The Calish Slave Girl's Big Butt


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I blushed, and nervously answered, "I am a Calish slave."

Lasha laughed. "Yes, I can see that," she continued, smiling. "I am a Lovii slave girl, headed for the kennels of the Basralle planet. You are going to the planet of Lattixe. I overheard two of the men talking when I was locked in my cage before departure."

I looked again at Lasha's incredible beauty. She had chains on her delicate ankles, but her wrists were not shackled as mine were. I had heard of the planet of Lattixe, which was ruled by a benevolent dictator named Tattienn, and I remembered that Lattixe was one of the planets registered with the Lantern Law as a "big butt" fetish community, and Lasha told me that she had heard that Lattixe was populated by people who were absolutely obsessed with slave girls with enormous bottoms. A rush of anticipation shot through me at that thought.

Lasha spoke again, "Really, your bottom is truly huge and fat. It's very pretty. May I touch it?"

I gasped as I laid on my stomach, with my gigantic rump sticking up in the air, jiggling. I turned my head a little more to see Lasha move a bit closer to me and place a small hand on my enormous rear end. She patted the massive mounds of fat on my big, soft butt a few times to make it jiggle, and tenderly caressed the largest curves of my big backside. She giggled softly as I moaned at her touch. Lasha caressed my thick, red hair with her other hand, while her small fingers continued to glide over my giant, shaking rear end.

Lasha's small hand and delicate fingers felt wonderful on my large bottom, and I was moaning softly at the tingling sensation I was experiencing. Shackled as I was, I could only lay there as Lasha touched me, but I involuntarily arched my back a bit and gasped loudly as Lasha patted my huge, jiggling bottom repeatedly, and continued caressing it.

Lasha giggled again, and said, "Mmmmm, I could touch your big bottom all day. I'm very tired though, so may I fall asleep next to you?"

"Yes," I answered quickly, and Lasha stretched her leash a bit more so she could lay down next to me.

Lasha laughed again, and we slowly fell asleep side by side in the small slave pen, me on my stomach, and Lasha on her side with her little hand resting softly on my enormous, gently jiggling butt. It was a delicious feeling.

When I awoke many hours later, I saw that Lasha was already standing up in our cage, and the olive skinned man was dressing her in some soft, black silks, which clung to her slender body and large bottom, though she was still on her leash. The man turned to me when he had finished dressing Lasha, and he said to me, "Stand up, slave."

I struggled to stand up, my wrists and ankles still shackled, and I could feel my massive rump jiggle as I lifted myself, leashed to the wall, and stood before the olive skinned man. I could see Lasha turn her head a tiny bit to look at my huge bottom, now that I was standing fully. I blushed. The man removed all of the tiny silks I was wearing, so that I was standing completely naked before him, except for my collar and shackles. I saw Lasha smile a little as she stared at the enormous size of my rump, and she watched its heavy jiggling motion with obvious delight.

The man had brought a long, glass butt plug to our cage, and he moved behind me to slide it into my huge, waiting rear end. He patted the mounds of fat on my big butt a few times, then he began sliding the butt plug deep inside my enormous bottom. I gasped loudly, as Lasha giggled, and I arched my back as I struggled to take a deep breath. I could feel every inch of my massive backside jiggling as the butt plug was inserted deeper and deeper. When the plug was inserted to its limit, the man locked it in place with chains attached to the front and back of my collar. I was gasping and moaning heavily, but the man was enjoying my struggles, and Lasha was laughing lightly. In all of my time at Zaarma kennel, I had never felt a butt plug so deeply inserted into my big backside. Even the slightest movement I made caused the butt plug to shoot agonizing jolts of feeling through my entire body. Even adjusting my stance slightly caused my big butt to jiggle and the butt plug to penetrate further and send another jolt of excruciating pleasure through me. I couldn't speak at all. I could only gasp, yelp, and moan. The man slapped me hard on my gigantic butt and I let out a loud shriek. I felt dizzy, and close to swooning as the man's slap caused an explosion of incapacitating sensation to erupt inside me. My knees became weak. I was vaguely aware of the man's deep laugh and Lasha's light giggle. The man slapped my enormous rump again, quite firmly, and I yelled even louder, as I felt I might explode from the intense fire that shot through me forcefully.

