The Bra Salesman Ch. 04


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I got off her and she started to open her eyes, "Keep your eyes closed," I commanded her, "and relax. Dr. Cooper and I still have some work to do." I leaned over and wrapped both of my hands around one of her breasts and licked her erect nipple. I could taste the cherry in the oil and I slid my tongue all over her breast, enlarged with arousal.

Now that I'm here, I'm trying to remember if I got the kind of oil that is edible or not. Shit, I'm concerned that maybe I didn't get the edible kind. I mean, I'm not concerned enough to actually stop licking her tits, I just hope I don't have to get my stomach pumped as a result. But honestly, it would totally be worth it.

Dave was standing over me in wide-eyed amazement, so I looked up at him and then looked at her other erect nipple, jutting out all lonely. He licked his lips and then kneeled down beside her, but then leans towards me and whispers, "Look at her boobs! They're so goddamn amazing!"

"What was that?" Tasha leaned up for a moment and looked at the two of us. "What did you say?" Nice going, Dave.

"Dr. Cooper was just commenting on how the therapy seems to be making a difference already." Dave is now nodding his head in agreement. Idiot.

"So we're done?" she says with a smile and gets up on her elbows.

"No, we still have a lot of work to do." She's still looking at me. "Just lay down, we're going to do a tactile and oral massage to see if we can reduce some of the swelling." She's disappointed we haven't cured her yet, but she agrees to lie back down on the bed and let us continue our therapy. And by that, I mean rub our tongues all over her chest.

Dave is staring at me now and mouthing the word, "Sorry." I glare at him and mouth back, "Do NOT fuck this up for me!" He gives me the ok sign and then the two of us go back to the oily, cum-covered breast we each have in our hands. I go back to where I left off, holding her breast and licking her erect nipple. Dave starts doing the same thing, squeezing her massive breast with both hands and shoving as much of her nipple and tit into his mouth as he could.

She was slowly writhing in pleasure as the two of us lightly gnawed on her breasts. I felt her jerk all of a sudden, and I saw Dave was now sinking his teeth into her flesh. Great, he's going to ruin this. But then I heard her whisper "yes," and saw the Dave had reached down and was thrusting his fingers into her moist pussy, still drenched with cum.

Now she was twisting with arousal, gasping for air, as Dave rubbed his fingers all over the top of her clitoris. I bit my teeth into her defenseless breasts and felt her turn towards me and barely whisper, "yes." Or maybe it was "Jess" or "fetch," but it sure sounded like "yes" and that makes a lot more sense so I'm going with that.

She was moaning and spreading her legs as far apart as she could, letting Dave enter her as deep as he wanted. He was thrusting faster now and her hips were grinding against the bed, trying to keep up with his erotic rhythm. "Yes! Yes!" she kept saying. "YES! YES!!" Oh my god, this slut is going to orgasm again! The two of us continued biting her breasts and sucking on her engorged nipples as Dave pounded her pussy so hard that tiny drops of leftover cum were bursting out of her vagina.

"UNNNGH!" she gasped and her entire body quivered for several seconds. I could feel her soft, oily tit wiggling in my mouth. Then I felt her entire body collapse into a relaxed and peaceful state.

I was about to whisper some encouragement to her, about how relaxed she feels, about how the treatment is going well, about how well she was doing, and other stupid fabrications I could think up. But before I say anything, Dave stands up and, grabbing her arms, shifts her so that she is lying diagonally on the corner of the bed, her groin resting on one edge with her legs dangling off the side and her shoulders on the other edge with her head dangling off the other side.

Dave starts taking off his shirt, which I don't underWOW is he a hairy fucker! My God, I have carpets that aren't as hairy as his back and chest. Jesus Fucking Christ, Dave, are you a type of Yeti? For God's sake, put your shirt back on before she balks at having anything to do with your shaggy ass and, by extension, my ass as well.

