The Boys in Blue Ch. 17

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War and romance.
5.4k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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After reporting to Alan and having a chat, he went to his office, groaning at the sight of the stack of folders on his desk, after three hours, and he had hardly made a dent in the pile. He left for the Officers Mess finding the seven pilots sitting around a couple of tables, after putting up with the bawdy remarks concerning honeymoons, he turned to Tim.

"Tim as second in command of the squadron, I've decided that you need more responsibly, in my office you will find a few folders and files, deal with them."

The look of horror on Tim's face warmed his heart.

After chatting to them for an hour, he walked down to the flight line. A brand new A10 was sitting there with the ground crew swarming all over it; Taff came over to him after saying how much he and his wife had enjoyed the wedding and hoping the honeymoon went well; he got to the business at hand. Nodding towards the ground crew.

"We have quite a few new lads to replace those who have been posted else ware or have left the service, so we are bringing them up to speed on the A10. I'm told the remaining three will be here by the New Year, do you have pilots for them yet?"

"Not yet Taff," he replied, "The Group Captain and I have to go through a pile of service records and select from them."

"Will their training take the same form as yours Sir?"

"Pretty much yes, they'll go out to the States for the months training, the flight simulator they have is invaluable, I wish we could have one of our own. But they won't go out until well into the New Year, and then they have training back here. I don't see them going out on the next tour."

"So they'll just be the eight of you again?" Taff said.

He nodded.

Over the next weeks leading up to Christmas, he was extremely busy going through service records with Alan and all the other details that arise from a squadron. Alan and he had a short list of six pilots, deciding to put off final selection until after the holidays.

Robert had kept in touch with Terry through the laptop, but he had also used it to surf the web looking for a Christmas present for her. He had finally found a shop that specialised in the product he sought, after relaying his instructions and the address for the cottage, he relaxed knowing that was one less problem resolved.

He arrived at the cottage before Terry, finding his mail and the small package on the table by the door. After checking the contents of the package, he slipped the small box into his pocket along with a card.

He was busy setting up the Christmas tree that Archie had left when Terry arrived.

After greeting her with a kiss, he took her case upstairs to his room, leaving her warming herself by the roaring log fire.

That evening they dined at the Archers; Terry had asked him to take Buttercup as she had a package to pick up from Jack.

Surviving the greetings of those present he found himself chatting to Ruby, Archie and Mrs Mac while Terry was at the other end of the bar having an animated discussion with Jack, she was making notes on Jacks pad listening intently to him.

At the end of the night, Jack came out with a large cardboard box, sliding it over the bar to Robert for him to take back to the cottage.

Back at the cottage she unloaded the contents placing some in the fridge others into storage racks, he had been banned from entering the kitchen so contented himself by pouring out a nightcap for them both.

As she undressed in his room she smiled to herself, he's still like a little boy; she thought, afraid for us to make love in his parent's bed.

The next morning was Christmas Eve a thick frost had formed over night the fields and trees were covered with it.

He climbed out of bed quietly, so he didn't disturb her going down stairs to clean out the fireplace, and relighting it, soon the logs took hold. He made a pot of tea and some toast placing them on a tray he returned to his room.

She was still sleeping; placing the tray on the bedside table he bent and kissed her gently marvelling has always at the softness of her lips. Her eyes opened a smile appearing on her face as she saw him.

"Morning sleepy head I've brought you some tea and toast," he said.

She sat up in bed arranging the pillows behind her back, the duvet slipping down to her waist; some of her hair had fallen over her shoulder hiding her breast.

Terry he knew never wore PJ's or a nightdress under normal circumstances. He moved it aside, and then poured her tea out for her.

"Bobby you're spoiling me," she said as she placed the cup back on the tray.

"Not really," he murmured, "I had an ulterior motive," as he undid his dressing gown.

She saw his upright erection as the gown hit the floor.

"Oh, my," she whispered, "tea toast and his Nibbs for breakfast, what more could a girl ask for," as she kicked the duvet from her body.

Back down stairs after she had served him his breakfast, she gave him his orders.

