The BodyGuard Bk. 03 - The Return


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"Sal, King Arthur time get a hold of the guys, find out when they can meet and call me back at this number."

"On it buddy will do." Sal replied

"Thanks." He hung up.

Now Kay looked confused as Luca stood up.

"King Arthur time?"

Without a word he picked her up. "Which way to your room?"


"Fine! I will find it." He started walking.

"Luca, damnit put me down!"

"This looks like it." He set her down on the bed. "Now I want you to listen to me."


"No buts. I am going to take care of you and our baby. You are on bed rest from this point forward."

"I have a business to run Luca. I can't..."

He held up his hand. "You will be on bed rest. There's a room at the restaurant you use."

"How do you know that?" She glared at him.

He grinned, "I have been watching."

Kay glared at him. But she had a feeling he was. She went to get up but he stopped her.

"I have to go to the bathroom, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

"This is silly."

"Get used to it." He stepped out the door and waited. He had so many things to plan.

Kay figured Luca would get tired of all this and leave. She shrugged her shoulders. 'I can handle this until he leaves.' She thought to herself.

Chapter 6

One Week Later

Luca met Sal, Moe, Peter and Paulie at the apartment. It was King Arthur time. He had a shot glass next to each chair and a bottle of scotch whiskey in front of him.

"Okay Luca what's this about?" Moe said.

Luca poured himself a shot and handed the bottle around, when all of them had a shot glass full of scotch. He raised his glass and downed the shot. The rest followed suit.

"I am going to take care of Kay. I am out of commission for a while." He refilled his drink and everyone followed suit.

"How long is awhile?" Sal asked.

"As long as it takes. She said she doesn't love me anymore." He said as looked down at the table

He drank down his shot. Everyone looked at each other and did the same.

"But I made a promise to her. I will not let her do this alone."

Sal cleared his throat. "What's wrong?"

"Her pregnancy is very fragile. She is to be on bed rest, no stress and she needs to gain weight."

"She has the restaurant." Peter said.

Luca nodded. "I know. Remember my mom was hostess at the hotel restaurant?" He looked at Sal and Peter

They both laughed. "Yes, that's where we got our first jobs."

"I have some experience. I am sure Kay's staff will help. Kay has a room that she can stay at while she's there."

"You're not seriously thinking of taking over?" Peter asked.

"Why not? Sal is a numbers person, for finances. Peter can help with kitchen. He did play a cook, remember?"

"And what a terrifying job that was." Sal grinned.

"Paulie can do inventory and order supplies."


"Because I asked. Look, I am not asking you guys to give up anything. Just to help when you can. I know how our lives are and we need to go at a drop of a hat sometimes. I am just asking for a little help now and again."

They all looked at him. "How bad is it Luca?" Sal said.

Luca cleared his throat. "They both could die." He took a drink and passed the bottle. The men nodded.

They talked for a while longer, everyone agreed to help. They all liked Kay. They just hoped she could find it in her heart to forgive Luca and learn to love him again.

"But before you all start your restaurant jobs, there is some unfinished business to clean up. Bruno Tattaglia. I need him found. I need some questions answered and he is just the person to answer them. Moe, you and Paulie are on this for now. If you need help bring Peter in." They all nodded and left the apartment together.

Unknown to them, Bruno was watching them leave the apartment. He was amazed to see Luca standing there with the rest of the team. He was told by Hyman that Luca was dead. It was time to give Hyman a call Bruno thought to himself.


The telephone rang and the secretary answered it, "Law office of Roth, Fanucci and Petangeli, how may I direct your call."

"Ya this is Bruno Tattaglia calling for Mr. Roth."

"One moment sir and I will see if Mr. Roth is available."

"Hello Bruno, are you back in town?" Hyman asked.

"Hello Mr. Roth, yes I am. I wanted to check in. I thought you told me that the big guy was dead."

"Yes, that is what the information that I received told me. Why do you ask?"

"Well I was tailing one of the team members and he went into an apartment complex. A couple of hours later the team comes out and Luca Brasia was with them."

"Are sure that it was Mr. Brasia?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I tailed him for a few days before the hit went down. Besides he stands a head taller than anyone else on the team."

"Thank you for the information. Give me a phone number where I can contact you? As soon as I consult with my client, I will get back in touch with you to let you know about his decision.

"I move around a lot; I will give you a call in a day after tomorrow."