Wait, what is she doing? Is she opening her mouth and inviting Dave to put his cock into her? And she's using one of her hands to rub her pussy as she spreads her legs farther apart so I can get to her? Oh my Lord, she wants to fuck both of us together. I can't believe it! Oh shit!! She has been turned into an unstoppable fuck machine, willing to be penetrated in every way, allowing her incredibly large tits to be used in whatever way we see fit. This is the happiest day of my life! It cannot possibly get any better than this! I am unbelievable grateful Dave is here to help make this happen!

Dave looks at me and starts laughing, "Come on, John! Let's do this!"

All of a sudden she stops and says, "John? Who's John?" She leans her head forward and looks at me, "Albert? Why is Dr. Cooper calling you John?" Dave, you are the stupidest motherfucking idiot I have ever known! I cannot believe I was so fucking stupid to bring you here!

"Well, you see..." I suppose I could, no that wouldn't work. "Uh, that is..." What the fuck do I do now? This is fucking horrible! This is your fault, Dave! Thanks to you and your fucking mouth, my cover is blown. And now she's going to realize what a shithead I've been this entire time, and she's never going to let me anywhere near her again. And you can fucking forget about anything else you were imagining in that stupid pinhead of yours. Jesus, now that she realizes we've been lying to her this entire time and posing as someone different, we'll be lucky if we can avoid jail. The one good thing I can count on is that you'll be in jail with me so I can beat your fucking ass every day for the rest of my miserable life for screwing up my fucking life, you stupid prick!

"I'm sorry to confuse you, Tasha." Dave speaks up. Just shut the fuck up Dave and let me handle this! "John is Albert's middle name, and it's what I've called him ever since we first met years ago at a conference in Phoenix when they put the wrong name on his nametag."

Tasha looked at me and smiled, "John! Hee hee! That's a good name too!" she said with a giggle. And with that, she laid back down on the bed and wrapped her luscious lips around Dave's erect cock. Holy shit, that was incredible! Dave was actually, unbelievably, mind-blowingly fucking awesome! I had no idea he was capable of such exquisite and sophisticated bullshit. That was bullshit worthy of... hrmm, how exactly would someone be worth bullshit? Doesn't matter. The point is, I take it all back Dave, you are the greatest friend a guy could ever have, you fucking genius!

I try to give him a smile, but he's not really looking at me. He's staring at the large-titted woman sucking upside-down on his dick as he starts kneading her oiled breasts. Can't say I blame him on that. I don't know if he's noticed the wads of my cum that have mixed in with the oil, but I didn't want to ruin his moment. Acutally I think he'd still grab her immense tits even if they were covered in a thick, gooey layer of cum from a wide range of men as long as he was one of them.

Jesus, look at her. I see her opening her jaw as wide as she can in order to let him get as much cock as humanly possible into her. Her lips are now pressed against the base of his shaft and his balls are scrunched against her nose. God, I hope he's showered those hairy monsters sometime in the last few months, but I hear her moaning with pleasure so I guess she doesn't mind it too much.

I decide I'm going to take this opportunity to do something else I have wanted to do. I stand up and pull one of legs straight up so that her pelvis turns a little to the side, even as her shoulders stay flat on the bed. I thought my dick might need more time to recover, but seeing her gorgeous body naked on the bed and having someone's dick stuffed into her mouth made my erection as hard a rock again.

I took my cock, still well-oiled from the titty fuck, and slowly pressed against her anus. I hear her murmur in surprise, but she doesn't resist me as I carefully push my cock into her ass. Oh my god, I knew her ass looked incredible, but I didn't dream it would be this amazingly tight. I can feel her tighten her gluteals, squeezing my cock with more force than even her vacuum-like mouth which Dave is now enjoying.

She tightened her groin again, and my cock is now throbbing inside her incredibly snug ass and can barely move. I try moving in a little further, but her butt muscles are gripping me too much for me to be able to go in any more. I push harder and I move a little before her ass clutches my pulsing cock with a force I thought impossible for anyone to achieve.

I strain harder and harder until at last I shove my cock all the way into her ass so that my groin is now resting against her butt. I am holding on to her leg aloft above her... did I say hold? I meant I wrapped my arms around her leg like a zealot environmentalist would hug a tree.

