The Boys in Blue Ch. 11

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War and romance.
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Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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The following week, they were flying two sometimes three training missions a day. Until each one of them, became an extension of the aircraft they flew.

They practiced formations, low level between the North Welsh Mountains, simulated attacks, and short landings and take offs, every thing that Robert could think of that they may face in Afghanistan.

In between there were the meetings with Alan and Taff concerning the logistics of moving four aircraft over there, plus the facilities and equipment needed when they arrived there,

Slowly the plans came together the major problem was, they had not had any live fire practice, and they needed the weapons zeroing in. It was decided that on arrival at Kandahar two aircraft would stay whilst two flew to Camp Bastion.

They're only being two protected aircraft revetment bays built. The engineers had been working flat out to build the bays and extend the runway on top of all their other duties Alan explained.

When he was informed about the length of the runway, Robert realised that there was very little margin for error.

The two Camp Bastion aircraft would conduct their live firing missions to the East of the camp, in the vast desert situated there. This would not only entail zeroing the 30mm canon but, also the rocket pods and rails for the Hellfire missiles.

Taff asked about how many practice munitions Robert thought they would need to set up the weapons, and duly noted it in his pad.

Once all aircraft were set up, Robert could announce that the four aircraft flight was fully operational.

At that point, two aircraft would stay at Bastion the other two returning to Kandahar. The pairs would rotate their positions every seven days, until other bays had been built to house the other aircraft.

Alan brought the meeting to end saying.

"Robbie you can tell your chaps their leave starts Wednesday, but I want you all back on Saturday for the opening day; it would help if you all could stick together and I'll need a phone number if I need to contact you quick."

He found the three in the mess, after explaining the details of what had transpired he finally told them about the leave, which brought big smiles to there face's.

It was Tim, who came up with the idea.

"Look this will be our last time with the girls before we go out, why don't we do some thing special, the motel is all right but lets face it; it's just a knocking shop.

Why don't we book in to a swanky hotel?

The girls would love it; they could wear their posh frocks and have proper meals and dance. The main thing is there would be thicker walls to the rooms."

All were enthusiastic about the idea then Bill said.

"I've not got a dinner jacket here, if it's that posh it will be bowties".

"I haven't either so we'll have to wear our best uniforms'", said Tim.

Later in his room he contacted Terry on the laptop, when he broke the news about the hotel she was over the moon at the idea.

"Oh, I'll be able to wear some proper clothes for once," she gushed.

"Well don't for get to bring the black outfit that raised the Titanic."

"If you insist," looking coy.

"Will the other girls be able to make it?"

"I'm sure they will, they can always make an excuse to get away, and talking about excuses I have some bad news for you, I won't be coming to the motel this weekend or July,"

"Why not?" He demanded.

"I'm sorry darling but it's the wrong time of the month."

"Oh," he muttered, "July too?" He paused, thinking, "What if Sue or Carol come on next week, Tim and Tom," he didn't finish.

"I'll talk to them," she said, "If it's close then they could stop the pill, which usually brings it on."

"So there is every chance the four of you will be fit to rumble," he said smiling

"I think the word is tumble darling," she giggled, then her face went serious. "Bobby if you are getting this leave it means you are going doesn't it?"

He nodded his head, "When?" she whispered.

"A week this Tuesday."

"Oh darling," she whispered, "so next week will be all the time we have left." He saw her eyes shining the tears beginning to form.

"Hay," he murmured, "Just think how I was when I got back from the states, after a month. Now consider what I'll be like when I get back. I promise, you won't be able to sit down in comfort for a week.'

She smiled through her tears, "Only a week, I can see I'm going to have to stock up with vibrators batteries."

"Well you're better of than I will be, the water never gets really cold out there," he grinned

The next day he was busy in his office the pile of folders was finely diminishing.

At lunchtime, he popped into the mass, the three others were there with long faces.

"Have you heard the news?" Tim asked him, "The girls can't make it this weekend."

"I knew Terry couldn't," Robert replied.

"But they all can make the hotel," said Tim brightening, "I found one, it's out in the country about ten miles away. It's got a small golf course and a heated indoor pool.

