The Brother's-in-law

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A family Vacation turns into a sexfest.
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The Brothers-in-law

Chapter One

Laney looked about the small chamber that was to be her and Jason's bedroom for the next two weeks. Jason was unloading the car of their suitcases, her garment bag, and of course his fishing gear. A Queen bed, a small dresser, a closet the two would have to share, and not much else in the room except a bedside table with a small lamp on either side. Cozy is the word, she thought to herself. Laney was a bookkeeper and it was tax season so she was busy. She also helped out at a homeless shelter two days a week.

Laney had brought a couple of sexy night items in hopes of getting her husband interested. They had both been so busy that their sex life had suffered. Laney hoped to correct that on this trip. Jason was not the greatest lover in the world, but, in truth, Laney had very little experience outside her marriage. Just a couple of guys and one time each before she met her husband. Though their sex life was pretty mundane, she hoped to spice it up a little.

Lisa sat in the living room of the cabin the seven adults would be sharing for the next couple of weeks. The trip was Brad's idea of a vacation, and both Roger and Jason thought it was a great idea. But, as good wives, she and the other two wives decided to humor the brothers and go along for a week away from their normal routine. In truth, they all needed a break.

Lisa's husband, Roger, was the oldest of the four brothers. All four of the brothers are attractive, and not just to their spouses. They all had that center cleft in their chin, and blue eyes except for the second oldest Jason who has brown eyes. The four brothers each have broad shoulders, faces like models, and blond hair, except for the youngest whose hair was as dark as midnight. Dennis, the youngest, was the only unattached of the four brothers. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend of about two years. The three couples dragged him along in hopes of getting him out of his funk from the break-up.

Though the third oldest of the four brothers, Brad was the nominal leader of the family. For some reason, over the years, the charismatic brother became the major decision-maker for the tight nit group. It was his idea to take this trip, the cabin in the woods was a perk of his job. Once a year those in the office could have the place for a week. The only thing they had to worry about was making sure it was left in good shape. To ensure this, the cabin had a crew of housekeepers who would come into the place and do a thorough cleaning after they all left. Brad had suggested the vacation because of his younger brother's break-up and had finally cajoled the entire gang into joining him for the week.

Dennis would sleep in the back of the cabin in the loft. The loft sat above the living room. A short staircase leads up to it from the right side of the living room. The staircase on the north side of the Cabin, the loft on the west. It was back a bit from the living room with a bed, a small dresser a curtain that could be pulled for privacy. The loft also has a small window that shows nothing but a huge tree. On that right wall, there are three doors leading to three bedrooms designated for the three couples. It was still early afternoon, but he lay back on the small double bed thinking about things. About his life.

At twenty-three he is the youngest of the brothers. He had finished college the year previous and now worked in the office of a computer company. Dennis is a year younger than the youngest of the wives, Laney. He could not help himself, he lay back fantasizing not just about her, but also about the other wives.

Laney stands about five feet four inches tall, a brunette with beautiful green eyes, and a petite nose that he found entrancing. She has smallish breasts but tends to wear soft bras underneath pastel shirts that often show off her perky nipples through those shirts. She has incredible legs, a perfect ass, and a smile that always makes him want her. That makes him want to have sex with her.

But Dennis thought not just about Laney, he also thought about the other wives as well. The wives of his other brothers. Lisa, the wife of his older brother Roger, is as pretty as any woman he has ever met. She is the tallest of the wives at about five feet nine inches in height. She has dark hair, brown eyes, and a perfect face. A narrow but not too pointed nose, full lips, long beautiful lustrous hair, and a narrow chin that added to her beauty. Her figure is that of a model and Dennis often found himself staring at her ass. He had to be careful not to be caught by the rest of the family staring at the wives. At twenty-nine she was the oldest of the wives and their sort of unofficial leader.

Dennis then thought of Carrie. Carrie at twenty-seven was the heaviest of the wives, but not unattractive. Perhaps a few pounds overweight, he still admired her incredible ass, her pretty face with her beautiful smile. Carrie is about five feet seven inches tall and had long dark tresses when he first met her that she now dyes blonde. Her legs and ass as sexy as any he had ever seen. The only thing that bothered him was, that of all the wives, she treated him like a little brother. When he looked at her, he did not think of himself as her little brother. Not at all.

