The Blue Light


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I brought my belt down on Ileana's left ass cheek, and she gave a little lady-like grunt, but made no other response. I did the same to the right cheek and she responded in kind. I began to rain down the blows harder and faster, careful not to strike with the belt's edges but only the flat mid-section. Her ass soon turned crimson and her little dignified grunts degenerated into yelps and hitching sobs as she struggled to control her movements. Still, she did not try to rise from the footstool or squirm away from my blows, and I made no pretense of trying to restrain her. Even when I began to strike with greater force, scoring deep purple welts into her thighs and buttocks, she did not try to shield herself. All thoughts of punishing King Otto for his crimes against me had vanished from my head. Now all I wanted to do was to see how much this little princess could take.

She did not even protest when I threw my belt aside, grabbed both of her ankles and flipped her so that she was lying sprawled on her back. I spread her legs wide apart and she whimpered, but I could clearly see how wet her cunt was. I couldn't resist it. Kneeling down, I thrust my face between her thighs and began to lick hungrily at her clitoris. The moment my tongue touched her, a thunderous shudder rolled through Ileana's body and she gave a little cry, half of wonder, half of fear.

I admit that I was not particularly gentle with her. I sucked her clit into my mouth and licked until she tried to jerk away. Then I only wrapped my arms around her thighs and forced her more fully against me. In a few moments I relaxed the pace of my tongue's stroking, adopting a steady rhythm that was almost sedate. Ileana relaxed a little and I took the opportunity to slip one of my fingers inside of her. As I had been expecting, I encountered resistance not very far in as I came up against her maidenhead. Another one of those consuming shudders rolled through Ileana's body as I slipped a second finger inside of her. I began to rotate them, thrusting them in and out a bit, priming the tight little hole for my entry. She moaned, her eyelids fluttering as if she were trying to bring herself into total wakefulness. I toyed with her clit for a few moments, pinching it between two fingers and rubbing until it swelled and she raised her hips towards me, silently begging for release.

As I continued to stroke her I used one hand to undo the catch of my trousers and free my cock from my britches. I had not fucked a woman since Mirta, and although the witch had brought me to diabolic heights of pleasure, the anticipation I felt now was far more intoxicating. I was going to take this girl and she was going to love it. It did not feel as if I was ravishing her, although I suppose that is technically what I was about to do. Ileana may not have been fully in control of her senses at the moment, but her body was only too eager to be taken. Perhaps it was living all those years without stimulation of any kind. Maybe now that she was at the mercy of a dissolute soldier like myself, with her princess's mind asleep, her body felt free to surrender to its darkest urges.

"You have been a very good girl, Ileana," I said, stroking her clit gently. She shuddered with pleasure and gave a soft sigh, a smile flickering across her face. "You took that very well. Now I'm going to give you your reward. It might hurt a bit at first, but I think you'll quite enjoy it before the end. Get up on your hands and knees." I think that it took a moment for the order to permeate the mists of sleep that surrounded her, but she barely hesitated, scrambling up on all fours and presenting her eager cunt to me. "Good girl," I said, pressing myself against her so that my shaft lay against the slick lips of her vulva.

I reached down, positioned myself at her opening and began to press gently forward. When the head of my cock nudged against her inner lips, Ileana's entire body stiffened and she gasped. I thrust my hips forward a bit and pressed the first few inches of myself inside of her, my cockhead nudging against the barrier of her innocence. The girl whimpered and I wound her golden braid around my fist, pulling her head back to look at me as she knelt on all fours. With some astonishment, I saw that her eyes were now wide open. She stared at me with what seemed to be a mixture of trepidation and awed anticipation, her pale cheeks flushed, her plump lower lip trembling. Struck by a momentary stab of tenderness, I bent forward and kissed Ileana gently. Then I gave one hard thrust of my hips and sheathed myself inside her to the hilt.

