The Campers


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I did manage to get a bit of work done that afternoon but I have to admit that my thoughts were as much on my plans for the evening as on story plots. It crossed my mind that maybe I should just let her take things along with the possibility of a good fuck at the end of it. On the other hand, her sole intent might have been to use me to tease him and, if that was the case, there was no certainty that I would get to fuck her. And I did want to fuck her.

At the same time, though, I wanted to break her bullying manner. No bully likes to have the tables turned on them and I had started to fathom out a way of achieving just that - and end up fucking her at the end of it.

As the afternoon wore on I decided to go for a swim before starting to prepare the evening meal ready. With the two of them naked I had no alternative but to strip off and join them. It was a risk to my plan, I knew, but I thought I could control it. As soon as I dived into the pool, she got up from her lounger and joined me in the water. She quickly began larking around, splashing me with water, throwing a ball at me. Her breasts bounced up and down and swayed from side to side as she did so. They were so tempting.

At one point she came towards me and took hold of my hands. To keep my balance in the water, I was standing with my legs apart. Keeping a tight hold of my hands, she swung her legs through mine and, as the rest of her body followed, she disappeared below the surface. It was quite an athletic move. As she passed beneath my cock, her hands released mine and took hold of my shaft and balls for a couple of instants, which was plenty to start me off with an erection. She re-emerged from the water behind me, laughing.

I had a pretty good idea what her next move might be. Once again, it seemed to be she who was making all the running and that wasn't part of my plan, so I contrived to keep a distance from her for the remainder of my swim. She retaliated by getting out of the pool and sitting on the edge, her feet dangling in the water, spreading and closing her legs so that her labia repeatedly parted, like a winking eye.

Eventually I climbed out of the pool and announced that I was going to prepare dinner for the three of us. She immediately got up and announced that she'd like to do dinner as a thank you for everything I'd done for them. She followed me into the kitchen. I realised that this offered far too many opportunities for naked bodies to bump together more, so I tossed her an apron and grabbed one myself. Mind you, it didn't stop her hand rubbing over my naked behind nor attempting to grope beneath my apron at the front. She also made sure that her breasts were continually spilling out of the sides of the apron.

She wasn't a particularly skilled cook but she produced a very passable chicken supreme. I insisted that we should sit in the dining room to eat and that we should dress properly for it. She scarcely bothered to hide her disappointment. She had clearly been hoping that we would spend the whole evening naked.

We ate and then we took our coffee through to the lounge. I poured brandies to go with it. They asked about my career as a writer - sparked, no doubt, by noticing a certificate on the wall that recorded my success in being short-listed for a minor literary award. They asked how I went about writing. Was it easy, did the words just flow, did I set myself a daily target? No, no and no.

I hoped that conversation might distract her from her games but she took the opportunity to sit poised on the edge of her seat, listening avidly to every word I uttered, her gaze focussed intently on me. He sat there uncomfortably as she forced him to witness her deliberate flaunting - but, curiously, I got the strong sense that he gained something from her behaviour. As the conversation continued, I firmed up my plans in the back of my mind.

Eventually, it was time for my fun to begin. I suggested that there was something in my study she might like to see. He looked at me doubtfully but she was totally unable to resist. I could see the thoughts flashing through her mind. Whatever happened upstairs - or not - she would return to the lounge with a big smile on her face. He would be left to wonder what did really happen up there. Little did she know.

She followed eagerly as I made my way up the stairs. As we walked through the door of the study, I spun round, grabbed her wrists, and yanked down a chain that dangled from a pulley in the ceiling. The chain ended in a pair of wrist cuffs which I had on her arms before she could react; I'd had a bit of practice in this manoeuvre. Then it was a mere matter of pulling the chain taught and fastening it to a hook on the wall. She dangled from the chain, just able to put her feet on the floor, but, by the time I'd added a spreader bar to her ankles, she could only balance on the balls of her feet.

'What are you doing?' she hissed at me. 'Undo me or I'll scream the place down.'

'It won't do you any good', I said, 'the nearest neighbours are half a mile away. All that will happen is that he'll come running up the stairs and that will suit me down to the ground. How do you think he'll react? I think he might be quite amused to see Miss Bossy-Boots trussed up like this, no longer in control of the situation. But I'd prefer not to have someone screaming in my ear so, if you do, I'll put a gag on you. It's your choice.'

'Please, let me go', she begged. 'You've been very kind, please don't hurt me.'

She twisted uselessly on the end of the chain as I quickly removed her clothes. I ran my hands over her body, back and front, allowing my fingers the brief luxury of penetrating into hidden places. She winced as they probed.

'Don't worry, this isn't a torture chamber and I'm not heavily into BDSM', I sought to reassure her. If anything, it had the opposite effect. She hadn't even considered the possibility of being tortured but now the word stuck in her mind.

