The Business Suit

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Dalton's predilection for a woman in a business suit.
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There's an old adage that time and chance happen to all men, or something like that; maybe it's from the bible. I don't know if I'm right, but to me it means that there will be one experience in your life that you'll always remember. In any event I found that I, Dalton Briggs, had a true "time and chance" event when I was twenty three that I know that I will never forget.


I finished college and graduate school in a combined BS and MS program in five years with a Masters in Electronics Engineering. In my Master's program I worked with a professor who was developing a new type of broadcast media server for television stations. I became an expert in that type of equipment. While another company beat my university to the market with a greatly enhanced version it was close enough to what I had been working on that within a day or two I was an expert in it too; it was called a Scion Broadcast Media Server, or SBS for short.

I had a half dozen job offers from TV stations all over the US that had just purchased, or were about to purchase, an SBS who didn't want to have a six month learning curve before they could effectively use it. I used my nearly unique knowledge of an SBS to negotiate an employment contract with the most popular TV station in a major city. Normally they only hired technical people on an "at will" employment basis but I made it clear that I would only accept a job with an 18 month employment contract. Since their SBS was going to be delivered within a month and there were no other prospects they agreed.

I got to know the culture and the people a little bit in the month before the SBS was delivered and got familiar with the other electronic equipment at the TV station. I'm not sure that the old-time tech employees were too thrilled that I was there but they were polite. Once the SBS was delivered and they saw what a complex piece of equipment that it was but how it ultimately would make the entire station run more smoothly any innate animosity they held evaporated overnight.

It took me a week to get the SBS properly installed and another two weeks before it could be fully integrated into the rest of the equipment. At first it was only used when I was on duty, seven hours a day, six days a week, but after a couple of months others who I had instructed were familiar with it enough that it could be used 24/7 as long as I was on call.

The "time and chance" aspect of this story comes in because of the six p. m. female anchor at the TV station where I worked. Her name is Allegra Anatoli.

Since I was 18 I have had a predilection for women who rocked a business suit with a skirt. I think that it goes back to early in my life when my father had a business partner who was old enough to be my mother but who always looked stunning in her ubiquitous standard outfit of a colorful blouse, pressed designer subdued jacket, and tailored tight fitting skirt. I had a crush on her which I hopefully disguised -- at least no one in my family ever teased me about it.

Getting back to Allegra Anatoli, she was probably mid to late thirties when I met her and she rocked a business suit even better than my dad's business partner did. I'm normally very confident around women, having had my fair share of girlfriends and sexual encounters because I'm not a typical engineer geek. I'm six feet two inches (188 cm) tall and weigh 205 pounds (93 kg) and am an exercise fiend, working out at least an hour every day without fail. The first time that I saw Allegra, however, in a crisp business suit with her skirt just above the knee and a lavender blouse and four inch heels that matched her skirt, I almost spontaneously came, and was laughably (to everyone else but me) tongue-tied around her.

Every day that I worked for the TV station I made it a point to interact with Allegra for at least a few minutes even if the reason was fabricated. I think that she knew that I had a teenage-like crush on her, and being a kind and empathetic person never busted my balls about it. If Allegra wasn't married with two kids I would have pathetically embarrassed myself by asking her on a date despite her enhanced station at work and the fact that she is about 15 years older than I am.


I had been working at the station about six months when it was about an hour before the six p. m. broadcast when the production manager asked me to help Allegra with her computer which apparently had been acting up. Since I deal with all technical equipment, and not just the SBS, this was not an unusual request and of course one that I relished since it gave me a chance to see her sculptured legs and full chest expanding her blouse.

As I approached Allegra's office I saw that her door was open and a man inside was yelling at her. The yelling didn't make much sense to me because it didn't seem to be about work -- but I couldn't really be sure what it was about. My Paleolithic man instincts seemed to kick in, however, so rather than turning away or waiting until the screamer left her office I barged into it.

When I walked in I wasn't quiet about it. The screamer stopped screaming for a few seconds and snapped "What are you doing here -- get out."

"Sorry, I'm here to fix Allegra's computer," I snapped back looking the asshole in the eye. He was about my size, maybe slightly bigger, and probably in his early forties.

