The C&s Club Pt. 07


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"Greetings my new friends and thank-you for having us here. As Carl said, we came here with friends thinking it's just another club. But we saw that this is not just another club. There is a vibe here, a warmth of friendship — and we decided to come again. After several times visiting, we decided that we wanted to belong. So here we are, and we hope to share ourselves with you and hopefully entertain you a little too."

The crowd, as always, offers some encouragement with polite applause and a whistle or two. With Aaron close to me now, it definitely feels more cozy. I glance at Clair, hoping she isn't feeling left out, but she's focused on what's happening on the stage. While watching her reactions, Aaron's hand covers my cock and gently fondles me through my pants. I've worn loose fitting clothes on purpose so they come off easy on stage. But the looseness makes his touch all the more intimate — I wish I didn't have anything on under my street-clothes, but we have other plans.

"Take your shirt off Florencio!"

The action on stage pulls me back. Florencio obeys quickly, revealing a muscular and toned torso. I guess maybe early thirties or so. The prominent collar around his neck is easy to see now, but I didn't notice it before he took his shirt off. His partner, Damian produces a leash as if by magic and quickly snaps it to the ring in the collar. Damian turns and walks back toward the front of the stage with Florencio in tow. "Tell them."

Florencio lowers his head as if he's ashamed — Damian jerks down on the collar. "No! Look up and tell them." When he hesitates too long, another jerk. "Tell them Florencio."

"People, all my new friends here. Damian insists that I tell you some of my past and how I came to be here. I am from Puerto Rico, my family sacrificed that I might go to the University of Florida. While I was there, I felt free for the first time in my life. I have always been sexually attracted to other males. But in my culture, this is not allowed or tolerated. In Florida I met many like me and they were free and open with their love — and their sex. I studied hard, but I also played hard and I discovered that I am what you refer to here as the cocksucker. I send money home now because school and opportunity has opened many doors for me. Even though my family tells me I am cursed by God, I do not believe this is true. I know I am created this way, it has always been with me even when I didn't understand anything about sex or what is right and what is wrong. As you see, I am Damian's cocksucker and submissive — muy sumiso. It was he who insists that I tell you these things — his hope is that you see how fortunate you are to be here ... free and without fear. I myself know that even though it is better here, people still die every year for being gay. This is why we asked Carl about the club's community efforts. This is some of the kind of work Damian and I do for a living, and we wish to contribute more in the future to this for people like all of us. Thank you for your kind welcome."

At first we're all sort of stunned by the solemn realities that Florencio brought into the light. In all my years of involvement with the club — from the very beginning, I've never considered our responsibility to move the LGBTQ march forward. But as those assembled process his words and thoughts a slow applause builds to a unanimous agreement with his sentiments. I find myself inspired by this man and vow to try to do my part in the future.

Damian steps close to his partner and whispers in his ear. Florencio nods and holds up his hands for quiet. "My Master and my lover reminds me that I forgot to also say; In America people like us can get married, and we want you to know that we are legally married."

More whoops and shouts of encouragement follow, I look over at Clair and the big smile on her face tells me she's eating this up like candy. As the noise settles down, attention refocuses on the two men onstage. Damian turns and walks toward the center of the stage, the leash draws tight and Florencio turns to follow his master.

"Strip naked."

The two simple words are all that is said — all that is needed as Florencio hastens to obey. The center stage lighting enhances what was already a beautiful body, now his sepia toned skin brings an exotic overlay to his toned muscular body, his black hair is meticulously styled and shines under the lighting. All that remains to cover him is a pair of stretch briefs — white with pink flowers. The contrast creates an interesting dichotomy — a virile masculine man in his physical prime of life, but inside dwells a submissive soul who signals some level of inner-feminine energy. It's something I can relate to and I feel an empathetic bond with Florencio. A man of a different race, a different country and a different culture — and yet here we are, so similar on the inside. I instantly wish him well on his journey.

