The Boat Ch. 02


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I picked her up and eased her to the floor. Then I caught her as her knees buckled, and both of us laughing, I picked her up, tossed her over my shoulder and headed to our cabin.

I reached up and popped her hard on her ass and when she yelped in surprise I said, "I'm not done with you yet."


It was August now, Debbie was on her hands and knees on our bed, moving her hips like she was possessed by a demon. Her head was hanging down in front of her and she was making guttural sounds from deep in her throat. My cock was buried in her pussy as far as I could get it and I was driving into her so hard that I could feel and hear my balls slapping against her. I knew I wasn't going to last long and I wanted to tease her in some small way before I came.

I pulled out and very quickly dipped my index finger inside her drenched pussy and then replaced it with my dick driving it to the hilt as I did. I reached out, grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, she cried out in surprise and then began to move her hips again. Then I placed my index finger against her asshole and slowly pressed it inside stopping when I felt her start to pull away. I pulled her hair a little more causing her head to snap back.

"Mike, no! Please." she moaned.

"It may not be tonight, and it may not even be next month," I hissed to her, "But this ass will belong to me eventually. Do you understand?"

"Yes, just not tonight. Please! I'm not ready yet."

I removed my finger, released her hair and grabbing her hips I continued to drive into her until I heard her start grunting again. When I heard her start saying "Yes!" I knew she was about to cum. I did my best to wait until she had finished before I came inside her. I'm proud to say that I could do that and we both ended up cumming at the same time.

She collapsed on the bed and I lay down beside her. She placed her head on my shoulder and then kissed my cheek. We lay there catching our breath for a few moments and then she said, "You really do want my ass, don't you?"

"Yes, but I'm not going to rush it. It will just make it that much sweeter when you are on your hands and knees begging me to take you there."

She laughed. "Oh really?" then she started moaning playfully, "Oh God Mike. Oh God! Please fuck my ass!"

I reached out and flipped her over onto her stomach and then grabbed her by the hips and pulled her ass up to my crotch. "Okay but remember you asked for it!"

"No!" she squealed and then laughing when she realized that I had let go of her hips, she flipped over onto her back and held her arms up to me. I dropped down on top of her and she wrapped her arms around my neck smothering my shoulder with gentle kisses.

"God, I love you!" she said.

"I love you too Deborah." I responded pushing up, so I could look at her face.

"More than bacon?" she asked smiling.

"I love you too Deborah." I said smiling and waiting for her reaction. When she balled up her fists and started hitting my back I laughed and added, "More than bacon."

"Perfect answer, a little late and possibly coerced, but perfect." she said kissing me hard.

Our week-long vacation was a pleasant memory. We had dodged a serious bullet and Debbie had not ended up pregnant after our vacation was over and true to her word she had started taking the pill as soon as we got home.

By late June we had settled into a routine. Debbie had been staying at dad's old place but for all practical purposes she had moved in with me. She only went there to grab her mail, feed her cat and occasionally saying there overnight to keep up appearances for the neighbors. I placed my house on the market and started looking for one further out of town; eventually settling for a house close enough that the commute wasn't that far and far enough that nobody wanted to commute to see me.

By the middle of August, Debbie had basically moved in. Then one memorable Wednesday evening, she deposited a very large, very angry black cat there.

"He doesn't like car rides."

"I noticed." I said, as I watched Binks prowl around the house, hissing at everything that moved and half the stuff that didn't.

"He will be fine." she said. "Besides, he's a lot like you. He's gruff and he complains a lot but deep down inside he is a big cuddle buddy."

"I'll take your word for it." I said, as I watched him jump onto the dining room table, hissing and growling at the ceiling fan.

The last weekend of August was particularly awesome because we got to the boat about two hours after the painter had called me to tell me he was done. As we walked down the dock toward the slip, I was side by side with Debbie, so I could see her reaction. When we reached the slip, she paused and then turned to me and said "Really?"


In black paint on the aft end of the boat the name "Deborah Jo" was painted in a flowing script. It really stood out against the white of the hull. Beneath that in block letters were the words CHATTANOOGA, TN.

Debbie had tears in her eyes when she looked up at me. "You're keeping her?"

"Yes." I said smiling down at her.

"You named her after me?" she said with a tear forming in her eye.