The man left my ankle chains and wrist shackles locked on me, and left me leashed to the wall, before walking Lasha out of our kennel cage by her chain. He locked the door behind him, and I was left alone in the cage, naked except for the shackles on me, and the attached chains in front of me and behind me, locked to my collar, securing the deeply inserted butt plug inside my huge bottom. I was panting and moaning at the sensation of the plug inside my big butt. If I moved at all, even to adjust my standing position, my massive, jiggling bottom would cause the butt plug to move deeper, or change position, causing me to shriek and become overwhelmed with exquisite agony. I was blissfully dizzy, but trying to focus. I tried to keep absolutely still, but that was nearly impossible. Inevitably, I adjusted my stance slightly, and my giant, jiggling rear end would force the plug deeper, and I would shriek again. Slowly, I became used to the sensation, it became somewhat bearable, and my breathing calmed a bit.

My upper lip was sweating, and my gigantic butt was only slightly jiggling as I stood absolutely still, when I saw the cage door open and the olive skinned man entered alone. He looked at me and smiled mischievously. He stopped for a moment and stared at the huge size of my naked bottom, before unlocking the end of my leash from the wall and taking it in his hand. He gave my large rear end a good, hard slap, and he watched my immense rump jiggle as I screamed softly at the explosion I felt. He laughed.

"The Captain wishes to enjoy that huge ass of yours, slave," the man said, and he pulled on my leash, forcing me to walk toward the open cage door.

I yelped as each step I took caused the massive mounds of fat on my bottom to jiggle massively once again, and I could feel the butt plug sliding in and out, and moving deep inside me, penetrating my enormous butt.

"Come slave," the man repeated playfully as he walked me out into the corridor outside the kennel.

As we walked a bit faster, I could feel my huge backside rise, fall, and jiggle, as each enormous butt cheek lifted itself and dropped, jiggling with tremendous weight, and the explosive jolts of pain and pleasure caused by the butt plug were making me dizzy, disoriented, and gasping for air.

It became a bit more comfortable as we finally arrived at the Captain's quarters.

The Captain, a tall, fit man with a goatee, opened his door and gave a friendly smile as he said, "Ah, the Calish slave girl. Bring her in, and you may go Maikl."

I stood in the Captain's quarters alone with him as he closed his door and he took a good look at me. He walked slowly around my nearly naked body, occasionally touching me lightly, until he stood behind me and observed, "Yes, you have the biggest butt I have ever seen on a slave girl. My crew did not exaggerate. Absolutely enormous." He patted it a few times as I gasped loudly.

He stepped in front of me and unlocked the leash from my collar, and he was smiling as he said, "We can remove this leash for the moment, but you will be, absolutely, an obedient slave girl at all times, every moment, always, is that understood?"

"Yes, master," I said, meekly. I continued to stand before him as he looked at my gigantic hips with obvious pleasure.

"Good girl, " he continued, "and we shall leave that butt plug deep inside your huge butt. I enjoy seeing you squirm and squeal." He laughed heartily. "Now, pour me a scotch, slave girl," he said suddenly, and he pointed me toward his liquor cabinet, "and bring it to my lounge chair."

"Yes, master," I responded, a bit nervously.

I gasped and moaned as I walked haltingly toward his bottle of scotch, as I could not prevent my huge rump from jiggling around the butt plug. I took small steps, with my ankles shackled, but the massive mounds of fat on my big bottom jiggled enough to cause jolts of crushing sensations to shoot through me once again. I finally reached the cabinet, and I poured a glass of scotch. I saw the Captain had taken a seat comfortably in his plush chair, so I walked slowly to him and handed him his drink with my shackled hands, gasping and breathing heavily the whole way. I stood next to his chair as he took the drink and he placed one hand on my enormous rear end. He patted my giant rump as he sipped his drink.

"I wouldn't mind owning a slave with a butt as big as yours," he said absently, and he continued to pat my big bottom and sip his drink. "Now move in front of me and face that enormous ass of yours toward me, and make all that fat jiggle for me, with a Calishian Big Butt Jiggle," the Captain said, while he placed his scotch on a little table beside his plush chair.

