The Brass Butterfly Ch. 06

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Simon's starting to get a little too involved in his work.
3.9k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/12/2006
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This is a collaboration story between me and my friend Black Velvet. Sara belongs to Black Velvet while Matt and Simon belong to me. All written text and characters are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. This story will contain boy/girl, girl/girl, boy/boy, and threesome sexual content. Some chapters may not contain any sexual content. In which case, we also hope you enjoy the story. Feel free to stroke our egos, we love getting comments! Stroke them enough and we'll give you more faster. :)

The Brass Butterfly: Ch. 06

Matt leaned heavily on the wall. "You're kidding."

Simon nodded like that was a grand point to be appreciated and he didn't quite believe he'd managed to get so much so fast himself. He scratched the back of his head. "It's a "Spirit Box." A talisman that helps bring karmic balance to those who need the wisdom. It's got the letters for "curse" on it, but also those for "blessing." Depending on how you look at it. I had another colleague look at it, and we place this box to be nearly 200 years old."

Matt whistled low, "Damn, and we got that for two-fifty?"

Simon nodded. "It was probably stolen at some point and sold to smugglers and it got "lost" along it's trip out here. It's probably worth a fortune."

"Really? I was thinking I got ripped off."

Simon made a face and Sara gave her a sour look before turning to head into the bedroom, leaving the door open so she could keep up with the conversation. "Keep talking, I need to change. What else did you find out?"

He sighed, "Well, I'm not exactly certain yet, but I think the next word I'm working on means 'Key'"

"Key?" She stuck her head and upper body out the door, showing off her pink bra, "What does "key" mean?"

Matt gasped and Simon went completely silent a moment, staring. Matt stepped in his line of vision, "Sara! Put a shirt on before you come out here!"

Sara rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her. "This bra covers more than my bathing suit does!" she retorted, but she ducked back into the room.

Simon blinked as if broken out of a trance, "That's why I said I'm not certain. I think it's referring to whatever the trigger is for the spell, not a key like a lock and key. You and I both opened that box, yet Matt was the only one who has been changed. We need to figure out why."

They could hear the sounds of drawers opening and closing from the bedroom. "You said it was

karmic? Maybe Matt did something in a previous life and now he's paying for it?"

Simon looked at Matt, and Matt silently dared him to joke about it. Simon didn't rise to the bait; he shrugged and answered Sara, "Perhaps. It will require more research, but I thought it you would like to know."

Matt sighed, "Great, a hunk of tin thinks I need an attitude adjustment. Wouldn't be the first

time. Fuck. I just hope we figure this out before my mother comes back!"

Sara came back out dressed in khaki slacks and a sky blue polo with "Cantu Landscaping" on the left upper chest area. "I agree with you on that, Matt. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you came out here!"

"Knowing MY mother, I figured I needed a back up plan. So I grabbed one of Sara's makeup kits and smeared some dark gray stuff under my eyes and frizzed out my hair."

Simon chuckled, "Quick thinking. You do look like the Bride of Frankenstein with electric blue hair."

Matt scowled at him, "Oh, shut up."

Sara looked at Matt, unable to keep her curiosity any longer. "I just have to ask one thing," She gestured vaguely to her chest area. "Where did they go?"

Matt sighed and straightened up, lifting her shirt. Underneath was a hastily done wrap job of silvery duct tape all the way around her chest. Both Simon and Sara both hissed and winced.

"You used DUCT TAPE?!" Sara exclaimed.

"That's going to hurt like the devil to take off," Simon said.

"Don't I know it." Matt said, "It's damned hard to breath, too. I'm not leaning on this wall just from the shock of my mother showing up."

"Why didn't you put on a shirt underneath?" Sara demanded, "I would rather you sacrificed one of my t-shirts or camisoles."

"Well, EXCUUUUUSE me! I didn't exactly have a lot of time the way you were botching things out here with my mother!" Matt snapped.

Simon stepped between them, "All right, all right, you two. Sara, you go to work, I'll help her...him, get the tape off. I want to talk to Matt alone for a while anyway."

Matt felt her stomach tighten. Right now, she did NOT want to be alone with Simon. Sara shot her a look that said they weren't finished yet and grabbed her purse and jacket. She told them curtly she'd be back as soon as possible as she passed. Matt tried to call out to her, but never managed to get the words out. The door clicked shut and that was the end of it.

