The Camera loves Brianna!

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She takes on a challenging assignment and gives it her all!
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Brianna was surprised to see an email from Maureen Symonde in her inbox, one clearly addressed to her alone, not some company-wide directive. Maureen was several levels above Brianna on the food chain at Moment Media Solutions, in charge of all print media advertising accounts. Maureen was Brianna's boss's boss's boss's boss; up until that moment she wouldn't have bet Maureen even knew who she was. Whatever the reason for the summons to Maureen's office, Brianna wasted no time in making her way there, hoping to make a good impression.

Maureen's greeting was formal, almost cold; Brianna wondered if she was in some trouble or if this was just Maureen's normal tone. Maureen wasted no time telling Brianna she had been selected to work on an ad campaign for an Australian company, Holliman Intimates.

"What does Holliman sell," asked Brianna, "the name sounds like it might be a lingerie company."

"You're right; their main focus is on lingerie, the racy kind, not stuff for everyday wear." Maureen replied.

"I'm happy to help out; what do you need from me first, mockups of ads? Has any ad copy been started for me to work into sketches?"

"Actually," said Maureen, "This isn't a request for you to do graphic design on this campaign; assigning you to do that would have been done through the usual channels. The plan is for you to model their new line of merchandise in photos for ads to run in several magazines published in Australia and New Zealand."

"Model? Me? LINGERIE? Is this some kind of joke?" asked Brianna, "I've never worked as a model at all!"

"I assure you, this isn't the kind of thing I joke about. Our expectation is that you'll step up to help the firm satisfy our client's wishes. Of course, you'll be paid at a level appropriate for a high profile account like this one; your fee for a few photo sessions will be a fair amount more than your current yearly income."

"The pay isn't relevant, I'm just not interested in appearing practically naked in some magazine!" replied Brianna, her voice rising.

Looking grim, Maureen continued: "The problem we have is that Holliman's CEO, Roger Holliman saw a collection of photos of you during a visit to our office last week. Our IT security department head had left prints of several photos and screen captures from a video on my desk just before Roger came in to meet with me and Roger was quite taken with what he saw. He insisted that we use the woman in the photos for his ad campaign and wasn't interested in any substitutes."

"What photos of me could he have seen?" asked Brianna. She was absolutely certain she had wiped the memory card she had used to make nude photos here in the office for her husband and had also been thorough in deleting all traces of them and the emails she had sent Andy with the nudes from her computer.

Maureen actually seemed fairly sympathetic as she broke the news to Brianna about the automatic backup over the company's wi-fi network of all photos and videos taken with the company's cameras. The system was set up to copy any new files to a server immediately after they were recorded on the camera's memory card. She handed Brianna a large envelope with the photos Holliman had seen, featuring the full set of photos of a nude but masked Brianna and a few screen captures taken after she had removed the mask!

"So there it is, Brianna." said Maureen, "You can do a few days of modeling for publications which are only circulated halfway around the world and collect a pretty substantial fee before going back to your regular work here, or you can find yourself a new employer; if you don't help us with this you shouldn't expect any kind of reference. If you're concerned about your image here at our office, we can justify doing the shoots away from here and use freelancers instead of our in-house facilities and staff. I'll be supervising this project personally, but I can be the only person in the firm who knows about your new assignment."

Brianna was practically speechless; only moments ago she thought she had landed the most important assignment of her career. She asked Maureen for some time to think about the assignment, overcoming her instinct to just refuse and start hunting for a new job.

"Sure, think it over if you need to, just let me know what you decide by tomorrow morning." said Maureen.

Brianna spent half her day looking up Holliman online to get a sense of what sort of image they had, and what their products were like. There really wasn't a lot to go on, at least that she could find. What she did see seemed fairly tasteful. Maureen's description of their wares had Brianna expecting the worst, but what she found online was fairly elegant; she still felt a little chill seeing some of the more revealing items but thought even they were something she might wear for Andy's enjoyment. Being photographed for public consumption wearing them, that was a whole other story; just thinking about it gave her a more intense chill.

