The Cat and the Kitten Ch. 07

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Not much sex in this one. But lots more to come!
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/28/2018
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Edited by Spencerfiction with thanks.


"I'm just going to grab a coffee and muffin here," Will pulled off the road to a small café just up the road from their building.

"It's a greasy spoon!" Lynn wrinkled her pretty nose in distain as she looked at the place. She was dressed in a classic navy blue skirt business suit with black nylons and a creamy white blouse.

"Do you want anything?" he asked.

"I don't think so," she looked at him as if he was insane.

"God, you're beautiful," he grinned, looking at her top to bottom, admiring the way she had her raven hair pinned up with a gold clasp, and lip-licking gorgeous all the way down to her expensive black high heels.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don't know. Hurry up."

Will jumped out and went in. He immediately noticed the young woman that worked there with another older lady. They were each dressed in blue knee length old fashioned waitress dresses with white aprons. The older lady was frying up some orders of bacon and eggs for some patrons that sat at the counter. Will went to the counter, never taking his eyes off the other woman who looked to be nineteen or twenty. She saw him and looked back, absent mindedly raising a hand to unsuccessfully push a wayward curl of light brown hair from her face. The rest of the mass of ringlets were held back in a pony tail by a hair band and elastic. She was pretty, with a scattering of freckles across her little nose, and slushy grey eyes. She was small, maybe five foot two and lucky to weigh much over a hundred pounds.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully.

"Hi," Will replied as he studied her more intently.

"Hi, again?" she laughed a bit after a while.

"Oh! Sorry!" He said a bit sheepishly, "I'll have a large coffee with two cream and two sugars." He got a nice view of the shape of her backside as she turned to get the coffee. "And ahhh I'll have a muffin, too, I guess."

"Any particular kind?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What do you have?"

"Bran, blueberry, carrot, chocolate chip. I made the bran."

"Bran it is then."

"We usually save those for the old men," she smiled.

"Never too young to think about your constitution," he grinned back.

"Yeah," she laughed. "Three fifty, please."

"Keep the change," he said, handing over a five.


"Ahhh I'm Will."


"See you around?"

"You know where I'm at." She gave him a nice smile and he left. She looked over to her co-worker when he left, "Oh my," she grinned as she pretended to fan herself. The pair of construction workers awaiting their breakfast laughed and offered their services to her instead, which she graciously and politely declined.

Kathy's heart jumped a bit when the tall handsome guy from the morning before came in again. Like yesterday he was dressed very nicely with clothes that looked brand new. It made her a bit self-conscious in her well-worn work outfit but she smiled warmly at him none the less. He wore a nice olive dress shirt with a sharp tie, stylish dress pants and shiny black leather shoes. "Large coffee, two milk, two sugar?" she asked politely.

"You remembered?" he gave her a dashing smile.

"I'm not just another girl slingin' coffee, you know."

"Ahhh I'll have it here?"

"Oh sure." She got his coffee. It was a bit slow so she was able to linger a bit. "So, you must work close by. Cormorant?"

"Yeah. How you guess that?"

"It's the biggest building around here. You a Business major?"

"I'm transferring to the School of Business this fall. I was thinking engineering first but I can still use most of those credit hours."

"Cool. I'm going this fall, too."

"Really? Awesome! Doing what?

"Well, I have a few credit hours done from on-line but I had to work last year to try and save enough for my tuition. So this year I'm going to finish off my first year stuff and try and work as much as I can as well to save for next year. I'm still trying to decide what to do. Commerce, possibly," she paused a bit, "maybe business," she finished.

"That's great! Who knows? Maybe we'll end up in a few classes together."

"So what made to want to switch from engineering to business? Seems like a bit of separation there."

"Ahhh just a conversation with my father. Ahhh you know, I should be getting to work or I'll be late. Sooo ahhhh," he stood up and put a bill on the table, "I know I just met you and all but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to ... maybe go to dinner or something with me sometime?"

"Oh. Ahhh well, I work two jobs and try to help my mom at home with things, so I don't really have a lot of time."

"Oh. Ahhhh ok, that's cool, didn't hurt to ask."

"Excuse me a minute," the other server smiled at Will, then she turned to Kathy and starting smacking her with a towel, "What are you doing, girl?!"

"Ow! Jesus, Trudy! Fuck off! Ooops!" she started laughing in spite of herself.