Simon wisely decided to say nothing more as Matt turned and headed to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her hair, breathing shallowly from having her chest so tightly bound. Simon followed a few steps behind, and as Matt turned on the water in the sink, he found the first aid kit and pulled out the bandage scissors.

Simon set the stuff on the counter, "You always did have a knack for getting in and out of weird situations."

Matt sighed and scrubbed her face, the makeup running in streaks until she looked like a mournful raccoon. "Thanks, I think." She took a towel and wiped the rest of it off before picking up a hairbrush to straighten out her hair.

"Take your shirt off, I'll cut this stuff off you."

Matt brushed faster. "Thanks, but I can do it myself. I got it on, I can get it off."

"You've wrapped it all the way around yourself. It will go quicker and be less painful if I help."

Matt frowned, then sighed. This was ridiculous, what was Simon going to DO, anyway? They were both facing the mirror, and she gestured at him with the brush in the reflection, "Ok, but if you make any jokes about my breasts, I'm going to temporarily forget the guy code and kick you in the nuts."

Simon grinned, "I'm not THAT tactless. That was your department, remember? I think you held the record for having the most drinks thrown in your face until you met Sara."

Matt tossed the brush down and pulled off the shirt. "Yeah, I was the one with the big mouth, you were the one that dropped fettuccini on your dates."

The grin faded from Simon's face a bit and he came up behind her and started wedging the scissors underneath the tape to cut it into smaller pieces. "You're never going to let me forget that, are you?"

Matt tossed the shirt on the floor and put her hands on the edge of the bathroom counter. "Nope."

Simon chuckled as he snipped away at the tape. "Well, it wasn't all bad. I DID get to eat it off him, later."

"TMI, man."

"Sorry. Ready?"

Matt nodded, bracing herself on the edge of the counter. Simon braced himself, counted to three, and pulled one of the sections of tape quickly. The tape made a tearing noise as it came away from her skin, and Matt winced and gritted her teeth. Simon rubbed the newly bared patch of skin to stop the stinging, wadded up the slack in his hand, moved, and pulled again. Matt's legs threatened to buckle at the fourth yank, her back arching. At the sixth yank, Matt tipped her head back and howled. By the time Simon got it all off, there was a heap of silver wads on the floor, and Matt's skin was bright red with tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes. Her shoulders were hunched from pain and her breasts trembled from breathing heavily.

Simon put his hands gently on her shoulders, and said softly, "It's ok, it's all off now."

"Fuck, that hurt."

"I know," Simon rooted through the medicine cabinet and took some baby oil he found and began gently rubbing it into Matt's skin. "This will help get the rest of the glue off your skin, as well as help the sting."

Matt hissed, but let him rub it into her skin, the oil feeling cool and soothing. To his credit, Simon never did make a crack about any of it. He dabbed the oil on tenderly across her back and sides, then used a towel to wipe the excess off. The sting was ebbing, and Matt was becoming quite aware of the heat creeping up her body from the gentle touches. She hoped he would get it over with and leave, because standing there half naked with him spreading oil on her back was starting to weird her out. Simon paused after a moment, and Matt could see in the mirror a puzzled expression cross his face as he pulled her hair over her shoulder. "What's this?"

"What's what?" Matt asked.

"On your spine. You have some red marks."

Matt swiveled her head to look at Simon. "Marks?"

"Turn back a minute." Simon said. Matt did so, and Simon traced his fingers in tight circles from Matt's neck to between her shoulder blades. Matt wriggled at the ticklish sensation. "WHAT are you doing?" She asked.

"This is really something. You have these little red marks on your back that are spelling out Hanzi!"


"There's five of them from what I can see."

Matt tried to turn to look, but of course, wasn't able to see anything. She finally grabbed Sara's hand mirror from a drawer and turned around to try to look at it with the mirrors facing each other so she could see her back.

"I see some red spots, but I can't see that much detail."

"They're pretty faint. It's like somebody pressed a fingernail into your skin in the patterns of the words." Matt moved her eyes from the mirror and caught Simon looking at her chest as he talked. Annoyed, she frowned and moved her arms closer together, not so much to block his view, but to remind him not to stare. Simon blinked and lifted his eyes.