A violent shudder rolled through the princess's entire body. She gave a wail of pleasure and pain as I broke through her maidenhead and filled the tight, wet, cleft beyond. I held myself still for a few moments, enjoying the sensation of her body shifting and shuddering against me as she struggled to adjust to my size. Then, still looking into her wide blue eyes, my hand holding her head in place with her braid, I began to fuck her very slowly. I pulled almost all the way out and then pushed back inside, relishing the sensation of being clenched so very tightly. It was slow going at first as I did little more than stroke her with my cock, waiting for her to open more fully to me. But soon I could tell that the princess was getting impatient for more. Her gasps transformed into hungry moans and she began to thrust her hips back against me.

I answered her entreaty only when I felt her body go completely limp, when she surrendered herself totally to me. I fucked her with pneumatic force then, pumping in and out of her until I began giving a few cries of my own. I reached down with my free hand and toyed with her clit, causing Ileana to give an almost cat-like yowl. I felt her come around me almost at once, the muscles of her cunt flexing and spasming. She did it again only a few minutes later, and may have done a third time before I was through. I drew it out for as long as I could, but the exquisite wet heat of her, the yielding softness of her body, and her eagerness for what I gave her, soon became too much for me. I gave a final hard thrust and pulled out of her. Then I let go my hold on her hair and tugged the princess around so that she was facing me. She looked wide awake, although now decidedly disheveled, with her braid coming loose and her face flushed and beaded with sweat.

"Open your mouth," I said, and she obeyed immediately. I pressed the head of my cock against her tongue. "Suck it." Again she obeyed the moment the words left my lips. Her mouth was an inexpert one, and she had trouble taking any more than the first few inches of my cock down her throat, but at that point, a few moments was all I needed. When my own end came I held my hands against the back of Ileana's head, my hips jerking and the world dissolving for a moment as I shot my seed down her throat. She swallowed every last drop of it without any sign of hesitation. After the last shudder had gone from my body I pulled away from her. Ileana remained where she was, still kneeling on all fours, facing me. I felt drained suddenly, and just a little guilty. I had just taken advantage of an innocent, after all, even though she had been quite eager to be taken advantage of.

"You are a very good girl Ileana," I said, and the happy smile that flitted across her face gave me another one of those pangs of tenderness. "But now I have to take you back to your Papa. Lie down on the sofa and go back to sleep."

The smile vanished at that and she sighed, looking at me sadly. "Must I go back?" she asked. "I don't want to wake and find that this has all been a dream."

"But it is a dream, pet," I murmured, and even as I did so, her eyes were drifting shut. In a moment she slumped, asleep once more, although now naked and looking thoroughly used. I tucked my cock back into my trousers, straightened up and then reached into my pocket for the tinderbox. I struck a light and Aric appeared. He looked over at Ileana, and I did not miss the appreciative smirk that crossed his face as he got a look at her various attributes.

"I see you wasted no time in hitting King Otto where it's going to hurt the most," the spirit said. "What an arduous path you have chosen for your revenge."

"Take her back to her bed," I said. "Make it so that no one knows she ever left it."

"Of course, Master," Aric replied, and as always the address carried just a hint of mockery. He walked over, scooped the naked princess into his arms, and then the both of them faded into transparency before disappearing in a flash of vivid blue light.


From that moment forward I began to use the Princess Ileana on a nightly basis. Rarely did I allow her a night's respite. I coached her in how best to please me, took her in every conceivable position, and tormented her until she would beg me to grant her release. Sometimes I would reward her pleas. Sometimes I would simply have Aric return her to her bed, shuddering and practically weeping with her need for release. It was hard for me to deny her a climax for more than a night, though. I admit freely that I took a great deal of pleasure from seeing her body surrender itself completely to me during those moments of climax. I trained her to suck my cock, and she turned out to be quite an eager student. It was a sight to see the princess down on her knees, her golden hair all disheveled, her rose-petal mouth folded around my cock as she fought bravely to take the entire length down her throat. I strapped her, and whipped her and spanked her, slapped her ass crimson with wooden paddles, and with each dose of pain she seemed to become softer to me, more eager to do as I commanded and receive the pleasure I meted out to her.