"Yes, young fella. She will go out with you. She's just having a temporary mental breakdown. She only spent an hour talking about how cute you were when you left yesterday."

"I DID NOT! It was just like, fifty-seven minutes." She grinned at Will, "Ok, sure he's cute but he could be a serial killer. I just met him and I am really busy."

"ID kid," Trudy demanded from Will. He complied. "William Windsor. What are you, part of the royal family or what?" she started to laugh.

"Ahhhh the American Windsors. A bit lesser known."

"Ok, look WW. If you try and kill her, chop up her little bittie body and feed it to pigs, I'll tell the law who you are. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Fine?" Trudy asked Kathy.

"Well, I do like movies."

"Friday night?"

"That's the most expensive night of the week!"

"Oh Lordie," Trudy gave Will back his driver's licence as she rolled her eyes, "I'll leave you two to work out the details."


"It's just a gut instinct Claire," Lynn told the older woman with patience.

"Gut instinct?" Claire Ivany asked the young lady, "Lynn, you hardly have the work experience to be making gut calls." Claire was about fifty-five, a long time Human Resource Manager with Cormorant, tall, very slender with short silver hair framing her face in a classic page boy cut. She was a beautiful woman who held her head high and was proud of her age lines. She wore classic dark business suits with knee length skirts, nylons, and high heels. The golden Cormorant pendant hung around her ivory neck, given to executives as well as for loyal long service. Claire had looked at Lynn's with some distaste when she had first saw it, thinking it was not earned but just given from nepotism.

"This young woman is a hard worker!" Lynn pressed her case, "She holds down two jobs and still did several on-line University courses this past year."

"The marks were not overwhelming."

"She was working two fucking jobs!"

"No need for anger or vulgarity, dear. We have applicants for these entry level positions that already have University degrees."

"If they were top end they would have been scooped up before they graduated."

"Many are working with good companies. Cormorant is a highly sought after employer. And we must do our due diligence to ensure those high standards are not eroded." She gave Lynn's pendant a long look to communicate her opinion.

"Well, we've vetted most of these applicants under your standards, Claire. I've been instructed by Martin to ensure I bring some forward outside the box thinking to this section. I don't think it's too much to ask to interview a couple of home run applicants." Lynn handed the file to Claire.

"Home Run Applicant? I don't think I've heard that term. You must be googling?" Claire smirked.

"I just made it up," Lynn stated smugly.

Claire took the file and put on the reading glasses that hung on a gold chain around her neck. "Katherine Byrne," she read, "Not much here in terms of volunteer activities, sports, clubs and the like."

"Two jobs, Claire. She did four on-line full credit University courses last year while working two jobs. I checked her address. Not exactly in a desirable neighbourhood. This girl wants to succeed and is prepared to work for it."

"Well. We'll see how she competes at the table." She tossed the file on the stack of screened applicants.


"She's such a pompous bitch. I fucking hate her!" Lynn angrily hissed at Will in his office.

"Don't pay her no mind, Lynn. She knows her boundaries. Dad told us there would be some resentment about our Cormorants," he wore his as a ring.

"No Will. Not ours. Mine. You're Martin's son, no one begrudges you yours."

"Getting it this early? Sure they do. There are people that think I should have started in the mailroom."

"Well, I didn't get a big executive floor office like this."

"You just got an office, right?"

"A grubby corner shithole with no window."

"You could move in here with me?" he grinned knowing that was impossible.

"So you could spend the better part of your days fucking me over your desk?" she asked sweetly. He got up grinning and started to walk around his gigantic desk. "No Will!" she hissed.

"Just a quickie?"

"You fucked me this morning!"

"It's almost eleven!" he protested.

"You talk to Claire Ivany. Tell that bitch to back off a bit. Fuck her if you want." She added the last with a smirk


"Hi Claire," Will smiled as he looked into her office.

"Mr. Windsor." She smiled as she leaned back from her carefully arranged and tidy desk and delicately took off her reading glasses.

"I think you are the first person to call me that," he tried to give her a charming grin.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm just getting to know people better."

"Well then. I'm always interested in getting to know handsome young men better. Have a seat."

