The Boys in Blue Ch. 19

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War and romance.
8.3k words

Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/23/2013
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It was a tabloid that thought the main news should be the size of the girls boobs on the inside pages, but this front page showed Terry in what looked to be a night club kissing a man the man grasping her breast, the headline being, 'VC Hero's wife finding solace with American singer whilst he serves in Afghanistan.

He turned to the next page Mrs Teresa Barlow wife of Squadron Leader Robert Barlow VC was seen about town in the company of Mr Charles May American Operatic star, and eligible bachelor. It went on to name some high profile names of women he had, had affairs with. It showed a photograph of him; there's no doubt a woman would find him handsome he realised perfectly groomed hair,bronze tan with dazzling white teeth. Robert felt physically sick.

The next paper was the same tabloid, but the next day, this time the photograph was of Terry standing in the doorway of the mews house, in a short robe.

'Hero's wife declines to comment,' read the headline. Inside the paper, it went on to say that Mrs Barlow would neither admit nor deny if Charles May were inside.

The paper went on to explain that Mr May and Mrs Barlow formally Teresa Kerr had been involved in making a new album, which included two duets with each other. When asked by this paper of his relationship with Mrs Barlow, all Mr May would say, is that they had formed a very close rapport with each other in the short time they had been together.

Robert thought his head would explode with the visions of Terry and May together. His stomach was churning; he had to rush to the door to throw up. He couldn't get a picture of Terry from his mind the way she had said she loved him that there could never be another, and he had believed her completely. But she had given herself to another man, no wonder he hadn't heard from her. She had been too busy laid on her back with her legs opened. He could feel the bitterness building inside of him threatening to consume him. He knew he had to pull himself together; he still had the squadron to run, just hold on for a few more days he promised himself, hold on, until you are alone.

That night he checked the airlines finding a flight out to Barbados five hours after they landed at Brize, he booked a car to run him to Gatwick from Brize. He knew he couldn't return to Aventon; the village would be awash with the story.

That night he hardly slept he couldn't get her out of his head; tears rolled down his cheeks.

Tim had undertaken the final jobs without him asking; when he boarded the C17 the three pilots ringed him doing their best to protect him from the stares of the other men. On the flight over he just looked out from the cabin window, he knew she hadn't broken his heart, she'd shattered it.

When the C17 landed Bill and Tom were amongst the first to disembark, he and Tim amongst the last. They were walking across the tarmac when Bill came hurrying back and spoke to Tim. "Robbie there are reporters waiting outside the entrance, if you don't want to see them we can get you out the side door. Toms found the car you ordered and is holding it by the door, if that's what you want."

He nodded, "thanks."

On the way to Gatwick he found the letter, he had written prior to the mission in case he didn't come back, with a bitter smile he tore it into little pieces letting the wind from the window scatter it from his hand.

The taxi dropped him off at the villa. He carried his valise and bag upstairs dropping it by the bed, he undressed hanging his clothes up trying desperately to hold on to normality he laid on the bed in his shorts, but sleep wouldn't come. In the end he went down stairs returning with a bottle of whisky, he picked up the airline plastic bag with the two hundred Dunhill cigarettes he had bought with a plastic lighter.

Hanna found him the next morning sitting in the chair by the bedrooms French windows.

"You and Sam take the day off, but bring me another bottle of whiskey first," he slurred. Hanna took the empty bottle down, returning with a new one.

He closed his eyes seeing her, he knew every inch of her body; he thought he had known her, the way she thought and acted, her funny little ways that he had loved so much. Her concern for him when he was over there, had it all been a sham. He knew that he had been with others, but that had not been because he loved them, only that he missed her so desperately that he had succumbed to a poor alternative to her. Had she done the same he thought, but no, she knew he would be returning in just a few days? He groaned; no woman should have this sort of hold on a man he thought his body trembling with frustration. Damn her, he thought, damn her to hell, as he tore off the St Christopher and opened the bottle.

Chapter 41

She raced upstairs, having found the down stairs rooms empty, coming to an abrupt stop at the opened bedroom door.