By quitting time Brianna had made up her mind to go ahead with Maureen's demand; she liked her job and didn't relish looking for a new one with a cloud over her abrupt departure from her current one. She thought she probably should talk it over with Andy, but since he had shared some of the nudes she sent him with his friends, even though accidentally, he wasn't in a position to object. Since these photos were only to be published about as far away on the planet as possible she thought he might not object too much anyway, especially given the big payday involved.

Maureen was pleased the next morning when Brianna told her she would take the modeling assignment, telling her: "We should be able to make all the arrangements in a few days; plan on being out of the office next Wednesday and Thursday."

Brianna was surprised at how fast this was happening, but thought it was probably just as well to get it over with sooner than later. A long wait and more time to think through what she was expected to do would thoroughly fray her nerves. She was having second and third thoughts every few hours as it was; now that she was committed she just wanted it to be done. She decided to keep Andy in the dark about her new gig for now, thinking it would be easier to get his forgiveness after the fact than his approval before, especially with a big fat check to ease the shock.

Wednesday morning Brianna drove to the studio Maureen had rented for the week. She parked her car and sat there a while, thinking briefly about calling Maureen with some excuse for bailing out. She reminded herself that nobody here but Maureen knew who she was and the only people to see the photos would be on the far side of the earth. All that and a little curiosity about what modeling this way would feel like got her out of the car and into the studio. Maureen greeted her at the door.

"She's probably been watching me since I drove up." thought Brianna.

Maureen introduced her to the crew, which was larger than she'd anticipated.

Photographer Dana, Stylist Ruth, Makeup artist Pam, Wardrobe manager Alice; all seemed to be perfectly nice, just more people than Brianna had expected to see her practically undressed.

Ruth and Pam hustled Brianna off to a small room at the back of the studio and had her take a seat while they got their tools out to give her hair, face and nails a thorough makeover. Before they got started Alice joined them, saying: "Hold up a moment. Brianna, dear, did you follow the instructions we sent you about how to dress today?"

Brianna answered: "Just my t-shirt and shorts, no bra, no panties, no belts, jewelry or anything to leave a mark on me, right?"

"Good girl!" said Alice, "Go to work, ladies, I'll be back with your first outfit once they're done with you."

"Actually, a button down shirt would have been better," said Ruth, "getting your shirt off after we've done your hair and makeup might mess up our work; time to take off the shirt, dear."

She was a bit unnerved at being told to get half naked by this stranger, but Brianna pulled the shirt over her head and set it on her lap, thinking how different this experience was from anything she'd ever done.

After 20 minutes of styling and makeup work, Brianna was starting to enjoy being tended to from head to toe. Getting a look at herself in a full-length mirror, she could hardly recognize herself. It was clearly her in the mirror, but a more exotic version than anyone had ever seen. She began for the first time to see herself as the kind of woman who someone would pay top dollar to model lingerie.

Knowing Alice would be bringing her first outfit soon, Brianna stood up, unbuttoned her shorts and let them drop to the floor. She was a little embarrassed by having gotten completely naked without waiting to be asked, but the embarrassment was brief as she saw that her alter ego in the mirror definitely looked better nude than wearing a pair of cargo shorts.

Alice returned with her first outfit, a fairly conservative bra and panty set, black and lacy. Dana asked her to climb up on a brass bed filled with fluffy sheets and pillows. She took photos from every angle imaginable, coaching Brianna the entire time on how to arrange herself on the bed and how to go through a variety of facial expressions; sultry, shy, innocent, lusty, satisfied, and many other shades.

Just when Brianna thought they were done with this outfit, Dana asked her, "Now unhook the bra and drop the straps down to your elbows; we need the bra to still be mostly in place but look like you're about to take it off."

Brianna did as asked.

After several shots like that Dana said, "Now kneel on the bed with your back to me, take the bra off and drape it over your shoulder; look back at the camera and give it a look of pure lust."

Brianna took a deep breath and after some hesitation again did as she was instructed. Dana took a couple dozen more shots, moving around to several points around the bed, including some directly in front of Brianna!