So, tell Terry to bring her swimwear. I've booked it through to Sunday; we can attend the opening day, and return to it after, if that's OK with you Robbie?"

"Fine Tim,'" he answered, "it gives us another day."

"I was thinking another night." Said Bill chuckling.

He told Terry about the arrangements that evening and about the heated swimming pool, he knew she loved swimming.

"Have you decided what to wear yet?"

"Well no, not really, I'm torn between smart and good taste or slinky and sexy."

"No contest slinky and sexy."

"Yes but if I did that you'd start to get randy under the tablecloth again," she purred.

"Terry I'll be in uniform, has an officer and a gentleman I wouldn't do such a ghastly thing," his face a picture of innocence.

"Very well then, on your head be it. The girls and I are going shopping to morrow to see what's available.

"Oh, is that the some body's secret place Tim told us about?"

She frowned, thinking, then her eyes opened wide, "I can see I'm going to have to tell Sue to keep her big mouth shut."

That weekend, the four men drove in to town to stock up on toiletries. While they still had a choice of brands to select from, knowing such things was in short supply. Even when available, not much in the way of brands to chose from.

They also had they hair cut short sweat being a major problem where they were going.

Lastly they bought cotton underpants, tee shirts and light cotton socks, RAF issue being a bit heavy for the desert.

On Monday after their last flight before they left on Tuesday, they handed the aircraft over to the ground crew to be serviced and refuelled. After changing from their flight suits, they gathered at the stores to draw desert warfare kit and uniforms.

Later Robert spent two hours packing, double-checking every thing that was in a large canvas valise; he knew it would be a long way back if he forgot some thing.

Finally taking it down to the reception office where he knew it would be picked up and delivered to the hanger ready to be transported to Brize Norton. The ground personnel would be flying out on Sunday night taking their valises with them.

It was after six before he got through to Terry.

"Hello darling," she frowned looking at him, "you've had your hair cut?"

"Don't you like it?"

"No, I prefer it longer."

"What my hair or some."

She cut in, "Bobby you know what I meant, the some thing else is long enough," she chuckled.

"So have you got all your glad rags now, and ready to tumble?"

"Oh, perhaps and may be," she said in a mysterious voice.

"And what does that mean exactly?"

"You will have to wait and see."

The next day the four pilots gathered in the briefing room.

Squadron Leader Benson was flight operations officer at Renton and was briefing them on their flight to Afghanistan.

It was to be in two legs, the first from the UK to Cyprus, the second, from Cyprus to Kandahar.

It would entail refuelling in the air.

He supplied them with coordinates where this would take place, height, estimated times all the information they would require.

They noted course and headings on their flight charts, radio frequencies that would be used by the different radio beckons.

He ended by saying, "Of course I'll brief you all again on Tuesday if there are any changes to be made, also give you the latest weather".

As they filed out Bill said, "Bloody marvellous the C17 will be flying a 190 knots faster than us and get there in a third of the time."

Robert replied "Well Bill would you rather under take ground operations in a C17?"

They walked over to the mess; Tim was going to run into town with their best uniforms to have them dry cleaned at a 24-hour cleaners.

Robert had about an hour's work he thought in the office and then he would be done. He arranged to meet the others at seven in the officer's mess.

It was a quarter past two when he got there.

Tom said, "I got a pint in for you Robbie, but it was getting warm so I drank it for you."

"Gee thanks buddy," Robert replied.

"Well," Tom said, "If your going to the bar you may as well get us all one in," said with a cheeky grin.

Robert just shot him a dirty look.

When they had settled down with their drinks, Robert asked Tim "When can we book in?"

"The girl on reception said anytime after 10am, apparently because its mid week it's fairly quite, there's only a dozen couples booked in."

"July is going to try and get there for ten or just after," Bill added.

"I should be able to pick the uniforms up at nine or just after, so with a bit of luck and a following wind, we should get there at 11 or just after," added Tim.

He left them at nine, with Bill raving at July's athletic body, claiming it was down to moving scenery, while Tim was saying Sue's boobs were down, to playing a wind instrument she played.

