The Case of the Cursed Camera

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He's a telepath; she casts illusions. They fight crime!
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Preface: This is a slightly humorous tale that is partly an obvious parody of The X Files, but is more of a pastiche of the genre of supernatural investigators. It contains elements of mind control and some trauma when it wears off (much less than would be realistic, probably). It skirts a little close to lesbian incest, but nothing more than some petting and kissing occurs between the actual mother and daughter. The sex scenes are MF, FF, and MFF.

The XXX Files

The Case of the Cursed Camera

Chapter 1

1996, Early August- Washington, D.C.

Agent Balzac cursed and grunted as he tried to get his word processor to type in the proper field so he could finish his paperwork. After another damned beep signaled something was wrong, he smashed a fist on his desk in frustration and yelled, "Fuck!" He'd gotten accustomed to using a typewriter and they worked just fine, so the department's gradual shift to expensive word processors and computers and printers and all that sci-fi techno-silliness gave him headaches or heartburn. Sometimes both, as he opened a drawer and tried to decide between his bottle of aspirin and his roll of antacid tablets.

His partner, Agent Wang, strolled into their tiny office carrying a sheaf of manila folders. She smirked at the screen and asked, "Idiot box still giving you fits, Harry?" She passed him about half of the stack of papers as he popped one of his tablets into his mouth, grimacing.

"The television is the idiot box, Anita. Computers are some other kind of box. Geek box, maybe, or nerd processor." Harry started glancing through the folders and asked, "Are these the new files they flagged for us?" In addition to a lot of other departmental mark-up, each folder the partners held included a cover sheet clipped to their contents indicating that the case had been referred to the FBI's top-secret investigative branch that dealt with unusual sex crimes, especially those involving magic, psychic powers, or other unexplained phenomena. Ever since a TV show about paranormal FBI investigators debuted a few years ago, the people in the bureau had started stamping 'XXX File' on everything they sent to Harry and Anita.

"You know it," she sighed as she flipped through them. "Let's see here... I've got a missing persons report with suspected human trafficking by a hypnotist, a commune believed to be recruiting cultists by feeding them mind control drugs, another missing persons report with suspected possession by demon or ghost, and a small town where people's clothes keep disappearing off their bodies." She sighed and beckoned her partner for an antacid tab of her own.

Harry grunted and tossed Anita the roll, then said, "This one looks fun: a small town in upstate New York where there's a sudden upsurge in busty, blonde bimbos, cause unknown." Anita rolled her eyes and snorted in disgust as she read her case files. Harry continued, "Ooh, and here's a little hamlet in the UP with suspected werewolf activity." He glanced at the calendar and said, "Looks like no rush on that one. And here's one from just over in Virginia about a young woman who agreed to be photographed naked but then cried foul afterward; some kind of mind control is suspected. Well, duh!"

As Harry looked through the last file his eyebrows raised a little and asked, "You wanna trade me one of those missing persons for this one? It's from your old stomping grounds in San Fran. Suspected mind controller of some kind, recruiting girls for sex work." Anita passed back one of the folders and the medicine and tossed her other files to the side to read about the activity centered in Chinatown, San Francisco, where she had been raised. She still had useful contacts in the area, even after being transferred to the home office in DC, who might help crack the case if they got lucky.

Harry sighed and tossed the case files into his tray and turned his attention back to the leering screen of his computer, with its insolently blinking phosphorescent green cursor. "They should have called it a curser instead," he muttered under his breath as the program beeped another denial at him. "One of these days, I'm either going to throw this stupid machine in the river, or throw myself in."

1996, Early August- Suburban Norfolk, VA

Agents Balzac and Wang stood on the porch of a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood in Virginia and knocked on the door. An attractive woman in her mid-40s opened the door and asked, "Are you the people from the FBI?"

"That's correct, ma'am," said Agent Wang as they both produced their badges. "This is Agent Harry Balzac, and I'm Anita Wang. We understand you and your daughter have a somewhat unusual complaint."

