The Boys in Blue Ch. 15

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War and romance.
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Part 15 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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Tim dropped him off at Terry's mews house.

He showered and changed his clothes. After which he caught a cab to the military tailors. Returning with a pizza, he settled down to watch TV.

The next morning early he took the Celica out of Terry's garage and drove down to Aventon. The cottage was empty; he had not told Mrs Mac he was coming, wanting to be on his own.

After five months of constant involvement with others the chance to be alone without having to make decisions constantly, seemed so peaceful, almost decadent.

He went upstairs and began packing for Barbados and Scotland.

The next morning early again, he returned to London.

Finding the jewellery shop, which Terry had spoken of, he paid for the white gold wedding ring, before he once more returned to the flat with a Chinese take way and TV.

He had not been in contact with Terry; since she arrived back from Barbados having flown out the week previous to ensure every thing was ready at the villa.

He knew she would be extremely busy finalising arrangements. He couldn't help but feel guilty that she had had to do it all without his help.

The next morning before he went to pick up his uniform, she phoned.

"Hello darling, just ringing to make sure you are all set, there will be a mini-bus to pick you all up at Inverness," her voice sounded excited.

"I've only got to pick up my uniform and pack it, and that's me done. I'm meeting the other five at Gatwick; we should be at the hotel by four. Will I see you then?"

"Yes we have a rehearsal at the church at six thirty," her voice dropped, "Bobby are you having second thoughts."

"No, never, I'm just lonely as hell and want you in my arms."

"Oh, darling it won't be long now, and I'll be in your arms for the rest of our lives."

The six pilots climbed out of the cramped confinement of the mini bus and moved to the hotel reception.

Dave and Dick were to share one room. Tom and Bill another, while Tim was doubling up with Jeremy, as the groom Robert had a single room.

After they unpacked they met up in the hotel bar were Jeremy had the drinks in.

The church was only a few hundred yards away from the hotel, so the seven men walked to it.

The girls along with Mr and Mrs Kerr were standing in the church porch, but he only saw Terry, she was in jeans as were the other girls with a thick woolly jumpers.

He walked towards her his heart pounding taking her hands in his, just looking at her and she, him.

"Well are ye nay going to kiss the lass, she's waited long enough for it," growled Angus Kerr.

He took her in his arms, and their lips melted together oblivious to those around them.

"That's enough of that nonsense," Angus growled again, "let's get this rehearsal over with first."

After the rehearsal which Robert couldn't remember most of it, his concentration being on Terry.

Amazed that some one so beautiful had chosen him to spend her life with.

They walked to the nearby pub going into the snug room. Angus went to the bar and ordered.

Tim Bill and Tom wasted no time in pairing of with the girls; their arms round them, whispering to each other on the hard bench seats.

He smiled when he saw Dave and Dick vying for the attention of Marge. Terry was sat with her mother, and Angus made his intention clear when he sat down on the other side of her.

Pearl leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"There's no chance for you tonight my boy," giving a chuckle.

After they had finished the drink Angus stood up.

"Right lasses you have a big day ahead of ye tomorrow, so lets away to yer beds."

After they had all filed out he turned the men.

"Have a good night lads, but if any of ye think of taking a walk, don't walk down by the loch, I've been pestered by a fox and I keep a shotgun loaded with bird shot and shoot at any noise," he said glaring at them.

"Jesus," Bill groaned, "I believe him."

Jeremy laughed, "I'm the only one who is legally married and even I'm not silly enough to try and see my wife tonight."

Robert woke with a thick head the next morning, dimly remembering the night previously.

He went down stairs and ordered coffee drinking it while Jeremy tucked into a full Highland breakfast. He's indestructible he thought; the other five arrived all looking as fragile as he, he thought with some satisfaction.

At ten Sir Wilbur, Jack and Ruby and Mrs Mac and Archie arrived after introductions they went upstairs to their rooms.

Just before eleven Angus pulled up in his Toyota Land Cruiser and Sir Royston, Bev, Ann, Gale and Ted got out.

He introduced them, taking a moment to thank Sir Royston for his being here today.