"Should I cover up my boobs? Can you use shots with them exposed like this in an ad?" asked Brianna; she was practically shaking seeing Dana continue shooting her naked breasts, but made no move to cover up.

"Actually, the magazines these ads will run in allow quite a bit of nudity, I'll only shoot something we can use. Now, one last pose before we're done with this outfit. Please sit on the bed facing me with your legs bent and knees raised to cover your boobs. Keep the bra over your shoulder and slide your panties down your legs, just past your knees. Don't worry, your pussy will be hidden by your legs, but the impression this position gives is that you're moments away from being fucked."

Brianna shuddered as she complied with this newest, most explicit request. She could hardly believe she was now modeling lingerie which she was barely in contact with; to say she was wearing it was an exaggeration, she felt more like a backdrop for displaying the product on.

After several more shots of the essentially nude Brianna, Dana told everyone to take a 15-minute break before starting with the next outfit. Brianna thought 15 minutes wasn't going to be enough to let her pulse settle down, never mind being ready to go on posing. Alice handed her a robe to wear until she got into the next outfit.

Brianna sat in the dressing room wondering, "If that was a conservative set, what's next?" She was partly dreading finding out but also beginning to remember some of the items she'd found photos of online and imagined how she'd look wearing them. Or maybe partly wearing them.

It seemed like the break was over in way less than the 15 minutes Dana had promised, but Alice assured Brianna that it was really time to get started with her next outfit. She handed Brianna a set consisting of a mostly sheer red bra with no shoulder straps and matching tap pants. The only parts of the bra not completely sheer were the straps and small lace inserts at the cups to conceal the wearer's nipples. The pants were no more modest, being sheer everywhere except for a narrow band of lace at the waistband and a tiny lace panel at the crotch.

Brianna took a deep breath as she took her robe off and stepped into the pants. She put on the bra, carefully arranging it to line up the lace over her nipples; she looked in the mirror and had to admit she liked what she saw. The outfit was certainly more revealing than her first one but she thought it was somehow more refined looking. She shuddered briefly as she thought how Dana would likely have her posing with this set.

The second session started much like the first one, with Briana assuming several positions on the bed as Dana prowled around her looking for the best angles to shoot from. Dana seemed pleased with the results, but wasn't really satisfied, eventually telling Brianna she wanted to try something different. Brianna was certain this was the end of whatever modesty her current outfit was providing, but nodded and waited to hear what Dana had in mind.

"This outfit is so elegant and simple I think we need a contrasting setting, not the cushy bed as a backdrop." Dana said, "Let's try some shots with you up against that rough brick wall over there."

Dana had Brianna lean back against the wall for a few shots, then had her turn to face the wall while standing a couple of feet away from it, leaning her arms against it. While looking back at the lens. This pose stretched the sheer pants snugly against her ass; Dana was pretty pleased with the new setting and new poses. She told Brianna to sit on a concrete ledge at the base of the wall with her feet straight in front of her and her arms raised above her and leaning back against the wall as if she was held in place by some invisible shackles. The new position caused her chest to stick out prominently; Brianna guessed she must look pretty hot in this pose.

"You look great like that, so sexy!" said Dana, "Now let's try some just like that but with your bra hanging from one of your hands."

Brianna gave a moment's thought to objecting to her naked boobs being more the subject than the lingerie, but went along; by now she was feeling pretty sexy and looked forward to seeing the results on a monitor during the next break. She unhooked the bra and resumed her previous pose this time topless and dangling the bra from her fingers. She wondered if the crew noticed how her nipples were stiffening.

After a few minutes shooting Brianna topless in various poses, Dana pronounced herself satisfied with what they had done with this outfit. Brianna felt an unexpected pang of regret that she hadn't been told to take off the tap pants too; she was shocked to realize she actually wanted to be completely nude! Wanting to be seen naked was one thing, being able to admit it was another thing entirely; she couldn't bring herself to suggest it.

