The Case of a Blackmailed MILF Pt. 03

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Jodie is forced to undergo further humiliation.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2019
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APPOINTMENT #3 Tuesday November 31

Jodie entered my office wearing a light blue workout outfit with a half zipped down jacket revealing a dark blue shirt underneath. Her long, ebony hair was pulled back in a pony-tail and her white Nikes reminded me of her intention to start tennis lessons.

"Tennis?" I inquired, hoping to alleviate the tension that was on her face.

"Yes, I've begun lessons but it's difficult to enjoy playing when my life is crumbling around me."

"So have you tried to work on your relationship with Jeff, as I suggested at the last meeting?" I asked as I looked down at my notes.

"I have, Doctor. I tried an experiment, of sorts. I told Jeff that we should do some things to spice up our sex life. Of course he was all for that. I suggested that we try role playing with each other: acting out our fantasies. I told him to go first so he told me to strip for him and do a lap dance. I had some idea what these were like from the movies and I had a lot of fun stripping and teasing him. I straddled him as he sat there and slowly began grinding my crotch on his knee while I let him suck on my breasts. He was so turned on that he came before I ever got his cock out of his pants! Afterwards, he kept looking at me as if he couldn't believe what had happened.

"Where did you learn how to do that? You were amazing! I never knew you had that in you" he continued. "Wow!"

"I just made it up as I went along" I said truthfully. "I think turning on a man comes naturally to most women. Men are so easily teased...and pleased!"

"Yeah but we've been married for 12 years and I never saw that side of you...what else have I've been missing?" he jokingly asked.

That question caught me off guard but I quickly replied " I'm sure there's another side of you that I will see tomorrow night when it's your turn to take part in my fantasy."

"We'll see," he said as he went to take a shower.

But my mind was racing. Jeff was right. I had acted like a caged animal with him. Luckily for me Jeff came so quickly or who knows what would have happened! What was going on? Was this because of what had happened with Steve? It was like he unlocked some hidden part of me...and now my husband has seen it, too!

The next night it was my turn and I told Jeff that I wanted to be a little girl being spanked by her teacher for being naughty. Jeff looked at me sort of oddly but agreed. "Whatever turns you on." Well, he went along with it all right but it really didn't do much for me. He took me across his knee and spanked me but it was all wrong. First of all he just wouldn't spank me hard enough. I had to keep telling me to spank me harder but even when he did, it wasn't very turn arousal. I just pretended that I was turned on and we had sex and that was that. I was pretty disappointed and I spent the next few days trying to sort out all of the conflicting thoughts and feelings that I had. Jeff was a willing partner but something was missing. He was just too nice! There I said it! I needed someone to take control of me...someone rougher...someone who would force me to do what deep inside I was afraid to admit that I wanted.

The next few days were terrible. I kept dreading but waiting for a call from Steve. I even would try to catch his eye when he stopped to pick up the kids at the morning bus stop. I found myself getting irritated when he ignored me and chatted with some of the other mothers.

"Perhaps your children were behaving and didn't have an excuse to contact you," Doctor Howard observed while jotting down notes on his pad.

"I thought of that but to tell you the truth it didn't make me feel any better. I almost wished that they would misbehave. Isn't that terrible? Then I came to the realization that I could not continue like this. I was not sleeping well, my relationship with Jeff was deteriorating and I was getting really short with the kids. I decided that I would have to put a stop to Steve's demands. I could see that this had nothing to do with my kids behavior and all about his desire to take advantage of me. I was angry at him but even more angry at myself and I resolved that I would end this at our next meeting. When he finally called, I remember what you told me so I insisted that we s meet on the following afternoon at the local Mall. To my surprise, he didn't seem to mind that at all.

I rehearsed different scenarios over and over. I visualized myself being strong...keeping my emotions in check. I was determined to be more firm and less passive with him. "He can only control me if I give him permission to control me" I repeated over and over again like a mantra to myself.

At 1 o'clock the next afternoon we met at a bench in front of water fountains surrounded by shoppers chatting quietly with one another or even eating a snack. Steve was as cordial as usual however I refused to act as if nothing was wrong. I told him in no uncertain terms that I had enough of his games and that I would file a complaint to the Police if he bothered me again.

