The Carson's Party


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To my surprise, Melinda didn't look put off at all, as if perhaps she had seen the uncertainty in my face. "Well if you ever do get the idea you'd like to try it, Elise, I hope you might remember that I am willing to help you experiment, a little or a lot. Even if it's only to share a couple of kisses, I'd be your girl."

Something in my heart went out to her then, and I felt seriously in danger of offering a pity fuck - of course that is assuming it would be a pity fuck which it wouldn't be if actually liked it - I honestly didn't know how I would feel about it. I decided to compromise and let her down with something she could at least beat off about. I leaned toward her and whispered in her ear, "Melinda, I've seen you naked. I've seen your lovely big breasts, your sexy legs, your hard little round bottom, and I have seen your pretty blond snatch, and yes, I do think it is pretty. I promise that if I ever do decide I am bisexual, you and I are going to have at least one fantastic evening of sex. And I might take you up on those kisses sometime, just to see how I'd feel about it."

When I leaned back, her face was quite red, her lips were parted and her eyes had a glazed look. I worried that I might have overdone it. But her voice was very calm when she answered, "Thanks very much for that, Elise. Even if it never happens that was very generous of you, and I think you know what I mean. I'll be dreaming of that tonight, right before I go to sleep." She held up her hand as if to shake with me, so I took her hand in both of mine to envelope her little hand warmly when she added, "But I think you skipped one of my features. Would you look at my hand, please?"

Puzzled I opened my palms and looked down at her dainty little hand, a hand so small and dainty that if she rolled her fingers together, it wouldn't be much larger than a good thick penis. Instantly felt my face burning, and I am sure the blush went all the way down to my breasts. Why, she could even make a fist without it feeling too unnatural inside of me... Oh my god! I swallowed before I could answer, "Melinda, I see what you mean, and I'm thinking about it..." I swallowed again, "Okay, I am seriously thinking about it, but that's all for right now, okay?" I was almost pleading with her.

"Of course, Elise," Melinda said gently as her color faded to normal - I could still feel my own face burning from the image of Melinda's hand inside me, moving in and out... Melinda looked at me a little concerned, "Maybe a quick trip to the powder room is in order, Elise; otherwise, I was thinking you might like to meet your host, Professor Carlson."

"Oh, host is good," I mumbled, starting to snap out of it. It had been a strange day. I don't think I've spent five whole minutes in my entire life thinking about having sex with women, but it was starting to seem like the theme of the day. I stood with her and repeated myself, "Oh yes, I would like to meet Professor Carlson." And she led me hand in hand through a couple of rooms until she found him talking in a small group of people. He was handsome, about thirty-five and dressed in a lovely dark three piece suit with a dark blue shirt and gold tie.

Melinda gave him a little wave, and he spotted her, made some excuses and walked over to us giving Melinda a dazzling white-toothed smile. His hair was as dark and wavy, and his hands were tanned and strong as he shook hands with Melinda and telling her how welcome she was. Could this be the source of Melinda's clothes? But then I thought, it was his wife who had the money...

Then suddenly he was beaming that movie star smile at me as Melinda was introducing us. I shook his hand while Melinda looked woefully into her glass and noting that mine was also empty, she took my glass and promised she would be back with more drinks. "So you are Elise Deanston?" he was saying, "I believe I knew a Maurice Deanston in New York about ten years ago. He was an attorney. Did a little legal work for me. Any relation?"

I was pretty startled, "Assuming it is the same Maurice Deanston who is a New York attorney, that would be my Uncle Maurice. He specializes in agreements and contracts."

"Why, the very man!" exclaimed the Professor, "What a coincidence to meet his niece here in Atlanta!" Professor Carlson did have the bluest eyes, and I was thinking I wouldn't mind if he was to be my sex date tonight, not at all. An hour or so with him and that would put all this bisexual nonsense behind me. His figure was slim, but he had broad shoulders.

"Well Professor, you know what they say: You can't pick up a rock anywhere without finding a lawyer under it," I quipped using one of my father's lawyer jokes, not that I ever thought it was that funny, but the Professor chuckled good naturedly at it.

"Please, Elise, call me Steve," he said warmly and very definitely checking out my cleavage. "Please forgive me for noticing how lovely you are tonight, and I like your dress, too!"

