The Boys in Blue Ch. 09

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War and romance.
5k words

Part 9 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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Part 9. The boys in blue


The following week was hectic.

The four pilots were in the conference room most of the day, checking through manuals, of the new A10 with those of the American A10.

They would discuss the difference, making notes and queries. They would bring them up in the afternoon with the civilian engineers, when they held their meetings with them.

But, what they really wanted, was to see the British A10 in the flesh; first it was arriving on Tuesday then on Wednesday.

It finally arrived on Thursday.

It didn't look all that different than the aircraft they had flown in Arizona at first sight. But, when you could get closer, you could see the subtle differences. The engines were slightly bigger.

There was no canon at the front, which would be added later. There was a biggish rounded nodule behind the cockpit containing the new radar in front of the cockpit, on either side were two bulges, with armoured Perspex shields in front facing forward sensors, which linked to the radar.

The largest difference, from the aircraft he had flown in the desert, was in the cockpit. The layout had changed, the standard controls, control column, flaps, thrust lever, brakes were recognisable still, but the front of the cockpit was dominated by three ten inch display screens.

Robert had to move aside from further examination has the civilian engineers and RAF ground crew swarmed all over it.

The pace picked up, with the arrival of the first aircraft.

Not having the luxury of a dedicated flight simulator, such as the one at Fort Call, they had to make do with a software program, which the electronic engineers had made. This could be shown on a large thirty-six inch monitor, which displayed all the flight controls of the new aircraft.

Clicking the mouse, over a particular control revealed a flag, which explained its function.

It was slow going, due to the fact only one of the four could use the program.

They had been assured that a full-scale reproduction of the cockpit, should be arriving the next week. It would be linked to the program once the engineers had sorted out all the bugs.

In the meantime, they had lectures from the Rolls Royce people. Lectures from BA Systems people, so by the time they came off duty late Saturday night, their heads were aching with the data they had absorbed.

Robert had received a call from Terry at eleven to say Sue, and she had booked in at the motel and were in chalets 14 and 15.

It was almost midnight, by the time Tim's BMW pulled up outside 15.

The chalets where single story, built in one long row a parking bay outside each one. Robert grabbed his overnight bag from the rear seat and moved to the door of 14, where a Ford Mondeo was parked outside, he knocked and walked in.

He stopped stunned; Sue was standing there with a big smile on her face, and practically nothing else on. The smile quickly faded, and her eyes opened in alarm at seeing Robert there.

"Oh, sorry Sue, I've got the wrong chalet," he stammered and quickly closed the door.

As he turned he saw Tim exiting 15 as they passed each other Tim muttered, "Sods law."

When he entered, Terry was sitting on the bed with a bathrobe on, seeing him she jumped to her feet and kissed him.

When he broke away, he asked her if she had been wearing the robe when Tim came in.

"Yes, why darling?"

"Well I've just seen Sue in her tanning suit."

"Oh, and how did it look," she replied raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't stay long enough to form an opinion."

She chuckled "poor darling did it frighten my hero?"

"It will frighten Tim when he sees it."

They could hear laughter coming from the next room.

"Well he doesn't sound frightened to me," she said, "I'm sorry about the mix up, but when I saw this one was the last in the row, I switched keys with Sue. At least it gives us some privacy; the walls are paper-thin."

He removed the bomber jacket and dropped the overnight bag on the small chest of drawers, then sat on the bed, to remove his shoes.

"Had a shower?" He asked.

"Yes, when we arrived at 10-30."

"So you've not had time to change then."

"No, I've changed," a smile on her face

At that moment, they were interrupted, by drumming noise coming from the next room. Robert crossed to the wall; he could feel it was vibrating, he put his ear to it, and he could hear low moans grunts and cry's emanating from it.

"It sounds like Sue's tanning suit, didn't stay on lo." He never finished as he completed his turn.

Terry, had removed the robe; it was lying on the bed. She was standing looking at him.

Sue's suit, seemed to consist of more string than material, two thin strips extended down from the halter at her neck barley covering her areolas; her nipples standing proud, the black of the material, contrasting with the light cream of her flesh. The minuscule piece of material that tried to cover her vulva stood out on the whiteness of her bikini line.