The woman looked grim and nervous as she invited the agents inside, confirming, "Yes, we do, and the local police think we're crazy or lying or I don't know what. It's gotten to the point where I'm half expecting the sleazeball to be paying them off to look the other way."

They entered the living room and took seats on the couch and Anita said, "Why don't you give us a brief recap of your complaint, Ms. Tyler, just so Agent Balzac and I can be sure the information transmitted to us was accurate?" Ms. Tyler nodded as she sat in an armchair and took a deep breath.

"It started about two months ago, at least for us. My daughter had gone to the mall with some of her friends and they stopped at one of those glamour photography places to get some fancy pictures taken..."

1996, June (Flashback)

Lydia was having a ball posing in the sparkly dress and feather boa, feeling like she was a Hollywood starlet. The flashing of the camera and the enthusiastic compliments of the photographer were starting to make her feel a little light-headed and dizzy, but it was an exhilarating feeling, like she was floating on a cloud.

"That's beautiful Lydia! Now, let's spice things up a little! Lift your dress a bit to show off your legs!"

Lydia giggled and complied, feeling naughty and sexy as she did so. Although she was technically an adult since last February, something about posing in the slinky dress and teasing her thighs made her feel suddenly grown up. She could sense her cheeks getting a little warm in response.

"Very sexy! Now raise the hem a little more, and turn away from the camera, but turn your head to look at it! Yes, very nice! Try using the boa to hide your lower face so we can just see your eyes... Beautiful!"

Lydia felt a curious tingling in her belly every time she complied with one of the instructions. She felt no modesty or shame at all as she slowly pulled the dress up far enough to reveal her panties to the flashing camera. In fact, she got a thrill from exposing her thong and her bare ass cheeks, and she was sincerely thankful that she and her friends had decided to wear their naughtiest panties for the shoot, to help them feel glamorous and grown up. She was a little disappointed when the photographer asked her to spin back around to capture the front view, since it didn't feel like as much of an exposure. She'd even trimmed her pubes the night before in anticipation, lest any of the girls happened to see her changing and caught sight of hair peeking out.

"So hot, Lydia! Now, let's lower the straps of your dress off your shoulders! Oh, we can see your bra straps... Well, just go ahead and remove that and toss it aside! Very nice! Now give us a few jumps! Beautiful!"

Lydia was starting to feel a little feverish as she pinched her nipples to make them poke through the dress, and shook her shoulders back and forth to make her breasts sway from side to side. She could feel sweat on her upper lip as she leaned forward to let the photographer get a good view down her dress, wondering if it was loose enough for the flashing camera to capture a glimpse of her hard nipples as her largish breasts hung there, wobbling. Maybe not, since the next instruction was to remove her dress entirely.

"Outstanding, Lydia! Give us some teasing shots where you're holding the boa over your tits. Magnificent! Now let's see them in all their glory! Thrust those pretty titties out for us and smile really big! Perfect! Now give us a smaller, naughtier smile, and close your eyes halfway... So sexy!"

Lydia realized she was getting more and more turned on as their session continued. She'd lost her virginity after the prom, like a lot of her friends, but she was forced to admit it had been nowhere near as exciting as this. She couldn't remember ever feeling more turned on as she posed in her thong panties, displaying her tits and her ass to the flashing camera, with her aroused flush creeping from her face down to her chest. She was even more excited when the photographer pointed out that the gusset of her thong was noticeably wet.

"Well, no point standing there in wet clothes, is there, Lydia? Why don't you go ahead and slide those down and toss them away? Oh, what a very nice little bush you have there! Let's get some close-ups of that pretty pussy!"

Lydia was directed to sit on a padded bench nearby, where she happily allowed the camera to loom right up between her legs, and eagerly grasped her pussy lips to reveal her wet inner pinkness to the lens. The fact that she had never allowed anyone but her doctor a glimpse at such a sight only vaguely flitted through her head, then vanished in the swell of her arousal.

The photographer eventually backed up again to get some more full body shots of Lydia exposing herself while she reclined, or with her ass up and breasts hanging, or facing away while bent over, exposing her pussy and asshole. She realized that she was moaning out loud as she complied with each instruction, and idly wondered when she had started doing that.