All the Anderson brothers had broad chests and gleaming smiles. They were chased after by women regularly. That Dennis currently did not have a girlfriend, they all knew would be a temporary situation. All three wives thought him very good-looking, and the family constantly reminded him that there were plenty of women out there who would love to get to know him. Dennis would get through this. Dragging him along on this trip the family hoped, would be part of his getting over the girl that just dumped him.

Chapter Two

That evening the family had a nice meal and sat around talking and joking. Tired from the drive up to the cabin, the group then went to bed early. Because they were all tired from the trip they all fell asleep early, except for Dennis, who tossed and turned a bit before finally falling asleep just before midnight.

The four men set out before dawn to follow the narrow stream just a few paces from the cabin to do some fishing. Laney grew up a tomboy and loved to fish and hike, but, in deference to the ladies, she decided to stay behind. She and the other ladies were not expecting the guys to be back at the cabin until late afternoon or early evening. Laney was sitting outside at the picnic table reading a book, luxuriating in the morning sun away from the cabin and the trees that surrounded it. Sitting at that table on the bench on the side away from the cabin, she leaned on that table to read her latest romance novel.

"Don't you find those things a bit ridiculous?" It was Lisa who spoke as the other two young women came out of the cabin and sat opposite her on the opposite bench.

Laney looked up and replied, "Hey, I know they are called romance novels, but it's not the romance that attracts me to them." She had a big grin on her face as she looked up from the book and responded to Lisa's comment. "If you know what I mean."

The other two women laughed and it was Carrie who responded, "Okay..., share. Give us a sample."

Laney laughed. She then read a passage from a part of the novel she had already finished. It was raunchy, and they all three laughed as she finished the reading. "Jesus, Laney. I thought you were the angel of the group. I do have to say that the scene was very hot. Are they all like this?" Lisa asked.

"Some..., some are even more wild."

Carrie then asked, "Well..., all I have to say is Brad is very good in the bedroom department. I am always satisfied."

Lisa then chimed in, "Roger is pretty good himself. I mean, the things he can do with his mouth..."

Again the three wives laughed but both Lisa and Carrie could see Laney blush a maroon color up her neck, her face flushing so red it could not be missed.

The laughter diminished and Lisa looked at Laney. "Okay, I don't know about Carrie, but I could see something about that last comment that got your attention, Laney." Laney just looked down at her book and away from the other two women but did not respond. "Oh..., Come on, why did you turn so red?"

Carrie interjected, "Yes, what was the blush all about? You can tell us. I mean, you have been married for three years, I am sure you have had your wild nights."

Laney blushed again, unable to respond. In truth, her husband Jason had never given her oral sex and the few times she had tried with him he had balked. Not only that, but intercourse for them was pretty mundane. Very rarely any unusual positions. Laney wanted some excitement, she wanted oral sex. She truly wanted to learn how to give a blow job and have her husband give her oral sex in response. She was just too timid to bring the subject up anymore. "I..., well. Uhm, I have never done oral sex. Jason has never done it on me either."

Both women were shocked. At first, they were unsure how to respond, but finally, Carrie said, "You have got to be kidding me. I mean..., Jason is a hunk. All the women that chased him? I mean, honestly, had he not already been going out with you when we met..., if he did not already have a girlfriend I would have jumped his bones." This time all three women laughed. "God, I think he needs a teacher. Someone to show him the ropes."

Laney looked up at Carrie. She thought for a moment but finally said, "What, Carrie? Do you think you could teach him?" Both Carrie and Lisa were sure she was joking. "I mean it, Carrie. I love him, but our sex life is not the best."

Lisa looked over at Carrie but said nothing. Carrie finally said, "You are not kidding, are you?"

To everyone's surprise, she responded, "No..., I am not."

Carrie then looked over at Lisa and said, "You do know that Brad has the hots for you, right Lisa?"

"I guess it is a bit obvious that he finds me attractive. What's your point?"

