The Cat and the Kitten Ch. 02


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He grunted as his cock exploded and shot out a blast of cum to splash against a breast and she laughed as she leaned in more and pulled his cock forward as a second burst hit the other breast. He groaned in pleasure as more was milked out over her hand.

"How was that?" she grinned up at him.

"So fucking good," he uncharacteristically swore.

"I bet!" she wiped her hand in his damp shorts and then took his cock into her mouth again to suck the last drops out as he groaned. "Yummy!" she licked her lips and she pulled up his shorts. He watched in fascination as she rubbed his sperm into her skin and pulled back up her top. Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back, the taste of his cock from her mouth was surprisingly erotic. "You're gonna fuck me?"

"Yeah ... definitely ... can't wait actually," he felt up an ass cheek for reassurance, "Here. I'll get your number then we can make a quick punch and get back before they come looking."

He got a piece of paper and got her number and stashed it before grabbing a pitcher, getting ice and pouring in vodka and whatever fruit juice was closest from the bar fridge for the fastest punch ever made. "Come on. Grab four of them glasses." She giggled as they dashed upstairs again.

"Get it figured out?" Lynn asked them a bit suspiciously when they came out.

"It took some discussion," Will told her as he poured out glasses.

"Mom has to go to the airport to pick up your dad," Lynn told him, "He's coming back a bit early so they'll be late. She told us to order a pizza. As if she was planning on cooking herself."

"Ok," he remarked as he checked his phone. He saw a message from Lauren. "My jeans will have to wait," it read.

They had some punch and Will found himself in the pool with Taylor while Lynn and Stacy lay tanning.

"So you were saying something about pretty?"

"You really are Taylor."

"So are you."

"It's too bad we're both seeing people."

"Yeah. That bother you?"

"Ahhhh well you know ahhhh I'm dating Heidi but ..."

"I'm dating Jonathan but it's just ... you know ... not all that serious."

He looked at her with the water droplets on her smooth brown skin. He took the chance and reached under the water to lay his hand on her waist.

"We can maybe talk about it a bit more," she murmured. "If ahhh we can be discrete?"

"I can be discrete Taylor," his hand was slowly massaging her smooth skin along her side.

She laughed softly, "You're giving me goosebumps, Will."

"That's good, right?" he gave her a roguish grin.

"Yeah. I'm babysitting for my Aunt tomorrow night. Want to come over at say eleven?"

"Yeah. I'd really like that Taylor."

"Jonathan would kick your white ass to hell and back if he found out you were with me, Will," she stressed.

"We're intelligent people Taylor. We won't get discovered. What's your number?"

She told him and he whispered it a few times. He got out of the pool and went over to towel off. He could see both Lynn and Stacy look over. He nonchalantly punched in Taylor's number and tried not to grin. "I'm going to fuck all three of them," he thought to himself smugly, as he watched Taylor gracefully walk back from the pool as well, with water streaming from her chestnut skin.

Stacy and Taylor left after they all had delivery pizza. Will and Lynn were tidying up a bit, with Will retrieving Stacy's number, when his father and Lauren arrived.

"No firetrucks, police or ambulances," he grinned, "I always like to see that when I get home."

"Hi Dad. Good trip?"

"It was business." He shrugged.

"Hi, Martin," Lynn said sweetly.

"You look after your step-sister, Will?"

"Yeah," he replied moodily.

Later that evening, as Martin was sitting in his study, Will approached him.

"Dad? Can I have a word?"

"Sure Will."

Will went in and closed the door. His father looked at him curiously.

"Ahhhh Dad. Can you not call Lynn my step-sister please?"

Martin looked at his son shrewdly, "Are yow two after getting involved?"

"No, ahhhh not really, I mean she flirts with me. Just to torment me. But it just feels really weird when you call her that. She's no relation to be and I've just known her two years. She's ahhhh well, you know ... ahhh ..."

"A beautiful young woman?"

"Yeah. She's pretty hot, so I mean I can't just pretend she ahhhh doesn't ahhhh excite me and then when you call her my step-sister I feel slimy."

"No problem, Will," he laughed as he got up and went to the side bar and pouring out some scotch he handed a glass to Will.

It was the first time he had done something like that and it didn't lose its significance on Will. "Ahhhh thanks, Dad." He tried not to make a face as the burning liquid ran down his throat.

"Just don't get her pregnant."

"I ahhhh," he coughed a bit.

"Wear condoms Will," he sipped on his drink.

"Ahhhh I mean maybe nothing will happen."

"You and Heidi?"

"Ahhh well we're still dating." He took a gulp of scotch, "Ahhh but Lynn flirts, a lot, and ahhhh sooner or later I'm not going to be able to resist."

His father's mouth inched up a bit. "Well I'd try and keep that from your step-mom, Will."

He squirmed a bit and tossed off the rest of his scotch.

His father suddenly laughed, "So you want the cat and the kitten?"