I set Aric to spy upon the palace and soon discovered that Ileana's caretakers had found the marks which I had made upon their charge. King Otto's rage apparently could not be described when he was told that somehow his precious daughter had been thoroughly strapped sometime during the course of the night. No one had seen her leave her chamber and the dozens of guards who kept watch over Ileana had seen no one either leave or enter the room. The princess herself had no explanation for the marks that appeared on her body night after night, save for strange dreams that she could only half-remember and hardly bring herself to relate to those attending her. She also had no explanation of why her body should occasionally be trembling and practically feverish with its craving for release, nor for the soreness that sometimes lingered between her legs. It soon became generally supposed that the Princess Ileana had caught the attention of a particularly violent incubus. Soon Aric told me that Otto had promised half his kingdom to the man who could bring his daughter's tormentor to justice.

One night, two months after I had first stolen Ileana from her bed, I was sitting sprawled in my favorite armchair with the princess crouched on the floor in front of me. She had a leather collar around her neck, to which I had attached a short lead, the end of which was looped loosely around my wrist. Her mouth was busily engaged with servicing my cock and every now and again I gave the leash a little tug, indicating that she should increase the pace of her efforts. Without warning, there was a flash of blue light and Aric appeared in the middle of the room. Ileana gave a little start of fright and pulled away from me, looking at Aric with something approaching fright in her half-sleeping eyes. I don't think she had ever been this conscious in the spirit's presence. "Ignore him, dear," I said tugging on the leash, and after a moment's hesitation she folded her mouth around the head of my cock once more. The moment she began working again, she seemed to forget all about Aric.

"Is there something I can do for you, Aric?" I asked. "I thought that I'd made it clear that I did not want to be interrupted." I pressed down on Ileana's head for a moment, slowing the pace of her sucking so that I could concentrate a little easier.

"Sorry to interrupt, Master," the spirit said, glancing at Ileana and smirking. "But I thought that you ought to know I was followed here tonight. King Otto is hell-bent on finding out who has been defiling his little flower and half the kingdom is out searching. I would advise that tonight be the last time you play with the Princess."

"What did you do with the man who followed you here?" I asked, curling my fingers into Ileana's hair and holding her head still for a moment so that I could feel the length of my shaft enveloped by her throat. She coughed genteelly and I released her.

"Eventually, he'll wake up in an alley a few miles away wondering how he got there."

"Then I see no reason to stop what I'm doing."

Aric drifted across the room to where Ileana's nightdress and dressing gown lay discarded on the floor. He bent, reaching into the pocket of the dressing gown, and pulled forth a handful of tiny pebbles. "The man who followed us here tracked us using a trail of pebbles. Someone ripped a hole in the pocket of this garment and then filled it with stones. I didn't notice them falling until I arrived here, but they made a trail right to your door. Anyone could have seen it before I swept it away"

"Her father's doing no doubt," I said. I knew that Ileana would not have willingly betrayed me that way. In the past weeks I had come to have a certain amount of tenderness for her. I had come to love the way her desire to please me was evident in every gesture of her body. It had become so that I wished I could have her when she was in a state of total waking, but I knew that would be too foolish. The moment she could give her caretakers an accurate description of me, I would be arrested and in all probability executed in the nastiest way imaginable. Ileana would most likely try to keep her secrets, but her obedience ran very deep, and others than me knew how to access it. If her father demanded an answer I didn't think she would be able to defy him for very long.

"No doubt," Aric said. "I would advise that you stop with this game you're playing and relocate to another city as soon as possible."

"I will do no such thing." I said, a plan beginning to form in my mind. "If am caught I will deal with it. Now get back into the tinderbox and stay there until I summon you again. I'm a bit busy."

"As you wish, Master," Aric said, giving me a little mocking bow. He disappeared a moment later in a little flash of bluebell flames.

I returned my full attention to Ileana, who seemed completely absorbed in her cocksucking and not to have taken in a word of what had been said around her. "You're doing a very good job, my dear," I said, tightening my hold upon the leash. "But time to finish up now. We have to get you back to bed." I fisted my hands into her hair and began to move her head rapidly up and down, fucking her throat and not paying much attention to the little gags she gave when I pushed her too far. It did not take me long to come, and as ever, Ileana received my seed eagerly, lapping at the head of my cock when she had finished swallowing so as to catch every last drop. I put my cock away and then stood up, pulling the princess to her feet. I unbuckled the collar from around her neck, trying to ignore the twinge of dismay that it gave me to do so. It would have been nice to be able to give her a collar that could not be removed so easily. Perhaps someday I would. I pressed Ileana down upon the sofa and said, "Go back to sleep. I will see you tomorrow night."

