The Boat Ch. 01


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"Want one?" I asked holding up the glass.

"Sure, so long as it's not tequila, that makes my clothes fall off and since this is all I'm wearing." She left the rest hanging and flopped back down on the couch. Scooting into a corner she sat cross legged and looked at me.

"Right, Beam and Coke coming right up."

I handed her the drink and then sat down, then I noticed something.

"Is that my shirt?" I asked.

"Yep, I didn't think you would mind. All the tee-shirts I brought are too small to sleep in, so you volunteered to let me use this one. Aren't you just the sweetest big brother ever?"

"I reckon so." I said shaking my head at her.

She took a sip of her drink then said, "Well, it's either this or we lower the shades and I walk around wearing a smile."

"The shirt is good." I squeaked.

"Time to clear the air." she stated in a matter of fact voice.


"Let's just say I don't like clothes, at all. If I didn't have to wear them, I wouldn't, so I wear as few as possible as often as possible. I'm not an exhibitionist, I don't get off on people seeing me nude or even partially nude. That is why I love this boat. I can be me here and nobody sees it except the people on board. Dad understood that and before this goes any further, he kept his clothes on all the time and if you ask if anything happened between us, I'm getting a butter knife out of that drawer and I'm cutting your dick off. Do you understand me?"

"Clear as a bell."

"Good because that caused one hell of a fight between me and Kristi when she asked me last year. It took two weeks before I spoke to her again." She continued, "Here, I get to be me. Out there, in the real world, I only get to be me part of the time and I must be careful about it, and that brother dear is why we are keeping this tub. Are you clear on that?"


"I've got a couple more things to say." she said rather quickly.

"Go ahead."

"Just because I see clothing as optional, doesn't mean I'm an easy lay. Nobody touches this," she motioned to her body, "unless I let them. I've had two boyfriends my entire life and you've met both of them. I was lying about fucking some guy three weeks ago. Like I said, two boyfriends and neither of them have touched my ass. It's going to take a smoother lover than those two dudes could ever hope to be to get me to give that prize up. One last thing and then the floor is open for comments and questions."

"What is that?" I asked as waves of relief were spreading over my body.

"Okay, two things, I made the story up to see if I could get a reaction out of you and to be honest, you took it a lot better than I thought you would, but seriously, stop the fucking short jokes. I'm tired of that. Genetics gave me a rocking little body and I happen to be very comfortable with it, so stop with the jokes."

"And the second thing?"

"I swallow, every time."

"Debbie, Darlin' that last part was way too much information."

"Deal with it."

"Yes Dear."

"Good, now hand me the remote, I want to watch Big Bang Theory re-runs."

And that, boys and girls, is how I found out that my sister is a devout nudist; more on that later.

Morning found me sitting on the back of the boat enjoying a cup of coffee and wondering why I suddenly had no desire to check my email or voice mail. Then I realized that this must be what relaxed feels like and I liked it.

Around eight Debbie showed up carrying her toilet kit and a small bag, she muttered "Shower." and then stumbled up to the marina's guest facilities. The head on the boat does have a shower but she says the water doesn't get hot enough for her. I don't have that problem, so while she was up the hill showering I used the one on the boat. We ate breakfast at the marina and then got back on the river and cleared the Guntersville lock around eleven.

As we cleared the locks, it was really getting warm and the sun was out in full force. Debbie came up from below deck wearing a tank top and her bikini bottoms. She jumped up onto the seat, looked at me and said, "It might be in your best interest to keep your eyes on the road and off the back deck for a while." Then she smiled an evil little smile and kissed me on the lips. "You've been warned." Then she jumped down and walked aft.

I had the throttles set for about eighteen knots, so we were making decent time down the river. Hell, it was only Saturday, I had three more days before I had to turn this thing around and head back home and I was going to enjoy every one of them. I did a 360 scan of the cabin to check the river out and when I did my heart almost stopped.

Debbie was laying on the sun pad nude. Totally nude. Little sister or not, she had been right about one thing last night; genetics had indeed given her a rocking little body. She was glistening with oil or sunscreen, one of the two, and her tan was perfect. If I had been any other guy or if she were any other girl I would be doing backflips and handstands to try to get her in the sack. I don't know that I would have gone so far as to join the Marines, but I would have considered it, I would have definitely considered it.