"Bobby I've a lot to do today, I want to finish dressing the tree, and then I have to prepare the food ready for tomorrow, and I don't want you to distract me, so go out somewhere please."

"But I thought I could help you darling."

"I know what kind of help you are likely to give, and at the moment I don't need it," she said, "You can drop off the presents I've brought for Aggie Archie and Sir Wilbur, we can give Jack and Ruby's theirs tonight."

He stopped at the Gate Cottage and gave Mrs Mac, and Archie's present asking her to wrap the small box while he visited Sir Wilbur.

He was in his study when Davis announced him. They chatted about the wedding and Barbados, he told him about the tea and coffee service bearing; his coat of arms that they had given Jeremy and Pearl he expressed his delight about it saying it only seemed right that they should have it bearing in mind, it's history. Robert presented their present to him, which he knew was fifty Cuban cigars his favoured brand, which he had bought in Barbados.

He in turn gave him a package for himself, wrapped in Christmas paper; he moved to a drawer and removed a jewellery case.

"Robert I should like Terry to have this, it was my wife's I hope you don't mind," he opened it inside was an emerald bracelet, the stones a perfect match for Terry's eyes,

"I have no one else to give it to, certainly not that bitch of a wife, of my son."

Back at the Gate cottage Mrs Mac wrapped the case for him; he kissed her cheek wishing her a merry Christmas as he left.

Back at home he noticed a number of presents already under the tree, which sparkled with the decorations and lights which she had arranged on it, he placed his load of presents under it, to join the others.

Terry was in the kitchen singing to the carols and Christmas songs that were coming from the speakers.

"I'm back," he cried "am I allowed back in?"

"Nearly done darling, pour me out a sherry will you?"

She came out of the kitchen wiping her neck with a tissue the top three buttons of her blouse undone.

"It's hot in there with the Agar on" she said.

She took her glass and sat on his lap in the armchair, looking at the tree.

"We will have plenty to unwrap tomorrow," she said brightly, "just think Bobby, our first Christmas together," she leaned fore ward and kissed his neck.

He used the movement to unfasten another button her breasts were inside a white lace bra.

She sat up again as he undid the last few buttons sliding the blouse from her shoulders.

She looked at him for a moment, then rose and unzipped the skirt letting it fall to the floor; she was wearing a matching lace thong as she sat back on his lap waiting for his lips and hands to transport her to the heights of passion.

He had agreed to accompany her to midnight mass, he knew it meant a lot to her to be there, and so he'd agreed. The church was packed, but he found a space near the back. Decretive holly and ivy wreaths were placed around the church, and candles lit gave it a Christmas feel to the proceedings.

The vicar had met them at the door has they entered and had spoken to Terry has he searched for seats for them.

He shouldn't have been surprised when Terry followed the vicar down to join the choir he realised.

The service began; Terry's voice ringing out has they sang the Christmas carols. For him looking around the congregation, seeing the look on their face's it rekindled his faith in a strange way, the bitterness of his parent's death washing away with the carols and simple service.

Outside after the service the vicar thanked Terry along with others and made mention of Robert's attendance knowing why it had taken so long.

They exchanged presents with Jack and Ruby before walking up the hill arms around each other sharing their body heat against the bitter cold.

The next morning he awoke to an empty bed; he could hear Terry down stairs singing softly to herself, he smiled as he went into the bathroom.

She was in the kitchen, "you are only having a boiled egg for breakfast, has you have a big dinner to eat," she warned him.

After they had cleared up, Terry gathered up the presents from around the tree and placed them before the fire, separating them into two piles. His and Sir Wilbur's he had to place on her pile as they no tag on them, he watched her, as she began to unwrap hers; she's just like a kid he thought.

She gasped when she saw Sir Wilbur's,

"Bobby it must have cost a fortune," she whispered. He explained about it being his wife's, and that he'd wanted her to have it.

Eventually, she got to his, opening the box she found a heavy gold Egyptian cartouche, hieroglyphics embossed on both sides.

"Oh, its beautiful darling, what does it say?"

"Don't ask me, I have a job reading English never mind hieroglyphics," he said, "may be this will help," he pulled out the card that had arrived with the box, on it was the translation of the symbols into the English alphabet.