"Who will believe that that is me in those photos? I'll just claim that they were just Photo-shopped!" I'm surprised I hadn't thought of that in the first place.

"I thought you might come up with that so take a look at this," he replied as he smiled and handed me his iPad.

"What's this?" I asked as a shiver ran down my spine.

"Just watch" he said as he tapped on the screen a few times. "You might find this interesting."

To my shock and horror I saw my half dressed body laying across his knees squirming, as he spanked me. "One sir, thank you sir " I heard myself saying. He had somehow recorded our last session! The clarity was a bit fuzzy but it was unmistakably me and and my voice could be heard clearly.

"Turn it off...turn it off! How did you get that?" I exclaimed as I looked about to see if anyone else was paying any attention to us.

"It was quite simple. I had a small video camera in my jacket and when I took it off I positioned it on the back of the couch . It's incredible how small they make cameras nowadays...and it's voice activated. Isn't technology wonderful?" he joked.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. My mind was racing. I thought back to when we met at the house and remembered his denim jacket on the couch.

"You really are a bastard. I did what you told me. Why did you need to make that video?"

"Insurance...just in case you got some ideas in that pretty little head of yours. And I have other copies so don't try anything stupid with my iPad."

I couldn't allow that video to be seen by anyone. As I glanced down at the screen I saw my face flushed with excitement as he was tugging at my panties forcing the lips of my pussy to protrude over the black laced fabric. It was lewd! It was vulgar! Yet my moans could be heard distinctly over his taunting comments. My eyes filled with tears.

"Please, Steve," I pleaded, "think of my kids. Do the right thing and give me the video. I'll do whatever you ask. I promise."

"You're so hot when you beg. Damn I'm as stiff as hell just thinking about your lips around my cock!"

"You can go to hell," I retorted. "If you try to sell that video I will have you arrested. My husband is a lawyer and you will be facing a lawsuit on top of that!" I was really mad now just thinking about having to have sex with him. I was disgusted.

"Listen to the bitch" he mocked, "I like it when you get feisty but you're not thinking. First of all there's nothing in that video that's illegal. Just two consenting adults having some kinky fun. You look and sound like you're enjoying yourself. Take another look," he said as he handed me back the iPad.

"Fifty-eight, sir, thank you sir," I heard myself saying as my deep red ass filled the screen. It was true. There was no struggle on my part. No restraints. No evidence.

"Once I post this, your kids, their friends, your neighbors and anyone who is interested in seeing a lovely MILF getting her ass spanked will have a feast. And by the way, I wouldn't count of much sympathy from your husband. Once he sees you wiggling and moaning on my lap your marriage may be history."

"Oh my God...oh my God" I lamented. This was becoming a nightmare. "Do they really show that kind of stuff online? What's a MILF? This is unreal!"

"Are you kidding me? This is nothing compared to the hard core stuff that's available online. By the way, a MILF is a Mother I'd Like to Fuck, and you're definitely that. Once I post this, in a few days it will have thousands of hits and maybe some of them will be people you know. I'll send you a copy just so you'll know what your missing. Hell, this may be the start of a new career for you as a porn queen!" he said chuckling loudly. "I own you now, bitch, and now you are going to be my cum slut!"

I was shocked to hear such language directed at me. And the thought of that video seen by anyone, much less than my family and friends was too much for my mind to process. I was paralyzed with fear until he grabbed my arm and began walking.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked fearful of his response.

"I think you need to use the ladies rest room."

Once in the vacant corridor that led to the rest rooms, Steve pulled out a paper bag from his jacket pocket and handed it to me.

"Just follow the directions, then come back out here, pronto."

Saying that he gave me a gentle push toward the ladies room. Upon entering I immediately went into a stall, sat on a toilet and reluctantly open the bag. Inside was a note atop a huge, flesh-colored dildo. It read, "Put your panties in the bag, and insert this all the way into your pussy. Enjoy!"

"What was I to do, Doctor? I had no choice."

Saying this, Jodie began quietly weeping. After a few minutes, she regained her composure and continued.