"Okay..., I am going to suggest something wild. I think we should make sure each one of the guys has a good shower and make some excuse to stay up and send them to bed alone. I am sure they will all be a bit tired, so we can't let them in the rooms for too long. Then, well..."

It was Laney who interjected as Carrie hesitated, "Then what? What do you have in mind?"

Carrie replied, "A little bit of a husband swap. Lisa will go into your room Laney and climb in bed with Jason. I will go into your room Lisa and climb in bed with Roger, and you Laney will go into my room and climb in bed with Brad." With a wink, she continued, "I can tell you Brad is good... I mean he is a good teacher, Laney."

The three women once again laughed. It was Lisa who looked at the other two women and finally spoke, "Okay, I am not completely averse to this idea, but what happens if any of the guys balk? I mean, it could be a mess."

Carrie answered, "I don't think anyone is going to balk. The guys are all normal and would love to bed a woman other than his wife. I am sure of it. But, if any of the men do, then we call the entire thing off and deal with the aftermath. If we have to, we can play it off as a joke. I don't think that will be what happens."

Chapter 3

Jason had just come from the bathroom. He had brushed his teeth after a quick shower as there was only so much hot water in the place. Seven people and only one shower quickly ran the hot water out of the place. The ladies had taken their showers earlier in the day so that the four guys could have the shower that evening. He had entered the room he shared with his wife Laney. Jason's back to the door, he pulled down the sheet to climb into the bed when he heard the door squeak behind him. "Ready for bed, hun?" Lisa did not respond, so Jason turned around. "Oh..., Lisa, what did you need?"

Lisa was wearing a robe which she opened to reveal a very sexy nightgown. The nightgown was dark blue, her breasts prominent as her nipples poked through the fabric of the gown. "I thought you might need me."

"Uhm..., Lisa. Not that I am not tempted mind you, but my wife could walk in here any minute."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. Right about now Carrie is climbing in bed with Roger and Laney is swooping in on Brad hoping to receive some education."

Jason grinned nervously, surprised at Lisa's words, but, he understood the implication of her being in his room dressed the way that she was. "Unless, of course, you are the jealous type."

"You mean because Laney is... Uhm, I..., I don't know." As he said this she walked over to Jason and stood aside the bed. Jason just stood there, nervous, not sure what to do. Lisa then dropped the robe and untied the gown underneath. It fell open to reveal her incredible body. His cock immediately came to attention but still, he did not move. "God, you are beautiful. I..., I don't know. I mean, I love Laney..."

"Jesus you can be thick. Laney knows exactly where I am at. I don't want to embarrass you, but she says you need a little bit of an education."

Jason could not help but be a little offended. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Well, for one, let's get into the bed. What do you say?" Jason did as she asked, and she had to suppress a laugh at his very old-fashioned pajama bottoms that he was clothed in. Laying next to each other, Jason was nervous. Lisa decided to move things forward. "First of all, let's take these off." Without warning, she slipped down the bed and began to pull off those pjays. He started to balk by grabbing the waist of the pants, but she slapped his hand and grasped them at the waist. Quickly she pulled them off and his cock popped free. Lisa was a bit surprised, for it was not exactly small. It had to be close to eight inches, and also fat. Not only that, but it was shaved which surprised her. Why shave your cock if no one is sucking it? "Wow, you have a nice dick." She said as she reached out and grasped that cock. He sort of shuddered as she began to stroke up and down on it. "Do you like that?"

His only answer was to nod his head yes as she continued. "Laney says you have never let her suck your cock."

"As..., as you can see I am not exactly small. I worry about hurting her."

Lisa gave him a sideways look, a look of incredulity. "Oh, please," she said and then leaned forward and began to lick just the tip of his manhood.

"Oh, man. That..., that feels good."

Lisa smiled and grasping just the tip of his cock she pushed it back against his body and then licked the underside of his balls. She then took his low-hanging left ball into her mouth and gently sucked it. He continued to moan, looking down at her as she then licked up the shaft of his cock. "You are not going to hurt me, Jason. Or Laney for that matter." She then engulfed his cock, her hand grasping the lower part of his manhood. Slowly she began to move her mouth up and down on his rigid member. Taking her mouth off of his cock, now stroking up and down on his shaft she said, "Just tell her to protect your cock from her teeth. Make sure she wraps her lips around her teeth." Jason still said nothing but nodded his head yes.

