The Case of the Curious Crafters

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Kinksters hold a Craft Fair on Nude Day.
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"It is good that people are starting to come back out to craft shows and events, but it seems like they don't quite remember what to do. Some just stand there, looking befuddled." Lynn was a veteran crafter and an avid vendor at many of the craft events in the area. Something that had ground to a halt during the pandemic. "And the show organizers have their struggles, too. Either too many vendors and no people or too many of the same type of vendor and we fight over the customers." She could easily talk while she sewed and pieced her items together. I just listened. I had trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk with you about. At least partly. We always get off on tangents when we talk, but there is a craft show coming up that I think would be fun and a little different." Our chats usually started off well and with a point, but that was usually lost and devolved into either bad puns or sex chat. Sometimes both. "I even brought along a brochure from a previous event so you could see what it was like. It ought to be quite something in its return." I dug out the folded pamphlet and handed it to her.

"Hold on, let me finish this one panel. Almost done. There. Another little quilted tree ready to go." She set down the cloth and needle and grabbed the paper. She read down, opened it and read some more. Just the occasional "Hmmm." was her only response.

"Well, what do you think? Interested in a booth? I think it would be fun and could be some good money for both of our 'fun funds.". That was how we had met, online at a crafting chat room that discussed what to do while shows were shut down. We found a mutual interest in several things ranging from crafts, travel and an occasional dalliance into fun topics like spanking, masturbation, toys and sex in general. She was a large woman, but with a quick wit and an open mind. I waited for her reply.

"Looks fun, but I think I might be more of a customer than a vendor. What could I sell? I doubt that quilted trees and small wall hangings would have much of a market with that crowd." She continued to look over the list of vendors from the previous event, obviously some had caught her attention. "Interesting assortment. So when are they thinking of having this, um 'show'?"

I knew I had her attention. Now to 'close the deal'. "They have a date about two months from now, which should give you plenty of time to make enough product to have a great display. As for having something this crowd would like, I have a few thoughts. A question for you. How big can you make those trees?"

"I can imagine what some of your thoughts might be. As for the trees, I have forms up to 15 inches tall. Anything from 3, 4, 5, 7 10, 12 to 15 inches. I'm a little afraid where this might be heading." Lynn handed back the pamphlet.

"Oh don't be afraid, be brave!" I smiled and checked my watch. Actually my fitbit that had just reminded me that I needed to 'feed' it steps. "I have to run off, but I'll be on later tonight and we can chat about this some more. See you then. I got up and showed myself out.

Lynn stayed seated but called after me. "Really. You aren't going to tell me what your idea is? Talk about leaving me hanging...". Her voice trailed off as I headed out the door.

What I hadn't told her was that the craft fair was being held in honor of Nude Day, July 14, so everyone would be naked. Customers, vendors, even security. I figured that piece of information would have prompted an immediate "NO" from her, but I would introduce the idea in stages. Lynn needed to get out more, whether she knew it or not. She was comfortable in her own skin (and she had plenty of it!), but she was a bit shy. Essentially she wanted to explore more, but just hadn't crossed the threshold. She needed a nudge, and I was providing that. Well, more like a shove. Okay this would be like picking her up and running into the building, but we'd move across the line together.

"Give more thought to that craft show?" I left the chat on her messenger. It didn't take long for a response.

"You know I did. Those vendors look very interesting. To say the least. Who knew there was a craft fair just for kinky items. Designer dildos, tattoos, piercings, leather goods and my particular favorite... What was that - "Little Bo Peep Show'? Very interesting." Lynn punctuated the entry with a couple of smiling devil emojis. "But I still don't know what I or we could make for an entry into that genre. And do the items have to be juried?" Juried meant that the items had to be judged to be of a certain quality by expert craftspeople. A legitimate question.

"Yes, all submissions have to be evaluated. Probably not as strict as some of the shows you have exhibited with, but the item is reviewed. They also want unique items. No need to have ten tattoo artists all vying for the same customer. Variety is key. And I have an idea for something different." I added my own little devil emoji.

"You going to tell me the idea, or do I come over and extract it from you. And you know I would." No smiley. That meant Lynn was serious.