"Now for the best part, Lydia! We're going to get some close-ups while you rub your pussy lips! Just do what feels good! Go ahead and stick a finger in there first so we can see how wet you are... That looks delicious! Do you mind?"

Lydia held her wet finger out for the cameraman and shuddered in delight as he sucked it clean before resuming his work. Under his coaxing and direction, Lydia learned things about what made her pussy feel good that she had never known, and might never have even imagined. She whimpered and moaned as she fingered herself, flicking her clit at the cameraman's insistence, and got ever closer to some kind of breaking point. With a final tweak of her pearl and with three fingers plumbing her steamy depths, Lydia finally experienced her first real climax, captured on film for posterity.

The cameraman kept murmuring random compliments as he recorded the aftermath of Lydia's overpowering orgasm, where she curled up dreamily, breathing deeply and seemingly almost asleep. He reluctantly nudged her awake before she had a chance to completely pass out, saying, "You're a natural, Lydia! The camera really loves you! We've just got a few more things for you to sign and then you can get dressed and enjoy the rest of your day."

Lydia signed the documents presented to her without a thought and was surprised when the cameraman handed her a check for twice what she had paid for her glamour shoot. "You earned it!" he said with sincerity as he gently directed her back toward the changing room.

1996, Early August- Suburban Norfolk, VA

"Lydia seemed a little bit out of it that night when she got home, but I didn't think anything of it at the time," recounted Ms. Tyler. "But the following morning when she came to breakfast she was crying and wailing and it took me an hour to get the story out of her. Honestly, it sounded impossible to me at the time, that she would have done that kind of modeling under any provocation, and especially not for a measly $50!"

Ms. Tyler stopped and ground her teeth, overcome by her outrage, but at some gentle prodding from Agent Balzac she resumed her tale. "So I went down to the studio but they said the photographer was busy and I'd have to wait. He eventually comes out of the back, and I tore into him, extra mad after being kept waiting. I demanded the pictures and any negatives or copies, but he just laughed and refused. He said Lydia was an adult and had signed over all rights to the pictures and accepted payment for them, that I could waste money on a lawyer if I wanted, but that he had already sent them off to a magazine, anyway."

Agent Wang spoke to fill the next outraged pause in Ms. Tyler's narrative, remarking, "Our files said that you then verbally and physically assaulted the man and were detained by mall security until the police took custody of you, but released you after the cameraman, one Richard Bilde, declined to press charges."

Ms. Tyler scoffed and confirmed, "I slapped his face and threatened to cut his balls off, and if I thought I could get away with it I would."

Agent Balzac then chimed in with, "That wasn't your last encounter with Mr. Bilde, was it, Ms. Tyler?"

"No, it wasn't," she grimaced. "About a month later my daughter received some mail, and it included a copy of an adult magazine featuring one of her nude photos on the cover. In addition to that, there was a letter from that asshole claiming that his studio was exercising an option in her contract for a second photoshoot at double the rate of her first one. Lydia was horrified, and I was practically spitting nails. I took the letter to a lawyer who contacted the studio and looked over the contract, but he told me the language was quite plain and that Lydia had initialed it and signed the document, so she was pretty much bound to comply or she could be sued."

Ms. Tyler took another deep and ragged breath before she concluded, "I asked him if we had any other options, and he said we could try negotiating the rights back from the studio, pay them to waive their privilege. So we all sat down in a room but the asshole demanded $10,000, and I damn near stabbed him with my pen. We finally reached a compromise agreement where they would allow me to be present for the photoshoot as an agent, and that I could advise my 'client' on any requests for poses or other instructions the photographer made, so we could be sure that nothing happened that we weren't okay with."

Agent Wang nodded her head and said, "According to our reports, that didn't work out exactly the way you wanted, either, did it?"

Ms. Tyler's face went red and she growled, "That's a fucking understatement! I certainly never intended to become a goddamn nude model when I went there the following Saturday!"

