The Cellar Ch. 06


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The tender merging of their skin brought with it a wave of soothing heat which washed through her body. Her lips slowly parted and their tongues met in a gentle stroke. The warmth of his hands replaced the cool silk nightgown and she felt the fabric tear away. As they explored each other's mouths, she felt his gentle hand cup her breast as the other wove through her hair, pulling them closer. The heat of his breath wrapped around their twining tongues in a sweet embrace.

"I missed your mouth," she whispered, sweeping her fingers across his lips and finding the moist remnants of their kiss lingering there. "I want you."

"Take me."

"I'm going to make you cum so hard," she purred.

Joelle felt him pierce her and as soon as the head of his cock was nestled between her lips, she slammed down hard against it. Lucien let out a surprised gasp which matched her own. This was not to be the tender, sweet, love making he was expecting and there was something incredibly gratifying about being the only one to harbor the truth about what was about to happen next.

Lucien's eyes rolled back as Joelle pumped against him, impaling herself on his tumid dick. Like a piston she drove him in, slamming her ass against his thighs with every thrust.

"Open your eyes," she panted, "watch me fucking your cock."

"Oh fuck Joelle," he snarled.

Lucien's eyes opened and fell to his pulsing cock, cloaked in the succulent juices of her orgasm. Joelle spread her thighs farther, offering him an unobstructed view as she drove him deep inside her clutching cunt. His heart beat furiously as he watched her glide around his cum slathered cock, her tiny clit standing proud at attention. Instantly he was drawn to it and found his palm resting against her pelvis as his thumb pressed and rolled around the tiny protrusion. With every thrust she clenched around him, tightening her strangle hold.

And then she stopped, leaving his aching cock thumping just a hair's breadth from the bare, slippery folds of her cunt. He wanted desperately to grab her hips and slam her around his dick, to immerse himself in the hot empty void from which he had been abandoned. She rested her hands on his thighs and leaned back, slowly letting him back in. Inch by inch she swallowed him, her lips stretching around his thick shaft. When she finally reached the base, her head rolled back and the ends of her hair tickled his legs. She swiveled her hips and moaned as his cock swirled inside. His aching flesh screamed for more.

Joelle felt the thudding of Lucien's cock inside her and knew he was moments from coming. She reached her hand between his legs and took his tight balls between her fingers and gently kneaded the cum-laden sac. When she felt him about to cum she let him fall out, his cock landing against his abdomen with a wet slap. Gently she pinched his balls between her fingers until the feeling subsided and she turned herself around. With her palm pressed against his knee, she hovered above his cock, grasping it firmly in her other hand as she let its plump head dip between her wet lips.

Lucien could hardly stand it and when he was on the verge of losing all control, she thrust her pussy around his pleading dick. Again she found his balls, rolling them between her fingers as she speared herself on his swollen shaft. He watched between the firm cheeks of her ass as she took every inch, slamming him deep inside her core. The storm of orgasm began to brew when he felt Joelle's delicate finger swirling in the juices which streamed between his legs and coated his balls.

Softly Joelle caressed his perineum as she fucked him, the walls of her cunt cinching tightly around him as he felt her own orgasm stirring in her loins. With a deep, raspy moan she clamped firmly to his cock and slipped her finger in his ass, stroking his prostate as her thumb continued to rub against his perineum. The culmination of sensations flooded his groin and he slammed his pelvis against her, burying his cock deep inside her quivering chamber. With a final, forceful thrust, he grabbed her shoulders as his molten seed filled the womb bearing the life they had created.

Joelle collapsed against his chest, her breath ragged and heavy. He rested his hand across her heart and the other along her throat, feeling the internal rhythms of her body, the very essence of her life pulsing through him. Intuition drew his eyes to the open door where he found Delilah staring in wonderment. Lucien closed his eyes and buried his face against Joelle's neck, breathing in the sweet scent of sweat. Minutes passed before she rolled from him and wrapped her arms and legs around his body. She was asleep within minutes, her breath blowing warm against his chest.

For a moment, it was impossible to believe that she loved him. It seemed unreasonable that such a woman should exist. Joelle fit him perfectly; it was surreal in way that made him wonder when he might awaken to find that she had never really existed at all. But as she lay sleeping beside him, sharing the same air, the same heartbeat, he knew she was real. And when he felt a tiny flutter in her belly, he suddenly realized the depth of her love.