"I said get the fuck out asshole," he snarled.

I looked over at Allegra and saw her crying.

I went up to the asshole with my fists clenched and got nose-to-nose with him. "You're the asshole; is it your normal MO to bully women; if it is I'd be glad to give you a lesson in manners."

"She's my wife," he snarled some more.

That took me back a little, but only slightly; I did recognize then that he looked like Allegra's husband Jack, the guy in the photo on her desk with her two kids, but that meant nothing to me. "I don't give a fuck if you're Santa Claus I'm not about to let you abuse a woman whether you think that you have a right to or not so you're the one who's going to leave, not me."

Allegra intervened with "It's OK Dalton."

I looked at her -- JHC she looked even hotter than normal with a few tears on her cheeks -- and maybe I should have left but instead I turned back to Jack and said "No it's not OK, Allegra. Even if there's some reason that normally you put up with his abuse you won't be able with me around. So you, asshole," I continued sticking a finger in his chest, "are leaving, not me."

Jack could tell by the look in my eye and my clenched fist that I wasn't fucking around and since at work it makes more sense to wear short sleeve shirts since I'm handling equipment all of the time he could see my flexed biceps. "Whoever the fuck you are, you'll be history by tomorrow," he snarled but then turned and left.

After he exited I turned toward Allegra. I started to say something -- I don't know what it was going to be -- when she spoke.

"You shouldn't have done that Dalton. I appreciate you sticking up for me but it was both a domestic and business situation -- and apparently you don't know who my husband is."

I looked at her a little funny, but then said "I'm sorry; I couldn't help myself, it's just the way I'm hard wired." Then it suddenly hit me that she said "apparently you don't know who my husband is" so I followed up with "Uh...who is your husband?"

"He's the general counsel for the holding company that owns our station," she replied with a half grin, having wiped away her tears.

"OK then," I smiled, "so what's wrong with your computer?"

Allegra showed me the problem then stayed in the room while I played around with it. That was both good and bad; it was good because I got to ogle her sleek legs and toned ass, and it was bad because it distracted me from my job. After five or ten minutes, however, I concluded that it was an interface between her hard drive and monitor; I removed it and said "I'll be back in five minutes with a replacement part and it will be good as new a few minutes after that."

Allegra smiled at me as I exited her office. On my way back to our equipment room I had to laugh to myself "I'm probably going to get the ax, but I don't care; I am who I am." Just before I returned to Allegra's office I did a quick search of the officers of the holding company and there was a picture of Jack Simpson -- Allegra already had a following in the business when she married him so didn't take his last name.

After I replaced the interface on Allegra's computer it was functioning perfectly after a couple of minutes. She thanked me and then seriously said "I'll try to mitigate the situation with Jack; I don't want you to suffer because you stuck up for me."

I looked into her intense cobalt blue eyes and felt a little weak-kneed, but quickly recovered. "Please, Allegra do not -- I repeat -- do NOT make your situation any worse because of me. I don't really care what happens; I did what was right, would do it again tomorrow, and I'm a big boy and can handle whatever comes my way."

She smiled and squeezed my left hand.

I vowed never to wash that hand ever again!


When I got into work the next day Betsy Griffin, the General Manager, texted me to come see her. When I got into her office she said "Have a seat Dalton; you probably know what this is about."

"Yeah Betsy I know, it's about sweet Allegra Anatoli having an asshole for a husband," I smiled.

"Just between you and me he may be an asshole, but he is also powerful and I got a call from the president of our company last night telling me to fire you."

I hadn't come into this meeting unprepared. I have an uncle on my mother's side who is kind of a jerk, but he likes me and he is a bad ass trial attorney. While he doesn't live in the same city he does live in and is a member of the bar in the same state. I had a nice talk with him the night before.

"No problem, it just means that I get a year off with pay unless I get another job in between," I grinned.

"What do you mean?" was her surprised question.

