhere.

"How many of us have you killed tonight?"

His lips tightened--maybe trying not to smile--and he shook his head.

Hmmm. She began to pace in front of him, doing her best Bond villainess slink--hoping she didn't look too ridiculous--as she thought about her next move.

"Oh Slayer, why fight it? I've already feasted on your...vital fluids..." She stared directly at the bulge his cock made against the crotch of his pants, and ran her tongue across her lower lip. "Maybe if your blood wasn't so delicious..." He shifted to accommodate his hard-on, but she raised a red-nailed finger.

"Uh, uh, uh! Your mind may resist me for the moment, but that hot bod of yours is mine! Understood?"

He was looking into her eyes again. What was she up to now? Warily he nodded.

"Good. Now..." she waved her hand back and forth in front of his face. Felt a little silly, but... "when I snap my fingers, you can't move a muscle until I snap them again, got it? Oh, but you can speak. I want to hear you beg for mercy, and besides, you haven't answered my question..."

"Yes, Your Highness,,,I mean no, Your Highness."

"So, we clear on the rules?"

"You're really getting into this aren't you?"

For answer, she bared her fangs and hissed. Then she snorted, trying not to crack up. "Shut up!" she huffed, then, in a breathier voice: "Yeah, I really am! And you...just go with it. You won't be sorry...probably."

He grinned, and she raised her hand in front of his face and snapped her fingers.


Of course! She was...he didn't have the superlatives! He was fascinated by her, charmed by her, desperately hot for her, probably half in love with her, and he didn't even know her fucking name! He'd happily do anything for her, and she'd given him a really simple task: don't move. So naturally two seconds after she snaps her fingers, he is super twitchy. He wants to grab her again, kiss her, touch her, taste her, he just, like he's never wanted it before, and she's just stepped away from him--maybe four feet from where he's sitting to where she's standing and reaching behind her to...uh oh!


Exhibitionism: never really her thing, but...he'd been either looking or trying not to look since they'd faced off across the bed. She knew she had big boobs, or at least, kind of big for her frame. And of course guys responded. Sometimes it was amusing; more often it was annoying, but this was the first time she'd...she couldn't find a word: lured...tempted...a guy with her tits? The first time she could remember doing it deliberately, anyhow. Did that make her a temptress? God damn! She hadn't thought she could get any wetter, but...she was loving this! Loved using her tits and her ass and her dirty mind to just...conquer this...yummy guy. She reached back to undo her bra, looked down into his face, wondered how long she could make this last...


The black bra fell open, but she held an arm up against her breasts holding the cups in place. "How many, Slayer?"

No response.

An evil smile curled her lips. "Come on! We both know you're going to tell me. You haven't even seen my tits yet, and already whatever blood you've got left is heading south fast." She turned away, dropped the bra, and cupped her breasts in her hands, and turned back, her palms concealing her nipples. Then she leaned in, so that her mouth was just a few inches from his ear, whispered: "And I have amazing tits! Wait til you see them: big and round and firm, but so soft, and my nipples; I have the cutest little nipples! Small and pink; just perfect for sucking, and they are so hard right now..." Then after a moment: "My other victims tell me they taste delicious...well, the few who lived long enough to say anything." She straightened up again, facing him, smiled, the tip of her tongue caressing her fangs.

His face was...well, she had to work to keep from grinning. 'Pay it forward, Ladies,' she thought, remembering the number Mandy and Danielle and the others had done on her. 'Hope you had as much fun messing with me as I'm having messing with...yeah. Probably not.'

Wait, was he about to speak? She stopped him: "Shh! Don't say anything yet, Slayer! In fact you're not allowed to talk until I give you permission. And of course you still can't move!" She watched him trying to work out how to acknowledge and obey at the same time. Then she dropped her hands, and cupped her bare breasts, offering them, daring him to break her rules, wondering if she'd care if he did.


He'd known what was coming; he'd disciplined himself not to react. He wasn't supposed to move or speak. Fair enough. He was getting almost as much of a kick out of being her victim as she was out of the whole sexy vampire thing. Be beyond rude to mess it up now, but God Damn!

Her tits were every bit as amazing as advertised: pale pink, and smooth--he could only imagine how soft they must feel--about9 the size of softballs, but her nipples--perfect little hot pink circles, hard, tight tips; she must be as turned on as he was, which was a nice thought--made her boobs look even bigger. But...really, as hot as her body was, it was...the whole package: her attitude, her confidence, the fun she was having, the smile that kept almost undercutting the role play. He could take it. Barely. He could sit there and not move while the world's sexiest vampire offered her perfect tits to him...but he could feel the tension in his muscles, could absolutely feel himself starting to sweat.


She could feel it too...hell, she was as tense as he was. How far could she push this? How far should she? She didn't know the man. And if he...broke the rules, what then? Not like they'd talked safe words or anything. What was scary was that, at the moment, she didn't care. Whatever her brain might be saying, her body just wasn't listening. She'd never wanted anything as much as she wanted this...whatever to continue, right to the end. Biology, maybe. Didn't matter. She was having too much fun!