Oh yes! I thought, there is a very good chance of sex here, and I intended to make it an easy sure thing for this movie star looking Professor. "This dress is the sexiest dress I own," I admitted, then looked him directly in the eyes, "Although I've been told that I'm even sexier without it." There that says it all. Take me to a locked room and fuck me silly!

At that very moment we were joined by one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen outside of a movie or a runway. She was tall, at least four inches taller than me, blue-eyed, blond, her hair up in an elegant but simple wave coif, and she wore a Jovani White Goddess evening gown that was form fitting and deep V necked, and she had on Kate Spade 'Lolita' sandals that are actually a high heeled shoe designed to display a woman's toes almost lewdly. Aside from being gorgeous and elegant she had a throaty sexual voice as she stepped close and said, "My, my, and who is this lovely creature, Steve?"

He introduced me then turned to me, "This is my wife, Persephone Carson."

I reached out to shake her hand, but she delicately lifted and gave the lightest kiss to the my fingers, at least I think she did, her lips came very close. She looked deep into my eyes and said, "I'm so charmed to meet you, dear, but please call me Roxy."

"Okay, Roxy," I hesitated because I felt like a cow next to her. It wasn't just her clothes - they were costly but not insanely so, although her dress cost about 4 times as much as mine did. No, it was her beauty, her poise and some undefined grace that left me feeling shabby, although she was doing her best to make me feel welcome after I had just openly made a pass at her husband, which I fear she may have overheard. "So, is Roxanne your middle name or something?"

"Oh no," she said with a little smile, "my middle name is Clarice, which I dislike even more than Persephone. I just like Roxy because I think it sounds sexy." There was just no way for her to be wearing a bra under that dress, and as I thought his, I couldn't help noting the naked flesh of the inside curves of both breasts nestled in the deep V that didn't quite go to her belly button. Her breasts were larger than mine and I could just make out her nipples through the cloth. "Oh I do so hope you like what you see," she added casually.

I gasped and turned a little pink, knowing she had caught me, "Oh yes, maam, that is certainly a lovely dress, a Jovani, right? The White Goddess?"

"Ah, you know your clothes. Well, not the best dress in the world I guess, but I thought it looked good on me," she made a moue of her lips, "But I was hoping that it was my breasts you were admiring. Yours certainly seem lovely! And your dress shows off some very athletic, sexy legs as well. I'm afraid your dress is sexier than mine," she swept her full length hem a bit, "it doesn't show off my legs at all." She gave me a warm and really sincere looking smile, "And you were telling my husband that you looked even better out of the dress... I must admit my heart skipped a beat even imagining that picture in my mind."

My mouth fell open, "I am so, so sorry, maam..."

"Please don't be!" insisted Steve earnestly, "My wife and I are very open about things like that!"

"He's absolutely right, my dear," still giving me a dazzling smile of her own, "I certainly understand horny and Steve is one hunk of a man. And Elise, if I have to get down on the floor and kiss your feet, I will, if that's what it takes to get you to stop maam-ing me! Please, it's Roxy!"

Steve looked seriously at his wife, "My dear, we ARE the hosts of the party, and if such a lovely guest is feeling sexually neglected, I feel we are obligated to do something about it, don't you agree?"

"I certainly do!" she said emphatically, "Here dear, take this and we will escort you to our bedroom. Please be a dear and come with us?" She handed me a glass of champagne, and took my arm in hers. Steve placed his hand on my right elbow, loosely enough that I could easily sip the champagne as we walked, and they started guiding me out of the room. It was obviously an expensive champagne; neither sweet nor sour, and so light it almost wasn't there, like cotton candy.

I wasn't sure about this. It was so unexpected. I mean yeah, he was a good-looking man, and I had thought to have sex with him, but I didn't know what was happening now. Did she want to watch? Was she going to participate? That thought caught me strangely - on the one hand, I still wasn't sure I was even willing to experiment with another woman, or was I. There had been a moment with Kim, and with Melinda, well... That was such a vivid picture that I have to admit I had been almost excited enough to overcome my inhibitions for just a moment there, but this? She was certainly an attractive woman and I couldn't ask for better looking, but still...

"Look," I said, "I don't know about this. It seems a bit strange, you know?" Both of them stopped as if not to pressure me.