Dave is now moving himself in and out of her, and I can see is cock is glistening with her spittle. Or is that cum? Has he already cum? No, I don't think so. Now I push my groin forwards and backwards, but her ass is so tight around my cock that I don't actually slide anywhere. Our two bodies just shift back and forth, with my cock held firmly in place by her gorgeous ass.

I'm wondering if maybe I haven't made a huge mistake. I mean, how on Earth is fucking someone in the ass remotely going to help them relax and fit into their lingerie better? I hadn't thought of any good reason, and now I'm thinking that this was going to be impossible to explain.

But then I see her extend one of her hands in my direction, her fingers spread out towards me, as if begging me to take her hand. I wasn't sure why she wanted this, but I figured if the woman the two of us are gangbanging wants me to hold her hand, then by God I'll do it.

I put my hand in hers and immediately she lunges forward a little and grabs my wrist. I instinctively grab her wrist and next thing I know she is pulling me forward as hard as she can. Shit, how can she have such an amazing grip? I feel like the bones in my hand are going to snap at any second.

With her other hand, she reaches up and grabs Dave's hip and pulls him forward so that he lunges into her even more. Her leg is resting against my shoulder, and with her pulling me forward, I'm pressed so hard against her groin that I think my balls are about to get sucked into her ass as well.

Oh my god, she's rocking herself back and forth, so that Dave and I take turns lunging into her. She pulls Dave in and swallows his stiffie, and then she pulls me deeper into her ass, as if I could get any deeper.

My cock is pulsating with a new load of cum ready to ejaculate. I am gripping her leg that is up the air and resting against my chest trying to resist urge to cum, because I so want this moment to last a while. But I don't know if I can hold out, watching her fuck the two of us so vigorously. If I had known she was this much of a slut, I would have brought Dave over a long time ago. Which I guess would have been yesterday.

Dave is now sliding his cock in and out of her mouth in rhythm with her rocking back and forth. "Mmm," she yelps as his cock pushes into her welcoming mouth. "Mmm!!" Now she's pulling him harder into him. "MMMMFF!" Her yelps are becoming more high-pitched and laden with orgasmic pleasure. "MMMFF!!" I see the veins on her hand desperately trying to slam his body into her mouth so that she can swallow as much of his cock as she can. "MMMRRLLFF!!!"

Between watching her devouring Dave's cock and her tight ass squeezing my throbbing cock, I can't stand it any longer. I feel the jism build in my veins and then explode inside her, which makes her ass clench even more so that I think I lose all blood flow to my cock. A few seconds later and I have unloaded my entire load of cum inside her. Her ass gradually loosens enough so that I can pull out of her, like a cork coming off a wine bottle but without the pop. Which would have been so cool if it had happened.

Jism starts dribbling out of her anus, and my cum-soaked cock starts getting limp. But Dave is still hammering away and she is still yelping in pleasure, "MRRMFF!! MRRMFF!! MRRMFF!!" Man, she is sucking away at his cock like a thirsty desert person drinking on a hose of water.

Suddenly Dave's jaw drops several inches and his half-opened eyes glaze over, and I see his groin lurching into her. I can't see any jism coming out of her mouth, but with her head dangling off the bed, I can easily see her extended neck as I watch her take several large swallows. Dave's hands are rigidly clenched around her breasts as she slowly slides her tongue up and down his shaft a few times making sure she licks every last drop of his cum off his erect cock.

Dave throws his head back and is panting as she rolls over on her stomach, still holding on to his erection. "I'm sorry, Dr. Cooper, I didn't mean to... it's just... I really liked the taste of your... you know... but I wasn't trying to... I'm sorry." Dave gives me a look of confusion, wondering why she is apologizing to him?

"It's fine, Tasha," I jump in. "Both Dr. Cooper and I have experienced this with some patients before. It's quite normal for some women to experience... arousal, and it's nothing to be ashamed about." Dave goes along with it and looks down at her with a reassuring and gentle forgiveness. Or maybe that's a lustful look of satisfaction. God, do I look like that when I put on my reassuring face? Jesus, I hope not, because if I do then I look like a fucking psychotic letch.