Hands cupping her breasts she took a step forward, bent forward; her tits now inches from his face. Canting her body to the right, she brushed--gently as she could--the outside of her left breast against his cheek. He didn't so much move as vibrate; she could almost hear the tension singing through his body. Then she heard him inhale, a deep breath like he wanted to smell, or maybe taste, whatever there was in the air between them. Oh fuck...

"Hmm, feels good, doesn't it, Slayer? Now...shh! Don't talk. Don't move. Open your mouth...just a little! Just part your lips. Good boy!"

She straightened up, leaned in again, and ran the tip of one hard nipple over the slightly dry, smooth surface of his lower lip. Back and forth...he didn't move...away, and then back again...she felt his breath warm on her nipple. She stood back up, heard him sigh in frustration.

"Ooh, poor baby, you want more! You want to play with them, don't you? Touch them? Kiss them? Suck on them?'s the deal: in just a second I'm going to touch your lips...with my finger this time. When I take my finger away, you are going to speak one word. You are going to tell me how many of my sisters you've killed tonight. If you're telling the truth, maybe, maybe...I'll let a little more. If not...well maybe I'll leave you here," she giggled, "to die of...sexual frustration. Or maybe I'll just tear your throat out. Choices, choices...anyhow, you ready?"

She reached out and laid the pad of her index finger on his lower lip, in the same spot where her nipple had been a few seconds before. Their eyes met. She raised her finger.


"N...wait really?"



"Can I speak?"

"Hmm... Okay, but you still can't move..."

"Until you snap your fingers. Got it. Yeah, nine. Including Danielle."

"Really? She must have been nuclear pissed!"

"She was not"

She considered for a long moment. "Well...since you eliminated one of my most dangerous enemies..." She raised a hand, thumb to middle finger, watched him watching it, then...

"Mmm, maybe just your mouth to begin with." She lowered her hand.

He growled in frustration: "Damn, woman, you really are..."

"Pure evil." She grinned at him. "So you'd better concentrate on keeping me happy, right?"

She brought her breast to his mouth, and pushed the nipple between his open lips.


His first impulse was to bite her. Teach her to tease him like this! But in less time than it took to formulate the thought, he reconsidered, drew his tongue around the rim of her areola, then gave the tip a long gentle kiss. Wasn't like he was suffering all that much. And maybe he should keep her sweet. Not to prevent her from biting him--he kind of liked it when she bit him--and not even to entice her into fucking him. Considering how worked up they both were, he was pretty sure they'd find their way into or onto each other sooner or later. No, it was like dancing. Partner her. Let her lead, if she was in the mood. Maybe he'd get a chance to meet the lady behind the fangs; the lady who was moaning and keening as he kissed and sucked.

The scent of her perfume was stronger, and the smell, combined with the slightly salty taste of sweat from between her breasts was working on him like kind of erotic drug. His cock was so hard it ached, and it was all he could do not to reach around, pick her up, toss her on the bed and...oh, FUCK!

His frustration peaked, and he bit down lightly on her nipple, trapping it between his teeth and scraping across her flesh as he pulled away. She screamed! Then: "Oh, FUCK, yes! Like that, do that...I with...Yeah, oh GOD!

She wanted rough? He could do a little rough.


His mouth felt soooo good on her. He'd started by teasing her with his tongue, little circles that made her want to scream for more, then he'd begun a kind of slow rhythmic sucking, almost as if he were nursing, which was fucked up, but which just felt...and then he bit her.

Not a hard bite, but it was like somebody had touched a live wire directly to her clit! She screamed, babbling encouragement as she felt his teeth scrape slowly back towards the tip of her nipple. She heard herself telling him she liked it rough, and all of a sudden he was attacking her: teeth, tongue, lips, suction! Her left hand--the right was cupping the breast in his mouth, dove between her legs, and she pressed two fingers through her pants against her pussy. With a little pressure, she could...maybe... yeah, ye, ye, ye, Yunh! Huh! Little one. Nice, but...she couldn't wait much longer...

Something an ex--not Douchenozzle--had liked: without thinking, she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his mouth off her! Fuckin'...ow! Like a band-aid coming off; he'd had his teeth on her again. Pushed his face between her breasts and squeezed them around him, made it hard for him to breathe. Den had loved it; no idea why. She felt him struggle just a little. OH fuck! Hadn't done much for her with Den, but now...the power! She was definitely getting off on the power. She released him, heard him take a deep breath, then took his face between her tits again. She pushed them into him, moved them up and down on his face like she might if she had her tits around a guy's cock. Fuck, she should try that with him... Abruptly she pulled away, watched him gasp and pant. Found she was panting herself.

"Oh like that, huh? You like...when I smother you...with my tits. I like it...made me cum a little, or maybe that was...doesn't matter. You know what? I've decided that's how I killed the first of your...brothers tonight. Yeah...I...I bit him, but...he wasn't as...luscious as you are, so...I sat him down, paralyzed him, straddled him, then put my tits around his face and...just squeezed. Ooh, maybe I made his friend watch!"