"Of course, Elise, but it only seems so," he assured me warmly, "Believe me you will be very satisfied, and there is nothing to worry about. Any time you want to stop, you are welcome to leave, go down stairs and have a drink, even go home to your dorm or apartment." His eyes seemed so kind and his confidence so assuring. "We just want an opportunity to enjoy your company and show you a good time in the bargain." He winked and added, "Truly, it's all about the big 'O', right?"

Then his wife whispered in my other ear, "We only want to make sure you have a wonderful time, dear with many orgasms. And we will do anything you like. We will try very hard to make sure you have such a good time that you will want to come back to our next party."

At that moment, Melinda showed back up, carrying a drink for herself and carrying another for me. She saw us, smiled and walked up. "Going upstairs, Elise? Oh, you're so lucky! You're going to have such a nice time!"

"Really?" I asked with my voice a bit on the weak side. I gulped the rest of the champagne and traded the glass to Melinda for my rum and coke. "You've ah, been upstairs?"

"Yes, I have been," Melinda agreed emphatically, "You have my word of honor that you will enjoy it a lot!"

I didn't know for sure if I could trust any of them, but then I didn't want to seem a prude, and I had been feeling terrifically horny. Given her earlier revelations, I was highly suspicious of Melinda's motives. And I was getting a little tired of thinking of it as even bisexual. Like Steve had said, it's really about orgasms, and what difference does it make whether a man or a woman gives me that orgasm. Heck, I thought, I'll let them get started and if I don't like it, I will just leave. "Okay then, Steve," and I glanced from him to her, "And Roxy."

They led me upstairs to a beautiful bedroom with a huge bed. Steve turned and locked the door, but left the key in the lock. Bedside lamps stood on the end tables providing a warm golden but not overly bright light. Roxy sat on the bed and patted the mattress beside her, "Sit down, Elise, and let's talk - get to know each other better."

Steve knelt at my feet and slipped her shoes off and then mine. Roxy said, "I understand that you do gymnastics. Melinda has told me that a number of people like to watch you work out."

I shrugged, "There is usually a few people standing around or resting between workouts. I'd be embarrassed if I thought they were there to only watch me. Besides, there are better bodies to ogle in the gym than mine." Steve was starting what had to be the most sensuous and expert foot massage that I had ever received. It was even more than just relaxing and sensuous; it was a sexually stimulating massage - of my feet! I could hardly believe it! Roxy leaned over as if to whisper in my ear, and gently licked the edge of my ear lobe instead. I shivered with pleasure from both the massage and the lick.

Then she did whisper in my ear, "You have such wondrously sexy legs, Elise, and I promise you that when you spread them all the way wide, in a straight line, the way that gymnasts do, many if not all of those people are imaging what it would look like to see you do that nude." She kissed my ear again in several places, causing little shivers of pleasure to run up and down my back.

"You know, I always suspected that was what people were thinking when they saw a girl doing a split, and uh, Roxy, I have to admit you are sure doing a good job of seducing me," I sighed with pleasure as she nipped my neck with her teeth, "And Steve, that is just the most erotic foot massage!"

"I know," he said quietly, "I worked my way through college doing massages. I was trained by a master."

"He's so good at it that a few times I've even had an orgasm from his massaging my feet," Roxy murmured and kissed my neck in several places and dipping her forefinger into my cleavage.

"I don't doubt you at all, Roxy. Between the two of you, I think my panties are getting wet. But I should tell you, I've never really sought the company of a woman, for sex, I mean." I turned my face towards her so she could see the sincerity in my eyes, and she took advantage and kissed me. It was the most incredibly sweet kiss, gentle, sensual and wet. It was the first kiss I ever had that didn't have an abrasive face behind it. I found myself not minding at all and let her go on kissing me. When she put her arms around me, I embraced her back and our kisses became more passionate. Her hand slipped under my dress and cupped my mound warmly.

"Sex between women is harmless, Elise, you don't even have to worry about pregnancy. But thank you for telling me about your wet panties, Elise. My panties would be wet, too, if I were wearing any," whispered Roxy between kisses, "I don't want to stain my dress. Do you mind if I borrow Steve long enough to unzip my dress?" She kept kissing me, so I couldn't really answer and she was squeezing my mound in the most arousing way, but Steve stood long enough to unzip her dress. Then she released me and stood letting her dress fall about her feet. Steve slipped her dress away as she raised her feet one at a time while I got a good look at her naked body.