"So," she said huskily, "what do you think?" Knowing already, by the bulge in his jeans.

He walked up to her his thumbs tracing the outline, of her nipples.

"I still say; there are indecent, and only to be worn in complete, and utter privacy," his voice strained.

"If you don't like it, I'll take it off," her voice low and sexy.

"No, it's emm ...all right," he swallowed.

"You know darling, I think his Nibbs, is trying to look at it, let me help him."

She moved closer and slowly lowered his zip of the jeans sliding them down to his ankles.

She continued, "Oh, the poor thing he'll suffocate in there," her hand pulled his shorts forward lifting and then pushing them down to join the jeans.

His erection, fully vertical and hard, she sat on the bed and leant forward.

"Hello Mr Nibbs, have you missed me," she kissed the end of it.

He let out, a low groan his hands reach out for her, she pushed them away.

"Stop it Bobby, were having a discussion. What's that you said; oh, you liked the kiss?"

Her head dropped lower; he could feel her mouth encompassing the erection, her lips holding it firm then her head began to slowly, move.

He could feel his buttock's clench, and then her hands holding them, as they moved to the rhythm of her head.

He tried to lift her head, but she would have none of it, just keeping the same rhythm up, maddening him, he was sucking in air into his dry mouth, he could feel his body tensing.

She must have felt it; she removed her head and grasped the erection in her hand moving it up and down faster and faster.

He climaxed, the hot sticky fluid, striking Terry in the chest, again and again has he spurted.

The strength gone from his body; Terry stood up; he could see the white fluid slowly running down her body between her breasts, then down over her lovely tummy, towards her vulva. He raised his head to look at her.

She was smiling, a look of triumph, written all over her face.

Then, he understood, this was pay back, for the night at the flat.

She put her arms around him, kissing him gently, and her body undulating against him. She broke away and looked at him, a smile of amusement, on her face.

"I think we both could use a shower darling," as she pulled the bow on her neck.

They made love again, early next morning; afterwards Terry took a shower and changed.

"I'm going into town, to buy some booze and nibbles," she announced, "only be an hour or so."

As she closed the door, he heard a conversation out side of it, and then she popped her head around the door again.

"Tim's going to run me in, he needs to get some things for Sue."

Robert rolled out of bed and went for his shower.

He was laid on the bed, with a bath towel round his waist, when there was a knock on the door, and Sue came in wearing a short silk robe tied with a belt of the same material, carrying a bath towel over her arm.

"Robbie could I use your shower I think our shower head is blocked?"

"Sure help you're self."

Fifteen minutes later she emerged from the bathroom.

"Thanks Robbie", she said smiling, "sorry about last night, I hope I didn't startle you?"

"I think you may have startled Tim more," he said grinning.

"I think he soon got over it, I saw Terry must have used mine, its hanging up in the bathroom. Did it have the necessary effect?"

"Lets just say, it was beneficial to the course of the evening," smiling back.

"Thanks Robbie." And then she left.

Terry and Tim arrived back fifty minutes later; Terry came in carrying a shopping bag.

"Hi darling have you missed me," she said, unloading the bag.

He came up behind her and kissed her neck she tilted it to one side as he ran his lips the length of it.

"Hey, let a girl gets through the door," she whispered.

He turned her around to face him, marvelling at her beauty, then his lips found her soft lips; he held the kiss a long time. He looked at her face again her eyes were sparkling, as she looked at his.

"Oh Bobby, I do love you so much," she whispered.

They made love, slow tender love.

Later while she lay in his arms, she whispered, "that was beautiful darling, I never realised you could be so tender".

Later, Terry invited Tim and Sue round for a drink.

They had to sit on the bed, there being only two chairs, in the room. After they had a few drinks Terry mischievously asked Tim, "so what did you make of Sue's tanning suit Tim?"

"Err, to be honest, I didn't think she was wearing one until", his voice trailed off to everyone's amusement.

"What did Robbie think of yours Terry?" Sue asked.

"Oh, I think you could say; he was overcomed," she answered demurely, giving Robert a wicked grin.

Sue was leaning back on the bed, supported by her elbow, the mini, had ridden up her thigh and he could clearly see, the red and black lace of her thong.