"In case you can't readily find it here's a copy of my employment agreement. As you can see in paragraph 9 putting an abusive asshole in his place is not among the legitimate reasons for firing me, therefore I'm due everything that my employment agreement calls for in the eleven plus months that it has to run. Also, here's a business card of my attorney uncle -- you should look him up in Martindale's -- he's a real shark. He tells me that unless I get a letter from the station within a week that you will be abiding by the monetary provisions of my contract he'll be in court and the reasons why you fired me will become very public."

Betsy was stunned.

"Also, you should advise the asshole that I started recording his tirade on my iPhone before I walked into Allegra's office and since he had no expectation of privacy in a room with an open door in a business office according to my uncle under state law it is admissible in court." That was a lie, I didn't have a recording, but they wouldn't know that until six months later during discovery if I had to sue.

I gave a few seconds for that to sink in before I got up, said "I'll remove my personal things within fifteen minutes -- have a nice day Betsy," and I was gone.


To make a long story short within a month after I left the TV station they had settled with me. There was no way that they would have wanted Jack Simpson to be exposed as a complete asshole, plus I really was legally in the right. They paid me up front for seven months and gave me a glowing recommendation. I just had fun in the city, not having to go into work, for two months before I applied for, and got, an equivalent job in another city less than two weeks after I started looking for one.

I would lose a little money on my apartment lease, but since my building had a waiting list of tenants it wasn't much, and my new employer would pay my moving expenses.

A couple of weeks before I was to leave -- and after I had already received my settlement check -- Bill Paulsen, the production manager at my old station. called me about three p. m. After some chit-chat he got to the reason for his call.

"Dalton we have a problem with the SBS that no one can figure out? Could you come in to look at it; I know that things didn't end well here for you, but we always had a good relationship and it would really help me out personally; of course we'll pay."

Something that I wanted much more than money at that time -- since I was flush with seven months of pay in advance -- was to see Allegra again.

"Tell you what, Bill; I will on one condition. If Allegra Anatoli calls me and asks me to help and then let's me take her to lunch tomorrow I'll be there first thing, no charge."

"Uh...I don't know..." Bill stammered before I interrupted him.

"That's the deal, Bill; take it or leave it."

"Can I give her your cellphone number?"

"Of course!"

Bill sighed and before he signed off said "I'll give it a try."

About an hour later Allegra was on the line. "What's this I hear about you demanding to give you a call and go to lunch with you Dalton?" she chuckled.

While I was hoping for a call, hearing her sexy voice threw me for a few seconds. I finally got my act together and replied "I'm sorry to be an ass about it but for me you were the highlight of working at the station and before I leave town for good in a week or two I just wanted to experience your sunshine one more time. If it will be a pain for you I'll help out just because you called, and I won't require you to go to lunch." By the time that I finished talking my forehead was covered in sweat.

Allegra laughed. "Experience my sunshine? That may have been the most complimentary thing that anyone has ever said to me. No, it will not be painful for me to go to lunch with you tomorrow, but it may be painful for you because I'm not a cheap lunch date. I'll get you a reservation at Le Petit Pearl for 12:30; wear a coat and tie."

I was stunned. "OK," was my brilliant reply.

"Bill expects you here at 8:30 tomorrow morning; ta, ta," she responded before she terminated the call.

I looked down at my crotch; I had tented my fucking pants; what a pathetic excuse for a man I was. I felt even more pathetic when I woke up from the most erotic dream of my life the next morning, trying to figure out how in my dream I was able to fuck Allegra when she still had her rocking business suit on.


I wore casual clothes to the TV station the next day and brought a dress shirt, suit, and tie with me in a garment bag. I diagnosed the problem with the SBS within a half hour, got an emergency delivery of a new part within hours, installed it and had the SBS working, and still had a half hour to change clothes and straighten up before my 12:30 lunch with Allegra. Le Petit Pearl was only a block away.

When I saw Allegra at the elevator at 12:20 I almost creamed my pants. Her crisp white suit jacket was in stark contrast to her dark blue blouse, and her pressed teal skirt was not something I thought would work with the blouse and jacket but in fact was stunning. The skirt was much further above the knee than any other skirt I had seen her in. Her four inch heels made her flexed calf muscles look exquisite. I gulped hard.