'A couple of my girlfriends are a little on the submissive side and I set this arrangement up so that we could enjoy some play time. For you, though, it isn't a question of play; I'm going to bring you down a peg or three. You're going to find out what bullying can really be like.'

'You've been flirting with me and trying to tease me - and through me, bully him - since last night. Actually, I think he'd quite like to see you being fucked by another man. It wouldn't be the first time, would it?'

She shook her head to confirm my suspicions.

'He may not be the traditional cuckold but he does like the idea of another man getting the better of you, which he finds difficult to do.'

I didn't let on that I'd overheard their conversation the previous night. I preferred her to think I was remarkably percipient.

'Now', I said, 'time to get him up here.'

I switched the study lights off and stood by the desk. Then I called down, asking him to join us. Anxious to know what was going on, he didn't waste a second. I heard his feet on the stairs and along the passage and then the door opened. I allowed him to come just far enough into the darkened room and then I flicked a switch so that my desk light shone on her like a spotlight. He was taken aback, almost stupefied, as he saw her dangling there, naked. Of all the possibilities that had been going through his mind, this was one he'd never, ever have considered.

'She's been having fun with us', I said to him, 'and now it's our turn. Sit down in that chair, don't move and keep quiet.'

He did exactly as I said.

I rubbed my hand across her backside. It was a very pleasing sensation. I took hold of a strap of leather that ended in a wooden handle. It was about two feet long and two inches or so wide. It was thick enough to still be flexible while not being flimsy. I grasped it by the handle and brought it down on her bottom.

'Owww', she said, 'that hurt.'

She was exaggerating. At most, it would have only stung her. I know, I'd planned it that way to catch her unawares. I'd reserved the more substantial pain for the second blow and the third and...

At first she was silent, as if determined not to let me know that it hurt. To give her her due, the girl was plucky. The humiliation of being in this situation must have been more galling than any pain she was suffering and, indeed, that was my intention. It was only on the seventh blow that she screamed out. She pulled down on the wrist cuffs as if to try to free her hands to protect her backside. It was a waste of time, of course. The next three blows brought tears to her eyes, especially the last which, because she twisted, landed across her lower belly.

'Stop, please stop', she whimpered.

'Yes, time to move on', I replied. I didn't want her thinking I'd given way to her appeal for mercy.

I spun her round and, reaching into a nearby drawer, took two clothes pegs which I applied to her nipples. I'd checked to make sure they would cause no more than discomfort, not real pain, but she still yelped. I loosened the chain now and unclipped the cuffs from it. Before she could do anything about it, I carried her over to a couch at the side of the room and laid her on it on her back. I quickly fastened her wrist and ankle cuffs to some straps that I'd previously attached to each leg of the bed. The spreader bar remained in place. It was important for her to understand that her legs were apart and her sex was open and there was nothing she could do about it. She had to appreciate that, for once, she was not in control. Her body was mine to do with as I wished.

Her jutting breasts were just too appealing, so I removed the pegs (she gave a sigh of relief) and then bent down to take her nipples into my mouth. I sucked them and took them between my teeth, tugging on them. She gave a groan of pleasure but that was swiftly cut short as I reapplied the pegs to her, by now, much stiffened nipples.

There was a small fridge in the corner of the room. I went across to it and took out a bowl of ice cubes. I took two cubes, one between the forefinger and thumb of each hand, and rubbed them over her breasts, her upper chest, her tummy and her Mount of Venus. She shuddered and gasped as I ran them across her skin, especially when a pool of cold, melt water gathered in her tummy button.

She was starting to enjoy the sensations, which was good. It would make the contrast with what was to follow all the greater. What she hadn't noticed was that I'd lit a couple of tea lights. When I took one and held it above her, she screamed.

'No, please don't. It'll burn me. Don't! No!' she yelled. She looked towards him for support but he sat there like a startled rabbit caught in a car's headlights.

The tears began to flow again.

'Not on my breasts, please', she wept, 'please don't mark my breasts.'

I'm not a cruel person, though she wasn't to know that. In any case, I adored her breasts and I wasn't going to harm them, but she didn't know that either. I held the tea light high above her so that the wax had time to cool before it reached her. It splashed on her and set almost immediately. She soon had wax splatters all over her body. None of them burned her but you wouldn't have known that from her screams.

Once I'd finished, I released the straps that held her down, removed the pegs from her nipples, and told her to kneel on the couch, facing the back. I glared at him, daring him to move. It took me all of ten seconds to tear off my clothes and get behind her. My cock was fully erect from the previous activities and her legs were still held wide apart by the spreader bar. Her sex was wide open. I felt down between her legs and slipped my fingers into her. She was extremely wet and ready.