"That will work, I will talk with you in two days."


Later that afternoon a meeting was taking place in the office of Vito Genovese between him and Hyman Roth. Hyman filled Vito in on Bruno's phone call.

"Damn, have Tattaglia fulfill his contract and make sure that they all are dead." Vito ranted.

"Yes sir, I will inform Bruno of your decision.

"I hate loose ends, speaking of such, what is going on with that Sollozzo guy. Has he told you where my money and drugs are hidden yet?"

"No sir, but I have our people on the inside working him over. It should just a matter of time before he breaks and gives us the information."


The next day Hyman Roth entered the Metropolitan Correctional Center to speak with his client Virgil Sollozzo. The meeting again was held in the prisoner/attorney conference room.

"Good morning Virgil, how are you being treated?"

"Good morning Mr. Roth, it's been rough the last couple of months!"

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Are you ok?"

"They worked me over pretty good and I'm sore all over. Is there any way to call off the dogs?"

"About the topic that we were discussing last week. Have you come to some sort of a conclusion?" The proper answers would give you some much needed relief."

Virgil has been giving it considerable thought since the beatings started and concluded that he was screwed. But he was going to trial next week, so he figured he would wait it out until after the trial had ended. There was no way they were going to kill him, without finding out where he hid the drugs and money.

"Mr. Roth, I stand by my story. It had to be those guys that Kay hired to protect her."

"Ok Virgil, your trial starts next week and I hope that you are telling me the truth."

"I am Mr. Roth I am, so help me God."


When Luca got back to Kay's he saw Tom's car there. He didn't know what was going on now. He knocked on the door and Tom answered. He nodded and stepped aside. Kay had a plate of food in front of her as she was reading some papers.

Tom pulled Luca to the side. "You do know how serious this is, right?"

"Yes, we talked."

Tom nodded. "Kay wants to make arrangements just in case..."

"Wait what? What kind of arrangements?"

"Just in case anything happens to her. She wants the baby cared for."

"What? I am that baby's father!" He got loud.

"So now you're the father?" Tom lifted his brow.

Luca glared at Tom. "I know I messed up! What more do you want from me?"

"That girl doesn't need any more problems! Are you in it for the long hall?"

"Yes." Luca flatly said.

"Okay then..."

"Tom!" Kay called from where she was at. "It's not his business what I am doing."

The two men looked at each other. Tom shrugged his shoulders. "She's right. Do you want him here?"

"You can't be serious?" Luca said.

Tom walked over to the table. "That is up to Kay."

She knew he was steaming. She was going to let him stew. "You don't have any right to be here."

"What! Listen, darlin'. I have every right to be here. You are carrying my child!"

"So now you want responsibility?" Kay stood. "Because I might die or the baby? What kind of person are you?"

Luca didn't know what to say.

"Listen Kay settle down! You know what the doctors told you." Tom said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Kay sat as she watched Luca. She saw the fear and hurt she just caused. Then she saw anger. "Don't call me darlin'," she barked.

"If you're trying to get rid of me. It's not going to work." He pulled out a chair and sat down while glaring at her the whole time.

Tom just stood there smiling at the banner going on between the two of them. The love and sparks were still there.

"Shall we continue?" He looked at Kay.

"Only if Luca keeps his mouth shut."

He went to say something, but he saw Tom shaking his head.

"Fine." Luca said through gritted teeth.

"Okay then. Let's continue."

"Alright, now if anything happens to me. I want the restaurant sold."

"But it's been in your family for a long time Kay."

"I need to think of the wellbeing of my baby." She sighed.

"Our baby." Both Tom and Kay looked at him. He held up his hand.

"Okay, now, what about guardianship?" Tom asked.

"What the hell!" Luca stood. "I am the baby's father. If anyone will have guardianship it's me. Do you both hear me? ME!" He shouted.


"Damn it Tom. I want to be part of my child's life and I will be whether she wants me to or not. I will not let my child go to a stranger when I am capable of taking care of a baby!"

Kay laughed. She shook her head. "You Luca? Take care of a baby? I highly doubt it."

"And why not? How hard can it be?" He questioned.

"Okay, okay Mr. Dad. How hard can it be?" Luca's face changed. He turned a little pale. "Are you okay?"

"Dad, It's hard to believe that I am going to be a dad." He said as he sat down.

"Don't get too excited." Tom looked at him.