I had, of course, been trained in the art of the Calishian Big Butt Jiggle while I was collared at the Zaarma Kennel. I knew that the butt plug, which was penetrating my huge rump so deeply, was going to cause nearly unbearable and delicious agony as I jiggled my big butt for the Captain, but I obediently moved to place myself in front of the seated Captain and faced my enormous rear end toward him.

The Calishian Big Butt Jiggle was designed for a Calish slave girl with an especially large bottom, who would face her giant backside toward a person, shifting her weight side to side, landing on her heels, causing the massive mounds of fat on her huge rear end to jiggle heavily for the person's enjoyment. Jiggling my massive butt for the men at Zaarma Kennel this way had excited me and pleased the men greatly. I had never had a glass butt plug so deeply inserted inside me, of course, when I jiggled at Zaarma, but I bit my full red lips, faced my gigantic rump toward the Captain, and hoped he would enjoy the sight of the fat on my immense bottom jiggling massively for him.

I began slowly shifting the weight of my huge hips, side to side, and landing firmly on my heel. The immense jiggling this caused, combined with the butt plug penetrating my enormous rump so deeply, caused me to cry out with each heavy jiggle. I shifted, landed, jiggled, and yelped as the butt plug thrust itself deeper into my giant butt each time I thrust out my immense hips. The jiggling of my big rump caused the glass butt plug to move wildly, which sent a piercing jolt through me. I moaned loudly when I wasn't crying out in exquisite agony, and I could hear the Captain sipping his drink as he watched my massive bottom moving and jiggling.

"My God, your butt is big," the Captain said casually. "Continue jiggling, slave."

Again and again, I shifted my weight, lifting my enormous bottom into the air, and landing on my heel, causing my mountainous rump to jiggle with thick weight. Over and over, the deeply inserted butt plug caused me to cry out loudly as my big butt jiggled. My breathing became labored as I lost myself in the pleasure and pain of jiggling my giant ass for the Captain. I shifted, lifted, landed, jiggled, and cried out loudly at the exquisite agony over and over. The Captain continued sipping his scotch, and occasionally telling me how much he liked my big, fat bottom. I was delirious with exploding pleasure as I continued jiggling.

Suddenly, the Captain's radio hissed, and a voice was saying that the Captain was needed on the bridge of the ship.

"Damn it," the Captain said, getting up from his chair.

"You're a good girl," the Captain said, as he smacked my huge butt a few times, causing me to scream in ecstasy.

Quickly, the Captain grabbed a metal ball gag and locked it in my mouth, leaving my wrists and ankles shackled together, bent me over his end table, and spanked me for a few moments as I yelped into my gag, before stuffing me into a Qaa Bird cage he had in the corner of his room. He closed and locked the Bird cage door, so that I was locked tightly and unable to move, my knees up around my chin, and the huge mounds of fat on my giant butt spilling through the bars of the cage. I was familiar with the Qaa Bird cage, of course, so I got as comfortable as possible and resigned myself to being squeezed into the tiny cage by the Captain.

The Captain looked back at me and the little Qaa Bird cage into which I was stuffed, and laughed before he left, closing the door to his quarters behind him.

I remained gagged and caged for what felt like hours, feeling the dull rumble of our ship, and the butt plug deep inside my giant bottom. I could adjust my position slightly, but this caused the butt plug to penetrate my massive rear end a tiny bit, and I would yelp through my gag.

Finally I heard the door click, and the Captain entered. He poured himself a drink, washed up in his sink, and sat down for a few moments, before looking over at me in my cage. He smiled.

He came over to me and unlocked my cage door, helping me out, and allowing me a few moments to stretch, before he unlocked the butt plug chains attached to my collar and slid it slowly out of my enormous, jiggling butt. I gasped loudly at the sensation of the butt plug sliding out of me, and then the Captain walked me over to his plush sofa, and gently bent me over it. My wrists and ankles were still shackled and the ball gag was in my mouth, and my huge rump was sticking up in the air and jiggling heavily with each tiny movement I made.

It was only a few moments before I felt the Captain entering and sliding himself into my immense bottom, and I squealed loudly. My big butt sent a shock wave through my body and the Captain slid deeper inside it as I gasped for air. I felt the massive mounds of fat on my huge rump shake and jiggle as the Captain plunged himself deeper and deeper into my big backside. Soon, he was gliding himself smoothly in and out of my big rear end over and over, confidently and passionately, slamming against my big, soft, jiggling ass, and I was melting in agonizing pleasure, feeling the Captain inside my huge bottom as I panted into my ball gag.