"What the Hell?" I thought, let's see what happens. Steeling up my courage, I throttled down a bit and then walked back to the door leading to the cockpit. "Hey." I said sticking my head out the door, "Can you come in and drive for a bit, I have to hit the head."

"Sure." She said sitting up. "Be right there."

"Thanks! I really need to go!" then I turned and trotted toward the head.

Yes, I'll admit it, I used the old going to the bathroom ploy as an excuse to checkout my naked sister. Tattoos? None. Pubic hair? Shaved completely. Scars? Nope. Tan Line? Nada. Damn she was hot.

I walked back up on deck and found out that Debbie had indeed taken the helm. What she hadn't done was put her clothes back on. She jumped off the seat and said, "Do you want me to make lunch?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Ham sandwich and chips okay?"


"Be right back."

She strolled into the galley and started making lunch. It was going to take some adjusting on my part to handle this, and I thought, "If she doesn't get dressed soon, part of that adjustment is going to be me adjusting my shorts."

She walked back to the helm carrying a tray with my sandwich, chips and a Coke on it. She sat them down on the seat beside me and then smiled. "Anything else Captain?"

"Nope, that should do it Galley Wench. Thanks for the sammich!" I said laughing.

"Anytime Sir." she said with a wink and a smile and then she walked aft again to the cockpit and resumed her sun worshipping.

Two hours later and the Alabama sun had set us up for another round of pop up thunderstorms. These were looking bad and the weather radio was going off with tornado watches and warnings in the areas south and west of us. I stepped out back and said, "Bad weather ahead." Then ducked back in to the helm again.

The wind was picking up and the waves were starting to white cap within minutes. The boat was built to take that and more, but Debbie is terrified of thunder and lightning, so I was trying to get us to a dock to ride this out. The navigation system showed a big cove just ahead to port, so I made for it instead. Just as we came to a stop and dropped the anchor, the first thunderclap struck.

Debbie was wearing my Aerosmith tee-shirt now and when the thunder hit she screamed and ran inside. I got the anchor set and went below to check on her. I knocked on her cabin door, called out to her and got no response, then I heard "I'm in here." coming from my cabin.

I opened the door and she was curled up in a tight little ball in the center of the bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked, seriously concerned.

"Yes. No." she said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Debbie, plenty of people are afraid of storms. Come on up topside and we can do like we did when we were kids. I'll hold you and we can watch it together."



"Okay." and she pushed herself up off the bed then reached out to take my hand.

When we got topside I sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside me, she sat down and nestled her head on my shoulder. I slipped my arm around her and pulled her in a little tighter as another loud clap of thunder rattled the boat. She whimpered a little but held her ground.

"Just like old times huh?" I said.

"Yes." she replied pulling the hem of her shirt up and tucking her legs under it.

"I'm not going to let anything hurt you Deborah." I said using her full name.

Hearing me use her full name was something she wasn't prepared for. I hadn't called her Deborah since she was in the fifth grade and had decided to go by Debbie instead. She snuggled in a bit closer and simply sat there trembling. Ten minutes later I noticed that her breathing had evened out and then I realized she was drifting off the sleep. I sat there feeling the warmth of her body next to mine, listening to the rain lash against the side of the boat and the wind howling outside and before I realized it, I had drifted off as well.

I woke up to the most pleasant sensation of my hand on a very full, very warm, very soft breast. Then I realized where I was and whose breast it was, and I started to move my hand away slowly when I heard her gently say "No."


"No. I know what I'm saying Michael. No. Leave your hand right where it is." she whispered softly.

"Um." I started feeling my dick getting hard and I looked down at my sister. She was still curled up beside me, but her shirt had ridden up and I could see the curve of her left hip from this vantage point. Then I realized that her fingertips were slowly rubbing up and down my thigh.

I started to sit up when she grabbed my hand and mashed it into her boob. "I said no."

"Debbie, this is wrong."

"Nothing that makes me feel this safe can be wrong."


"When have you ever heard me talk during a thunderstorm?"