Randy bastards he thought smiling, there a good crowd and more importantly good pilots.

He couldn't make a connection through to Terry that night, and it worried him; he didn't sleep well thinking about it.

The next morning Bill put his mind at ease, while they waited for Tim to return a from the cleaners. The girls had gathered at July's, for what reason he didn't know, but apparently they had wine, quite a bit of it. Bill said July sounded sloshed when he spoke to her last night, adding going with the background noise she wasn't the only one.

Robert was relieved to hear that, but couldn't help thinking that the girls were up to some thing.


It was 11-30 by the time they arrived at the hotel.

A large manor house similar he thought to the Grange.

The girl at reception told them their wives had already arrived and were taking tea in the lounge. She said if they would like to join them she would have their cases taken up to their rooms.

The girls proffered their cheeks to be kissed which surprised the men, after ordering more tea for them, and they had sat down, July began.

"Right now we are all going to have a good time whilst we are here. But there are going to be some rules."

The men looked at each other frowns creasing their foreheads.

"Rule number 1," July continued, "When we change for dinner, you men will change first, it will take about an hour for us girls to change." She looked at the other three girls who nodded confirming it. "When you have changed you can go down to the bar for a drink. We don't want you in the room distracting us."

Terry then started.

"Rule number 2 there will be no groping under the table."

Sue had her say.

"Rule number 3 no sticking your finger up when we sit down on a chair."

Carol was next.

"Rule number 4 no breaking wind in the bed."

The men sat there in silence mollified, each wondering who was responsible for three of the rules.

Terry broke the silence, "Do you agree?" After a pause, the four heads nodded.

"Good," she said, "Well we going up to the rooms now to freshen up, why don't you finish your tea and come up too, in say fifteen minutes," With that the girls got up and left.

"I'm not sure this was such a good idea now," said Bill morosely.

"Well it's pretty clear they've been comparing notes," Tim added.

Robert hesitated out side the bedroom door, and then gave it a knock.

"Come in," he heard Terry say.

She was in her black lace negligee it was open, and she was naked, her hair piled up on top of her head. He noticed his case on top of the bed empty.

"I've put your things away and hung the others in that wardrobe", indicating one.

"I'm just going to take a shower," she paused, "You can wash my back if you like."

Forty-five minutes later they were back in the bedroom in white towelling bathrobes.

Robert was picking his clothes up that he'd shed in his hurry, to wash her back.

"I hear you were on a bit of a bender last night; I was worried sick when I couldn't reach you," he murmured.

"I'm sorry darling but there were some things we had to do. And after wards we had a few glasses of wine to drown our sorrows."

"Oh, what was so important?" He asked peevishly.

She looked at him for a few seconds, and then crossed to the chest of drawers opening one she drew some thing out, handing it to him.

"It's sort of a going away present," she said.

It was a red leather photo case; with a brass clasp he opened it. There were two photographs of Terry one was a head and shoulders the other full length shot in the white ball gown she wore that night at the theatre.

"Theirs more, turn the page," she said.

He turned the page; there were two more photographs, one with her in the Titanic out fit the other in her tanning suite; both shots seemed to have been taken in a studio.

He looked at her confused "You let some one photograph you in these?"

"July took them, she has a small studio at her flat. We all had shots taken; of the outfits you men seemed to like us in best. I took July's; we thought you might like them. If you don't, you can always take them out."

He took her in his arms and kissed her, "I can see I'm gong to be using a lot of tepid water when I get out there," he said smiling, "it was a wonderful thought, thank you darling."

He placed it on the bedside table opened at the formal shots; it was then he noticed the inscription on the first photograph.

Bobby, please come back to me. I love you Terry xx

Terry wanted to explore the hotel so they changed she had put on a pair of tailored slacks and a twin set, he, slacks and a sweater.

They descended in the lift to the hotel foyer and examined the legend board that provided direction for the hotels amenities.

Terry wanted to see the swimming pool, which was one floor down from the foyer.