He went and poured more drinks, when he returned he moved his chair to one side to avoid looking.

After the party had broken up, Terry mentioned it.

"What was the matter, you looked uncomfortable at one stage there?"

Robert explained truthfully, about Sue's underwear, and how he had thought it was the gentlemanly thing to do.

Terry giggled, "So you were getting turned on then?"

Robert protested that he wasn't.

Terry shrugged, "if you say so. I'm going to freshen up." She stood, picking up her case she made for the bathroom. "Pour me another drink darling please."

When she came out of the bathroom, she was wearing a black transparent negligee that fell to her knees, beneath it, she had on a black and red lace thong exactly as the one Sue had worn, with a small bra of the same material and colour.

The negligee, buttoned below the deep Vee of the neckline, the swell of her breasts was clearly visible; only two buttons secured it below her breasts.

She came and sat on the bed, crossing her legs, and reaching out for her drink.

Robert couldn't take his eyes of her. "How do you know that's what she was wearing?"

"Simple darling, Sue and I shop together. Now you're not telling me that these few pieces of material are turning you on are you?" Already knowing the answer, by the bulge in his jeans.

They stayed in the same positions while their bodies returned to normal. Terry had her head over his shoulder kissing his neck her hand in his hair. She whispered in his ear "Darling you always take me to new heights."

"No, I think we are just a good team, we respond to each other." He whispered back.

The next morning, as Tim and Terry loaded their cars, Sue came over to him.

"What the hell were you two doing last night; it sounded like you were killing Terry?"

"You could hear us?" Robert replied looking alarmed.

"Hear you, it's a wonder they didn't hear you at Renton," she chuckled.

"Oh I'm sorry Sue; we must have got carried away,"

"Oh, don't be sorry, I almost came in my knickers, listening to you both, and it did wonders for Timmy's libido," Giving him a sexy smile. "Will you be watching Terry on the telly on Wednesday night?"

"I didn't know she was going to be on," he replied. He turned to Terry "what's this about you being on the television"? He asked her.

"Oh, it's only a talk show, the record company wants me to plug the new CD. It's the Spotlight show on at eight on ITV," Terry replied.


The next week, at the station, was a repeat of the last one, endless meeting's while the engineers tweaked and adjusted parts of the aircraft, and then, they had to alter the manuals to suit.

Try has he could; Robert could never seem to reduce the pile of folders that seemed to grow on his desk every day.

But, he made time on Wednesday evening, to return to his room and switch on his television set to catch Terry on the Spotlight show.

There were four other guests including Terry, hosted by David Solomon, an author whose book had just been published, an MP and Mike Tyrell a talk show host who had been axed by the BBC for some scandal some time ago.

Robert couldn't recall what the scandal had been about.

He concentrated on Terry; she was in a smart light blue trouser suit, sitting quietly, listening to the discussion of the other guests, but Tyrell kept butting in with some smart remark or other, obviously he was trying to hog all the limelight.

Eventually, Solomon turned to Terry, and asked about her CD and the show she was currently in...

Terry replied in a friendly manner, but then Tyrell suddenly laughed and said,

"Yeah, but latching on to a VC didn't harm your PR did it?"

Terry's face went white with anger, "Mr Tyrell I met my fiance before he was awarded the VC." She said bitingly.

"Oh yeah," Tyrell said in a smarmy voice, "When was that?"

Terry never hesitated.

"About the same time, the papers broke the story of you and a fourteen year old school girl."

Tyrell's face turned white, if looks could kill Terry would have been dead, but she just smiled sweetly back at him.

He glared at her for a second, and then suddenly tore of the mike attached to his coat, and stormed off of the set.

The audience erupted in applause. It took several seconds for David Solomon to regain order a wide smile on his face, matched by the smiles of the other two guests.

He managed to contact Terry, later that night on the laptop. When her face came into view, he could see that she had been crying.

"Bobby did you see the show?" She asked anxiously.

"Yes," he chuckled.

"You don't believe that bastard do you that I only went after you because of the medal?"

"Oh, course not, and you were perfectly right we did meet before I received it. But remind me never to get in an argument with you," he said laughing.

She relaxed, and they began to speak normally.

By Saturday, he was exhausted with the work of trying to get the squadron ready.