Chapter 2

1996, July (Flashback)

Lydia Tyler was fidgeting nervously while she and her mother, Laney, waited for the photographer to return with her outfit for the shoot. She was terrified that she would humiliate herself once again. She clearly recalled how thrilling and exhilarating the experience had been last time, which made her question whether or not it was something natural to her character that had made it such a positive affair in the moment, and yet such a mortifying memory. She almost hoped that the man had somehow drugged her, since the alternative might mean that she was a slut, or crazy, or both. At her mother's insistence, though, they had refrained from eating or drinking anything from the mall, just in case drugs actually were involved.

The man, whom she now knew was called Mr. Bilde, emerged from the prop room with several dresses for Lydia and her mother to choose from. They were all the kind of thing that a woman might wear on a date to a classy restaurant or the like; form-fitting and alluring without being particularly provocative, at least by modern standards. Lydia decided to let her mom pick one, simply feeling relieved that this wasn't going to turn into a lingerie or swimsuit session. Laney scowled at the selection but apparently didn't find anything too objectionable, finally snorting and handing a little black dress to her daughter.

Mr. Bilde smiled and said, "You know where the changing rooms are, Lydia." She couldn't help but get uncomfortable at his look, feeling almost like he was leering at her, perhaps even moreso because his gaze never left her eyes in favor of checking out her body, like most guys did. It made her wary and worried, the way she imagined a rabbit might feel when it caught the eye of a predator.

Still, nothing untoward happened while she removed her jeans and blouse to change into the cocktail dress. Contrary to her last photo session, however, she had worn her most conservative bra and underwear combo, since the last thing she wanted to feel today was sexy or aroused.

The first five or ten minutes of the shoot were entirely mundane, and Lydia was starting to relax and enjoy herself again. The only blip was caused by the cameraman, who was apparently annoyed by Laney's constant pacing, demanding that she either sit down or leave the studio. Ms. Tyler clearly suspected that was an unsubtle ruse to get her out of the way and take advantage of her daughter again, so she snorted in contempt but took the only seat in the studio, off to one side of the focus area.

After another five minutes or so Mr. Bilde paused and remarked, "You're doing great so far, Lydia! Wouldn't you agree, Laney?"

"Yes, she is, but I'm Ms. Tyler to you," the woman said, much more calmly than before.

"Of course, Ms. Tyler, I apologize!" he said, diffidently. "If it's okay with the both of you, though, I'd like to suggest a wardrobe change." Seeing Ms. Tyler's face starting to scowl, he quickly held up his hand and explained, "Nothing major! I just think that the blue dress would go better with Lydia's eyes. Would that be all right?"

Laney subsided and nodded her assent, so Lydia grabbed up the blue one and went back to the changing room to swap them out. The blue dress was not very different from the black one, and the teen girl was soon back in the zone, enjoying the posing and the increasingly jolly compliments from Mr. Bilde.

"That's lovely, Lydia! Now, let's try a profile shot. Great! Try leaning forward just a bit, and tilting your hips back. Wonderful! Hold that pose while I shoot from a few different angles."

Lydia smiled, flattered by the attention, and eagerly acquiesced to every new request the cameraman made. She didn't pause or even blink when he asked her to pull the side of her dress up to expose a peek at her panties. Laney, who seemed to barely be paying attention to the proceedings anymore, struggled to articulate an objection.

"That's... that's not alright, Mr. Bilde!" she said uncertainly. "We object to that."

"We do?" asked Mr. Bilde with surprise. "Lydia, you don't object to giving us a peek at your panties, do you?"

"No, Mr. Bilde, I like giving you a peek at my panties," said Lydia.

"Wonderful! And please, you're welcome to call me Dick, Mr. Bilde was my father!" Lydia giggled drunkenly at the feeble joke while Laney scowled and tried to reconfigure her complaint.

"I'm her mother and I object, Dick!" she slurred.

"That's Mr. Bilde to you, Ms. Tyler. And you're here as an agent, your client has already confirmed that she's fine with the assignment, so you want to withdraw your objection, don't you?"

Laney's eyes got a little crossed and she frowned, but finally nodded and agreed, "I withdraw my objection."