"Okay. Simply put, our entries into the Kinky Kraft Show will be Quilted covers for vibrators, novelty holiday penis covers and fleshlight accessory items. And anything else that comes to mind, but those three should be plenty to start with. What do you think?".

There was a pause, so I got up to get a drink and waited for a reply. Instead of a message, my phone rang. I had her now. A call meant she wanted more ideas. I made the mental analogy that this was a bit like fishing. Give her enough line, then reel her in. "Hello, Lynn. Whatcha wearing?" I was hoping for nothing, but would broach that subject when we had established the sales items.

"Never you mind that. I get the idea for several of those items, the little... excuse me. The big quilted trees would be great novelty penis covers, for sure. The water bottle covers could easily adapt to being dildo bags with a compartment for lube and even extra batteries or a cord." She talked fast, designing or redesigning items as she talked. "I even have a supply that can be modified slightly to include that. And what doesn't sell there can go to another show." She took a breath, finally. "But what the hell is a fleshlight cover?"

I chuckled. Yes, I think I had her. We'd be doing this show! "That's a male masturbation aid. The production models feature a set of lips or a vagina made from a foam or rubber like substance. But I can show you how we can make our own. Pretty cheap, but just as effective." I blushed slightly as I thought about the 'research' I had done and would undoubtedly continue to do on the subject and the product.

"So we would have something for everyone? Men and women? I like it. I might even have a couple other items to add in. Those autumn leaf coasters I make? Add a string and we have our own Adam and Eve play set." The wheels were turning. "But tell me more about this fleshlight, I get the idea for the lips - either set, but how do you make that? And how do you use it, and clean it. I have questions!"

"Well, it is fairly simple. My... or rather, the homemade item consists of two sponges, a latex glove, rubber bands and lube. If you want, that can be in a tennis ball tube or one of those potato chip cans or even a hand towel. Cleaning is easy. Pitch the glove. Easy, peasy, right?". I waited for the response, but could almost hear the gears turning.

"Oh. Okay. I think I have it. I might have a couple options. Can you bring a sample up to show me? You know I am a visual gal. Even YouTube doesn't always do it. Hey, that's what we could call it. A "MeTube cover". What do you think?".

I liked it. As much for the name as for the fact that she was invested, interested and probably ready to fill out the paperwork. Just one more detail to tell her. "That is good! I will see if there is any name infringement on it, but it should work out. There is one more detail. The date for the event is July 14. That happens to be 'Nude Day', and everyone will be in the buff. Au naturale. Now, don't say 'No', hold off until you think it over and I explain some details." I rushed to get the qualifiers in. I was pretty sure I could convince her.

To my surprise, Lynn replied "I wasn't going to say 'No' out of hand, I will think it over. Everyone is naked? Like a nudist group? Two specific questions. No, make that three. It is legal, right? And it isn't an orgy, but nudist? And, um, will there be other 'big girls' there?" Her voice was quiet, but calm. Wanting to be reassured was how I heard it.

"Yes, yes, and I am sure there will be all body types represented. It isn't about the nakedness or sex, but about the free nature of things." I tried to sound like I knew what I was talking about. I did, but I also knew no matter how much I said it was about the freedom, I knew I would see some nice tits and some great asses at the event.

"OK. We can talk more, but bring the sample over. I want to see what we are working with. And one last question. If they are naked, where do they keep their money, charge cards or ID? We aren't running a charity here.".

"I imagine a small pouch or bag is allowed. And I will bring a sample over tomorrow. That work for you?"

"Fine. I'll be here and you can explain a bit more about this Nude Day celebration. We might do some novelties for it as well." Lynn hung up. We were going to be crafting!


I gathered the items needed to assemble my little fuck toy and headed to Lynn's. She greeted me at the door. "Prompt as always. That's one of your virtues. But right now, I am a bit more interested in some of your vices. I watched a couple videos about the fleshlight and there were even some home made ones. But I guess I am missing something, so I am looking forward to this. And about Nude Day. Couldn't find much about it, so you will need to fill me in. I made some ice tea, want some while you explain things to me?"

"Love some." I came in and set my 'show and tell' bag of items on the table. Lynn returned with a pitcher and two glasses. She was also completely naked. "Well. I guess you are in the mood to practice. I don't recall you mentioning a clothing optional afternoon."