"I just can't help that I'm physically attracted to her! I'm so sorry, Dad!"

His father got the glasses and almost filled them with scotch this time. "Don't be Will. What's mine is yours. I mean I'd rather you use your own golf clubs but if you really want to go a round with mine go ahead."

"Really? Are you serious?"

"I love your mother Will. Always have and always Will. She found out I was also having an affair with my secretary and that was it. Totally my fault and I respect her decision to end our marriage. She started a new life. She didn't want to give me full custody of you but she felt it was in your best interest. I don't love Lauren. She's a companion. There's legality involved."

"Ok ...," he sounded confused.

"Bed the both of them if you want, Will. That's not going to change the way I feel about you, my only child. Wear condoms you hear? With both of them. You'll always be my only child. I've had the operation under the guise of a business trip. Lauren takes birth control, but still. Wear a condom. Don't get either one of them pregnant. Or anyone else right now. Just sow your wild oats. Took a lot for you to tell me. I'm impressed."

"Ahhh thanks Dad. Wow."

"I want something." His father looked at him closely.

Will looked back not knowing what to think. "What is it?" he asked at last.

"Forget about engineering. Major in Business and take over my company. Get your Masters, work with me during school, another five years' full time after graduation, and then I go semi-retirement while you transition as CEO."

Will took a sip of scotch. He had chosen engineering but he wasn't passionate about it. It was just to do something different from his father. He didn't think his father was even looking for him to step in like that. And then he thought of Lauren in those damn tight jeans sitting on his boner, and how weightless Lynn seemed to be when he tossed her on his bed. Easy. "Deal."

His father grinned and walked over to him. They clinked glasses and drank on it. "Obviously pretend with them that I don't know anything. Don't get either one pregnant but especially Lauren."

"You sure you don't mind?"

"There's several escort agencies I use when on business trips. Lauren is eye candy for my arm for business functions and at the club. We are very much sexually active but I can see where the young cock of the yard is drawing her attention. Have you had sex yet?"

"With Lauren? Ahhhh no, Dad."

"But she's been flirting with you too?"


"She's good at it."


"Nothing gets a guy in trouble more than his cock, Will. But as well beautiful women are one of the joys in life," he grinned, "Even better than good scotch. Have some fun for yourself but be careful. No babies until you're married and ready and don't get beat up by any jealous boyfriends or husbands. You get in any trouble you come to me. No matter what it is."

"I promise. Thanks, Dad."

"We're going out to dinner tonight. We'll be gone until midnight for sure. You can play with the kitten. Maybe you won't even want the cat then."

Will looked longingly at Lauren when she came downstairs. She had on a tight black dress and dripped with gold. "Like?" she whispered.


Martin came downstairs shortly after and the two of them left. Will immediately went looking for Lynn. He found her in her room with headphones on. She had a loose sweatshirt with yoga pants on. She smiled as took off her headphones and grinned. "The old farts gone?"

"Yeah. Ahhhh want to have a few drinks?"

"Panty removers?"

He grinned, "I was thinking in the hot tub? Swim suit optional."

"You serious?"


"Ok. You get us something to drink and I'll meet you there. With my swim suit."

Will went downstairs after changing into trunks and made a pitcher of punch with ice, vodka, more vodka, juice and some fresh fruit. He got some nice glasses and put some orange slices on the rim, added straws, filled up both, and went out. Lynn came out shortly after in a small yellow bikini and her hair pinned up. The bikini contrasted with her tanned skin. "Wow, you look amazing, Lynn."

She smiled as she climbed in and sighed as she sank to her neck and slipped over on the seats to sit next to him, so close that she was touching. He put an arm around her and she snuggled in more. With his other hand he started to do some underwater exploration of her small slender body. She started running her hand lightly around his belly.

He took a few sips of his drink and then put the straw to her mouth for her as well. They quickly finished it. When he put the glass away, he looked at her and she smiled as he slowly moved his face to hers and they started kissing. "We gonna do this?" she whispered into his mouth.

"I want to so bad," he whispered back.

"Why did it take you two years?"

"I was stupid."

She laughed as she reached for the other drink and they shared it until it was done as well.

"Wanna just go ... ahhhh ..."

"Go to bed?" she finished for him.


"Let's go." They got out and he took her tiny hand in his and they went to the towel rack, quickly drying off. They went inside.

"Your place or mine?" she asked with a tiny smile.

"Mine?" they quickly went to his room.

"I'll set the app on my phone to warn us if anyone comes." He put the phone on his bedside table. "Jesus Lynn," he murmured as he took her gently by her narrow waist. She looked at him with her big brown eyes and bit her lower lip while putting her hands lightly on his shoulders, then tilting her head as he found her lips again. They kissed as he pulled the string on the back of her bikini top and her hands dropped to pull down his wet trunks. "Oh wow," he whispered, as he tentatively cupped a small, perfect breast. Then he gasped as her tiny hand found his hard cock and wrapped around it.