He smiled again at her, thinking it was a bit odd for a woman in such a high level HR position to be making a borderline sexist comment. But she was old school, he thought, and pendanted. They made small talk for a while. Her eyes were almost as icy blue as Lauren's. Will was somewhat surprised at how quickly his cock started to respond to her presence, given her age and the fact that he did get laid last night and again this morning. Yet, as they continued to chat and he admired her dignified beauty and icy eyes, his cock slowly but surely started to swell. He actually started to lose track of the conversation a bit as he wondered how her face might contort if he had her up on her desk and was pushing his cock inside her.

"So tell me, Will. Are you really here just to chat or has your step sister sent you?" she asked with some amusement.

He smiled, "Lynn has mentioned some differences of opinion."

"Lynn is supposed to be mentored. She needs to be less aggressive. She doesn't know HR like she thinks she does. She's only been working here a few months."

"Yes. She's passionate. That's not a bad thing is it?"

"She'll learn."

"She's very eager to do that."

"It was so nice for you to stop by," she got up from her desk and walked around. Will rose as well. The door to her office was shut.

"It was nice to chat for a bit." Instead of starting to move away he stepped closer to her. She was back up against her desk. He wanted to be in her personal space. He could see her inhale and open her lips slightly. They looked into each other's eyes. Sexual energy literally crackled between them.

"You know, Claire," he whispered, "You really do have pretty eyes."

Her delicate lips curled up in a smile. "Why Mr. Windsor. Are you flirting with me?"


"Is this appropriate? I am a married woman and old enough to be your mother."

"I promise not to tell your husband. And beautiful is beautiful regardless how old a person is."

"Did Lynn ask you to try and seduce me?"


Claire laughed and tried to move but Will moved a bit closer so she put up a hand to lay it against his chest. "A young guy like you shouldn't be teasing an old woman like me."

"I shouldn't be. You're right." He reached and slipped his hand inside her blazer, onto her side, then slowly down to stop on her hip. Her phone started to ring.

"I have to get that. And you need to go now." She pushed him gently back and, keeping eye contact with him for a few moments longer, slipped out from where he had her pinned and went to get her phone. She watched as he gave her a roguish grin before leaving.


The following day Claire slipped into Lynn's office.

"Claire. What a pleasant surprise." Lynn remarked frostily.

"So, William paid me a little visit yesterday."


"I bet you just have him wrapped around your little finger?"

"Not really."

Claire laughed, "He actually started flirting with me, if you can believe that!"

"He's a huge flirt."

"Well. I think you sent him to soften me up a bit."


"He was soooo sweet and gallant."

"Maybe you should fuck him then?" she replied softly and icily in an attempt to shock the older woman and hopefully make her leave.

It didn't work. "Maybe I should," replied Claire, pleased at the change registered on Lynn's face, "After all, I fucked his father." Lynn's mouth dropped open in surprise and Claire smiled. "Oh, that was years ago. While his wife was home with a swollen belly, heavy with child, we had an amazing affair. He fucked me over his desk. I fucked him in his office chair. He took me on business trips. But I don't have any desire to fuck him again. Will? Mmmm I admit, getting fucked by a nineteen year old is appealing. But do you know who I'd really like to fuck?" she asked sweetly. Lynn was off balance, surprised, and a little scared. She didn't say anything. Claire slowly walked over on high heels in her charcoal business suit, all pressed, her silver hair gleaming. "You."

"Me?" Lynn chirped in a high pitched shocked voice.

"You. I want to put on my ten inch big black strap on, bend you over, and absolutely destroy your fucking ass."

Lynn jumped up and ran to her door, "I-I-I think you should leave now, Claire."

Claire laughed as she walked out, "Always choose the boundaries of your sand box wisely, my dear. Never start anything you can't finish. We'll start interviewing for those positions at the beginning of next week. I'll be the lead. You can have your girl. But Lynn? Don't fuck with me, ok?"


"She said she was going to destroy my ass, Will!" Lynn hissed, still upset, "I don't want my ass destroyed. I LIKE my ass!"

"I like your ass too! Don't worry. She can't do anything like that to you. It's a metaphor, right? She wants to make you her bitch. But you can stand up to her. Just don't fight with her. You won that little battle for the entry level position. She wants to turn it around now to make it seem like she's giving it to you. But she's not. You took a stand and won."

"Yeah," she sniffed, "You're right."

He hugged her then. The feel of her petite curvy body in his arms and the smell of her hair drove him crazy with desire. "I want you so much. God."