Also in the center of the stage is a large silver gym ball. It's two and a half or three feet in diameter. Florencio walks behind his Master toward the ball. With leash still in hand, Damian goes to one knee in front of his partner and strips the pretty flowers away and tosses them aside. When he stands up, he points to the ball and Florencio lays over it in a way that his butt is at the top of the ball. Damian moves his legs wider with a foot until Florencio is spread open — exposed in the most intimate way to all of us watching. His cock is hard and mashed down under him against the ball and pointed at the floor. It's an impressive size and a reminder that cock size has nothing to do with personality or sexual proclivities. It makes me think that I'd hate to have dominant traits combined with a tiny weenie.

Damian leaves his sub laying exposed to all of us and begins to remove his own clothes. With most of the obviously expensive garments tossed in a pile, it's plain to see they probably both spend the same amount of time at the gym. I'm instantly glad that Aaron outshines them, and that my small white body fits well with my role in life.

But now Damian has walked back to the man waiting spread eagle over his gym ball. To my surprise, he uses the leash as a whip and slaps it across the bare flesh of Florencio's butt.

"You want more?"

"Yes, please."

Three more blows and the soft brown skin is turning a darker hue.


"Yes, Sir."

On it goes, but I do notice the blows get softer and are more for effect — but no doubt still sting on the already spanked bottom. Then Damian drops the leash turned whip and kneels beside the sagging body draped over the ball — leans over and kisses the abused flesh and softly strokes his hand up and down the sweat glistening skin of Florencio's back. After a minute or so, Damian stands up. "One last task Florencio. On your knees now."

Florencio rolls the ball back until his knees touch the ground and sits back with his haunches on his lower legs. Damian gracefully takes the two steps to stand with his hard cock near his cocksucker's face. Florencio looks up and his Master puts one hand on his head and guides his lips to the place they belong. It's easy to see the cocksucker is hard and obviously enjoying his tasks. He's a good cocksucker and I again hope I can make Aaron proud. It takes several minutes before Damian shows signs of an impending orgasm — again, I hope it doesn't take so long with us because, as strange as it seems, too long loses it's punch when doing it for show. I lean over and whisper in Aaron's ear. "Try to come fast when I suck you so it doesn't lose it's punch." He nods and winks in agreement.

While I was whispering to Aaron, Damian did have a shift and it's pretty clear that he's close. I'm impressed with Florencio's talented touch as a cocksucker. He uses his hands, his eyes and his mouth to express his adoration of his man. And suddenly, he's rewarded with an obviously pleasant orgasm of man seed in his mouth. Damian pulls his cock free of the lips that reach for it and milks the last of his gift over the lips, nose and face of his lover. Florencio cleans Damian's cock as best he can with his tongue, then rests the side of his face against his man's sex. The light fades and the curtain closes on the second presentation of the night.


Shannon and I are up next, I take his hand and rise to go backstage.

"Break a leg ... or two. I wish you both good luck and I think you're both hotter than anyone so far."

"I just wish you could take my place Sis." She just smiles and shakes her head, no.

We both go back stage since our presentation begins with us on stage. Aaron helps to get the stage bed in the right place, and Mani and I put a clean white sheet on it. We still have some time while guys are going to the men's room and getting settled back to their tables. When the few stage props are in place, Aaron pulls me aside.

"Okay, just like we planned but don't get too focused on staying exactly on script. I'm going to try to let my feelings — my love for you show in what we do here. To me, that's the best part of this. We could just go through the sex like robots and everyone would like it, but let's see if we can act a little too."

"I'm really nervous, aren't you?"

"Not too bad. Just take some deep breaths and remember that in a few days no one will remember any fuck-ups we do tonight — especially if we can show them our deeper connection. Just make love with me Babe — just a little louder than usual. Remember this; You're the cutest guy in the room — just embrace it and live it."

We stand in our opening spot in front of the bed, Aaron has his arm around me as we listen to Carl's introduction.

"Okay guys, our last presentation is one I've personally waited to for too long. There's no need to give a big introduction to someone most of you know so well. Let's give Aaron Harding and his cocksucker Shannon O'Shay a warm C and s Club welcome!"