"Thank you Master," Ileana murmured in her sleep-slurry voice. "I will miss you."

I stroked her hair once or twice and then said, "Go to sleep Ileana." She could do nothing but obey me, and a moment later the room was filled with the soft rhythmic pulse of her slumbering breath. I picked up the tinderbox and struck a light. Aric immediately appeared before me. "In future," I said, going over to the sideboard and pouring myself a glass of brandy. "Do not interrupt me when I am in the middle of being serviced. It is a bit off-putting."

"Sorry, Master," Aric said, not sounding at all repentant. "Do you want me to take her back now?"

"Yes," I said. "And be more careful this time."

Aric scooped Ileana into his arms as if she weighed no more than a doll, and turned away from me. "If you take her away again, you are going to get caught, Rolf. My power can only stretch so far."

"Just take her back," I said, knowing that he was right. "I know what I'm doing."

"Whatever you say, Master," the spirit replied, looking at me with a kind of sad amusement. Then there was the usual burst of blue flames and both Aric and princess disappeared from the room.


King Otto's soldiers came for me a fortnight later. I was sitting in my favorite armchair, twirling the tinderbox between my fingers and contemplating the question as to whether I should have Aric bring me Ileana. I had not used her for several nights now in the interest of caution and I admit that I was getting anxious. I had gotten used to her servicing me on an almost nightly basis, and now felt the lack of her presence quite keenly. I had just decided to wait for one more night when there came a rough pounding on the door. "Open in the name of the King," said a voice.

I stood up, slipping the tinderbox into the little secret pocket I had sown inside my britches for just such occasions as this; the habits of a soldier die hard. Then I went to the door and opened it, discovering a full squadron of palace guard standing on my front doorstep. I recognized a few of them as men I had fought with and I wondered if they would know me in my new luxurious surroundings.

"Count Von Kremp?" the captain asked. I didn't know him.

"Yes?" I said, leaning against the door jamb, trying to look casual.

"I am placing you under arrest."

"What for?" I asked.

The man stared hard at me for a moment and then said, "The repeated abduction of her highness the Princess Ileana."

I held my hands out in front of me, wrists together. "Go on then," I said. "Arrest me." I suppose he was unused to his charges surrendering so quickly, because the captain made a rather stupid mistake then, as I had been hoping he would. He gestured to one of his men, who hurried forward and snapped a set of heavy iron manacles on my outstretched wrists. I let my hands drop, feeling the weight of the metal, the weapon I now had at my disposal. All I had to do was lace my fists together and I had a club capable of knocking a man cold. The soldier who had shackled me began searching my body for weapons, removing the little dagger I had tucked inside my boot and unbuckling my sword from around my waist. I contemplated the merits of brings my newly weighted hands down on the back of the man's head as he stooped to retrieve my dagger, but in the end I decided against it. There were just too many of them. I went quietly, feeling the comfortable weight of the tinderbox against my thigh.

They threw me into a black-painted carriage with bars in its windows and within minutes we were pulling through the iron gates that guarded the back entrance to the palace. My mansion was in the most fashionable part of town, directly in the shadow of King Otto's castle. I looked up at the sprawling building, with all its turrets and battlements. I saw the lights that twinkled in some of the windows and I knew that in one of those glowing rooms my princess slept. I wondered if she would recognize me if she saw me in the waking world.

The carriage shuddered to a halt and there was a heavy crash as the gates banged shut and locked behind us. The little door in the rear was opened and a soldier pulled me roughly from the carriage. He was no doubt trying to send me sprawling flat on my face, but my balance has never failed me; I managed to keep my feet. Looking slightly put out, the soldier gave me a push and then I was herded into the castle. I was taken through winding corridors and down long staircases until I was sure that I was in the lowest depths of the castle. They pushed me into a damp cell whose two grated windows were a long distance above my head, and slammed the door shut. Then the soldiers filed out of the dungeon, leaving me alone.