The Camping Surprise

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One man's dream to have sex with two women is fulfilled.
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Brian got hard just thinking about later today. He couldn't wait. He had two women to surprise. He just hoped it would be a good response from both of them.


Rachel wasn't sure what Brian had in store. He just told her to go to this remote place for some camping. She liked the outdoors and loved it that she would be spending the night with Brian. Her panties got a little moist at the thought as she drove out to the location Brian described.


Mary packed the last of her stuff in her backpack. She knew she wouldn't need many clothes for this trip. It was the first time she'd actually be seeing Brian and couldn't wait to find out what he was made of.

She grabbed her printed directions he e-mailed her and locked the motel room.

"I sure don't wanna get lost this time," she said under her breath, remember the last time she drove around for hours.

She opened her red rental car and pushed the button to drop the top. She figured if she was on vacation, she might as well drive around in style.

She looked at her directions one last time before heading out. Brian was very thoughtful and had her directions start from the motel. She turned onto the street as instructed and took off toward the interstate. The park was about 15 miles outside of town. Brian said he'd meet her there at 4 p.m., so they could have enough time to make camp. She headed out at 2, just in case she got lost.

Brian was good at giving directions and before long Mary turned into the parking area.

"Now for the hard part of following this map," she thought to herself while putting the top back up and putting her backpack on. She glanced around and saw only one car parked in the area.


Brian told Rachel to meet him at the "waterin' hole" at 4 but it was one of her favorite spots. She arrived a few hours early so she could get in some swimming before he arrived. She loved being naked and free out here. No one ever came to this place and she knew she would be alone until he arrived. She made quick time through the trail and then found their marked tree and turned off the path. It wasn't too much longer and she was there. She paused for a few seconds to stare at the beautiful waterfall.

She imagined being underneath it, letting the water tumble over her body. With that, she made quick work of her hiking boots, shirts, and tank top. She wore no panties and the bra was built into her shirt. She knew just the spot to dive into the water and swim over to the waterfall.

Once there, she stood on a small ledge, took her hair out of its ponytail and let the water roll down her body. As it did, her hands followed the water trail. She grabbed her breasts and rubbed them, letting out a small moan.


Mary took to the marked trail as instructed. She walked and walked, her mind wondering to all she hoped she'd get to experience on this trip. Brian described things he planned to do to her and she was getting moist just thinking about it. That's why she missed the tree Brian marked on his map. She came to a clearing and knew she went too far.

She backtracked and started looking at the trees. This time she noticed it. About six feet up on one tree was a single heart with an arrow through it. Most people would see it and assume some lovers just carved it and got caught before they could put their initials with it.

She knew better because Brian told her it was his way of finding his spot. The arrow actually pointed to the direction to head to get there.

She glanced at her watch. 2:45. She didn't lose too much time. As she walked through the sweltering heat and trees, she stopped for a minute. Brian told her it would be secluded and she was hot.

Mary dropped her backpack on the ground and took off her shirt to hike the rest of the way in just her bra and shorts. She put the backpack back on and started up the trail.

She could hear the water. It sounded inviting. Since she knew Brian wouldn't be there for another hour she figured a quick dip in the water would be all she needed to be refreshed and ready...for anything.

As Mary broke through the clearing though she noticed she wasn't the only one at this spot. She stopped just before coming out of the trees and stared at the woman under the waterfall. Mary knew she couldn't hear her approach because of the roar of the water. She saw her nipples and the water lapping over them and she became even moister.

Not to be deterred, Mary decided to go ahead and strip and get in the water too. She set down her backpack, took off her shorts, shoes, panties and bra and slipped into the water.

Meanwhile, Brian had been following Mary at a distance and saw her approach Rachel.

"Well it's either going to be one helluva a trip, or I'm going to have two pissed off women at me," thought Brian as he watched Mary swim toward Rachel. He hid in the stand of trees beside the waterfall. He could feel the spray of the water occasionally.

Mary drew closer to the woman and saw her rubbing her breasts.

It turned her on even more, if that was possible, watching this woman with long, brown hair rub herself.

"Would you like some help?" Mary asked.

Startled, Rachel opened her eyes and looked at the woman in front of her. Large breasts bobbed in the water, deep blue eyes penetrated her stare.