Aaron turns to me and we embrace in a passionate kiss as the curtain opens and the down-light brightens on us. We stay in our kiss, my open hands caress his broad back as he holds me tight to his body with a hand on my lower back. When he breaks our kiss, Aaron looks out across the crowd with an expression of just now being away of them. I look up and keep my eyes on him until he looks down to my face. With his arm around my shoulder, he turns us both to face the crowd — we look out in silence with noncommittal expressions as if we're puzzled that they are all out there. He turns to look down on me and says loud enough to be heard out in the room....

"Do you want to show them our love?"

I nod yes, in return. Aaron looks back to the people watching for a short moment, turns to me and begins unbuttoning my shirt. We both wore our nicer clothes tonight, mine is a pink long sleeve — he has a sports jacket and white shirt with matching slacks. With the last button of my shirt opened, he slips it off my shoulders and hangs it on the nearby chair. The top half of my black fine mesh bodysuit is on open display and I'm both thankful he bought it for me and wishing I could shrink out of sight. Knowing Clair is watching all of this is even more vulnerable than the many strangers. My attention is pulled back to Aaron when he goes down on one knee and takes off both shoes and my socks. He's not sloppy or in a hurry and carefully sets my things aside.

I look down as he looks up — his slight wink brings an equally slight smile to my face — he's got this, I can almost hear him saying. When he loosens my belt and the top button of my pants, I put a hand on his shoulder and close my eyes. The zipper sounds loud going down — I feel the looseness and then his hands slide them down my legs to the floor. My eyes are still closed but I know I must force myself — I gaze out without focusing on anyone, but do my best to make contact with these many strangers. I don't have to pretend to feel submissive — nor do I have to pretend about feeling my sweet humiliation. I grab hold of these feelings and let my arousal kick in. As my dick fills and begins to join the show, confidence begins to fuel my eagerness — my desire for Aaron's cock awakens and the crowd fades to the background.

I'm standing virtually nude. The gauzy covering they call a body suit hides nothing — just diffuses some of the details of my body. It does nothing to hide my arousal — and when I look down, the wet spot where my pre-cum dribbled is like a dark round spotlight pointing to my arousal. But now, I feel like casting these stage jitters off. Aaron's already doing his part, his hands and lips explore my bare skin.

He says, in his louder stage voice, "You've painted your nails — show our friends how pretty they are."

He stands to give me a balancing hand so I can lift a foot up for the crowd. The down-light makes the pink polish shine and I hear a few wolf-whistles out in the darkness. I've never had a guy whistle at me like a pretty girl before — it gives my confidence another little boost. One voice calls out, "Welcome to the club!"

"I think it's time I give you this little token of my affection, Babe."

He takes the pink collar out of his pocket and closes it around my neck. I feel the impact of these rituals — of these stage presentations. They do become like mileposts and public commitments between us. Even though nothing has really changed between us — it feels more solid — more permanent somehow.

I step back from him and admire his new collar, his bodysuit and his acceptance of the pink nail polish — my arousal was already strong, but seeing him here — for me — for us, willing to embrace the fullness of his submission pushes my desire to make him as proud of me as I am of him. I grab the back of the chair, pull it closer and sit down. We don't really need the chair as a prop since Shannon scrounged up this bed ... but it's here — might as well use it. "Your turn now, Babe. Remove these rags from my body. You can start by kneeling here and taking my shoes off."

With his shoes and socks tucked away under the bed, Aaron stands again. I begin by reaching my arms up to unbutton his shirt. He takes it off and hands it to me. I fold it and carefully set it aside. When I go to my knees, his cock is plain to see though his slacks — I lean and kiss it. As I look up to his eyes, I rub my hand over the hard flesh still concealed from view. I again look up — he nods and I bend at the waist and kiss the tops of both feet twice and then look again to my man's face. He just opens his hands at his sides and I understand and begin to unbuckle his belt. When I open his pants and slide them down, he's not wearing underwear and his cock springs free! Without even thinking about it, I lean close and press my lips to the side of his shaft. I want to do more, but force myself to try and stay on the course we set for ourselves. Together, we get his pants off pretty gracefully, I fold them and set them with the rest of our clothes.