Luca looked directly at Kay. She had tears in her eyes. "I am sorry." He swallowed hard.

She nodded. "Let's not get to ahead of ourselves."

Kay went to stand and she grabbed her stomach. Luca had her in his arms in a second.

"Are you okay? You need something? You need to go to the hospital?"

"No, I am just tired. I need to rest." Luca carried her to her room. "You don't have to carry me."

He set her down on the bed. He knelt in front of her. He held her hands. He looked deep in her eyes.

"I know you hate me right now. I don't blame you. I have been pigheaded, jealous, mean, accusing and ignorant. But I have and will always love you. You stole my heart the first time I saw you. I tried to fight it. We fought and argued. But we also made love. My father told me once you find the woman you are to be with you will know it. You Kay are the woman I am to be with. Whether you hate me or not. I will never leave."

Kay's eyes filled with tears. "But you have left."

He shook his head. "Not really. I always told you, you would never notice me. I have been around watching you. I watched the construction of the restaurant. Then I got called on a case and got hurt."

"Why Luca, why didn't you come to me? I waited for you!"

"I was afraid I would ruin your life."


Luca held up his hand. "I realize I was wrong. I wanted what was best for you. When you came to me that night of Moe's wedding, it gave me new hope. I then realized how wrong I was. All I could think about was getting you back."

"I am hurt Luca. It runs deep. When I found out I was pregnant I was so happy. I was having a baby. A baby from a man I deeply loved. But with everything going wrong I feel as if we are being punished." She closed her eyes.


Kay barked out laugh. "It's nothing."

"Please let me in. Let me be a father to our child."

"Oh!" she touched her stomach.

"What's wrong?" He said in a panicked voice.

Kay smiled. "Nothing the baby kicked." He looked at her stomach. She took his hand and put it on her stomach. "Here. Just wait a second."

He waited and then he felt it. He smiled as he looked at. "Our baby?"

"Yes, our baby."

He sat quiet for a few seconds. "What do you say Kay. Give me another chance?"

Tom cleared his throat and they both looked towards the door.

"I will come back tomorrow. You two have a lot to talk about." He smiled.

"Okay." She nodded and smiled.

Kay decided to give him another chance. But she wasn't going to open her heart up to him. He was the father of their baby. He had every right to be part of the baby's life.

"Okay Luca, but only for the baby's sake."

Luca nodded. "For the baby." He smiled. It's a start. Don't screw this up!

"Tom wait a second, I'll be right back darlin'."

Luca filled Tom in on the team plans including working at the restaurant and looking for Bruno Tattaglia. He promised to keep Tom up to date on any type of progress. Kay was getting a little fed up with Luca always under foot. She needed some space some breathing room. All the attention he was giving her had a smothering effect. Finally, one night she went out into the patio for some air.

Luca heard a noise and went to see what it was. He checked her room and she was gone. He checked the bathroom, she wasn't there. He went to the kitchen and saw the patio doors open. He had panic run through him. He quickly walked to the doors. Then he sighed relief when he saw Kay sitting on a chair. She was looking up to the sky. She was talking. He stayed quiet and listened.

"Mom, dad it's me." She sighed. "I know it's been awhile. So much has happened. Tell Zia I still love her." Tears rolled down her cheeks. She swallowed hard. "As you can see, I am going to have a baby. You would have been wonderful grandparents." She paused. "I am so scared right now. Not only for the baby but for me. Luca, the baby's father, is trying everything he can to help. I know you would have loved him. Am I being punished? I mean everything I ever believed in has been thrown out the window. I always said I would never have a baby out of wedlock. Now here I am." She let out a sigh.

Luca was shocked at her statement.

"I didn't mean for it to happen this way. But it did. I do truly love him, but I am scared he will leave us. Maybe that's why this child is not meant to be here. Maybe I won't be able to handle him leaving me again. I don't know." She was silent for a moment. "Please God let our baby be healthy and strong. Keep me safe and well through this difficult time." She slowly stood staring into the sky.

Luca choked as he heard her talk. Now he knew why she said she felt they were being punished. She had certain morals and standards. She threw them all away to help him. She wanted him to heal more than she cared about her own morals. She knew that night something could happen. Yet against her own beliefs she took a chance. Luca knew he had to make this right. He wanted to make this right. When Kay turned Luca hid in the shadows. He held his breath as she walked right by him. He heard her go into her room. He let out his breath and stepped from the shadows. He knew what he had to do. Luca contacted Tom a couple days later. He told him what he wanted to do. Tom was a little shocked but was glad to help. He got the necessary papers drawn up. Luca wanted to make sure Kay was protected. Just in case things went bad. After the legal part was done, he contacted his friends. Sal and Peter were the first two.