"Oh wow," she whispered back as she slowly stroked him. He pulled off her bikini bottoms and they fell down where she kicked them away.

He slipped his hands around her and squeezed and caressed her glorious ass. "Amazing," he gasped.

"How long have you wanted that?" she giggled.

"Two years."

She took his hands and pulled him on the bed.

"Ahhhh I gotta get something Lynn." He went to his dresser and dug out a string of condoms. She had pulled back the covers.

"You gonna need that many?" she giggled.

"Ahhhh maybe?" he gave her a lopsided grin. "Oh wow, you are so hot!" he told her as he got on top of her. They kissed. He moved from her mouth to her neck, her shoulders, down to her breasts. She let out a little groan as his eager mouth closed over a hard nipple. He moved to the other and then down her taut tummy.

"Oh God Will!" she whispered as he got between her legs and looked with awe at her bald puffy pussy, shaven so smooth, with the slit glistening. As his heart beat faster he gently pulled her open with his fingers and slowly licked up her slit.

"OH GOD!" She arched her back and spread her legs open wider.

He licked at her with relish as she hooked her legs over his shoulder. When his tongue flicked over her clit she gasped out in delight. He continued until she called out and grabbed his head to hold it against her pussy as her body shook in climax.

"Wow!" he exclaimed as he kissed one leg a bit and rubbed his face against it. He looked down at her dreamy face then as he reached for the string of condoms and tore one off. He ripped it open and rolled it on as he knelt between her legs. "Wow," he said again as he looked down at the goddess that waited for him, "Wow."

"Come on Will," she beseeched, "Make love to me."

He mounted her, getting on his forearms as her arms went around his waist. His cock was so hard. Looking into her chocolate eyes he pushed forward and his cock pushed against her pussy. He just knew he was in position and pushed more forcefully.

"OH!" she gasped as he started to penetrate her and she looked up with wide eyes.

"Lynn," he whispered, applying steady pressure, "God Lynn," he gasped, as his head squeezed slowly inside. She was tight, he thought, way more than Heidi.

"Will! Yes, Will!" she gasped as he squeezed further and further in. It was like a warm wet vice squeezing his cock.

"Oh my God ... Oh my God ... oh God ... ohhhh," his eyes rolled up as his cock slowly was buried inside her. It was absolutely the most amazing experience of his life. He buried his face into her neck then and felt her soft hair against his face as well as her nails in his back. "Oh God," her groaned as he started to move his hips.

"Will!" she gasped as she clutched him, "Oh God yes!"

He fucked her slowly. Relishing every stroke. Her pussy sucked onto his cock every time he tried to pull back for another stroke. "Oh wow, Lynn. This is amazing!" he gleefully pulled his head up to look dawn at her again as he fucked her.

"I love it," she gasped, "You feel so good!"

"You too!"

"I wanna cum again," she almost sobbed, "Please!"

"God yes, Lynn. Do it!"

"You too! Can you cum with me?"

"Yeah," he grunted knowing he had several hours with her, "Let's cum!" he fucked her harder and faster, tingling as the pleasure was rapidly building up in his cock.

"WILL!" she cried out.

"OH LYNN!" he grunted in reply.

Pleasure exploded from his cock as he gasped. Lynn gripped him and her wet breath panted against his neck.

"Oh God!" he gasped after they had climaxed together, kissing deeply and clutching onto each other. He continued to try and move his cock inside her.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" she laughed.

He pulled out and rolled on his back panting, immediately pulling her on top of him and encircling her protectively with his arms.

"Mmmmmm," she kissed him deeply as he held her.

He rolled them to the side a bit and reached between them to pull off the full condom. He reached over to drop it on the floor. His hand went back to her ass.

"Wow," he whispered, amazed that his cock was already starting to stiffen again.

"You said that already," she giggled.

"Pass me another condom." He grinned as he settled on his back.

"Really?!" she looked at him with her big round chocolaty eyes and sparkling white perfect smile.

"Oh yeah!"

She reached over and got one to tear it open as she sat down on his thighs a bit, "Sure you got enough of these," she grinned as she pushed it over his head and rolled it down his shaft.

"God, come here, Lynn."

She held his cock and pushed it against her opening. They both gasped as he penetrated deeply up her tight but wet pussy for the second time. She laughed around his mouth and her raven hair fell around his face as she started to gently, almost roll her toned, small, athletic body in waves, fucking him slowly.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven," he groaned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Safe sex is for sex ed. Ruined the otherwise good story.

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooalmost 6 years ago
So erotic

Dad is a smart man, who could resist the cat and kitten.

KingCuddleKingCuddlealmost 6 years ago
Soooo many women...So Clear about their wants!

Sooo delicious!!!

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 6 years ago
Nice story

Not sure how dad guessed son wanted Lauren. They were talking about Lynn and Howdy, the Lauren came up from the blue.

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