Maureen unwittingly helped her get her wish, asking Dana if some shots with Brianna holding her entire outfit in her hands might be a good idea. Excited to be told to strip completely but still feeling some shame, Brianna trembled as she slid the pants off her hips and let them drop to her feet. Dana took a couple dozen more shots of Brianna holding the lingerie in various positions, a few with her holding the pants in front of her pussy and several more where nothing was hidden. Brianna's favorite pose had her standing with her hands on her hips and looking straight at the camera with one tiny garment in each hand.

Breaking for lunch, everyone complimented Brianna on how she had done so far. Dana told her they already had more good shots than some shoots she had done with experienced models in a full day.

Brianna asked, "How many more outfits will we be doing today?"

She was a little disappointed to be told they were only going to do one more session. She smiled when Maureen reminded them all that they still had more to do the next day.

The outfit presented to Brianna after lunch would have shocked her just a few hours earlier; the set consisted of a white camisole and panties, conservative in their cut but about as transparent as fabric could be. She was pretty sure the fabric was more sheer than any stockings she owned, and neither garment had even a hint of lace or anything else to obstruct a clear and complete view of whoever was bold enough to wear them.

Brianna put on the flimsy garments and asked Dana and Maureen, "What do you think?" turning around to give them a good look before answering.

"Luscious!" said Dana.

"Stunning!" said Maureen, " sheer as this outfit is I think your pubic hair is a distraction. What would you say to letting Ruth remove it?"

"Um, how exactly?" Brianna asked. "I'm not interested in waxing!"

Ruth took her aside and told her about a cream she used which she promised would leave her: "Completely smooth in less than 10 minutes. Honestly, we're talking baby's butt smooth, and I've never had a complaint about irritation."

Brianna was doubtful but took the bottle Ruth handed her and retreated to the bathroom. Testing the cream on a small area, she was happy to find it worked just as Ruth promised; she applied it liberally, emerging twenty minutes later completely pube free.

"Yet another surprise in a day full of them." she thought. She noticed Ruth, Pam, and Alice, apparently all done for the day, packing up their supplies in the back of the studio and getting ready to leave.

Dana took Brianna through many of the same poses as they had done in her previous outfits, but added a new twist; she spritzed Brianna's outfit liberally with water every few minutes. The already sheer fabric seemed to disappear entirely wherever it was in contact with her body!

Sensing her model had become more relaxed and open to suggestions, Dana had her experiment with caressing her breasts and ass through the thin fabric, continuing to shoot the whole time. Reclining on the bed, Brianna took these suggestions and ran with them, moving on to squeezing her breasts and pulling on her nipples without the slight barrier of the camisole by raising it's bottom edge completely above her breasts.

"Go with it, Brianna," Dana said, "It's okay if you want to take your top off. You can touch yourself anywhere, it's alright."

This was all the encouragement Brianna needed by this point; she pulled the camisole off and rolled her nipples between her thumb and index finger, eventually lifting each breast in turn to lick and suck on the nipples.

"Anything you feel like doing is okay." whispered Dana, "You look beautiful right now. If you want to show yourself, feel yourself, go for it. I'd love to see you come!"

Maureen stood perfectly still, afraid making a sound would break this spell, amazed by what she was seeing. Brianna had closed her eyes and had tugged her panties down around her knees, revealing her smooth pussy. She circled her clit with her thumb before rubbing it directly, then plunged two fingers deep into her pussy and frigged herself. After a couple of minutes, she moaned and arched her back, losing herself in an amazing orgasm. As the last waves rolled through her she opened her eyes; seeing Maureen staring and Dana still taking photos, she shrieked and ran off to the changing area.

Brianna quickly dressed and was about to leave when Dana stopped her, asking her to at least review the day's photos on an Ipad she was carrying. Though mortified by the exhibition she had just put on, Brianna was curious about how she had looked in her various outfits; she sat down and quickly cycled through the several hundred photos, occasionally pausing to study one more carefully. While she would never want anyone she knew other than Andy to see a single one of them, she couldn't help being proud of how she looked in many of them.

When Brianna got to the last few photos Dana told her: "If you insist we can delete the more explicit ones, but I hope you don't ask me to; I'm feeling a little guilty about egging you on the way I did but I think you're really beautiful in them, sexy as hell."