The three girls rounded on him, "You said you wanted us in your harem, so what went wrong," they said chuckling.

"I still do, but I think the future Mrs Barlow may have some thing to say about that," he said in mock seriousness.

As they climbed the stairs, he couldn't help but notice Dave and Dick's eyes on the cute backside of Gale. Five months in country do'es that to a man he realised.

Alan and Taff arrived later with their wives having driven up in Alan's car.

He stood along side Jeremy by the alter feeling self conscious in his uniform complete with sword and miniature medals on his chest, asking Jeremy for the sixth time if he had the ring safe.

Then the organ struck up the opening bars.

Little Tommy led the procession with Sue and July followed by Carol and Pearl in pale blue gowns, Marge came next, and then she was there.

Angus, in full Black Watch dress uniform complete with kilt, walked ramrod straight, but the vision at the side of him made him gasp. The dress was three quarter length of white lace, a boat neckline with a tight bodice that flared out at her waist into layers of lace. Her arms were covered in almost transparent lace gauze. Her hair was coiled on top with a small flowered tiara that held her veil in place.

The ceremony was a blur; he remembered lifting the veil and seeing her face her lips slightly parted and her wonderful green eyes that looked a little glassy as if tears would fall at any moment.

As they exited the church, the five pilots and Alan made a ceremonial arch with their swords.

Then the flash of the photographer's cameras, they all had to line up for the various photographs before climbing into the car for the reception.

He some how got through the speeches at the reception held in a large marquee erected in the grounds of the Loch Hotel, and then the tables were cleared away and the music began, and he led her on to the floor for the opening waltz.

"Happy Mrs Barlow?"

"Bobby no one can be this happy, with out it being a mortal sin," she murmured as he kissed her.

They returned to their table; a bottle of Champagne with a blue bow was placed upon it for them.

As the evening wore on he was interested at how the others were faring, Sir Royston, Sir Wilbur, Jack, Archie and Angus were discussing the merits of various malts in one corner of the marquee with half a dozen bottles on the table, Mrs Kerr, Mrs Mac, Ruby, Ann and Bev looking on with distain.

Tim, Bill and Tom were dancing in their usual style hand clenched tight to the girls buttocks even Dick had a firm grip on Gale's bottom, but the thing that surprised him was Dave was dancing with Marge in the same manner, and she didn't appear to mind as she nuzzled his neck. Dave kept her well away from Angus view.

He pointed it out to Terry saying, "another randy Highlander then?"

"No," she replied, "over sexed pilots," but chuckled.

At ten Terry had to get changed for the flight back to Gatwick and on to Barbados, Pearl went with her to help.

He borrowed Angus Toyota to return to the hotel and change, himself.

As he swept back into the drive from changing, the headlights caught Bill and July up against a fir tree July had her legs around his waist while his pants were down round his ankles, they were oblivious to any thing other than what they were doing.

Back in the marquee Marge was still dancing, sort of, he thought, they had moved to the far comer away from her father and seemed to using a lot of hip movements.

Gale was still on the floor, but her hands were now on Dick's backside. Sue and Tim had disappeared, and Tom and Carol appeared to be ready to join them, when Terry arrived back. She had changed into the silver grey trouser suite she had worn on the opening day at Renton.

"Where are they all?" She asked him.

"Where do you think after five months without sex," he replied.

"Oh, the car will be here in ten minutes."

Pearl volunteered to find them; she's in for a shock he thought as she set off.

They had all arrived back when the car arrived, looking slightly out of breath and a little rumpled.

After throwing her bouquet, which Carol caught, they climbed into the large BMW for the journey to Inverness.

She cuddled up to him on the back seat her hand falling on his leg. "You have a hard on," she whispered.

"It's not surprising; those five are going to score tonight and I'm not," he murmured peevishly.

"Oh, darling just be patient a little longer."

"I can't even touch you at the moment'," he moaned.

"Oh, you can, just don't go too far," she said her eyes bright.

Her tongue slipped into his mouth as she kissed him, and his hand slid to the zip of her trousers.

There was only one other couple on this late flight out to Barbados in the first class area. They were sat at the back of the lower deck, and both looked to be in their late sixties.