I rubbed my cock up and down her slit, backwards and forwards. It was soon coated in her juices. She reached underneath her body and pressed my cock up against her clit. She was desperate to cum. I waited until the orgasm began to burst over her before I plunged my cock into her. I wanted to make sure that he had a perfect view of her being fucked so I withdrew all but the very tip from her cunt before thrusting it back in. the whole way, over and over again. He must have been able to see my cock glistening as it pushed in and out of her, gathering her copious juices.

I glanced across and saw that he had taken his cock out of his trousers and was masturbating furiously.

I wasn't going to let on but her day-long teasing had had its effect on me too. I wanted her body very badly. I wanted her warm, wet tightness around me. I reached under her and took the weight of her breasts in my hands. My fingers sought out her nipples and began to tease them. They were tight, puckered and beautiful. Her hand slipped between her legs and she began rubbing her clit as I pounded into her.

We came, all three, one after the other. She was first - her second orgasm of the night was as hard and as loud as the first, and I was next, shooting what seemed to be a massive load deep inside her. I don't think I've ever felt my cock pulsate so hard.

He followed not long after. I'd slipped out of her and had beckoned him over to look at her gaping cunt with my cum starting to leak out of her. He didn't waste a second; he moved behind her and thrust himself straight into her. He lasted hardly any time at all before he emptied himself in her.

When it was all over, I removed the cuffs and allowed her to wipe herself clean. Then I carried her back along the landing to their bedroom and laid her on the bed. He followed. I spread her legs wide and took a long lingering view of her sex. I wanted her to know that it was mine and I would use it as I wanted. As if to acknowledge that, she reached up and kissed me on the mouth.

'I'll bring you both coffee in the morning', I informed her, 'and, when I do, I'm going to fuck you again in front of him. Make sure you're ready for me.'


I'd expected that they would leave sometime the next day but they ended up staying until the end of their week's holiday. I used her very thoroughly in that time and so did he. By the end of the week her cunt and her mouth had become regular hosts for my cock. She had learned to accept my cum in her mouth and to swallow, not just without protest but with enthusiasm. I began to train her anus by making her wear butt plugs most of the time and the highlight of the last night of their stay came when I took her anal virginity. I had more sex in that one week than I'd had in the previous couple of months, which was saying something. And, if the sounds emanating from their room each night were anything to go by, their sex life had received a massive boost. I'm not sure that her bossiness had disappeared entirely but it didn't seem to be getting too much in the way.


All too soon, summer came to its end and autumn arrived in a bluster of gales that soon stripped the leaves from the trees on the sides of the valley. Three months after my guests departed I received a letter in the post. When I opened the envelope, a copy of a print from an antenatal ultrasound scan fell out. Attached to it was a post-it note that said simply:

'I don't think we'll be going camping for a while but maybe we could come and visit again. xx'

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

If it’s set in England, there has to be a cuck in it .

Saula88Saula88over 4 years ago
Lovely story.

I love this. 5 stars.

DrmaxcDrmaxcover 7 years ago

I so liked the start of the story. The hidden valley perhaps in Dorset: it does not sound like Norfolk! The whole idea of a couple on a camping trip and asking to use a field (can remember doing that myself) came over as very real. So did the walking up the field to an outbuilding to take a shower. Rather liked the seaside postcard idea of the light in the tent revealing what was going on in silhouette. Perhaps there should be more backpacking sex stories!

Somewhat puzzled why the couple hung their prized possessions in a bag from the tent pole. A precaution against inundation certainly, but why at all would they expect that? I have never done that.

I am in mixed minds how it developed. I read the first part and only came back to it later and, having been looking forward to seeing how it developed, was a bit disappointed. I found the cuckoldry element a little forced. I could not find the un-named young man quite believable. Interestingly and deliberately no-one is named, perhaps to aid the surprise of the ultrasound and emphasise the risk of the casual 'one night stand.' Perhaps, though, if it was intended the baby is definitely the narrator's, the young man's infertility should have been revealed during the story.

Of course my disappointment could simply have been in the story not developing as I had perhaps hoped but writers do not always write as you wish! In any case the more obvious scenario of the girl getting fed up with the young man, him going off and leaving the girl to have fun with the narrator would have been a bit too straightforward and unimaginative!

maddictmaddictover 7 years ago
Not camping butt glamping at a country cottage.

Good turn in your hospitality, Cyferx sumed up some story plots that are not on the written page and not very briefly either. How very fun of (her) I'm thinking.

Another mark of a good story are the comments and I enjoyed reading them.

Would you say a writer writes about his fantasies then since you might not be writing about actual events that you have taken part in. *~*

Quite right then, carry on.

cyferxcyferxover 7 years ago
Birth Control

In your story, we don't know what the couple discussed or was thinking, but we do know what the narrator was thinking and the fact that a man like him who has made it to his age as a bachelor with not inconsiderable assets would not take precautions is fairly unbelievable. So, I would like to see how that is taken care of, that is how you write your way out of it, but we might not ever get that explanation. It is probably due to my utter lack of imagination, but without more it looks like a plot hole to me.

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