Allegra took my arm as we entered the elevator and walked to the restaurant. Of course I never would have been able to get a reservation at Le Petit Pearl on short notice, but Allegra had no problem. She was greeted by name and with a big smile by the maître de, and during the meal the owner came over to smoosh with her.

After a first few minutes of nervousness I relaxed and had one of the most pleasant meals of my life with the goddess who calls herself Allegra. We had light banter, with a few serious moments, but we avoided any discussion of her husband or my firing. When we left the restaurant ninety minutes later with a smiling goodbye from the owner I was $198.43 (counting tip) poorer but I would have paid ten times that to spend an hour and a half with the goddess.

When we got back to her office, for her to prepare for the six p. m. broadcast and for me to pick up my casual clothes, she thanked me and then pointedly asked. "When are you actually leaving?"

"Ten days from today," was my earnest reply.

"Are you free for a few minutes this Friday, three days from now? After the broadcast I want to bring you a going away gift. Though we both studiously avoided the topic at lunch I'm grateful for your intervention with Jack and something good will come from it."

"Uh...OK...sure," I stammered, completely flummoxed.

"See you about 8:30 p. m. Friday," she smiled.

"Do you want my address?" I inquired.

"I have it," she smiled, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, walked into her office, and closed the door.

I had foolishly washed my left hand after the time that she touched it, so now I was trying to figure out a way to never wash the cheek that she had kissed. I suddenly realized that I had been stationary staring into space for a while, and was getting quizzical looks from some of the nearby workers, so I got my act together and went home.


Friday night could not come soon enough. I exercised during the day, got a haircut, and for the first time in my life a spa treatment; I even took a nap. I knew that Allegra would only be in my apartment for a few minutes but I wanted to be at my best the short time that she was there.

At 8:33 and twenty four seconds on my smartwatch -- not that I was keeping track -- the doorbell rang. Allegra had changed into casual clothes from the business suit she rocked during her broadcast that night -- which of course I had watched. I had never seen her in casual clothes before, but she looked just as good. She had a large bag with her.

She was bubbly as she came into my apartment, and made a funny comment about the lack of anything except basic furniture. "I packed away almost everything, already, to get ready for the movers," I explained, pointing to a bunch of moving boxes stacked in the corner of the living room. "I do have a nice Chablis, however, if you'd like a glass," I grinned, not expecting a positive response but thrilled when I got one.

We sat down on a couple of padded chairs in my living room and drank our wine as we chatted about the day and some of the things she had reported on the news. When she finished her wine she reached into the large bag she had brought with her and pulled out a wrapped flat present. "This is for you," she smiled handing it to me. "I hope that you don't mind that it's a little personal."

I unwrapped the present; it was a painting about 10 inches by 16 inches -- obviously a golden rectangle -- that looked like it had been done from a photograph of Allegra and I eating lunch at Le Petit Pearl. "How did you get this done?" I asked.

"Unknown to you I had a photo taken of us at the restaurant and then had an artist friend of mine turn it into a painting. I hope that you like it and that you'll display it in your new home?"

"I can't image what I could like more," was my earnest reply because it really was beautiful -- and it included a smiling Allegra rocking her awesome business suit.

"Oh, I can imagine what you could like more," she chuckled and then stood up and approached me.

I didn't know what she meant before she sat on my lap and pressed her lips into mine. It wasn't a little peck; it was a full-blown passionate French kiss that inflated my cock as fast as a cylinder of helium would a balloon. My mind was numbed as I instinctively kissed her back and at some point ran my hands over her body. I snapped out of it when she broke the kiss and whispered into my ear "I assume that you still have a bed."

After that comment I know that I picked her up and carried her into my bedroom. The next half hour or so is maddeningly hazy in my memory, however; I wish that I could recall every exquisite detail but apparently I was so dazed that I was in some sort of trance. However, I will never forget insertion of my rock-hard cock into the sweetest pussy in my experience while my hands mauled her prodigious mammary glands. Our ensuing synchronous climaxes were so intense that for the first time in my life I passed out from sex. I don't know how long I was out but when I regained awareness Allegra was moaning in ecstasy and though I was on top of her I didn't have my entire weight on her but mostly on my elbows. An aftershock hit me, and then apparently hit her too, causing her eyes to flutter open.