Without saying a word, Rachel reached out and grasped on of Mary's firm breasts and lightly stroked it. Mary let out a small moan and leaned into her hand. She then reached out and cupped Rachel's opposite breast and mimicked her motions.

Both women took a step toward the other and their lips met. This was a different kind of kiss than any Mary had ever experienced. Rachel was gentle and knew just how to move her lips. She flicked Rachel's nipple with her finger and Rachel moaned and depended the kiss.

Brian watched from the bank mesmerized by the two wet women, his dick hard as a rock.

Rachel began drawing circles on Mary's breast and trailed kisses lower. She took Mary's taut nipple in her mouth and lightly sucked. Mary grabbed Rachel's breast harder and kneaded it back and forth. Rachel switched breasts and lightly bit this nipple before trailing kisses still farther.

Brian strained against his pants, not sure how much more of this torture he could take before joining the women.

"Sit up on the ledge," Rachel commanded Mary. She obeyed.

Once she was sitting there, water running all over her, Rachel whispered one last command, "Open your legs for me."

And she did. Rachel nibbled Mary's thighs as she went closer and closer to her wet pussy. Rachel heard Mary's slight intake of breath and stopped. Mary bucked and opened her eyes.

Rachel's stared into deep blue eyes with her bold green ones as she dipped lower and thrust her tongue deep inside Mary.

"OH MY GOD," Mary screamed and bucked toward Rachel's face. Their eyes remain locked as Rachel stuck her tongue in and out of Mary's pussy. Mary moaned louder and bucked harder against Rachel's tongue. She threw her head back and grabbed Rachel by the shoulders. Brian didn't even realize he had started taking off his clothes until he felt the cool breeze on his dick and realized he was lightly stroking himself.

A couple more quick thrusts of her tongue and Mary came all over Rachel.

"Wow," was all Mary could say. She grabbed Rachel by the shoulders and helped her up. Then she lightly pushed her down on the ledge and pushed her legs apart. Rachel smiled. Mary tentatively knelt down and moved toward Rachel's parted thighs. She'd never done anything like this before and the thought was making her cum more. She tensed a bit while she moved closer and closer toward Rachel. Rachel let out a small laugh, knowing too well what just happened with Mary. Brian moaned and hoped the women didn't hear him.

Mary grabbed Rachel's legs and pushed her back some before putting her legs on her shoulders. She then ran her tongue around Rachel's clit, seeing what it would be like. She thrust her tongue inside the moistness causing both women to cry out. Rachel moved herself closer to Mary's face. Mary licked her way around Rachel, sticking her tongue in and out. Fast, then slow. Up then down.

Brian slowly slipped into the water, careful to not make a sound. He came closer and closer to the two women as Mary continued to pummel Rachel with her tongue. He hoped he could reach them as Rachel came.

As Rachel came she looked up and saw Brian standing near them and knew he had planned this all along.

"Hey, Mary," said Brian. Startled, Mary turned to see Brian and almost dropped Rachel in the water. "I see you've met my friend, Rachel."

Rachel smiled and waved.

"Now that the introductions have been made, would you two like to continue?" asked Brian.

Rachel and Mary looked at Brian and both reached for him at the same time. Rachel grabbed him and planted a firm kiss on his lips before she darted her tongue in and out of his mouth. She was halfway behind him and straddled his leg between hers. She started grinding herself against him.

While those two kissed, Mary lowered to her knees and stuck her head underwater to put her lips on Brian's hard dick. He moaned and about collapsed into the water while Mary moved her lips up and down. Harder and faster. He broke his kiss with Rachel and just stared into the water at the top of Mary's head.

Rachel slid around behind Brian and trailed her fingers down his back. Mary came up for a quick breath of air before heading back underwater. Rachel went lower with her hands, grabbing Brian's ass before she reached lower and took his balls in her hand. Mary could feel Rachel's hands when she took Brian all the way in. Rachel waited for Mary to come up for breath before heading back up Brian.

Then she grabbed one of Mary's breasts and took it in her mouth. Brian did the same with the other. It was Mary's turn to almost fall into the water. She grabbed onto their shoulders to steady herself while they tortured her with their tongues.

Once steady she reached with one hand to pinch Rachel's clit and with the other she grabbed onto Brian's dick. With the same motion she thrust in and out of Rachel and up and down Brian. Both of them moaned into Mary's breasts.