He was sitting by the French windows partially opened, in just a pair of shorts, an ashtray over flowing with cigarette butts by the table beside him. She saw that the whisky bottle was nearly empty its cap on the floor surrounded by cigarette ash, a gold medallion with the chain broken lay amongst the ash.

"Bob I've only just learned you were back on the Island, Jessie saw Hanna in the market," she didn't add that Hanna had said he was drinking heavily to Jessie.

"Yeah, I gave them the day off."

"Is Terry with you?" Already knowing the answer

"Nope." He slurred, as he turned in the seat to face her. She was wearing her working clothes for the studio he realised, old jeans cut off high in the thigh ragged at the bottom and white halter.

"Have you spoken to Terry since you got back, or heard from her?"

"Nope and Nope. I think she is too occupied with Mr Charles bloody May," he slurred bitterly.

"Oh Bob you don't know that>"

"It seems the whole bloody world knows it," has he stubbed out the cigarette.

"Bob you must talk to her and sort it out."

"Why Pearl, why must I talk to her, she should have talked to me, all I've had is silence from her since the papers broke the story," said in a bitter voice again.

She moved into the room.

"Bob you're angry, hurt and confused, you'll stay that way until you talk to her."

"What the hell for Pearl, it's in the papers what's she's been up too, I bet she's been shagging that bastard ever since he came over from the States.''

Pearl looked at his face, haggard, through lack of sleep; he looked like he hadn't shaved for days. He was trying to drink himself into oblivion, but his inner torment hadn't given him that release, she realised.

"So forget it Pearl," he staggered to his feet, moving to the bedside table, "let's have a drink," reaching for a glass on the table

"No," she said, "you don't need another one either."

"Oh, Bob you poor dear," she uttered putting her arms round his neck, "you both can work this out," and she kissed him lightly on the lips.

But then she felt his hand at the back of her head holding her while his lips ground into hers.

She could feel his tongue trying to force her lips open. She tried to pull away, but he was holding her too tightly.

She felt him pulling at the bow of her halter behind her neck; she managed to pull her face free.

"Bob no," she said breathlessly drawing in air, she felt his hand on her back then the halter fluttered to the ground, her breasts free of it.

His head dropped, his mouth enclosing her breast sucking greedily at her nipple,

His lips nipped the nipple painfully whilst his tongue flicked the end of it.

"Bob please no, don't," she tried to lift his head.

Then she felt his hand again, at her waist, she heard the press-stud open and then the zip being drawn down; her shorts fell to the floor, and she was naked.

"Bob stop, please stop," she begged.

She could feel his hand stealing down from her waist, and then his finger forcing a painful entrance in to her.

She could feel him moving the finger pushing urgently into her and then he found her nub, he had two fingers in her pressing it, tormenting it.

"Oh God Bob, stop, stop," she sobbed

She heard his shorts fall to the floor; she could feel the stiffness and heat from his erection pressing hard on her belly as his hand moved back to her vulva.

He was kissing her neck, the bristles scratching her painfully, her head moved automatically to one side to allow him.

Her arms were still around his neck as if they had a will of their own; she didn't realise she'd put them there again.

He kissed her again hard; bristles scratching her face she could smell the whisky and nicotine on his breath, and then taste it as she opened her mouth to him.

He was hurting her, abusing her body, and yet she had responded to that abuse.

He broke away and pushed her onto the bed, forcing legs open lifting her knees, and she lay watching him knowing he was going to ravish her.

She knew that she had ceased to exist in his mind as a friend he had known for so many years, now she was just a body, a body that was going to receive his pain and frustration.

He thrust, brutally into her; she winced at the pain, and he thrust again hard, then again, each time going deeper.

His eyes were closed tight, and his face was contorted as if in pain she noticed.

When his climax came, his body shook as convulsion after convulsion shook him.

She could feel the heat of it inside her.

He hung above her for a moment and then collapsed at the side of her.

Pearl lay quietly until she heard the sobs, deep heart rendering sobs; she turned over on her side to look at him.

He was laid with his arm over his eyes; she moved his arm away, and he opened his eyes, filled with tears.

"Pearl, oh, god Pearl I'm sorry, so terribly sorry," he sobbed, the enormity of what he had just done starting to sober him, "I don't know what came..."

She placed he finger over his lips.

