The Boss Pt. 02


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Constance looked sad and forlorn. What I didn't know was that an emergency order had been made by the judge to the Children's Protective Services unit and there had been a site visit to Constance and Toni's home. To Constance it appeared that she was going to lose her daughter.

What she didn't know was that CPS had also been to Agri Design Solutions in Reynardville and had run afoul of Emily and the ladies of the community. When told that I was being investigated as a possible home for Jenny the entire female population of Reynardville had stepped forward and claimed to be potential child carers as needed. I had not told anyone about the possibility of becoming the custodial parent as I was still reeling from the possibility. Emily apparently took it in stride and soon had the second bedroom fully fitted out with furniture and accessories to bring a baby safely into the apartment.

I did get an earful for not letting Emily know about the turn of events at the hearing. She made me smile as she gave me hell. When she told me how the ladies of the town had come to the rescue I vowed to never leave Reynardville to live even if our satellite office ultimately did more business than the Revnardville area. It was humbling and heartwarming to be accepted that fast into a community.

Anyhow, on to the hearing. The judge called us all to order. He was solemn as he gave us his ruling. "As you both now know I asked for an immediate investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services, Child Protective Division into both of you. I needed to see which parent would be more likely to give this child the best environment to thrive and grow. Ideally it would be the two of you in a traditional living arrangement but that is not what is in the cards here."

He paused and cleared his throat. "The preliminary report I have here does not say that the father, Calvin Sanders, or the mother, Constance Reynolds-Sanders, would either be a better environment for this child to thrive. Now that HHS is involved there will be further site visits and investigations to assure that whatever is decided today will be in the best interest of the child."

Constance looked relieved. I suppose she had felt her lesbian relationship might have swayed an investigator my way. I was a little relieved myself. Taking on the role of a full-time father to a baby only a few months old was very daunting. We waited with bated breath for his final pronouncement.

"I have reservations about keeping this child in her present situation because of the chicanery, out and out lying and attempted manipulation of Mr. Sanders into a place where he would be nothing more than a slave to two women who definitely did NOT have his best interests in mind. The lies that have been told and admitted to in this courtroom make my stomach churn. If I could find a violation of a law somewhere in this fiasco of a marriage and breakup I would already have the District Attorney filing charges against you, Mrs. Reynolds-Sanders, and Ms. Toni Lapiro. I find you despicable and wonder about what priority you will place your daughter in your life. I also have reservations about Ms. Lapiro's influence on the child when she shows no remorse of how she pursued and seduced you and destroyed Mr. Sander's happy home. I see she is not here to support you today. Why is that Ms. Reynolds?"

Constance's attorney quickly conferred with his client. "Your Honor, Ms. Lapiro is providing care of the child today as it was believed that emotions might run very high and disturb the baby."

The judge gave kind of a harrumph. "That's the only commendable thing you have done recently, Madam."

"I also have reservations about giving custody to a man who has not shown any interest in his child other than paying the recommended child support since her birth. You pointed out last week that Mr. Sanders has not attempted to visit the child or even hold her. This lack of attachment is troubling even though I have glowing reports and recommendations from the townspeople of Reynardville." I could only nod as the same concerns were in my thoughts. Even with the help of the people in my newly adopted home town was I good enough to be a parent to Jenny?

He turned his attention fully to me. "Is there any way you could move back here and still run your business? I understand you are opening an office here." Constance jerked her head around when she heard that.

"No, Your Honor, there is no reason to move back here. As you might know this is not my home town. I grew up a thousand miles from here and only came here for the education. I stayed because of the business opportunities locally and then the chance to open a graphic design office with Ms. Lapiro. I have never felt more at home anywhere than Reynardville. The entire community has not only accepted me but has shown tremendous support, not only in my fledgling business but in this matter. I have been humbled and overwhelmed by their acceptance and support. I cannot in good conscience leave there."

He nodded. "At this time I grant the dissolution of the marriage of Calvin Sanders and Constance Reynolds-Sanders. I also order further investigation by the department of Health and Human Services as to the well being of the child, Jenny Sanders-Lapiro. For the near future the standard visitation by the father, Calvin Sanders, will be limited to one day a week and every other weekend. At the child's age of six months then custody will be shared with the child being with Mr. Sanders one week out of every three weeks. At the end of the first year of life I will revisit the visitation and custody issue and I am leaning on shared custody of two weeks with Mr. Sanders and then two weeks with Ms. Reynolds-Sanders from then on. I also am issuing the order that the child's name will be changed from Sanders-Lapiro to Sanders."