They were each rocking against each other. Rachel's lips trailed to Mary's face before she started ever so slowly kissing her. She whispered, "Shall we get out of here?" Mary nodded and Brian moaned.

They all three swam to the shallow end of the pool, where Mary left her backpack. Once out, she rummaged through there pulling out a blanket and putting it on the ground.

"Lie down," she told Brian. He did. Rachel and Mary looked at each other and both knew what they wanted. Mary stood over Brian's dick while Rachel stood above his face. Before they lowered themselves, they kissed again and grabbed each other's breasts.

As one, they lowered themselves onto Brian. Not breaking their kiss, Brian slipped his dick into Mary's pussy and his tongue into Rachel's. Mary moaned and rocked against him. Rachel pumped downward. They broke their kiss and just looked at each other.

Harder and faster they rode Brian.

He was about to cum and he knew it. So did the women. They weren't ready for that yet. They both stopped and stood up.

Rachel's turn to command. "Sit up," she told him.

She sat in front of Brian and scooted toward him, putting her pussy just so close to his throbbing dick but not close enough.

"Mary," she said. "Stand in between us facing Brian."

Once Mary did, Rachel positioned herself on Brian and took him in. He grabbed Mary ass and brought his tongue to her pussy. She moaned and pressed herself into him. He bucked against Rachel while she rode him.

"Mary. Turn around." She did. "Bend over and kiss me."

When Mary leaned down to give Rachel a kiss, Brian got a full view of Mary's pussy and was able to stick his tongue even farther in. He knew he was going to cum inside Rachel. He thrust hard and fast into her and she bucked. She tensed for a brief second before he came. In turn it caused Mary to cum, shooting Brian in the face. They each stay frozen for a second before all sitting down on the ground.

Mary was the first to speak.

"Wow. Now that's an introduction," she said. "I can't wait to see what you've got planned for the encore!"


After gathering up their belongings, the women followed Brian through the woods to the place where he had already set up camp.

"I told you it was secluded," said Brian.

Mary peeked her head into the tent to see what Brian had set up. She saw a queen size blow up mattress, complete with sheets and a duffel bag sitting next to it.

"No peaking," said Brian as he grabbed Mary around the waist and pulled her out of the tent. While Mary and Brian wrestled around the entrance to the tent, she snuck behind them and put the rest of their supplies into the tent. While inside, she took off all her clothes and made her way to the other two.

Brian was on top of Mary, keeping her on the ground playfully. As she halfway bucked against him, Rachel noticed the desire flash in Brian's eyes. She came up behind Brian and put her arms around his neck.

She whispered in his ear where Mary couldn't hear, "Scoot up some," she said.

Brian moved up Mary to where is hard dick was in her face, through his pants of course. Rachel unzipped Mary's shorts and took them off. She straddled Mary and grinded their pussies together. Mary stopped moving. Rachel reached around Brian and unzipped his shorts. She wrapped her hands around his hard dick and rubbed up and down on him in time with her grinding against Mary.

Mary rose up and Rachel guided Brian's dick into her waiting mouth. Once she had Brian's dick in her mouth she bucked harder against Rachel. She trailed her hands back around Brian and reached down and rubbed Mary's clit. Mary moaned on Brian's dick and clamped down, careful not to run her teeth across him. Brian moaned and started moving his dick in and out of Mary's mouth. Rachel motioned for him to get up. She took his place in front of Mary. Mary slid her tongue deep inside Rachel.

Brian got down between Mary's legs and licked around her wet pussy. She moaned into Rachel's clit and thrust her tongue deep inside right as Brian stuck his tongue inside her. She bucked and screamed, wanting more.

Rachel began bucking against Mary's face in time with Mary's bucks. Mary came and stuck her tongue deep into Rachel. She came as well. Brian got up and motioned for the women to follow him into the tent. Once inside he opened up his bag and pulled out restraints. It was then Mary noticed the rings rigged up in the tent.

"Ohh, me first," said Rachel as she lay down on the bed. Brian strapped down her arms first and restrained her feet. Mary knelt down and kissed Rachel while rubbing one of her own breasts. She then straddled Rachel and their breasts rubbed against each other's while Mary stuck her tongue in Rachel's mouth. Brian watched, mesmerized as the two women pleasured each other. He lay down beside Rachel and Mary reached to grab his dick. It was hard again. She rubbed her hand up and down on it while she rode Rachel. She leaned over and kissed Brian on the lips. He could taste Rachel on her and he moaned.