"At first, I thought, 'What the hell...I'll just shove it in and get it over with.' but it wasn't that easy. After an inch or two, it wouldn't go any further so I just closed my eyes and began to push it in and out. Once I did that, I became wet and eventually I was able to get the whole thing inside me. I put my panties in the bag and stood up only to find that the damn dildo was beginning to slip out. That damn thing was must have been 8 inches long and as wide as a banana...and I had to reach under my skirt and shove it back in even deeper than before and hold it inside me by clenching my pussy. When I took my first step to leave all I could think about is that damn dildo! How could I both walk and keep that inside me? After a few steps I got the hang of it and left the room and returned to Steve who was leaning against the corridor wall fiddling with his cell phone.

As I approached he looked over to me and after a moment he chuckled, "Jodie, you are walking like you got a stick up your ass!"

I flushed with embarrassment, knowing that what he said was true. In order to keep that "thing" from sliding out I had to walk with slow, stiff steps while clenching my pussy muscles the whole time. I must have made quite a spectacle.

He took the bag from me and removed the panties and brought them to his nose and inhaled deeply.

"Ahhhh...I just love the smell of your sweet pussy!" he gushed as he stuffed them in his pocket. "From now on, I don't you wearing panties. Understand?"

I could only nod as he took my arm in his and began to walk from the corridor into the Mall. It was getting more crowded and soon shoppers were weaving their way around us.

"Come on, Jodie, let's speed it up a little...I don't think you want to draw too much attention to yourself, do you?" he asked while winking at me. He is such a bastard!

After another ten minutes of window shopping we entered an exclusive women's boutique that I had often frequented. We proceeded to go into the lingerie department where he chose various style of black stockings, three different colored garter belts, and a half dozen the most revealing and sensual bras.

"This is what I expect you to wear when ever you meet with me...and remember, no panties!" Steve instructed me. "Now let's find you some decent shoes."

Once in the shoe department he had me try on at least a dozen stilettos before

settling on three pair: black, red and grey. I was very conscious of the fact that I was not wearing panties as I sat before the young male shoe clerk in my short skirt. I tried to keep my legs together to prevent exposing my pussy as well as his toy that was engorged within it. Even worse was how difficult it was to walk around in those shoes. I had no practice wearing shoes with such high heels so keeping my balance was an adventure. It didn't help when he made nasty comments to Alex, the sales clerk who was helping us.

"Jodie, you haven't even had a drink yet today...let's at least keep upright before we get home!" he quipped, gently elbowing Alex who looked on attempting to hold back a grin.

After that he had me pick out a sexy, black silk dress that I had to admit was really nice.

"Anyway, Doctor, you get the idea: the entire ordeal at the boutique was horrible. To make matters worse, when it came time to pay for everything, guess what he did? He made ME pay! It came to over $800...luckily Jeff doesn't pay much attention to what I spend but it was still upsetting. Then the final straw was what happen just as we were about to leave. Steve told our sales clerk that he wanted to accompany me to the changing room so he could choose some items I could wear before we left.

Once we were alone in the changing room Steve had me put on all my new lingerie along with the black stilettos and black dress. Standing before the mirror a women I didn't recognize stared back at me. Was that really me?

My reverie was shattered with the words, "Bend over and grab your ankles!"

"What?" I gasped.


Steve had slapped me across my face! I was so shocked that I was speechless as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I expect you to do what I say, Bitch, and make sure you don't bend your knees...NOW!"

Before he could slap me again I found myself clutching my ankles with my pony-tail dangling on the floor as I was choking back sobs. Meanwhile, Steve had lifted the back of my dress over my back exposing my ass which was high over my head, and was sliding the dildo in and out causing me to moan between sobs.

"Look at how nice and juicy your pussy is Jodie! This dildo used to be tight and now it is so loose that I bet you'll have no trouble with the next size," he happily added, as he kept moving the dildo in every direction. "Would you like me to take it out?"

"Yes sir, please," I pleaded trying desperately trying to maintain my balance as well as my composure.

"No problem," he chuckled as I felt the dildo slide out of my pussy.

Just as I was about to take a deep sigh of relief, to my horror, I felt my pussy being filled up again...this time with Steve's cock!

"!" I exclaimed, "Not this!...not here!...!" I wailed.


Steve was spanking my ass with either hand as he continued to shove his cock in and out without missing a beat.

"Just shut up and enjoy it, bitch!"