She dashed into the kitchen returning with a pencil and paper. Her face was screwed up concentrating on the translation; a smile began to form on her face, becoming bigger as she unravelled the symbols. With a cry, she leapt to her feet rushing over to him plonking herself on his lap as she gave him a long lingering kiss.

"Thank you darling it's wonderful," she said softly.

"So did you find out what it said?" he asked.

She gave him an old fashion look.

"This side spells Terry," she said indicating the side, "and this side spells I Love you. But of course you didn't know that did you?"

He looked amazed, "well fancy that," he said.

He threaded it on to the gold chain that came with it, fastening it around her neck.

"Okay," she said, "start opening yours now."

Mrs Mac's and Archie's was a big raw wool polo necked sweater, whilst Jack and Ruby's a book on wines and spirits and how to mix cocktails.

The present from Sir Wilbur was a silver photo frame with him as a ten year old between his mother and father proudly holding a large trout; he could vaguely remember Sir Wilbur taking it.

Terry's present was an expensive 35mm digital camera, "July helped me pick it," she said, "I hope you like it?"

"Oh, I know the model that will pose for me," he said lecherously.

She stared at him, "well if I do it's for your eyes only remember," giving him a sexy grin. "There one more for you," handing him a small box.

It was a gold St Christopher on the reverse side inscribed was 'Bobby always come back to me' she threaded it on to the chain and hung it around his neck.

"I want you to promise me you will never ever take it off," she said softly.

"Well only when I'm flying a mission," he said.

"No Bobby especially when you are flying, you never take it off promise me darling."

He could see it meant an awful lot to her to have his promise.

"Very well darling, I swear I'll never remove it."

While he cleared the mess of discarded Christmas wrappings, Terry started in the kitchen cooking. He sat down afterwards reading the camera manual after he had plugged it into charge, surprised at the amount of functions that were available, he quickly realised that he would be using automatically for his shooting letting the camera sort out the settings. Terry shouted from the kitchen for him to lay the table in the dining room, with specific instructions on how to do it.

She came into the room a little later to check, informing him that she was going to shower and change and wouldn't be long. He had just about finished when she returned; she had changed into a scarlet halter neck dress with a full skirt, complete with black stockings and red high-heeled shoes.

"Do's this look festive enough," she asked.

"I'll say," he replied "if Santa had helpers like you he'd never get out of bed to deliver the presents," he chuckled.

She moved into the room checking the table he could smell her heady perfume as he moved towards her.

"Back of buster," she growled "you are not ruining my first Christmas dinner."

"I was merely going to compliment you on your appearance," he said lying.

"Yes but your compliments usually take a physical form, which involves a lot of energy."

"You can't please some people," he said sounding hurt.

Her Christmas dinner was a resounding success; he was amazed at her cooking, everything had been delicious from the starter to the Christmas pudding complete with a sprig of holly and the blue flame of the brandy. Even Terry had said she had enjoyed it, has he heaped praises on her.

"To be perfectly honest, the credit should go to Jack he talked me through it every step of the way, all I did was to follow his instructions, and he really is a genius Bobby," she said.

"Well it's one thing to talk but quite another thing to be able to do, and you did it darling' he said, 'now I'm going to clear away while you sit down with a glass of Cognac, you've deserved it," he said.

He cleared the dining room and loaded the dishwasher realising it would take several loads to clear all the mountain of dishes, pots and pans.

When he returned to the lounge, he poured out a drink for himself and refilled her glass before sitting down.

"I feel stuffed," he said contently.

"I get to feel like that quite regularly," she murmured giving him a wicked smile.

He rose and unplugged the camera it was charged he saw.

"Well," he said, "let's take some shots of your posh frock."

Terry was used to having her photograph taken for publicity purposes adopted various poses as he snapped away.

"Okay," he said, "I want you to spin round," taking a shot as the dress lifted catching the black band at the top of her stockings.

"Well, that's enough of the dress," he said looking at her, his meaning clear.

She hesitated, and then drew down the zip of the dress stepping out of it; the bra and thong matched the colour of the dress.