Now it's time for me to show the world that I am his cocksucker. Aaron uses one open hand, palm up, to focus my attention on his cock. I bow my head in a submissive show, look again to his face and inch my way closer on my knees until I am before him. I feel Aaron's gentle hand on the back of my head as he guides my mouth to his sex. I make exaggerated, but very real, demonstrations of desire for my man — I take deep breaths taking my man's scent into my lungs. I kiss and nuzzle his inner thighs, my nose buried in his low hanging balls — I lick then with an exaggerated flourish, my tongue stuck out as far as possible for people to see. Aaron pulls my head back with a handful of my hair — his other hand holds his hard cock and he rubs it all around my face several times — I feel the wetness of his arousal as he paints my face. I try to get him in my mouth — Aaron stops me with a hand signal — much like one would a puppy.

I sit back on my legs and look up for my next task. When Aaron turns his backside to me, I know what to do — we've planned this and now I desire it all on my own.

"You know what to do Shannon. You know your place and I know you want to show everyone."

Aaron grabs both butt cheeks and spreads wide — my hands join his. A put my left cheek to the butt cheek on the backside of the stage and slightly turn my face enough to allow the people watching to be able to see me licking him. I know it's most often he who licks me, licks my butt-pussy — but this time it's a show of submission we aim for. With long swipes with my tongue as far out as I can get it, I lick him from balls to just past his hole. Again and again I pleasure him, knowing myself just how good it feels. I reach a hand between his legs and hold his virility in the palm of my hand. I forget about the crowd and just make wild passionate love to my man. I hear a couple of loud whoops and redouble my efforts.

Aaron decides the pace and when he stands up straight ... I reluctantly sit back on my legs again. When he turns, his arousal is at a hundred percent — the cock is fully engorged and arches up toward his stomach, the veins bulge and pre-cum dampens the glans. He holds his hand out to me, I take it and he helps me back onto my feet. He pulls me close and hugs me while kissing the top of my head. His whispered words of love makes me forget where we are for a moment — until he begins to remove my last remaining cover. Once the body suit is laid aside, I have mixed feelings — it gave me a sense of some privacy, but now I know what's next and am glad to finally be fully nude. When he scoops me up in his arms, I hold myself close with an arm around his neck. This is what we wanted to show — this unfiltered love that two men have found together. He turns and lays me on the bed.

The bed itself feels odd, the slope is hardly noticeable to those not on stage, but it's obvious if you're laying on it. It's not bad, just different. Aaron pulls me back to the presentation when he tells me it's time. I get on all fours, then lay my face on the bed. When he pulls the plug out of my butt, I struggle to hold my orgasm in check — thinking about how that would ruin everything saves the show. I've been told to face the crowd at this point and I do. I can't see them, but know very well they can see me. When Aaron's weight on the bed signals the beginning of our last act, I smile in satisfaction that so far it's gone well. The cool drizzle of lube pulls me back to now — I spread wider so he can get to me ... when he touches me, I close my eyes. As he presses into me, I moan in sincere pleasure. When he starts fucking me, I allow everything to slip away until it's just him and me making love alone in a secret place only we know about. His hand on my back reassures me, but I don't need reassurance anymore. It's just me and him — our bodies joined as one ....

The next thing I'm aware of is being on my back with Aaron between my legs laying on me. When the sounds of people clapping and talking find their way into my brain, I remember where we are and what we're doing. His words pull me all the way back.

"I love you. Hear that? I think we showed them that love can be pretty damn hot too."

When the curtain closes, the noise is muffled a bit but seems to rise even higher. Then Carl gets his microphone again.

"Well ... okay, okay, settle down. I'm not going to say much, I just want to pass on what Aaron told me before they got on stage. If you can believe it, he was concerned that what he and Shannon had planned might be too tame — too vanilla. I think from your reaction, his concerns were misplaced!"

Again the gathered men agree. Carl quiets them again. "Guys, Aaron told me that his one goal was to show the love he and Shannon have discovered together. Holler if you think they did that!

With Carl's encouragement, the agreement is like a roar. Aaron pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head again.