"Bob that was just sex, raw animal sex, considering that you've been through over there, and what has happened. Well it was bound to happen, if not with me then someone else. You're a man Bob a man needs sex."

"Yes but not like that," he sobbed.

"Well perhaps not so vigorous," she smiled, "but I forgive you," kissing him on the nose.

"Oh," he murmured, "Jeremy, oh God I'll never be..."

She placed her finger back over his mouth.

"Jeremy is in New York; he's been there for over a week now and won't return until the weekend. But I know that, in that time, he will have been with two or three hookers. I know that he misses me badly, so he has sex with a hooker that doesn't mean he doesn't love me I know he does, but he misses me, and he's a man."

She stared down at him for a few minutes he's in torment he thinks his wife has been unfaithful, thinking, considering.

"Bob," she finally said, "I'll stay with you today on two conditions."

"Oh, what?" He said confused.

"Condition one, you go and get cleaned up, and clean your teeth your breath stinks, while I go and make some coffee." She rolled of the bed and made for the door.

By the time he opened the bathroom door, Pearl was back lying on the bed still naked, two coffee mugs were on the bedside table.

"How'd you feel?" She asked.

"A bit better," he replied.

"Well you look a lot better than you did," she smiled, "come and drink your coffee."

After they had drunk the coffee Pearl patted the bed at the side of her, he climbed over her and lay back.

"Right," she began, "condition two, you swear that you'll contact Terry tonight, preferably on Skype so you both can see each other, and find out Terry's side of the story, but you have to swear Bob."

He started to protest, but she stopped him, "Bob you have to sort this out one way,, or another."

"Oh," was all he could say.

"But before then we have to get rid of some of your anger and frustration; otherwise you'll blow up with her before she has a chance to talk."

"Oh and how do we do that," he asked.

"Leave that to me," she murmured kissing him her tongue probing deep into his mouth. She lifted her head then bent again to kiss his throat then the nipples on his chest, she changed her position to kiss his belly and then lower.

She took him into her mouth; he gasped then groaned as she rhythmically began to move her head.

His penis reacted automatically to her lips, and began to swell and thicken.

When he could stand it no longer he gently pulled her back, to lie alongside him.

He leaned over her and gently kissed her breast suckling it. His tongue licking the nipple playing with it, gone was the roughness he had displayed before. She felt his hand on her belly stroking it gently before going lower his finger at her lips moving gently up and down the slit, maddening slowly, she was finding it hard to breath the lips parted of their own accord, and she knew she was moist as the finger entered she gave a long low moan. The finger moved deeper and then he found her gee spot.

Her hips thrust upwards into the finger, her hands clenching his head to her breast as she screamed.

He straddled her; she was looking up at him conscious of his hard glistening erection,

She parted her thighs and lifted her knees, her arms reaching out for him.

He moved his legs between her thighs holding his erection against the open lips of her vulva and slowly pushed, her hips rose to meet him her legs over his waist pulling him in deeper. He thrust again; she moaned, "faster Bob, harder," he obeyed her.

Their climax came together her body trembling with release, him with convulsions as he came inside her.

They lay side by side smoking a cigarette the ashtray balanced on Pearl's belly quietly taking.

Robert was still concerned about what had happened with Pearl.

Finally, Pearl said, "what would you be doing now if the upset between you and Terry hadn't accrued?"

"Pretty much what we've been doing, perhaps even a bit more," he said quietly.

Pearl raised her eyebrows; "Well Terry's not here, so let's just say that I'm standing in as a surrogate wife for her today.".

"But what about you Pearl, how do you feel about it?"

"Let's just say that I miss Jeremy too, I just didn't realise how much until now," giving him a wicked smile.

"Any way as a wife I should get some food into you, come on I'll go and make a sandwich." With that, she stubbed out the cigarette and rolled off the bed.

He lay thinking after she had gone, what he had done to Pearl was wrong, terribly wrong. He'd used her body, raped her, to unleash the pent up emotions and frustrations he had endured for five long months.

The nights, when the lust devils had invaded his body, most of the time, he could hold them at bay, but sometimes they were too strong for him.