"Yes." I replied smiling at her. I reached out and wiped the tear away and then added "Actually, I named her after my Galley Wench. You should meet her sometime, she's a handful."

"I bet she is but I'm pretty sure that she is worth it." Debbie said looking at me with complete adoration in those beautiful blue eyes.

"Occasionally." I said flat faced.

"Ass!" she said smiling up at me.

"Let's get this thing on the river Sis."

"Aye, aye, Captain." she said with a smile on her face.

As usual, just as soon as we hit the channel Debbie's clothes came off. We were headed north toward Watts Bar dam and Debbie was below deck unpacking when I heard the "WHOOP, WHOOP, WHOOP" of a klaxon. I looked back to see a small Coast Guard vessel gaining on us from astern. I immediately yanked the wheel to the starboard side and chopped the throttles. I heard a crash come from below and muttered "Aww shit. Here it comes!"

Debbie popped her head up like a meerkat from below and shouted, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"

As we drifted along I said, "We are about to be boarded by the Coast Guard for a safety inspection. You might want to throw on some clothes."

"Oh! Okay." and she disappeared.

She popped back up wearing her Galley Wench shirt and a pair of sandals. I couldn't help but wonder what she had on under it.

The boarding party consisted of a Chief Petty Officer and two Third Class Petty Officers in a small boat now lay tied along our port side.

"Sorry to bother you Sir." the Chief said as he climbed aboard. "It's a routine safety inspection we should be out of your hair in ten minutes tops."

"No problem Chief. Welcome aboard the Deborah Jo, and this is Deborah Jo." I said nodding toward Debbie.

He looked at Debbie admiringly and then smiled when he read her tee-shirt, "Ma'am." he said, nodding at her.

He had looked at me funny when I used his rank, so I explained "Navy for four years, I made BM2 just before I got out. I helmed an LCAC on the Iwo Jima."


"Two floats." I responded.

"Aww Hell! Davis!" he snapped his fingers in the air to grab their attention.

"Yes Chief?" one of the Petty Officers piped up.

"Check the appropriate boxes and hand this wayward Squid his paper work."

"Aye Chief." Davis said grinning.

The other Third Class looked over at me smiling. "It's a good thing you weren't in the Marines. The Chief really hates grunts."

"I'm not fond of them either but there is a mutineer aboard." I said jerking my head toward Debbie.

"Two words boys. Dress. Blues." Debbie said, almost purring in her best husky voice. Then she smiled her best innocent smile at them, complete with dimples. They were done.

"Damned Jarheads." grinning as he said it the Chief handed me the inspection certification. "Have a great weekend sir."

"You too Puddle Pirate." I said laughing. Reaching out to shake his hand I added, "Fair winds and following seas Chief."

"Thanks sailor, nice boat by the way. Let's go guys." he said as they climbed back into their boat and sped off.

We were standing in the lounge watching them depart when Debbie said, "Holy crap! You really were a sailor!"

"I told you so. Are you impressed now?"

"Yes." she said peeling off the tee shirt, tossing it at me and leaving me standing there admiring her nude body. "But if you had been in the Marines; those puddle pirates, as you called them, would have never made it on board." Then she laughed, turned around and walked back below deck.

"Really? Really Sis? REALLY?" I said raising my voice to her as she walked away. She was still laughing when she went below.

Later that evening as we sat on the back deck watching the sun set Debbie innocently made a statement that changed our lives forever. Earlier, Debbie had excused herself for a moment which turned into five minutes or so and when she came back she was carrying our drinks for the evening. Handing me mine she said, "So, I was thinking,"

"Uh huh, how much is this going to cost me"

"Not too much, honestly it may save some money. I go back to school in a couple of weeks. I've already paid for the semester so there is no backing out; I'm stuck there until the semester ends." she said slowly sitting down in her chair.

"Don't remind me." I said, starting to feel sad that aside from the occasional weekend, she would be gone for four months.

"Anyway, I was thinking that I could transfer to a college near here and then we could really justify me living at your house for a while. The problem is that the schools here cost a little bit more than the school I'm at now in Kentucky."

"How much more?"

"About fifty dollars per semester hour." she said scooting around in her chair a little.

"That's all? You would save ten times that in room and board!"

"So, you don't mind?" she asked excitedly, squirming around in her seat.

"Hell no! Besides, it means I get you full time and don't have to worry about you developing some serious Daddy issues with a professor or something." I quipped.