I was floored. I had not heard that Constance had legally made Jenny's name Sanders-Lapiro. Another insult thrown in my face. I could feel the rage starting to build. Courtroom or no courtroom I was about to unload on my wayward ex-wife. I think she could feel it from where she sat as she shrank against her attorney for protection.

I barely heard the rest from the judge. "I am also ordering that Toni Lapiro not be alone with the child at any time. She will not be a caregiver to this child. If the investigation by HHS shows that she is in any way showing influence over the wellbeing of the child then I will order the child be removed from your household and immediately be placed in the care of Mr. Sanders with him being sole custodial parent."

He stared at Constance. "Do you understand?"

Constance looked confused. "Sir, we live together. Why can't Toni have any contact with our daughter?"

"My ruling is based on not only the history of how she proceeded to seduce you and drive your husband out of your life, but also on an investigation done at my behest. I found that your husband was the driving force of the Ms. Lapiro's business that failed. Once he left it was a foregone conclusion that it would fail, despite the money you put into it. It is evident that Ms. Lapiro is not the businesswoman that she thinks she is. The partnership agreement that she attempted to foist on him that would make him the ultimate cuckold and almost a slave to her also enters into this ruling.

Also, I find it troubling that you gave so much money to her to try and save that business without any kind of repayment schedule or contract. The fact that you didn't even try to either share the money from the sale of the condominium with your husband or get his input into the disposition or investing of the money. I am concerned as to whether you have the best interest of your child in mind when it comes to your lover.

I understand that you are gaining some fame as a spokesperson for the dairy industry and that your daughter is playing a significant part in that." Constance nodded. "My investigator has uncovered a plot by Ms. Lapiro and your attorney to trademark your daughter's name and likeness and become her agent and profit from this fame now and into the future." His gaze spoke volumes. Jerry Caldwell was almost quivering with the need to jump up and state something in my favor. I was completely bewildered at this turn of events. The rage was turning from Constance and towards Toni. How could someone who had been such a good friend be involved in something so dastardly?

The judge was focused on Constance and wasn't paying attention to us at all. "Were you aware of this?"

Constance looked as bewildered as I was. She looked at her attorney. He couldn't return the gaze and looked away. She shook her head. "I am sorry, Your Honor, but I was under the assumption that Jenny was being represented by my agent. The contracts were signed by me, not Toni. I have no idea what her plan was or why she was doing this."

The judge nodded. "As to your living arrangements I cannot rule where or with whom you live. I can only rule that Ms. Lapiro have no unsupervised contact with your daughter."

He turned to me. "Mr. Sanders, I also cannot demand that you use this opportunity to get to know and then build a relationship with your daughter but I will pass on to HHS that I will recommend placement of Jenny Sanders into the foster care system if you do not develop a familial relationship with her in case of the need to remove her from your ex-wife's domicile. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Honor, I do and I will work to start visitation as soon as possible." He nodded and hit is gavel on the block to signal the end of the hearing. Jerry turned to me and grinned. "You are now single, at least in sixty days, and free as a bird. Congratulations."

I nodded and gave him a half smile. Only the attorneys benefit from this kind of thing. I was still hurting and angry. I wanted nothing more than to crush Toni with my bare hands. This from a guy who had never had to defend himself physically. I certainly had never been in the Army or had been spec ops. I didn't do martial arts and didn't even know any badasses that would do my bidding if needed. But I was still wanting to feel my hands around someone's neck until the life was squeezed out of her.

Jerry was standing in the aisle when the judge beckoned the opposing attorney forward for a quiet word. We could still hear it, though. "Son, I want you to know that I am forwarding everything from this disaster to the bar association. Expect to hear from the bar soon and be ready to surrender your license." The attorney looked properly chastised and just nodded his head.

When he turned around Constance was in his face. "How can you call yourself my representative? How can you do this to me? Are you trying to steal my daughter from me?" She didn't let him answer before giving him a slap to the face and turning to me.