My eyes popped open at that. She never said more than two or three words during a storm. Never.

So, I kept my hand there. It felt awkward at first, I mean this was my sister's tit I was holding, but the longer I stayed that way the more natural it felt. Then I felt her nipple start to harden under my palm.

Outside the sky was still black, the rain still coming down hard and the wind was really howling but in here, inside the boat, it was calm.

I went to readjust my body position and Debbie again said "No."

"Hang on a minute." I only shifted a little to get a bit more comfortable and then I went right back to holding her except that I lifted my hand off her breast and placed it more to the side. She reached up, took my hand and pulled it back down to cover her breast. "Don't move it again." she said.

She would jump at an occasional thunderclap but for a majority of the time she stayed right where she was. Thirty minutes went by with neither of us making a sound. The weather radio said the storms were building back into Mississippi and Louisiana and that we would be under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning until 8:00 that night.

So much for making it to the dock.

Debbie heard the forecast and stood up, then said "Come with me."

She walked back down stairs and into my cabin, climbing on the bed she said, "Please hold me."


"Please Michael. Please. I can't sit up there anymore. Please? Here?" I took one look at the fear in my sister's big blue eyes and gave up all hope of getting out of this. I lay down beside her and wrapped my arm around her and she immediately pulled my hand up to cover her breast again. Between the darkness in the cabin, the rocking of the boat and the feel of her body next to mine, I fell asleep a second time.

I woke up about an hour later and realized that Debbie was nude and that my hand wasn't on my tee-shirt anymore, it was skin to skin contact. I was holding my sisters bare breast. I no sooner went to move my hand than I felt her pull it back. "I said no."

"Debbie, this is stepping over a line."

"No, stepping over a line was me undressing and then masturbating while you slept beside me. Now hold me."

"You did what?" I asked incredulously.

"I undressed and then masturbated while you slept beside me." She whispered.


"Because I could."


"I felt safe and I felt loved and laying here beside you naked was a huge turn-on. I've want to do this for years with you and I desperately needed to cum."

"So, you just," I started to ask.

"I'm doing it now."


"I've got two hands. One is holding yours and the other is playing with my clit. Do you want to watch?"


"Do you want to watch me play with my pussy?" she whispered.

Without waiting for an answer, she flipped over on her back and I was treated to the sight of my sister's fingers slowly going in and out of her pussy. I was dumbstruck. In my wildest dream I couldn't imagine this happening. Sister or not, I felt my dick getting harder and harder under my pants.

I sat there watching her as she slowly spread her legs further and further apart all the while running her hand up and down and her fingers in and out of that glistening hole. She gasped and then slowly started moving her hips to the speed of her fingers.

"So, so close. So close." She moaned softly. "So very close."

I was so turned on by all of this that I couldn't help it, so I whispered, "Deborah, look at me."

She opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. "Cum for me. Go ahead and cum for me. I want to watch my baby sister cumming for me."

Her fingers went into overdrive and she sat half up in the bed clamping her thighs together and moaning "Oh God Mike! Oh God! I'm cumming! Oh God! Fuck! God!" Then she collapsed back onto the pillow and lay there gently rubbing the swollen outer lips of her pussy with her orgasm still rolling through her body in smaller and smaller tremors.

A few minutes later, after I was sure she was done, I leaned over and kissed her cheek then lay back down beside her and took her in my arms. Speaking into her hair I whispered "You are safe, you are loved and I'm never going to let anything, or anyone hurt you. Just lay here and relax Deborah, if you need something, I'm right here."

To be continued...

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dbsidedbside7 months ago

Debbie is dominant to a point, but her submissive side craves the tenderness in the arm of her sibling 5 🌟 's

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

Billyboy1953Billyboy1953over 1 year ago

Oh God… bin there done that. So very familiar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
soooper corny...

author doesn´t know the diff between to lie and to lay...

couldn´t finish it...

1 star too many...

sparkle8sparkle8over 5 years ago
Super Hot

Mr. YouDidWhut, you are a superb writer. The characters are fully fleshed out (so to speak) and the lead up to their mini tryst in bed is such a turn on. I'm about to read chapter 2, which I suspect is even better.

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