Lucien awoke with a start and reached beside him to find the bed empty. Joelle's hushed voice filled his mind, calling for him, and though the afternoon sun burned high in the sky, he rushed from the room and flew down the stairs, a sudden sense of dread filling his mind. Confirming his worst fears, he found Barbas seated comfortably on the sofa with Delilah at his feet and Joelle nestled, asleep, upon his lap.

"It appears as though we have some issues to discuss my dear friend."

"You were not due until tomorrow." Lucien took a seat opposite Barbas, his eyes never leaving Joelle. "Where is Annette?"

"She was becoming a bit of a pest, I now understand you reluctance to honor your commitment. Regardless, I have settled your tab and you needn't concern yourself with her again."

"So you have taken her life?"

"I prefer to think of it as a release from agony. Really you should be thanking me, once I informed her of the breaking of your accord, she became quite hostile. I thought it best to avoid the embarrassment of needlessly dragging Asmodeus into the midst of that disastrous mess. But no worries, Annette is now precisely where she belongs."

"Since that situation has been rectified, I would greatly appreciate the return of my belonging."

"Unfortunately I am unable to comply with your request. Yours was not the only accord broken and I have come to collect that which is now owed to me. Do you have a preference as to whom goes first? It is tricky business, a decision such as this. Should I take the Nephilim first, your human will surely know her fate and that will no doubt horrify her. Though, should I take the human first, the terrors of hell will claim her that much sooner. It is a difficult decision indeed."

"It is not within your power to take Joelle, she now bears a cambion and is thereby spared the sanctions you wish to impose."

"She is spared nothing until the child is born and, unfortunately, I have been unable to locate Asmodeus to seek his counsel. Come, let us rouse them, perhaps they can decide amongst themselves who will perish first."

"No! Take Delilah."

"Very well."

Barbas spilled Joelle to the floor as he rose from the sofa, startling her awake. With a sharp gasp, she scurried to Delilah, whose own body had sprung to life.

"Lucien?" Joelle blurted in a shaky voice.

"Nephilim, Lucien has chosen your soul be claimed first. Have you anything to say before sentence is imposed?"

"Luke?" Delilah stammered, staring at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"There is nothing I can do, forgive me Delilah."

Returning her eyes to Barbas, she nodded once and bowed her head, accepting her fate. Lucien looked on, paralyzed by Barbas and unable to offer any protest. In a final act of solidarity, Joelle threw her arms around Delilah's waist and clutched tightly to her body. Barbas smiled and thrust his finger toward Delilah's quivering frame. But in the final moment, he deviated from his course and swept his finger across Joelle's heart, dropping her like a stone to the floor.

"No!" roared Lucien as he twisted in his chair, attempting to dislodge from Barbas' hold. "Why?"

"Your preference was meaningless."

Delilah fell to the floor and wrapped her arms around Joelle's shoulders, cradling her wilted body in her arms. A stream of crimson spilled between them, coating their alabaster skin in a sanguine veil. Lucien watched, bolted to the chair, as Delilah pressed her cheek against Joelle's and whispered in her ear. Though he could not hear her words, by the torrent of tears spilling from her eyes, their sentiment was clear.

A thunderous pounding shook the front door, but Lucien could not bear to pull his eyes from Joelle as her breaths grew fainter. Her eyes locked with his in a tacit stare which bespoke a feeling of love without regret. And she nodded once, very weakly, a slight smile pulling at her lips, as if to tell him everything would be alright.

When the door collapsed to the floor in a shower of tattered wood, he was forced to break his stare. An amorphous, dark cloud consumed the unwelcomed sunlight which had stormed through the gaping maw which had once been his doorway. But as the shadow moved through the vestibule, a figure emerged and quickly descended upon them.

"Asmodeus," Lucien bowed his head, unable to offer him a more suitable gesture.

"Barbas," said Asmodeus without affect, "while I do so enjoy my visits with the lovely Persephone, I find her vitriol to be quite distasteful. What I loathe even more, are Lucifer's obscenely long lectures on the values of leadership. So you can imagine my dismay when, this morning, I found myself the unfortunate recipient of both. In an effort to quell their anger and allay their fears, I have come to make right any wrongs which may have occurred in the absence of good judgment. And what I require of you now, is an explanation."