She grinned around his cock as she took more and more of his length into her mouth. Jason watched, absorbed by the image of his cock disappearing in and out of her mouth. More and more of his cock was engulfed by her wonderful lips. She made noises that he recognized as her choking, but she did not stop. Her lips were so close to his body, but she could not quite take all of his cock. Pulling back, moving her mouth off of his manhood she gasped for breath. "God, you do have a big one. Now, I can't take it all but that should not matter. I want you to cum in my mouth. Let me control so I can have you cum in my mouth, not my throat."

"Oh..., okay," he replied.

She could see he was a bit taken aback by her openness, but she was having too good a time to worry about it. Lisa had been stroking his cock, but now she went back to work. She engulfed his cock, sliding her mouth up and down on his shaft, moving faster and faster. She placed her hand under his balls as she went to work, sucking his cock as she had sucked her husband's many times. She enjoyed sucking cock, but she especially enjoyed what she received in return. Or, so she hoped that would be the case.

Jason could not help himself, he reached down and touched her hair as she sucked on his manhood. He never knew that oral sex could feel this good and knew he wanted his wife to do this to him occasionally. Not that he was not enjoying Lisa's mouth. Finally, he decided to speak, "God..., Lisa. That... Fuck, I am going to cum Lisa." Lisa just continued to grin around his cock as she felt his cock begin to swell and she knew he was soon about to release.

"Mmm, mmm," she moaned aloud, her tongue dancing around his cock as she moved up and down, now faster on his fat pole.

"I..., I am gonna... Fuck, I am going to cum, Lisa. Oh God..., yes. I am..., I am going to cum. F-fuck..., I am going to..." With that, he began to squirt his cum, spray after spray into Lisa's mouth. He still had his hand in her hair. But then he leaned back, and then sort of fell back onto the bed as he sprayed his cum in between her sensual lips. He had never felt anything like it. Over and over his cum pumped into her. He wanted to move, but he let her have control and just closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of his release into a woman's mouth for the first time.

Chapter 4

Brad was walking down the hall. The ladies had finished their showers earlier in the day, and he had just brushed his teeth. He had a towel over his shoulder after washing his face and taking his shower. Pretty Laney was standing at the door to his bedroom about to knock. She must have heard him, for she turned to him. He made note of the sexy shorts she was wearing, and the blouse. He could see her nipples through the fabric. Her nipples seemed to be showing all the time. "Brad..., can we talk? I want to ask you something."

"Sure, is Carrie in the room yet?"

"No..., no, she is busy. I will explain. But can we go in your room and talk please?"

Brad gave her a strange look but motioned for her to enter. She opened the door and Brad followed her in. He walked to his dresser, folded the towel, and dropped it on top of the dresser next to the mirror. He turned around, leaned on the dresser, and looked at Laney. Those shorts she was wearing showed off her amazing legs. Roger had always been attracted to her. The youngest of the wives was on the short side but had an amazing figure. Once again he made note of her smallish breasts and her prominent nipples poking through the blouse she was wearing. "Okay, Laney, what's up?"

"Well, Brad, this is going to be very difficult, and a bit weird to explain." As she began to speak she walked over and sat on the bed. As there was no chair in the room she was sure he would think she was just finding a place to sit. She hesitated, nervous and unsure of how to begin. Brad, a generally patient guy, stood leaning back against the dresser waiting for her to come to the point. "Okay, let me spit this out. I love Jason. I mean he is the love of my life. But, well, he is not good at certain things. In truth, either am I..."

At this point Laney trailed off, unsure of how to continue. Brad finally asked, "What things? What the heck are we talking about?"

Blushing profusely, looking down, she finally said, "Oral sex. He has never gone down on me and I have tried to give him a blow job but he does not want it. He won't let me."

It only took a second for it to dawn on Roger what was happening. "So, my wife... Where is my wife?"

She looked up at him not sure how he would react. But, she also knew she had to answer. "Well, I think she is in with Roger. No..., I mean she is in with Roger..."