And then he could see Terry in his mind, the length of her neck, the curve of her breast, her flat stomach, the flare of her hips, her long legs rising to the apex of her thighs.

Towards the end of the tour, he just saw a body, a body with no face. When he knew lust had taken over from love.

And then he had seen the papers, another man was looking at his wife's body, touching and exploring it, entering it.

The anger and rage he had felt at her betrayal had nearly driven him insane. But somehow, he had found the inner strength to hold on, and carry out his duties, right up to boarding the Barbados flight, when he asked for that first drink.

Pearl's body had helped to dampen some of the flames that raged inside him, flames that only a woman's body could extinguishes.

In the kitchen, he sat at the table watching her as she made a sandwich, her dark honey skin contrasting with the white kitchen units.

He found himself looking at her full breasts, her dark areolas with the perky nipples standing proud, she bent her back to him to open a low drawer, and he gave an involuntary gasp at the sight of her smooth round buttocks and what lay beyond.

He could feel himself becoming aroused again.

She turned, "hungry," she asked.

"Yes ... but I'm not sure it's for food," he whispered.

"Oh," she frowned, "oh," suddenly realising what he meant.

He stood up from the table she could see he was fully aroused, she placed the plates back on the sink unit as he reached for her, picking her up he carried her back to the table, putting her on it, lifting her legs to entwined about his waist as he entered her hard she had her arms about his neck, trying keep her balance on the Formica table, as he rammed himself into her; she found herself clutching his buttocks pulling him even harder into her, she could feel his hard erection going deep into her, the feeling it gave her driving her crazy. She felt herself tensing and tried to fight it but then gave out a loud groan her body shuddered as she climaxed. He waited until her body had subsidised, squeezing her breasts then he began again, driving into her with long thrusts; he had her tongue in his mouth sucking it has his hips continued to pound her. She didn't care; he was doing something to her body that she had never experienced before, when she climaxed a second time it was with a force she had never felt before.

She could feel his body stiffening and then with a tortured grown he came, the convulsions seemed to go on for ever, she felt his sperm like liquid fire inside of her.

He held her still inside of her has his lips met hers in a long kiss.

After, her legs dangling weakly from the table as she nuzzled his neck she whispered,

"Bob if you are always this horny after a tour, next time take Jeremy," giving a throaty chuckle.

They eat their sandwiches and had a beer after she had cleared up; she glanced at the kitchen clock.

"I'm going to go; I have to pick Tommy up. I'm going to have a shower. You stay here understand. I've had as much fun as I can stand for one day."

She came back down fifteen minute later dressed.

"Now remember your promise, I'll drop in tomorrow afternoon to find out how it went," she patted his cheek and left.

On the drive to the school, Pearl mulled over what had happened in her head. He'd raped her, but it wasn't rape, because if she was honest it had somehow excited her. Strange but she had never thought of Bob at a sexual level, she was attracted to him, but then most women would be with his looks and easy going manner.

But back in the kitchen she had experienced something that had never happened with Jeremy, why, she asked herself, was it because they were too used to each other's bodies. She knew Bob was big, but Jeremy was if anything bigger so it couldn't be that. No, it was the way Bob made love she realised, he somehow had a sixth sense of what she had needed, the way he had touched her, caressed her and kissed her that had sent her senses screaming.

Guiltily she suddenly realised she was moist just thinking about it. She shook her head 'easy girl you're getting into dangerous grounds' she thought.

Chapter 42

At five, he tapped Terry's e-mail address on Skype, on the PC in the study, after a few minutes Terry appeared she was in pyjamas, at the sight of his face her lip trembled, and a tear started to run down her face.

"Bobby... I didn't think you would ever want to talk to me again."

"Well it took me a while to think things through, but bottom line, I want to hear from you if we are over."

"Over," her face crumbled, "I never want it to be over between you and me; I love you I always will."

"But what about May, the papers seemed pretty sure of their facts."

"That bastard," she hissed, "and the tabloids are just as bad."

"So what did happen?" He asked.

Terry began to explain. Her record company had wanted her to do a couple of duets with May on her new album, they already had him under contract, so on paper it seemed a good idea.

They had made the duets, which completed the album. The record companies publicity man who was in charge of launching the new album suggested that they should celebrate.