"Asmodeus," Barbas prostrated. "This is not a matter of judgment. The laws of governance dictate capital punishment, I am merely the executioner."

"And is this the girl?" asked Asmodeus, nudging Joelle's limp body with the toe of his shoe.

"It is."

"Persephone informs me that this human now bears a cambion and that she is bound to you. Is this correct?" asked Asmodeus as he turned to Lucien.

"She bears my mark on her shoulder, you may look for yourself. I have given to her the life she now bears in her womb, though that hardly seems relevant as she will be dead in moments. After which, I will soon follow."

With a flip of his hand, Asmodeus released Lucien from Barbas' hold and he collapsed to the floor beside Joelle's bloodied body.

"Barbas, Lucifer has informed me that, should the cambion perish, an explanation will be due The Righteous. As I will not fall on my sword for you, I expect you to deliver said message and take what punishment is handed down."

"As you wish."

"I can restore her," peeped Delilah.

"Then restore her," Asmodeus ordered.

"Spare me," demanded Delilah, "and allow me to renegotiate the terms of my agreement."

Lucien's mouth dropped in horror as his eyes oscillated between Asmodeus and Delilah, both seeming locked in an unbreakable stare. Certainly her request to be spared seemed a fair one, but Delilah had to understand that she was in no position to negotiate for more. Though they had only met on a few occasions, he knew of Asmodeus' reputation and his inflexibility where rules were concerned. That he was even considering the reversal of a sentence was astounding enough. Delilah, too, was well aware of this fact and had to know her demands were unreasonable.

Ignoring her plea, Asmodeus moved to the sofa where he sat comfortably against the lush pillows. He pulled from the table the small reliquary which housed the watch which had once belonged to Joelle's father, absentmindedly rolling it his hands.

Lucien's eyes returned to Joelle, whose stare was fixed on the ceiling. Just the faintest hint of a heartbeat thumped inside her chest and her shallow breaths were barely audible. She was seconds from dying and Lucien looked on helplessly as the last ounces of blood pumped from her wound. They were now bound, the death of one meant the death of the other, and Lucien could feel his own life fading into darkness. Should she die, they would part forever and the mere notion enraged him.

"Barbas, what of this Nephilim?"

"She restored the human and thereby forfeit her life."

"Well this certainly is quite the dilemma. I must say that I am quite disappointed in both of you. Never before have I born witness to such reckless behavior."

Asmodeus laid the reliquary on the table and leaned forward, inspecting Joelle's vacant eyes before standing abruptly. Purposefully, and with fixed determination, he walked to Delilah and drew a finger to her chest, resting it in the soft well of her clavicle. Instantly her posture grew rigid and Lucien looked on in horror as a sickly pallor consumed her skin, the flesh around her neck growing black.

"Lucifer has spared your life and has asked only that you abide by the rules set forth in the Doctrines of Hell. That you have willfully chosen to disregard those vows disturbs me. Barbas is correct in his assessment; your injudicious decision has forfeited your existence on earth."

Lucien rushed forward and grasped Delilah's frozen hand, as his own began to weaken. "Asmodeus..." he croaked, as the last whispers of his life began to fall into obsidian shadow.

Without further pause, Asmodeus continued. "However, more egregious violations have been committed and they cannot be overlooked. Barbas, as you well know, the life of a cambion takes precedence over all others. That you have chosen to ignore this fact and not seek my counsel, causes me great concern. By taking the girl, you have also chosen to reclaim Lucien's soul without a council vote and that is injurious to us all. So we must right these wrongs. Nephilim, should you restore the girl I will overlook your transgression, though your request for renegotiation is denied."

"Thank you," blurted Delilah as she scrambled across the floor to Joelle's side. But after moments of hapless fumbling, she turned her helpless eyes to Lucien and muttered, "she's too far gone."

For a moment it seemed as if the world had simply disappeared, as if nothing else existed but the pounding ache in his head. "No," his voice cracked as he fell to his knees, "you are not allowed to leave." Lucien drew Joelle's lifeless body to his and traced his fingers across her cheek. "I bought you a house in Alaska, just as you asked. It will be winter soon. There are only four hours of daylight, do you remember? Alaska in the winter and Argentina in the summer..."

"She's gone Luke," whispered Delilah.