"I appreciate what you've done for me!" Oh I assure you, not as much as we appreciate what you did to us. Dave slides his fuzzy forearm against his scalp to wipe the sweat away. "Do you think it worked?" Right, the bra. We need to wrap this up neatly and prove to her that our intense therapy did the trick and we didn't double-fuck her for no reason at all. Which we did, of course, but I'd hate to spoil this idyllic moment.

"Let's find out," Dave says and he pulls out one of the bras I had given her earlier. Wait, how the fuck did he get that from my jacket? WHEN the fuck did he get that from my jacket? Did he get the right one? Oh my fucking God, does he even know which bra is the correct one? I hope you know which bra was right! Fuck, are you a rock-solid bullshitter, Dave? Or did you get incredibly lucky last time and are now about to ruin everything? You had better have gotten the right fucking bra, or I am never letting you fuck any other large-breasted simple-minded women again! Right, as if I have some spares lying around.

"It's fits great! Thank you both so much!!" Ok heart, you can start beating again now, thank you. And I should probably start breathing again as well.

I clutch my chest as she bounds off the bed and gives Dave a huge hug that makes her breasts squeeze sideways against his sweaty, hairy body. Then she leaps over near me and gives me a similar hug that presses her gorgeous tits into my appreciative body.

Tasha steps away from me with a concerned look on her face, "I do have one question, though." Shit, I hate questions. The last thing my post-coital brain needs right now is figuring out to come up with yet another stupid explanation for what we've been doing. "Could this happen again? With my boobs clenching up? Do I need more therapy?"

I look at Dave, who is staring at me with a huge smile on his face. No fucking way. I appreciate all the help he gave tonight, but there's no fucking way I'm going to keep doing this with a loose cannon like Dave. It's way too dangerous, and I need to stop this before it get out of hand.

Dave takes several lunging steps towards Tasha with that weird grin on his face and says, "Standard protocol requires at least five sessions. Are you available tomorrow?"

Oh shit.

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LacastrianLacastrianalmost 3 years ago

Sharing is a cuck thing

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
His thoughts are great but another person ruined it

John is a loser and Tasha is unrealistically dimwit, too trusting which sadly isn't unbelievable. His thoughts are just too funny, better than the sex itself. They siglehandedly save this story from being a sad gangrape story. This Dave sans the emotions (.01% that John has) is a complete prick. This shows we all love hypocrites aka John than outright on your face rapist aka Dave, hmmff. Great writing though there is a lingering feeling of " wtf is happening " and stupid Tasha wake up you moron but until she's not outright hurt emotionally or physically, everything's fine with eyes and brains closed, like many of us until we say "how could you do this" in different walks of life. Taking someone for a ride is just distasteful. The word play of John was great but a sad reality though - we all use words to hide real actions and intentions esp. As office managers and when need to win trust of others romantically. Alright, enough of extracting reality out of (hopefully) complete fiction uninspired by true events. Writer has great potential, humor is bang on the theme arouses mixed feeling though.

thedemonIxthedemonIxover 7 years ago

No tit le needed. Thank YOU!

dm47dm47about 10 years ago

These are absolutely wonderful stories, and I've only read the first four chapters. I can think of ways I'd like to see these stories go but you are doing a great job on your own. Keep me surprised and delighted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
"There was no reason to bring another person in ...

Ruined the story as far as I'm concerned."

I think the above comment is very funny. Yes. Let's hear a voice of reason! Or something. (Sort of dead-pan? petulant? [i love petulant])

((On another topic--sort of--it's about eroticism--this: This song & video--"Jeanny" by Falco

It's strange. I accidentally came upon this--a few years back. It's--so--strange--very eerie--ominous--

then one of the weirdest things is that the girl's face is a variation of the man's--oh, yeah, the lipstick and lost--red shoe--the torn stockings--"We must get out of here--out of the woods, don't you understand? Where is your shoe? You lost it--))

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