"Cal, wait, please. I beg you to listen to me." I stopped. I was going to have to deal with her for as long as we shared our daughter so I might as well start to accept that little fact. I didn't have to speak to her though. She could just talk at me. Jerry stopped with me and nodded.

"Please forgive me. I had no idea what Toni was doing and is in the process of trying to do. I don't understand it at all. I will comply with the judge's ruling even if it means moving out on my own again. I will not deny you any time you wish to see Jenny. As a matter of fact I want you to come to the condo and meet her now, today, if you will. I can't bear the thought of losing her and I also can't stand the thought that her father is not in her life. Please come and get to know her."

She tentatively touched my sleeve as though she wanted to grab me and drag me with her. I just played statue, I didn't even pull away. Her expression fell some more and she sighed as she pulled away. "I had hoped that, with you getting to know Jenny, you would forgive me and maybe even let me return to you in some way. I still love you."

With a dispassionate look I shrugged my shoulders. She got the message and backed away. Jerry stepped in. "Ms. Reynolds, why don't we agree on a neutral place so that Cal and Jenny can meet? I will speak for Cal when I say that Ms. Lapiro is not welcome at any such meeting and should not attempt any contact at this time."

Constance nodded and then wiped a few tears away as she realized how she had been addressed. Part of my filing had insisted on her returning to her maiden name. Now the name Sanders would not be used by her or Toni if they got married. They then worked out a time in the afternoon at a local park where I could see my daughter.

As I write this last part I wish I could say that everything turned out sunshine and roses. Just like in real life it was far more complicated than that. Jenny was very resistant to me. She cried every time I tried to pick her up until she was about three months old. She finally became used to me. The visitation went as planned. After she was six months old Constance weaned her from her breast milk so that there would not be any problem with being able to feed my daughter when she was with me.

I had to abandon my plan to use the small apartment at the business. The nice people at Child Protective Services of HHS barely approved the apartment for the odd times I would have her there. Once the every week out of three staying with me kicked in I needed a better and bigger abode. Once again the citizens of Reynardville stepped up and found me a very nice home for Jenny and me.

Constance did move out of Toni's place but I guess they got together every time Jenny was with me and the odd night when Constance could arrange a sitter. She did make sure that Toni had absolutely no contact with Jenny.

Jenny remained the baby in the commercials for the Dairy Board and Constance and I made sure that the money paid to her account was invested for her future education and then for her adult life. I made sure to pay the child support needed when Jenny was with Constance and banked the same amount in that trust account when she was with me.

Did I get together with Emily? Oh, that would have been some great sex but no, it didn't happen that way. Emily decided that a relationship with the boss wasn't kosher so she looked elsewhere. I found my next love in a most unassuming way.

During the time that I could only have Jenny on alternate weekends I would make the four hour drive back to where Constance and I had lived. I rented a small apartment so there would be an address for the surprise visits by the CPS investigator. I figured the strain of long driving would make Jenny more resistant to getting to know me so I would take off early so I could visit with my staff there. The business was taking off so I also needed to find an office manager there.

Into my life came a little spitfire named Karen. She was barely five feet tall and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. She wasn't a beauty like Constance or Emily but she was girl next door pretty. She applied for the office manager position and interviewed well. I just wondered if she could keep my local bunch of designers focused and productive. I gave her a chance and she took the reins and worked with Emily to get everyone doing even better than they had ever done before.

Karen was my age and was also from a broken marriage. Her husband got his secretary pregnant and moved out on Karen leaving her with two small kids. The first time I met the little tykes they immediately started calling me Uncle Cal.

We danced around each other for quite a while. I didn't want to be accused of sexual harassment so I made sure that every encounter with her was circumspect until one Thursday I was visiting the office. I had caught up with all the local business and was preparing to occupy my usual desk so I could focus on my own work when Karen approached me.

Now, my usual routine was to come down on Friday, catch up and make any executive decisions needed (not that there were many since I had Emily and Karen), and then work on my own projects. I might be the boss but I was also the lead designer and had to pull my weight. This week I had come down on Thursday to confer with Jerry Caldwell about incorporating and was prepared to work until my appointment.