She was slim and lovely with womanly curves in all the right places. Her breasts although large didn't sag at all and stood out proudly, crowned perfectly by two reddish nipples that were obviously erect with arousal. Her legs were long and shapely and nestled between her legs was a sparse patch of trimmed light brownish-gold pubic hair that did nothing to hide the folds of her vulva. She was evenly covered with a light tan and very sexy to behold. Strange, that another woman would look so sexy to me, but maybe her kisses had conditioned me. I was certainly as sexually aroused as I had ever been.

She reached out to me with her hands and pulled me erect to face her and Steve stepped behind me to unzip my dress. And while Steve undressed me, Roxy resumed kissing me. Her kissing was so sweet and pleasurable that I didn't even think by that point of resisting, and I didn't want to leave either. I felt Steve unfasten my bra and pull it away, and I felt him kissing my shoulders. I sighed with contented excitement and sank deeper into Roxy's kisses, which moved to showering my neck and breasts with attention. I felt my panties being pulled down, and Steve's gentle hands were at my ankles, helping me to step out of my black lace panties. I wondered if anyone had even noticed the color. I might as well have worn white cotton panties.

I really can't emphasize enough how sweet and delightful Roxy's kisses were, waxing and waning from passionate to sweet and soft and back to passionate again, how she could soften her mouth and let me explore under her tongue where she was slick, soft and silky. It made me wonder if that was how it would be to lick inside her vagina walls. Then she would be exploring my mouth finding seemingly new places to lick me, inside my lips, the roof of my mouth, under my tongue and even between lips and teeth. She was such an incredibly sexual kisser that she made kissing into a sex act itself.

Then Roxy was easing me back on the bed, kissing my mouth again and using her hands to touch me, her fingers roaming gently everywhere, setting me on fire with their light but artful touch. Roxy started sucking my nipples again, while her fingertips lightly exploring my pubic hair when I noticed Steve, still fully dressed, leaving the room. I started to say something, when Roxy lifted her head to look me in the eyes, "Yes, he leaves at this point, dear. He's gay and so am I. I also help him seduce young men," She grinned, "If it was a young man, I would be the one going back to the party."

Her middle finger eased inside my sloppy-wet slit, "Please stay a little longer, darling, and I promise that when you walk out of here, you'll be more sexually gratified than ever before." And I believed her. I was as sexually aroused as I ever had been and she'd been doing most of the work, and right now her finger rubbing my own love juice around my clit was about to make me come. She slid her tongue across my lips and whispered in my mouth, "Please say you'll stay, Elise. If you like, I can have a young man join us the next time you come to one of our parties."

I sighed as I felt my orgasm gathering, gathering as it seemed on the tip of her magic finger, "I'll stay, but if there is a next time, I won't need a young man, but I want a little more foot massage before Steve leaves." We both giggled, and then I was gasping because the orgasm that had been building in me had started, and Roxy just stayed there hovering over my face, watching me come and occasionally licking at my lips. It was a wonderful, full orgasm, the kind I always yearned for but rarely achieved. The tips of her nipples were touching mine just barely throughout the whole thing and I think contributed considerably. I liked her breasts and wondered what it would be like to kiss her nipples.

She began kissing down my body, and after spending a generous amount of time licking, kissing and sucking at my breasts she kissed and licked all over my belly and lower abdomen without missing a spot. I fully expected her to go down on me next and even though I had just enjoyed a rich and full orgasm, I was by now quite looking forward to the experience. Instead, she kissed and licked everywhere on my hips but between them, only allowing herself to come as close as the fringe of my dark pubic hair. Then she began kissing all over my thighs. "Darling," she murmured, "Is it possible to do one of those splits while lying on your back on the bed?"

I complied the best I could, giving her an eyeful of my pussy like I'd never shown to anyone else, "But I can't hold this long with any degree of comfort, sorry."

She ran her hands over my legs and breathlessly said, "Oh, don't be sorry darling, this is such a wonderful visual treat! You can relax now to as wide as you are comfortable spreading your legs." I did, and my legs were still spread wider than most girls would be able to comfortably do. Then she went on kissing all over my legs, and I mean all over. While it was quite pleasant and arousing, I was now getting a little impatient for her to reach my pussy where I now wanted her lovely face quite badly. But I didn't say anything or give any hints; she was so obviously enjoying my admittedly muscular legs.