"I didn't mention it. But yes, I figure if I am going to do this, I better try to get comfortable being with people and being naked. I mean, I am fine around the house by myself without clothes, but with people? Well, honestly, it has been pretty rare, so I'm not sure. Usually it is a short period and for a specific purpose. Like sex. So, if it is for being naked to be free, I guess I need to practice. Are you going to sit there or will you join me? In the tea and in the nakedness?" Lynn poured her tea and moved to her chair and sat down. It afforded me a good look at her front and back. While we had talked a good bit about sex, we had never seen each other naked. I had shown her a dick pic once and she had flashed me her boobs, but nothing like this.

I am rarely at a loss for words, but I found myself without much to say. I watched her for a moment and decided on a course of action. "Well, in for a penny, in for a pound." I stood and stripped. "I think you have a good idea. Practice this a bit. I don't know that I will be completely comfortable, but we will be good enough." I even folded my clothes, something I rarely did on my own. "Okay. So, about Nude Day. The story goes that it started around the turn of this century in New Zealand and has spread to over thirty countries. It started with streaking in front of the Kiwi Prime Minister, but has come to reflect freedom, naturism and positive body image. So it isn't just for beauties and well hung dudes. It's for people like us." I was kind of impressed, I had been sitting in the presence of a naked woman for a few minutes and hadn't embarrassed myself or started to get hard. "So, that give you an idea about the day?"

"I guess enough to get started. I'll see what we can do for Nude Day souvenirs." Lynn leaned back. Clearly she was getting comfortable in her own skin and nothing but her own skin. "Now. About the item in question. Show me what you got."

I got up from my seat and put the bag on the table. "Okay. Here are all the makings of a good fleshlight. Two sponges. Just like what you would use on dishes, but not the scrubber type. Just sponge. A disposable glove. Rubber bands - about two inches before they stretch. A tube of lube is also good, but I didn't bring that along. I don't think we would be including it with the item when we sell it.". I arrayed the items like I was making a sales pitch, which in essence I was. "Now to assemble. Twist the fingers of the glove a little, Place the glove between the sponges and leave about 2 inches out at what will be the top. Fold the top over the sponges and secure with a rubber band, and voila! A fuck toy!"

Lynn nodded and looked at the device. "I don't see the resemblance to either set of lips, but I kind of get the idea. Hand it over. Let me take a little closer look." She reached out for the sponges.

I handed them over and felt just a little twinge as I remembered the last time I had assembled a similar set. It had taken a little viewing of some of my favorite porn to get hard, but the fleshlight had gotten a good workout once I had risen to the occasion. Something about the difference of the sensation when you aren't using your own hand and not having the feeling from your hand. I decided I had better stop thinking down that route because I felt a few more tingles and noticed that I had begun to grow a little. "That give you a better idea of what it is and how it is used? Think you can make some good covers for it?" I watched as she rolled it over and even placed a finger or two inside the opening.

"Oh, I get it alright. But call me skeptical. If it is so good, why don't we see more of these? I'm no stranger to some of the porn sites and I had to search for it. In short, how good can it be? Convince me." Lynn tossed the bundle back to me and sat back in her chair. She ran her hands over her chest and played a little with her nipples, making them stand up a bit. It had a similar effect on me, making my efforts to nor become aroused a little more difficult. "Now I know we can't convince people with an actual demonstration at the fair, but we aren't at the fair now. So I am proposing you show me how you use that device. As a Brit friend of mine used to say, 'Stand and deliver.' You mentioned lube. I just happen to have some. Want me to go get it?"

Before I could answer, she stood up and started off to fetch the slippery substance. I was standing as well, but my cock seemed a little indifferent. Maybe he was confused. "So am I supposed to get aroused? Or am I supposed to be cool. Like I hang around naked flesh all the time? I'm confused, dude." And she returned with a partially used tube of jelly.

"Here you go. Anything else you need to get started?" She looked down at my semi erect member. "Um...I put a finger in there. It was pretty snug. I think you will need to be a bit harder than that to get in it. Even with the lube."