When they entered from the double doors, it was if they had been transported back to ancient Rome. The pool was ringed with white marble columns, at the far end of the pool two brass dolphins were spilling water from their mouths; the walls were painted depicting Roman scenes of a feast some of the women were showing their breasts, on the other wall half naked gladiators were fighting.

"Wow," said Robert, "What a place to have an orgy in."

"Down rover, its only paint," Terry said laughing.

At the end of the pool was a white door with Sauna on it, Robert looked inside there seemed enough room for about eight people on the pine benches, instructions on the wall explained how to use it.

From the pool, they made their way to the dining room, then the reading room, the games room, with a full size snooker table, then the small night club room where there was dancing every night according to the hotel brochure. Finally ending in the bar.

They selected a table by the bow window where they could look over the beautiful gardens.

The waiter came over with their drinks; Terry had asked for a vodka and tonic, when he mentioned it she said it didn't smell as bad as gin, and she didn't want to put him of, and chuckled.

They talked about general things her family in Scotland, and then Aventon, and she said she had booked a flight out to Barbados she was going to stay with Jeremy and Pearl for three weeks. She was leaving a week after he had gone.

He told her that communication would be difficult once he was out there and that he may only be able to contact her once or twice a week owing satellite up links being rationed, the main problem, being time differences.

As thy left the bar they bumped into Bill and July and Tim and Sue, Bill was quite excited, "Have you two seen the pool yet?" They nodded, "Well we're in there tomorrow morning."

July just raised her eyebrows. "Come on lover and buy me a drink," she said dragging him away.

"Are you going in tomorrow Terry?" Sue asked.

"About ten after breakfast," Terry replied.

"Did you bring your trunks Bobby?" Terry asked.

"Yes, did you bring a bikini?"

"No, I brought three," she said smiling "I thought you would get tired of seeing the same one."

"So long as you're inside it, I'd never get tired."

By the time they reached their room it was 6-15. Terry said, "You had better get changed our table is booked for eight."

"There's no chance that we could."

"No, scoot," she said firmly.

He showered and changed into his uniform while Terry sat on the bed flicking through the hotel information book.

"Right I'm finished," he said, Terry looked up form the book and then got of the bed she put her arms around his neck looking into his eyes.

"God Bobby but you look so handsome in your uniform, I could fall in love with you all over again," and then she kissed him tenderly, and then pulled away from him fast.

"Hey," he said I didn't do anything."

"No darling you didn't, but I might have if I hadn't stopped, now please go, we'll see you in the bar."

Tom was already in the bar; they took their drinks to the table and sat down, five minutes later Tim and Bill joined them.

They were on their second drink as people began to enter the bar for a pre-dinner drink.

Robert had his back to the entrance to the bar so couldn't see who was coming in.

"Either that's his secretary or his daughter," he heard Bill mutter.

"Well this one seems to have brought his granddaughter," Tom added.

Robert turned in his seat; eight people were standing or approaching the bar. Two men were standing with their elbows on the bar drinking; they looked to be in their forties. An elderly couple in their sixties was making their way to a table.

But his eyes were drawn to the last remaining couples. Both men looked to be in their fifties, one was about 5-5 with a pronounced waist line, and almost bald. The second 5-10 black hair, too black he thought, and thin.

The girl with the short man towered above him in her in her very high heels; she was wearing a shiny material long dress. They turned with their drinks to make their way to the table. Her face was pretty, her hair a silver blond, obviously from a bottle. But his eyes were drawn to her breasts; they were huge, obviously surgically enhanced.

The deep Vee of her neckline plunged almost to her navel, the sides of her breasts in full view. Robert estimated her to be in her early twenties.

The girl with the tall man was ina mini dress, a white one it appeared to be gathered just below her breasts then fell in a full flounce of material as if she was wearing several petty coats; she had good legs he noticed.

She was about 5-3 he thought, they were turning from the bar and heading for a booth at the back of their table. When they sat he could see she had quite an attractive face spoilt by too much make up. She appeared to be eighteen or nineteen; when she spoke she had a pronounced Liverpool accent.

He was about to make a comment about them when he noticed they were staring over his shoulder, their eyes sticking out like organ stops. He turned in his seat, to see what they were looking at.