"How do you want me?" she asked, her voice low.

"Think of something," he replied his voice husky.

She was always amazed that no matter how many times he had seen her like this his reactions never failed, it gave her a perverse sense of power that she could have this effect on him, but at the same time she knew it turned her on also, and she was turned on now.

She adopted a few alluring poses finally laying on the rug by the fire her arms above her head knowing her breasts would be displayed to their best advantage. He walked away, and the lights dimmed right down when he came back he didn't have the camera. He stood over her as he undressed finally standing there naked his erection poised. He knelt down his lips on hers their tongues probing each other; her hand had found him; he groaned as she squeezed it hard then his hands were freeing the bra. She was dimly aware of the heat from the fire on her thighs has his hands and lips played upon her body and then a greater fire, an all-consuming flame as he entered her.

Later she sat with her head on his knee while he sat in the armchair his hand stroking her hair, both lost in thought looking at the flames of the fire.

Eventually she raised her head to ask the question she was dreading'

"Do you know when you have to go out again?" Her voice low.

"Sometime in early March seems to be the best bet at the moment," he replied softly, "when do you start your European tour?"

"The second week in January until the end of February, so we may only get a few weeks before you go,"

"Yes but I'll have a week's leave before," he said, "Tim told me the girls were going to with you."

'Yes it's the same show that you saw when you came back from the States basically, July will be assistant stage manager for it and Sue and Carol are in the orchestra."

"Well at least you will have them for company, Paris and Rome watch out," he said trying to lift the mood.

She smiled "well, at least I'll be able to see what they wear on the continent>"

"So long as you don't come back with French knickers I won't mind," he said chuckling.

He knew she spoke French and Italian fluently, and had a good knowledge of German and Spanish.

"What happens after the tour?" He asked.

"Oh, I get a break for a while. I'm thinking of taking Mum Dad and Marge out to the villa for a couple of weeks. Speaking of which we still don't have a name for it."

"I can't think of anything suitable," he said.

"Where did your Mum and Dad come from?"

"Dad was from Stoke and Mum from York, why?"

"Oh, I was just thinking," she murmured, "hang on wasn't the original name for York, Yorvik from the Norse language."

"I believe so why," he said.

"Then that's what we'll call it Villa Yorvik," she said in triumph, "I'll get a wrought iron sign made up, when I go out with them."

"Well it's your villa to do with it has you want," he said.

"No darling it's our home, although I freely concede that Tomick is your boat," she said smiling.

"I only wish we were on her now, sailing off into the sunset," he murmured.

"Well," she stood up "we can either throw another log on the fire or have an early night," she said softly.

"It doesn't seem worthwhile to get dressed again does it," looking at her naked body.

They gathered up their clothes and went towards the stairs.

The next day while he down loaded the snaps he had taken on to a disk, Terry took the car to see Sir Wilbur to thank him personally for the bracelet. After he had finished, he returned to his room to start packing he would have to leave at two, to return to Renton. Terry was going to stay on for three more days, and Jack had agreed to run her to Salisbury station.

When Terry returned she seemed sad, when he asked her why, she explained,

"He's such a wonderful kind old gentleman Bobby, but you can see he's lonely; he misses the company of your father and mother. He hardly ever hears from his own son. I get the feeling that there's friction between them. I know you may find this silly, but I think he thinks more of you than he does his own son, he's enormously proud of you, and what you have done. I'm having dinner with him tomorrow night; he's sending Davis with the Rolls to pick me up."

"I think the problem is more to do with Denis's wife, she has a strong dislike verging on hatred for him. I'm not sure why, but it has to do with her father, and how he made his money. She knows that Sir Wilbur knows, and I think she's scared he may tell Denis and set him against her father, she's done the same with her son too. The sad thing is he would never disclose his knowledge to Denis, or to anyone else for that matter."

"You are probably right," she said, "he said she doesn't stray far from the West End set, but one good thing is that he seems to have got on well with Sir Royston, he's invited him down to take part in a shoot, whatever that is."

"Pheasant shoot," he said, "well that's good, and he has an extensive range of malts in his cellar," he said chuckling.