"Okay, that's...twisted."

"Yeah, but kind of hot?"

"Well, I'm a little scared to admit it..."


"You might do it to me too..."

She grinned at him. "Maybe. But on the other hand, you taste so good. I'll probably just...suck you to death. After I'm done playing with you."

"Well sure. Can I move now?"

"In a minute. I need to take all my clothes off first."


"Shut up and watch."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"



She sat next to him on the bed. Close enough to feel his heat, but not quite close enough for contact. Listened to his breathing deepen. She could feel the want pouring off him; wondered if he could feel the same thing coming off her. She unlaced her Converse--good for the game, but the opposite of sexy--and pulled them off quickly, along with the socks; shoved all of it under the bed. Then she stood up in front of him, topless, hands on hips. Backed away a few steps, watching his eyes on her, and did a slow turn.

"Like my tits, don't you, Slayer?"

He nodded, grinned.

"Wait'll you see my ass."

She turned her back to him, put her hands to the waistband of her yoga pants, and drew them down her legs. She kept her legs straight as she bent forward, revealing a backside every bit as breathtaking as the rest of her. Her butt was round and generous, but muscular: the yoga pants were apparently practical as well as sexy. So was the thong she was wearing. He supposed it was a thong, since it left her ass entirely exposed, disappearing in a black triangle which bisected the tops of her cheeks. The waistband was maybe two inches wide above her hips, but he wasn't given much time to consider its dimensions. After staying down a few seconds longer than strictly necessary, she kicked off the pants, turned to face him, and lowered the thong. She stepped out of it completely naked: pale pink skin, long legs, and a dark pink line just visible between the shaven lips of her pussy, ending at the top in a small tuft of dark blonde hair. She let him admire her for a few seconds, silently revelling in the fact that his jaw had actually dropped open as he stared. Then she turned around slowly.

"Like what you see?"

A moment, then: "What's your name?"

She thought about that for a second. "Uh uh, not yet. I like it when you call me 'Your Majesty' or 'Your Highness' for now."

"Okay...Your Highness, then...Your...then you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

The simplicity of it startled her. She thought: 'Damn, as if I wasn't already wet enough!'

She smiled: "Flattery might buy you a few more hours, Handsome. Still want to move?"

He grinned. "Um, yes please!"

She giggled: "So you're still in my power, right? My wish is your command?"

"Absolutely, Your Majesty!"

"I'm going to come sit beside you on the bed, then I'm going to snap my fingers. You can't touch me until I say. When I snap, you'll get up, and stand in front of me. I'll tell you what to do next, understood.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Good." She sat, snapped. He rose, stood in front of her, waited."


"Shoes off. And socks."

He knelt to remove brown half-boots and brown socks, put them by the door. Stood, waiting.

"Take off your shirt...slowly."

She smiled as he undid buttons. His upper body was revealed in fits and starts, and she enjoyed the tease. He was fit without being super cut. His most pronounced muscles were in the shoulders and arms, which made sense. Pecs and abs visible but not...chiseled, and there was a little more hair on his body than she'd imagined, or maybe it was just that the color was so dark. After a moment she decided she liked it. So far she liked the whole package.

"Hmm, very nice!" as the shirt and the vest fell away. "Turn around, Handsome. A girl likes to know what she's eating." He turned. A little more hair on the shoulders and down the spine. Not much, which was good. Powerful shoulders and a broad chest tapering to his waist. No fat, but also not a tiny waist. He was a barrel of a man, thick and strong. He looked like he could break her in half, which made the game they were playing all the more...yummy. His back was still to her.

"Now the pants...and the underwear. Stay turned away."

He hesitated for just a second. Seemed weird to strip facing a closed door, but...

She heard him undo his belt, and then he pushed slacks and a pair of dark green jockeys to the ground quickly, stepped out of them, and stood still.

The muscles in his legs were defined. Thick powerful legs, fine black hair on his calves, thinning onto his thighs until... 'Nice ass on you too, Cutie Pie!' Thick and muscular like the rest of him. Also mostly hairless, and pale. She became aware of his slightly darker skin color now that she could see the contrast.

Out loud: "Dinner looks delicious. Now turn around slowly. I want to see my dessert."

A hesitation. She sighed. Why the...? Guys are always a little self-conscious when it comes to the moment. Even Douchenozzle, who'd had a pretty good-sized cock--even if he hadn't read the fucking owner's manual--and who knew it, got a little...bashful when he But...wait, here we go...

She was barely aware of his slightly awkward grin before... 'Oh, that will do just fine, thank you!' His cock had gone down a bit with his nervousness, and it wasn't super long--she guestimated six inches or so--but it was...of a piece: thick and powerful and...

"Oh, Slayer!" she pulled her lips back from her fangs in a predatory smile. "That looks...tasty! Now..." pulling out her best Cirsei Lannister: "On your knees!"

She had to stifle a grin as she watched his naked body drop into his catcher's crouch before gently lowering himself to his knees.