Matt gave him a warning look for a moment, but focused on the subject at hand, "Can you make out what they say?"

Simon cleared his throat, his face relaxing to a more neutral look. "I recognize one—it's the symbol for "Switch" again. The rest is new."

Matt looked in the mirror again. It would have been easy to miss the marks, they were small and she'd been on her back most of the time when she was having sex with Sara. "Great. I wonder how long those have been there."

"Could have been since you changed, or they could be new. They're mostly hidden by your hair. Do you have a pad and pencil? I need to copy these down."

Matt put the mirror down, and headed into the bedroom to fetch them. Simon followed, for lack of anything better to do at that moment. She felt slightly paranoid coming in the bedroom half-dressed, and knew Simon was staring at her rear end as she bent over to pull the pencil and notepad from the nightstand drawer. She told herself fiercely to get a grip; it wasn't like he hadn't been staring at her ass this entire time. That wasn't a comforting thought, and she slammed the drawer shut then they trooped back into the bathroom where the light was better.

She caught Simon staring at her chest out of the corner of her eye again, and she felt her nipples hardening on their own. She had the urge to throw a shirt on, but knew she'd just have to take it off again, so she ignored it. She tossed the pad and pen on the counter bent over again, trying not to turn her knuckles white while she pressed her fists into the countertop, feeling wholly grumpy while Simon copied down the words.

"I'm taking it you haven't noticed anymore anywhere else on your body."


"Maybe we had better check. This might have been something that happened just today or even a few minutes ago. Take the rest of your clothes off."

"That's like the world's cheesiest pick up line, Simon."

"I'm serious. If this is something new, we need to check and make sure."

Matt felt the sweat breaking out on her forehead and upper back. She did NOT want to be alone, completely naked, with Simon.

"How about if I check, and you wait outside?"

Simon raised his eyebrows. "You can read Chinese from your back well enough to copy it down for me?"

Matt sighed and told herself to be a man and suck it up. "Fine."

Simon waited as Matt unsnapped the fly of her jeans. She did this as unceremoniously as possible, pushing them down along with her panties. She wished she hadn't worn the red silk she had put on for Sara last night, but dropped them anyway, and stepped out of them.

Simon kept his face carefully neutral during this, trying to be as professional as possible. But Matt could tell he was hardening from looking at her, and she lifted her face to look him in the eye defiantly.

Simon made a gesture with his finger for her to turn around again. "We'll check the back first."

Matt turned around again, and Simon bent over to inspect the skin carefully. He kneeled and gently put a hand on the small of her back, running his fingertips lightly over her hip. Matt struggled not to shiver, but felt the goose bumps rising, and clenched her fists on the counter.

Simon kept up the slow sweeps of his fingers, gently pulling on the skin of her thighs and calves and buttocks, face hovering close enough that she could feel his breath on the back of her legs. It was just enough that Matt could feel moisture starting to form between her legs. Matt gritted her teeth, but her lower abdomen tightened with need.

Simon stood up again, tracing his fingers over Matt's scalp, behind her ears, pulling her hair this way and that to look. His hands were so gentle and soft. Matt did shiver then, keeping her eyes down and concentrating on taking even breaths.

"Ok, turn around."

"Is this really necessary? I can see the front just fine." She tried to say it casually, but her voice sounded strange, even to her, and she hated it.

Simon met her eyes in the mirror, "Just do it."

Matt made a disgusted sigh and turned around. Simon's eyes traveled down, and Matt felt the pulsing between her legs growing stronger. She had the flash of fantasy of wrapping herself around Simon, pulling his nude body to her and wrapping her soft pussy around his hard cock. Matt's breath hitched and she had to blink the imagery away. In retaliation of all this, Matt did the impatient palms up Well? gesture.

Simon suddenly did that slow, wicked smile again, like a predator that liked the look of his prey. Matt's breath caught and suddenly it was like watching a movie as Simon touched her again. His fingers slid over her skin, massaging, gently tugging, and raising goosebumps. He traced her jaw, her throat, her chest, inspecting with a look of repressed heat on his face. Matt had never felt more vulnerable in her entire life until that point, and suddenly had a very clear insight of what women know instinctively in the presence of somebody who could overpower them in "that" way. It was an awful feeling, but also incredibly erotic. She wasn't sure which frightened her more.