Mary moved off Rachel and Brian climbed on top. He knelt on his knees and shoved his dick deep in side Rachel.

Mary stood in front of Brian and bent forward, putting her wet pussy in his face. She lowered her mouth down to Rachel's nipple and nibbled. Brian pounded Rachel and began fingering Mary.

Rachel moved against the restraints and moaned. Mary lightly bit Rachel's nipple as Brian pounded harder. He grabbed Mary's hips and thrust his tongue deep inside her. He pulled her onto his face in time with his pounding Rachel.

Mary leaned down farther, giving Brian better access to her pussy and began kissing Rachel. She took Rachel's tits in her hands and massaged then.

"Oh my god," said Rachel. "I'm going to cum!"

That was all it took for all three of them to cum together. Mary fell to the side as Brian collapsed on Rachel. They all lay there for a few moments.

Mary was the first to move. She undid the restraints holding Rachel down. Before he knew what had happened, both women had him on the bed and tied down.

"Hey," he shouted. "These aren't for me!"

The women just ignored him. They stood up and moved in front of him. Rachel caressed Mary's face. Mary trailed her hand down Rachel's side. They leaned in ever so slowly and kissed each other. Brian just lay there, not able to do anything. They deepened the kiss. Each woman reached for the other's tit and made circles over the nipples. Brian let out a small moan. He couldn't believe his dick was already getting hard. He couldn't do anything and it was pure torture to watch the women please each other. Mary broke the kiss and started lowering herself. She bit Rachel's nipple. Rachel screamed ... in pleasure. Mary went lower. Rachel spread her legs. Brian bucked.

When Mary was on her knees in front of Rachel, she looked up. Then she looked over at Brian, winked, and grabbed Rachel's tight ass and brought her pussy toward her. She licked all around Rachel's clit. Rachel bucked against Mary's face. Mary could tell Rachel was about to cum. She stopped all motion. She reached her hand around Rachel's ass and stuck one finger in her pussy. She took Rachel's clit in her mouth and sucked while fucking her with her finger. Rachel couldn't take anymore and let out a scream. Mary felt the moistness on her finger. She brought it to her lips and licked it off. Brian bucked harder against the restraints.

Mary climbed on top of Brian and lowered herself onto his hard dick. She rubbed her hands over her tits and rode Brian hard. Rachel looked through Brian's bag and found various toys in it.

"You're bad Brian," said Rachel with a smile. She looked through the bag, trying to find just the right toy. Mary rode Brian harder and faster. She reached down and put one of her fingers in her pussy with his dick. Then she put another and moved her hand up and down against their joined bodies. She moaned and rocked. He bucked and moaned. The both screamed out and he came. Neither saw Rachel moving around, slowly undoing Brian's restraints. Once he was free, Rachel grabbed the blindfold she had over her arm and tied it on Mary. Brian stood up and put the restraints on Mary's arms and legs. He looked over to see what toy Rachel picked out and raised Mary's arms over her head instead and tied her up. He spread her legs and attached them to the side of the tent.

Mary wasn't so sure about being tied up and blindfolded but she was ready to see what they had in store for her. Brian stood in front of Mary and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Here's your chance for a sandwich." Those six words about made Mary collapse and she would've if her hands weren't tied about her head. Brian nibbled on her ear before kissing her hard. Rachel came around the back of Mary and grabbed her tits. She massaged them hard while Brian reached down and fingered her. It was all Mary could do to not have the restraints supporting her. Rachel bucked against the back of Mary and she felt what toy Rachel chose. Rachel rubbed against Mary's ass with the strap-on. Mary bucked against her.

Rachel squeezed lube onto her fake dick before probing Mary with it. Mary arched. Rachel entered her very slowly. Mary moaned. Brian lowered himself to his knees and brought his face to Mary's wet pussy. He stuck his tongue in her as Rachel went deep inside Mary. She cried out. It felt so good. After a few quick flicks of his tongue Brian stood back up and brought his dick to her pussy. Both Brian and Rachel rode Mary in the same motions. Mary stood there and just let wave after wave of orgasm overtake her. Brian pumped faster and faster into Mary, feeling himself cum. Rachel shoved her fake penis into Mary's ass one final time.