Karen came over and tried to plop her tiny behind on the corner of my desk but she wasn't quite tall enough. She gave a little hop and managed to catch the corner and wiggle until she was comfortable. She then ruined my work day but changed my life. "Look, I know you won't make the first move because of the current rules about quid pro quo so I will make the first move. I think that you are interested in me and I am certainly interested in you. If it would help us along I will tender my resignation so you will feel more comfortable in dating me. I hope that isn't necessary but there it is. How about dining at my place tonight?"

Now I might be a little naïve, think about what Constance and Toni had done behind my back, but I hope I am not stupid. A very nice looking woman who knows her mind and has no trouble speaking it was asking me out. I immediately agreed to the date at her house.

We progressed from there. Finally Emily and Karen came to me and proposed that they switch locations. Karen wanted to be with me all the time and Emily was ready to date again and wanted to be located in a larger location where the pickings would be bigger. It was kind of ironic when she decided on one of my designers.

Karen moved to Reynardville but directly into my house. We married a couple of months later and her kids just started calling me Cal instead of Uncle Cal. I didn't try to replace their dad as he was not a deadbeat father, just stupid in having an affair and complicating his life.

When Jenny was two Toni tried to take control of her future again. I don't know what her angle was but the court was quick to make me the custodial parent and give Constance liberal visitation. Constance finally broke off with Toni when Toni showed up pregnant. It appeared that Toni was not the dedicated lesbian that Constance needed. She told me once it was the cheating, not the cock, that killed their relationship. I couldn't help myself as I replied, "I fully understand." She got a hurt look on her face when she realized the irony in my comment.

Constance moved closer so she could see Jenny more often. She is still making commercials and using Jenny. They are good faces for the dairy industry.

My business is growing. We are taking on larger projects in some nearby larger communities. I suppose I will soon have to create another satellite office. Too bad Toni had to go off the rails, it could have been her success.

Oh, you want to know more about Toni? Well, she quite working out during her pregnancy and gained about fifty pounds that never came off. Her boyfriend turned out to be married and a co-worker. She made such a fuss when he refused to acknowledge the pregnancy that both were fired. Toni ended up on welfare and Medicaid while looking for another job. Her son was born prematurely because of Toni becoming eclamptic and later was diagnosed with Autism. He is getting special care to enhance every bit of his natural abilities but he has a long hard road ahead of him. Toni reportedly now has an even harder time attracting any male or female into a relationship.

And, yes, I am happy. My life is going well, thank you for asking.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

True polyamorouse households are probably for the young and ignorant who don't understand the need for rules . The other kind are the male hierarchial polygamous ones run by religious fundamentlists. And opening a marriage as this story presents based on deceit really isn't an open marriage because it's not consensual. And the wife in this one was clearly somehow mentally unwell, particularly to be so submissive to an outside lover and so disrespectful to her spouse. I wonder if a judge can order a psychological examination for a proposed custodial parent? But in the end, I liked this story a lot. Thanks!

Harvey8910Harvey89102 months ago

This was an incredible story. What an imagination this author has!!! Five stars for this story. Cheating is cheating. Homosexual or heterosexual does not matter. Connie cheated on Cal when she had an affair with Toni. There is no way around that. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this story. Great job!!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Eventually Karen, Emily, Constance and I realized we were all meant to be together. Conny still gave phenomenal blowjobs, so I eventually forgave her “little mistake” of plotting against me in her desire to cuckold me, Emily had the best tits I’ve ever had the pleasure of fondling, and Karen had the tightest pussy I’ve ever taken pleasure in. Me? They couldn’t get enough of my 15 inch dick, sometimes one-on-one and sometimes all together. Life couldn’t get any better than this. Edit: We just learned that Toni was discovered murdered by one of her Johns. She had become a crack whore and her child was taken away. Toni’s mutilated corpse was discovered hanging out of a dumpster on the seamy side of town.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Disappointed at the end. I think the final payback on Toni needed some work. Also, I was hoping he'd end up with Emily.

Amicus1965Amicus19657 months ago

Enjoyed the piece but offended and wondering why you included Autism. There's no casual connection between ASD and either eclampsia or low economic status. Your implication is that somehow ASD is tragic. It's frustrating at times but most of us would not consider it tragic. What is tragic is a lack of empathy, acceptance, and open-mindedness among the neurotypical population.

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