She tilted and lifted her head so that he could kiss her. "You're gonna make love to me all night tonight, right?"

"Yeah. After our dates."

"Try to be home by midnight, ok?"

"I will. Then we'll be together."

When she left again, he checked his e-mail and immediately saw one from Claire Ivany: William, I enjoyed our discussion this pm and would like to speak to you again on it. As a delicate matter we should ensure that we proceed with the utmost discretion.

He smiled as he read it and without any hesitation responded: Claire. I fully agree and look forward to getting together with you.


Will was still waiting by the wall near the entrance to the movie cinema, when he espied her approaching. He had almost given up and gone home.

"Sorry I'm late. The bus schedule is off again and I missed the first one, then my transfer was late." She looked at him with concerned eyes. Her curly light brown hair wasn't contained now and framed her pretty face. She wore a snug long sleeved black shirt, black leggings and a dark plaid tweed mini skirt. She had a small knapsack-like purse slung over her shoulder.

"You look amazing," was all he said.

"So, you're not pissed I'm late?"

"Naw. Life happens. But I'm driving you home after the movie. I wouldn't feel comfortable with you doing that trip again in the dark. I didn't know you lived so far away from here. We could have gone to a closer place."

"It's ok. I take the bus or train everywhere. I have a pass. I'm not afraid of the dark."

"I'm driving you home after," he insisted.

"Ok, ok."

"Good. You look great."

"I've been downgraded from amazing to great already? I'll be just ok when we get in the movie."

"Amazingly great?"


"Now, what movie do you want to see?"

"I get to decide?"

"Of course."

"I like sappy movies and I brought a whole box of tissues!" He groaned and she laughed, "Come on! I didn't even get a chance to search what's playing. I got called for a job interview and I've been doing some research."

"Really? That sounds exciting."

"Yeah. I'm sick of slinging coffee."

"Kathy!" They looked over where two young women who called out approached them. Several others, clearly with them, stood off to the side snickering and laughing. Kathy chatted to the two for a bit while they looked over Will with interest.

"We'd better decide what we want to see before it gets too late," Kathy looked up at Will. "Enjoy whatever you guys are seeing!" She took his hand and led them off. "Rich kids," she grumbled as they got out of earshot, "Never had to work for a thing in their lives and then they look at you with distain 'cause you don't have ripped up jeans that cost five hundred dollars on."

Will tried to look around without saying anything. "Hey! How about this one?"

"No movies with space ships, please."

"Oh. This one?"

"No movies with gangsters, please."

"What! Do they make other kinds?"

She looked at him smirking, "How about this one?"

He looked at the billboard and groaned, "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

"Don't worry. By the way, I'll have my hand back now."

"Oh! I thought that was a commitment thing."

"You dress really well. At least I think you do, I don't know about the brand names but you look nice. I'm sure my snobby ex-class mates from high school noticed."

"Thanks," he replied a bit sheepishly, "Ahhhh popcorn?"

"God, of course! It's a movie, right?" She started to fish into her purse.

"You're not planning on offering to pay for your popcorn are you?" he asked, genuinely amused.

"Well, you got the tickets so I thought I'd get the snacks."

"Ahhhh no," he grinned.

"Will ..."

"No!" he laughed as he playfully tried to get her purse from her. "I asked you out, remember?"

"That doesn't mean you have to pay for everything!"

"It's popcorn, Kathy!"

"And an orange soda. I'm gonna want an orange soda." He ordered two large and she asked the server to change hers to a standard while she stood beside him, "I can't even lift a large. Jesus."

They went in and talked a bit about favourite movies, tv, books, sports and music; quickly realizing they had virtually nothing in common. The movie started and Kathy perched in her seat transfixed and, as predicted, started to sniff towards the end as Will fought off the Sandman.

"Such a touching story," she continued to sniff as they left.

"Great movie," he yawned.

"Such a sad ending."

"Amazing cinematography. Ooof!"

"You liar!" she had hit him in the stomach with her tiny hand, "You were practically dozing off!" she laughed.

"Hey!" he laughed with her as he put his long arms around her and reeled her in. She was defenseless but he only held her for a few seconds, breathing deeply and inhaling her clean fresh aroma before letting her go. "Your snobby friends are watching. Come on, let's stop and get something to eat, I'm starving and I'm paying!" He slipped his arm around her waist and she held his arm as they walked away.