He and Terry settled in the seats up by the nose. They both declined the meal and settled for wine.

Three hours into the flight, the stewardess asked if they wanted their beds turned down; they declined again saying they could do it themselves when they were ready. She wished them good night turning down the lights in the cabin, there only illumination being their overhead lights.

Terry excused her self-saying she was going to the powder room. When she came back, she said the couple at the back was fast asleep. She was carrying some thing in her hand, which she tried to stuff into her handbag.

It fell out it was a bra and a thong.

"Bobby I don't want to go too far. I want out first time as husband and wife to be in our own bedroom, please darling. I know that if you start I'll get carried away, so you have to be strong for the both of us. If you can't, then don't start please."

She looked at him with those big green eyes; he knew that she was naked beneath that suite that if he started to touch her he wouldn't be able to stop him self.

He kissed her lightly on the nose, "I'll pull the beds down so we can sleep."


The moon had followed them across the Atlantic; it was still late when they landed. Terry gave the taxi driver the address; it pulled up by a pair of large 6-foot high wooden gates flanked by an eight-foot high wall. Terry pulled out an electronic key pad pressing a button; the gates swung silently opened, lights switching on to illuminate the stone block drive. The taxi drove forward stopping in front of a double garage, to the left he could see the doorway to the villa slightly obscured by palms.

Terry ran and opened the door then waited while he paid off the taxi.

He carried the cases up to her.

"You have to carry me over the threshold," she chuckled.

When he set her down she said, "leave the cases here darling we can see to them tomorrow/"

She led him upstairs to their bedroom not bothering to switch the light on; she said, "let's go to bed."

By the time, he had shed his clothes she was lying on the bed naked waiting.

It was if a tsunami had hit them, lifting them up and crashing them down, only to be lifted again as their bodies met. Terry screamed at his first touch, tears of joy flowing down her face as she rode this wave of passion then screamed again as the wave broke leaving her sobbing, gasping for air as her body flowed. Then seconds later he exploded in side her as convulsion after convulsion racked his body, the heat of it felt like fire inside of her; she felt him jerk a few times as he receded.

He slowly collapsed at her side, when she thought her legs could bear her she went to the bathroom.

When she returned he was laying on his back his hands behind his head. She lay on her tummy support by her elbows looking at his face he was returning the look, they didn't speak they didn't need to their eyes spoke for them.

When Robert woke up he was disorganised for a few moments trying to establish his bearings. The room was large, one entire wall being built in wardrobes with mirror doors, two large chests of drawers were placed at one end of the room, with a big dressing table and stool over by the French windows that over looked the veranda scattered rugs were on the marble floors. He climbed out of bed and moved into the bathroom a large bubble bath dominated the room with a curved glass shower cubical with multi showerheads a toilet and bidet and his and her washbasins all in pink marble.

After he had showered and shaved he put on the slacks of the night before realising, he would have to bring the cases up. He was about to go down for them, when he heard splashing he moved to the open French doors and out on to the veranda.

Terry was in the pool swimming up and down making a racing turn at either end; he watched her for several minutes before going down to join her.

He sat by the pool watching her when a Barbadian woman dressed in a white overall came over to him from inside the villa.

"Good morning sir, would you like tea or coffee with your breakfast," she asked.

"Oh, coffee, please," he replied wondering who she was.

He was saved from further speculation when Terry emerged from the pool putting on a towelling bathrobe. She came over to him giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Good morning darling did you have a good sleep?"

"Best nights sleep I've had for ages, it must have been jet lag that brought it on," giving her a look.

At that moment, the woman came back carrying a tray with bacon eggs fried tomatoes and mushrooms, along with a coffee pot and mug, sugar and cream.

"Oh, Bobby you haven't met Hanna she's our daily; her husband Sam is our gardener and odd job man."

After she had gone Robert asked Terry between mouthfuls of food, "are they here all day?"

"Only if we want them to be, I've told them that after breakfast and she's cleaned the bedroom they can take the rest of the day off this week," she chuckled, "Hanna knows we are just married."

"Oh, that's all right then," he said brightening up.

"When you have finished eating, I want to show you around the villa."