"I am glad you two could make it."

"You sounded a little strange. What's going on?" Sal asked.

"I am going to ask Kay to marry me."

Neither man said anything.

"Did you two hear me?"

"Umm... Yes. I heard you." Peter said.

"Are you okay Luca?" Sal turned to look at him.

"I am fine."

"What brought this on?"

"Let's just say I had a little insight lately."

"So, this is for Kay?"

"Yes. Now let's get back to business."

"Okay. So, what do you want us to do?" Sal asked.

"How are Paulie and Moe doing on the Tattaglia case?"

"It's only been a short time, but so far no leads." Peter said

Luca nodded. "Any idea when they might be back?"

"Right now, Moe is Las Vegas checking out some leads and Paulie was in Arizona following some other leads."

"Good let me know when they get back in touch with you. I need to make arrangements."

"What kind of arrangements?"

Luca just looked at both. "I have to come clean with her."

"How does she feel about getting married?"

"She doesn't know yet."


"I have to get my finances in order."

"Finances!" Sal laughed.

"Don't you think she will be a little shocked?"

"That's an understatement." Luca blew out his breath. But he knew this had to be done.

"What if she says no?"

"I will cross that bridge when it comes."

"Okay than. Let's get this wedding rolling."

Chapter 7

Kay noticed Luca was acting strange, almost jumpy like, which was unusual for a man of Luca's temperament.

"Luca what is the matter with you?"

"Kay come here. Please sit."

Kay was a little worried by the sound of his voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I need to talk to you."

"Okay." She swallowed hard. She went and sat on the couch. He sat next to her. He picked up her hands and held them in his.

"Now." He started.

"Are you leaving?"

"No, I'm not leaving." He smiled.

"Are you having problems from your injuries?"


"Are you sick?"

"Kay please."

"Sorry, I just worry."

"Don't worry. What I want to say will maybe help you understand a few things about me."

"Okay." She had no idea where this was going.

"Now, I want you to listen to everything I have to say. Before you answer me, if you need time to think. I understand."

"Answer for what?"

"Please just listen." He cleared his throat. His mind was racing. His heart was pounding. 'The truth will set you free.' Swam through his mind.

"Kay, I want you marry me?" He quickly held up his hand when she gasped. "We have our faults and our differences. But I deeply love you. And I know somewhere in your heart you still love me. I want to share my past with you. The part you say I hide from you. Both Sal and Peter lived next to me, but my parents treated them as they were my brothers. A year later was when we met Moe and Paulie. They themselves were strangers. Paulie was being bullied, Moe stepped forward to help. They were facing at least ten kids. But they stood their ground. We watched, and then decided to help. When we walked up, the other kids took off. They thought it was them until they turned and saw us. They thought we were after them, but we weren't. That's the day we all became friends. Our friendships became unbreakable as the years passed."

She looked at Luca. She now understood the bond between the men. She smiled at him. He continued.

"When my mother got sick in the early 1940's, my father dropped everything to care for her. Our family owned a share of a downtown Hotel. My mother was the hostess of the restaurant. Sal, Peter and I worked in the kitchen as teenagers. We never worried about money. But dad sold the family share to take care of my mother." He paused as if to remember.

"What was the hotel?" She asked.

"It really doesn't matter."

"Why don't you want to say?"

Luca put his hand on the back of his neck. He scrunched up his face. "Roosevelt Hotel."

Kay gasped. She knew he was rich. "Luca, I, I..."

He held up his hand again. "Please Kay."

She nodded.

"When my mother died my father wasn't the same. He died a couple months after." Luca felt Kay's hand on his. "He always told me when you find the right woman you will know. Don't fight it. Embrace it. Your love can be taken away so fast." He looked up at Kay she had tears in her eyes. "But my father had so much heartache and pain over my mother's death. I told myself I never wanted that to happen to me. I didn't want my heart to be torn apart like that. I watched him suffer through the last few months of his life. It was unbearable. When he passed, I spiraled into a deep depression and Sal, Moe, Peter and Paulie were there. They were there with me through everything."