Simon brushed his fingers over her breasts, thumbs grazing the hardened nipples lightly several times. He cupped and moved them, lifted them, checking them, but also admiring them and feeling their softness. Matt was holding onto the countertop with both hands in a death grip and her breathing got even shallower. It was like she had no control over her body. Her mouth wouldn't work to tell Simon to back off. She wanted it. She wanted him to touch her, to take her, to fuck her hard and fast until she screamed for more. A violent tremble ran through her body as he brushed over her belly, then helped her sit on the counter. Matt was shaking all over as Simon fanned his hands over her thighs, spreading her legs, kneeling before her. He smoothed his hand over the soft curls, and used his thumbs to part her. "It's absolutely seamless. You can't tell you weren't always a woman."

"Yeah...could you just hurry it up?" Her voice shook, all the strength faded away. Her mind was screaming that this was wasn't right, it would be a disaster if they went further, but it also silently begging for him to touch her again. It was confusing, and the indecision had rendered her immobile.

"You're already wet," Simon murmured in a low voice, rubbing his thumb over her clit and over her tight little nether lips.

Matt shivered and didn't know what to say to that. Her lips were slightly parted, frozen in an attempt to speak. They stared at each other, and Simon slowly ran a finger appreciatively up and down her wet slit before slipping one finger inside until he felt resistance. A look of near euphoria crossed his face and he purred, "And you're a virgin."

Matt gasped, and it was just enough of a shock to have his fingers almost penetrating her to regain her senses. The sensuality washed away with fear that changed quickly to white-hot anger, and she jerked, closing her legs, forcing Simon to withdraw quickly. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?!"

Simon backed up and got out of the way in case she got in mind to kick him. Matt slid off the counter and immediately into a defensive stance, not bothering to pick her clothes up off the floor. She was furious, not only with Simon's gall, but also at herself for letting it happen.

Simon put up his hands placatingly in surrender, his voice sounding hoarse. "I-I'm sorry Matt, I got carried away."

"No fucking kidding."

"Honestly, I am really, really, sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Look, let's not fuck around here anymore, ok? You've been laying it on thick for days, and I've HAD it."

"I was just trying to help."

"Dude, if I had a naked chick in front of me, I'd be trying to cop a feel too, so cut the bullshit, ok?"

Simon stared at her for a beat or two, then sighed, "Ok, fine, I won't try to touch you again unless you want me to."

"It's not JUST that. It's all the innuendo, the staring, the flirting, it's really pissing me off!" She took a step forward, and Simon took another step back. That gave her a little satisfaction.

"Calm down. I know you're angry, you have every right to be, what I just did crossed way over the line, but please believe me, the last thing I want to do is hurt you."

"You're trying to seduce me, and you're trying to seduce my girlfriend. I don't know if China's populated with ugly people and you're desperate or what, but don't fuck around with me or Sara, you got that? I WILL kick your ass if you try to fuck things up between us. Just because you finally got Carson Cresley to fix your image doesn't mean you can come in here and try to stick your cock where it's not wanted."

Simon finally started to get angry, and he stood up straight, glaring down at Matt. He cleared Matt by a good four inches at least, and his eyes hardened into blue slate. "If I remember correctly, it was YOU two who came to ME for help. I'm legitimately trying to do that, and I am NOT trying to steal Sara away from you, or you away from Sara."

"I'm not a girl, Simon, so stop trying to treat me like I am. I'm not going to be your bitch to conquer."

"But you fantasize about it."

She opened her mouth to say something, but shut it again. She wanted to spit out a nasty retort, but nothing came to mind. She knew why, and even though it pissed her off even more, she had to admit it was because Simon was right. It was the truth, and she couldn't deny it. So she pursed her lips, and glared at him.

"You're attracted to me," Simon leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. "I'm attracted to you. I admit I screwed up, but I think as long as we're facing facts, we should face that one as well."

"You are really an asshole, you know that?"

"That's what's really bugging you, isn't it? The fact you want me back."

"Screw you. I may have changed into a girl, but I'm not going to suddenly fawn all over you in a rush of girly hormones."

"It's not the fact you're a girl right now, Matt," Simon said gently, "Even though you do make a gorgeous woman. You would still be looking at me if you were male."