They started in the garden, to give Hanna time to finish cleaning up.

The walls enclosed the entire property down towards the beach.

The grass was lush and green; underground sprinkler system Terry explained.

He was trying to remember how the plot had looked before because this was light years ahead of it now.

Near the bottom of the garden was a large pool with a waterfall running down to it, multi colour Koi swimming around the pool.

The palm trees were still there as were the Aloe Vera plants, which boarded the gate to the beach, steps, now led down to it.

Terry pointed out the decorative shed that contained beds and umbrellas for the beach she explained.

When he turned round, he got the first full view of the villa. It had been built at a slight angle to the length of the garden. Terry said Pearl had done that deliberately to get the most sunlight of the day in the pool area. At either end wings had been built out that encompassed the pool.

He noticed there were six verandas on the second floor.

She explained that there were only five bedrooms the six veranda was his study. As they walked back, she pointed out the Jacuzzi at the end of the pool the BBQ set in a bower of climbing roses.

As they entered the villa, they heard a truck pulling away. "That's Hanna and Sam leaving," she said, leaving the bathrobe over a bed chair.

Coming in from the pool they entered the huge reception come lounge area.

Twin large white leather settees sat facing each other, a long low glass drinks table in between with matching armchairs at either end. To one end near the glass sliding doors, was a bar with four high bar stools.

One of the wings was the dining area with a table that could seat twelve. The other wing had a 42-inch flat screen TV set into the wall along with a DVD player and stereo system.

"How do you like it so far darling?" She asked concern written all over her face.

"It's fantastic," he said.

A big smile broke out on her face, "Oh, you must see this," she picked up a remote from the bar counter and pressed a button, vertical blinds moved silently inclosing the glass panels of the doors that encased the pool area. She pressed it again, and they retreated back, she pressed it again, and the glass darkened.

"One way glass, we can see out but no one can see in." She said pleased with her self.

She took him into the kitchen; all the units were in white a large Agra cooker, tower fridges and freezers a wine fridge and wine rack all with bottles in them he noticed.

She led him upstairs he was acutely aware of the sway of her bottom in a tight yellow bikini she wore as she moved.

She showed him the guest bedrooms that were slightly smaller versions of their own room but in different colours systems, rose marble, pale blue marble, violet marble and light green marble being the main difference.

From there, she led him back into their room entering a door way opposite the bathroom door.

This was his study she proclaimed; one wall was just bookshelves, and the other contained a long set of drawers, at the other end a desk with a 30inch flat screen monitor on it.

"I've not finished this off yet, I don't know what books you want, but you can fill the book shelves yourself."

"Well Bobby what do you really think about it, tell me the truth please?" Her face so serious he thought

"Well if you want my honest opinion. I have to say the building is excellent," his voice very serious "the furniture and fittings are sublime. The ambience is fantastic. But it has one major flaw."

"Oh," she whispered, "how have I failed?"

"Now don't be upset," he said walking over to her, "the problem is," resting his hands on her hips, her face so solemn, "you are not looking after your husband," pulling the ties of the bikini.

It took her a second to realise that the bottom half was on the floor.

"Bobby you are such a," she was cut of from saying any thing else by his mouth covering hers, his tongue searching hers. She groaned has his hands cupped her rubbing gently, his other on the ties of her back and then his lips kissing her breast driving her crazy with need. She hooked her legs around his waist as he carried her through to the bedroom.

Later as she lay in his arms she whispered, "So you like it then, the villa?"

"Oh, course I do, and the service is improving too, but seriously darling do you like it, because it is my wedding present to you."

"Oh, Bobby it's everything I ever wanted in a home, thank you darling."

The next morning he joined her in the pool, but had to admit defeat as she out swam him, he was a length behind when she finished the ten-length match.

They were lying on the sun beds drying off, when he suggested going out for a meal that night.

Then she suddenly sat up, "Bobby go and check the garage."

"What for?"

"I don't know, but Pearl said to make sure you checked it out," she replied.

He shrugged and picked up the remote. At the front of the house, he clicked it, and the self-opening doors swung open.

Inside was a brand new black Range Rover Vogue.