"Yippee! I finally get to quit fucking hobos for beer money!" she said rocking back in her seat, kicking her legs, clapping her hands and giggling.

We had never really talked about my finances, so Debbie had no idea that I was making about 120k a year. After taxes, about half of my paycheck went into my savings and 401k and the rest I lived on. I lived modestly, and I had managed to save enough over the years that I wasn't at all concerned about what her classes cost; then I had a thought.

"Hey, how is Kristi doing? You haven't mentioned her lately." I asked her sincerely.

"She's fine. She will be back this semester! Her mom is doing a lot better and basically told Kristi that she needed to get back to school."

"If you leave in January, wont that leave her up there without many friends?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like none." she said forlornly.

"Then bring her with you."

"Are you sure? I don't think we could hide this from her if she were living with us." she asked.

"You haven't told her already." I asked, honestly surprised.

Debbie blushed slightly, looked down at the deck and then looked back up at me grinning.

"Um, well." she started and then wiggled around in her chair guiltily.

"Uh huh."

"I may have mentioned that I had a guy in my life now."

"Uh huh. Did you mention he was your brother?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Let's just say I told her that the two of us had a lot more in common now and I let it go at that."

"Her reaction?"

"She told me to be very careful and that we would talk in September."

"She sounds almost as smart as you are Sis."

"So, you are seriously cool with her knowing?"

"It wasn't like I could have stopped it from happening."

"And you're cool with her living with us?"

"I suggested it remember? And you can tell her that this is a lot closer to Tuscaloosa than where you guys are; that might get her attention."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, why?"

"You seem to be a little fidgety this evening and I was wondering if everything is alright."

"Just excited I guess," and then she added, "I love you Mike."

"I love you too Debbie."

She stood up and walked over to me then sat down on my lap. She draped her arms around my neck, lay her head on my shoulder then kissed the side of my neck. After a moment, she took my hand, placed it under her shirt and guided it to her thigh, then pushed she it further up her leg until I felt my fingers meet her pussy. I slowly started massaging her lips and as they parted, my index finger slipped inside her. That's when I felt it. She had a small butt plug in her ass! She gasped as my fingertip pressed against it and then lowered her head as I continued, until she was really squirming around in my lap.

"You know," I began as coolly as I possibly could without mentioning the plug. "We've never done this on the back deck before."

"Uh huh." She said moaning slightly as I worked a second finger into her.

"Do you want to go inside?"

"No." she said panting.

"Do you want me to stop?" I said, placing the tip of a third finger inside her.

"No." she gasped.

I continued working on her and felt her orgasm start to build. She was thrashing around violently when she came. I felt her pussy constrict around my fingers and she was moaning loudly enough that it echoed through the cove we were in. As she was coming down I held her and watched her legs tremor and shake. She couldn't control the spasms and sat there looking down at her legs laughing. I asked her what was so funny, and she said that she had to learn how to walk again, every single time, after got my hands on her. She slapped my arm laughing when I said, "You're welcome." She was still having mini-orgasms, so I let her sit there until they subsided.

Her birthday had been in July and at twenty-one now. She was a much better lover, much more receptive, much more intuitive and much more experienced than my ex ever had been or could ever be. I sat there for a moment wondering how I could have gotten this lucky. She was a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, caring, devoted, loving woman and she had come after me. I briefly considered everything that could go wrong if we got caught but then decided that I really didn't give a damn. We would simply have to be very careful.

Suddenly, the memories of everything that had happened this past summer hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't help it and once I started, I couldn't stop. I started to laugh.

"What?" Debbie asked looking up at me with a confused look on her face.

"You little minx! You wicked little vixen!"

"What?" she said laughing at me. "What did I do?"

"You've been playing me like a fiddle since June!"

"It took you long enough to figure that out Mike." she said smiling at me, then she added, "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go below and take care of something before I do the dishes. Why don't you find something to watch on TV, I've got plans for you later tonight and you're going to love them, I promise." Then winking at me, she blew me a kiss, turned and walked toward the front of the boat.

To be continued...

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blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

I loved it. It's been 5 years, is there a chance of a fourth chapter?

Lovetron52Lovetron52almost 4 years ago
North Alabama

I loved the location of this story, my neck of the woods.

TSreaderTSreaderover 6 years ago
A great chapter!

Very well done! Thank you!

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