"I love the way the fat on your big ass jiggles, slave " the Captain said with delight as he thrust himself deep inside me again and again. I gripped my shackled hands tightly, and my full lips squeezed around the ball gag, as I whimpered at the jolts of pain and pleasure erupting inside the small of my back.

"God, your ass is huge, slave," the Captain said, laughing, and sliding deeply inside my enormous bottom repeatedly, and my whimpers turned to long moans as the eruptions of pain and pleasure became agonizing and powerful, and I bit on my ball gag.

Finally, I screamed as loudly as my gag would allow, as I felt a massive explosion of pleasure which caused my body to go rigid, and my mind to go blank, and I arched my back forcefully as I tried to survive the volcano of unimaginable bliss inside me.The Captain smacked my big ass a few times, very hard, as he arched his own back, penetrating my fat rear end deeply, and he let out a loud grunt as he erupted inside me.

The Captain finally slid out of my big rear end, picked up his radio, and he said, breathlessly, "Maikl, come take the big bottomed Calishian slave girl back to the slave pens, will you? I have work to do."

I remained bent over the plush sofa, my huge ass facing the Captain as he said, "Remain as you are, slave, and then back to your cage when Maikl returns to leash you, but I will enjoy that gigantic, fat ass of yours again later."

"Yes, master," I said from my bent over position, moaning breathlessly as the Captain slid the long, glass butt plug back into my gigantic, jiggling bottom, and locked it in place. I whimpered softly.

Maikl arrived and walked me back to the slave pens, opening the heavy cage door, and I could see that Lasha was already leashed to her wall in the cage. She looked very lovely in her silks and ankle chains. Maikl chained my leash to my wall, and shackled my wrists close to my collar with a short chain, and he made sure my ankle shackles were secure, and then he left the kennel. I lay down on my stomach, my massive, fat butt sticking up in the air and jiggling repeatedly.

"Hi again, Emily, " Lasha said sweetly. "Goodness, your bottom looks even bigger, fatter, and softer than this morning! Is that possible?" She laughed. "May I come over and pat and slap your big ass to make it shake and jiggle before we fall asleep?"

"Of course, Lasha," I said, blushing. I fell asleep slowly, feeling Lasha's dainty hand patting and slapping my enormous, fat, soft rear end, and making my huge butt jiggle in a delicious and wonderful way. I squirmed a bit in my shackles to get comfortable, as Lasha giggled softly, and I fell into a deep sleep.

I dreamed about the slave pens and cages of Lattixe, though I had never seen them, and I dreamed about being a Calish pleasure slave girl on a registered "big butt" fetish planet, and in my dream I saw the people enjoying the sight of my huge, fat, jiggling rear end, laughing and celebrating as I jiggled my enormous bottom for them. I continued dreaming, picturing the Lattixians taking pleasure in sliding in and out of my immense, jiggling backside, and then locking me in my slave pen for the night. I dreamed I was shackled and leashed to the bed of a handsome Magistrate, who was obsessed with the huge size of my big rear end, and he was using me for his pleasure in many ways.

I felt contented in my dream, until I was awakened by the creaky opening of the slave pen door, and Maikl was standing in the doorway. Lasha was still sleeping right next to me, her little hand still resting on my massive, ridiculously large butt, as Maikl said, "Get your big ass up, Calish slave, the Captain wants to see you again."

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bubblebuttslutzbubblebuttslutz8 months ago

Juicy bubble butt fetish kennel sluts are absolutely fantastic! Even on re-reading! I wish there was more!

bubblebuttslutzbubblebuttslutzabout 2 years ago

I love this story concept and world building. It's really sexy and hot. I really hope we get more chapters in the future :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The premise is so stupid but the story isn't bad

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
everyone is happy

i love that everyone is happy in this story. Emily seems to be especially content to be a big butt sex slave spending her life pleasuring and being pleasured by others. Glad she got a chance to get some oral sex also not just butt sex i bet she simply adores the taste of cum.

BobbyRogersBobbyRogersabout 5 years ago

goddamn i love your perverted mind. kennel ass-slaves are the best

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