I knew she was right. As I had thought, my cock was confused. It needed a clear signal to go forward. I decided to go for broke. "Well, To be honest, all the talk about 'naturalism' and body image and nude is cool has the little fellow all confused. He might need a little 'encouragement', if you know what I mean." I looked at Lynn and noticed a bit of a crooked smile spread across her face.

"I could be cruel and say 'whatever do you mean?', but I know what you mean. Here's my thought. A little oral encouragement and you show me how that works. And then you return the favor. Sound like a plan?" Without waiting for a reply, she dropped to her knees in front of me and took my flaccid but rising cock in her hands.

"A definite plan, Lynn. A few licks and I am pretty positive that he'll have the right idea." I watched as she ran her hand around my dick and then moved her mouth to the tip and teased the opening with her tongue. Then she kissed the tip and opened her mouth taking it in. I felt the blood rushing into my shaft getting harder with each heartbeat, and my heart rate was increasing as well. Her cheeks became concave as she sucked while moving back and I could feel her tongue moving around the bottom of the shaft. A delightful slurping sound was made as she let the cock emerge from her mouth. I watched as she went down on it again. Not going down quite as far which meant it had grown. "Ah, that's a good girl. Giving that dick a good suck. One more and he'll be ready for the show."

Lynn bobbed on my member a couple more times and pulled away. "Alright, I think you are prepared. I always wanted to be the 'fluff girl' for a porn king. Go for the money shot - I do like a nice cum shot!" She sat back on her haunches and watched as I spread a little of the jelly on the opening of my fuck toy and a drop on the tip of my now erect penis.

"Here we go, Lynn. I think it should fit nicely. Like you said, it's tight." I thrust slightly and used my hand to slide the sponge glove onto my cock. It reluctantly entered and then moved quickly all the way in. "One thing I have found, besides the old 'in 'n out', it is nice to twist and give a circular twist to it.". I did just that, rotating the lubed tube around especially targeting the tip where it was most sensitive. I Lost myself in the sensations the tight sponge and latex combo were providing for me. As I stroked and swirled I felt the familiar urge start to well up in my loins, moving into my balls and finally start to pulse firmly along my shaft. I also became aware of Lynn watching me intently as I rocked back on my heels and exploded a load of hot cum into my latex receptacle. I had pulled it about halfway off so that it mainly held the tip as it pulsed again. I let loose a loud "Ahhh" as part of my release. I squeezed the toy and popped it off my glistening cock and collapsed into the chair. "Well, that was fun. Enjoy the show, Lynn? I appreciate the assistance!"

"I did enjoy the show and glad I could be a part of it. I had forgotten how good it feels to have a cock inflate in my mouth. Might have to do that again sometime. It was especially hot to watch how you pumped cum down the shaft of your dick. It was evident as it filled and spasmed and drained. Quite the show. I've felt that before, but never had a chance to watch it in action. Now about returning the favor..." Lynn had raised up and stood a few feet away from me.

"Oh I hadn't forgotten that. I think the best would be if you could bend over, maybe on the couch or on the bed..." I hadn't finished the scenario before she interrupted.

"Yeah, about that. I have never done that. No one has ever, well, um... I have never had my pussy eaten." She seemed a little embarrassed by the admission.

"Well, you have had some poor partners in the past. But I guess the main question is 'do you want to experience that?'. I know some guys who don't want a blow job. They are idiots in my estimation, but they don't want that. If you don't want to be licked, I am sure I can find a suitable way to return the favor." I held up a couple of fingers.

"Oh, no, I do want to have that, it was just, well, I thought you should know. It may sound trite, but be gentle. I think the couch will do just fine. Face down, ass up. Assuming the position." Lynn moved to the couch and did just as she described.

I watched her present her ass to the ceiling. It was large, and there were rolls, but the tender flesh looked inviting and the pink folds between her cheeks looked quite tasty."I will be gentle and respectful, Lynn. You know I understand what 'stop' and 'no' mean." I also knew she enjoyed a bit of a spanking, so I decided that would be incorporated at some point. I moved behind her and reached out to take a handful of each buttock into my hands and squeezed firmly. "Mmmmm - feels like good bread dough. Needs to be kneaded. And maybe smacked a little."