Tim and he reached the motel just after 11pm; Terry had phoned to say they had the same rooms again. She was unpacking when he entered.

"Hello darling", she said, "I won't be long," after giving him a quick kiss.

He took off, his jacket, and lay on the bed.

When she had finished, she turned around; he was fast asleep.

He woke the next morning, to find Terry in her bathrobe watching him; he glanced at his watch it was after 10 am; he'd slept for over ten hours.

"Hi", she said, "would you like some coffee?" She moved to the tea and coffee kettle supplied by the motel.

He realised he was still dressed in his jeans and tee shirt. He rose from the bed.

"I'm sorry darling I was a bit of a damp squib last night."

She turned to face him her face serious, "You were exhausted, any physical activity would have killed you," she said smiling. "Go and have a shower, shout if you need me to wash your back."

He stripped off in the room and then walked naked into the bathroom she heard the shower start followed by "Terry", she smiled to her self undoing the bathrobe and tossing it on to the bed; she was naked as she went towards the bathroom.

Later Tim and Sue joined them for drinks, and they were discussing Terry's tour, that would be starting the next week, beginning in Scotland. She would be gone for a month, before returning to London.

This would be Robert's and her last weekend, at the motel until she returned.

Tim mentioned that Bill and Tom had contacted Carol and July and that they would be coming up the next weekend with Sue.

Robert said the place was turning into a bordello.

At which, Tim said that the other two couldn't understand how he and Robbie looked so refreshed when they felt so knacked, so he told them why.

The rest of the day passed they made love, but Terry knew, he was tired, desperately so, and it reflected in their lovemaking.

When it came time to part on Monday morning he held her close, knowing this would be the last time, for a month.

"I hope you've packed Mr Vibrator", he whispered, "I know what these randy Highlanders are like."

"You should do; you're engaged to one," she whispered, he kissed her their lips welded together. A tear rolled down her cheek as he walked to Tim's car.


For the next two weeks, Robert was maintaining the pressure on others, as well as him self to get the work done.

Two more A10s had arrived, the problems they had, had with the first A10 and solved, meant that these didn't suffer the same problems.

Robert had flown the first one and was immediately impressed. The new engines power making them selves felt from the first flight.

At the beginning of the third week Robert was summoned to London to report to, the ministry for a progress report.

There had been a problem with some of the software from a German manufacturer, and he had dispatched Tim along with one of the eggheads to go out and solve it. They had already been out there over a week with no solution, as yet in sight.

Robert drove down to London for the 3pm meeting and spent the next six hours explaining the situation.

He finally left at 9-15, rather than face the four-hour drive, back to the Renton that night, he decided to sleep over night at Terry's mews house. The appeal of a shower and bed as opposed to driving at night won the argument.

He parked the car, and let himself in with the key, Terry had given him. He was on his way up the stairs, when he heard music has he neared the lounge, he saw a dim light from the TV from under the door way.

He opened the door, expecting Terry to be there; instead it was Sue She jumped when he walked in.

"God, Robbie you scared me."

"Sorry Sue, what are you doing here," he said frowning.

"Oh, Terry's letting me use it, for a few days, they are re-wiring my block of flats, and they, started on my floor yesterday. What are you doing here?"

Robert explained about the conference and how long it had gone on for, and saying how he had hoped to crash out here.

"Well," said Sue, "if you want to take a shower, there's plenty of hot water, and I'll make some coffee."

He made his way, to the bathroom on the next level, opposite the bedroom. After taking off his uniform and hanging it up, he collected a pair of jeans and polo shirt from the drawer where he kept some of his clothes. After, having his shower, he slipped them on, going back down the stairs in his bare feet.

The coffee was on the table in the lounge, after selecting one he settled into the other armchair.

Sue had turned the TV off, and switched on the sidelights, he noticed unusual for her she was wearing jeans, with ragged cuts in the knee, and a loose sweatshirt.

They began to talk; he asked if she had heard from Tim, not for a few days she said, she asked about Terry.

Then she talked, about the fun they had when Carol and July Bill, and Tom arrived at the motel, apparently hers and Tim's chalet, was in the middle of the three, and it had sounded like world war three had broken out, she ended with a smile.