He was so forceful with his thrusts that I had to brace myself against the wall but Steve didn't seem to notice since he was busy pinching my nipples and it was all I could do but to scream out in pain. Thankfully he slowed down and withdrew his cock and told me to drop to my knees.

"Turn around, bitch, and open your mouth!" he demanded, grabbing my pony-tail in his fist and twisting me around as he shoved his swollen cock into my mouth before I could even think what to do. He forced his cock deep into my throat until I was gagging for air before he pulled it out.

"ARWK!" I gasped as I tried to get some air but he began pushing my face into his crotch so I had no choice but to accept his swollen member back into my mouth.

"Learn how to suck cock you dumb slut...take it all the way in!" as he proceeded to fuck my mouth even more vigorously than before. Finally I tasted his hot cum filling my mouth and spilling from my lips.

"Swallow every drop...don't make a mess!"

I only had swallowed Jeff's cum once and hated it, so that was the first and last time...until now. The acrid taste made me almost gag and the horrible odor made me dizzy. I think I might have passed out or went into shock.

I don't remember much after that...leaving the dressing room...the stares of the seemed as if I were in a trance. It wasn't until we were outside in the parking lot that I seemed to revive.

Steve was standing beside me as I sat in my Mercedes. He was still holding the bag with my panties inside.

"Thanks for these" he grinned. "It's a fair exchange."

I looked up at him quizzically and he just shrugged. "It's in your bag with the rest of your stuff" he said vaguely.

I didn't know what he meant. I just wanted to get home, get out of this lewd outfit and take a shower. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror and I saw my hair and makeup was a mess...

As I pulled away, I could see Steve standing there, watching me depart, wearing a big grin.

That image lingered in my mind all the way home. Was I ever going to be rid of this man? I wondered. Once home, I quickly undressed stashing the sordid clothes out of sight. What would Steve say if he saw them? I put that out of my mind and took a long hot shower. I had to wash my hair to remove some of Steve's cum that somehow found its way there. My mind flashed back to his cock spurting hot cum into my mouth...over my face...into my hair... Thinking this my fingers found their way into my pussy...still sore from its ordeal with that dildo. I began to play with myself while the hot water flowed over me. I then had an intense orgasm that cascaded over me in ripples of pleasure.

Once out of the shower, I toweled off, wrapped myself in a robe and and lay on my bed and drifted off to an uneasy sleep. When awoke, I was disoriented. Had I been dreaming? Was it nightmare? It seemed all too vivid but almost too outrageous to be true.

I got out of bed, slipping off my robe and looking for something to wear when my eye caught a bag from a boutique. My heart skipped a beat as I tentatively peeked inside. Resting atop of my neatly fold clothes that I had worn this morning was an absolutely huge dildo! I burst into tears.

"Doctor, I knew my most horrible nightmare had not been a nightmare at was my living Hell."

With that, Jodie just slumped in her chair and sobbed quietly.

I had stopped taking notes and found no words that could offer her comfort. The session was over.

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silverthorne16silverthorne1624 days ago

That's it? You just end it there, incomplete?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Excellent, but be careful

You took your time with the first 2, but seemed to leap into warp speed in this one. Don't rush. Make the subjugation take time. Have him slowly ratchet the pressure and expectations while she slowly gets used to each new expectation, only to be continually pushed slightly past it.

Also, I do like the idea of the therapist getting involved like the other commenter suggested. Though I don't think they should force her. I prefer that she initiate on her own. Maybe Steve asks her if she's told anyone, and after lying and a paddling, reveals she's talked to a therapist. So Steve requires she submit and serve the therapist to keep them quiet. Or maybe the therapist suggests, maybe multiple times, that she come clean to her husband about what has happened before it gets out of hand. She starts to worry the therapist might tell her husband, so, using what she has learned recently, offers favors in exchange for silence.

Looking forward to more, but don't rush it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Dear Sir Dylan,

I like your story, though part 3 is not as good than part 1 and 2.

Anyway I would like if you soonwould go on writing. But I think it is time, that Steve uses Jodie naked, force her to strip, starts to spank her tits - maybe let her write her bra size on her tits.

More humiliating would be nice and the therapist should be involved and force her too.

Anyway thank you

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