With nothing left to sustain him, and no life left to live for, Lucien collapsed beside Joelle and clutched her hand as their bond began to fade. These were to be their final moments together and, for the first time in his existence, he was suddenly overcome with the stabbing pain of grief.

"I love you," he whispered.

Rolling to his side, he laid his mouth against hers in a final kiss. Though her eyes still bore the same brilliant, sapphire glow which stopped his breath, the sparkle of her soul was now gone. Gently he closed her lids and felt a solitary tear roll down his cheek and glide between their lips. Never before had he shed a tear and never again would he have the chance, but during these final, desperate moments, he would weep for her.

"You will never know," he muttered as death and tears stole the air from his lungs, "all that you have given me."

The warmth of Delilah's hand was a soothing, departing gift and in that instant, he recognized the value of her friendship and the depth of his feelings for her. Though not the same kind of love he felt for Joelle, he nonetheless loved Delilah and felt a deep regret for not appreciating all that she had done.

Tonight they would all perish, bound by the unifying choices they made. But only two would remain together. Where Joelle would travel was unknown, but he was now certain that Asmodeus would not accept her soul. And while their separation would torture him more than the horrors which awaited, he was comforted by the knowledge that she would be spared. Though their divide would be eternal, she would remain an ever fixed mark on his soul, indelibly woven into the tapestry of his life, and from the depth of his love for her, he could never be taken.

A searing cold enveloped his body and his heartbeat was gone. All sense of love and goodness were washed away in a sea of screams, leaving nothing more than gnawing despair. He was at Hell's Gate, stripped of his human skin, as The Welcomers descended. And then everything simply went quiet and the darkness receded. He was locked in a state of suspended animation and an eerie calm flooded his soul.

A blast of heat, like a bolt of lightning, shocked his body and pushed out the cold which had consumed him. Another flash sent waves of tingling energy through his chest and he felt the beat of his heart begin to strengthen. Yet another jolt flushed through his extremities and shook his entire body. Suddenly the caustic sun burned his eyes and the warm, sweet scents of earth consumed his nose. His flesh returned and as the world came into view, he recognized the presence of life. It was in that moment he realized that Delilah wasn't touching him at all, her hands rested against Joelle, and the energy he felt streaking across his body was flowing from her.

"I'm sorry, I had to be certain she was dead," Delilah gasped as her pallid body collapsed to the floor. "I'll miss you, you silly demon."

Slowly the blush of life returned to Joelle's cheeks and the slight traces of blue faded from her lips. Within seconds her heart began to beat and a large gulp of air restarted her lungs. No more than a second ticked by before her eyes sprung open and she scrambled into his lap, clutching tightly to his neck.

"Are we still dead?" she asked.

"Not anymore," replied Lucien, sweeping the hair from her neck and gently kissing her skin.

"Well played angel," applauded Asmodeus, kneeling beside Delilah's ethereal frame as the glossy white feathers of her unfurling wings slowly enveloped her body.

"Thank you," Joelle began to cry as Delilah disappeared in a glow of amber light. "Goodbye."

"What did she whisper to you?" asked Lucien, as the pieces began to fall into place.

"She said 'a two for one special'," she sniffled.

"She is going home," he confirmed.

And she was. For her sacrifice to save Joelle and their child, her sins had been absolved. She was home now, back to the place she had always belonged and Asmodeus was powerless to do anything about that. With a broad smile and a slow shake of his head, Asmodeus strode toward the tattered door and kicked it aside with a tap of his foot.

"Come Barbas, Lucifer awaits and we have much explaining to do."

A sharp hiss escaped Barbas' mouth before he padded off behind Asmodeus, stopping once beside the door to offer a brief, furious stare.

"It's over?" asked Joelle as she unraveled her body from Lucien's.

"It's over," he confirmed.

"So really, that's it?" she asked, sounding unconvinced. "No more craziness? No more scary demons showing up and wreaking havoc?"

"Just one," he whispered with a smile, "and he loves you."

"It is entirely plausible that I may love him as well."

"I'll take it for now."

*** Thank you to all who have followed the journey of Joelle and Lucien, I hope I've tied it all together and left you with a satisfying end. I adored these characters from the moment I put fingers to keys, even the evil ones, and enjoyed hearing from those of you who loved them too. ***

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
nekoburonekoburoabout 8 years ago
I hope this isn't the end.

There is a whole other plot inside this story that screams to be written. I hope the muse visits you again for the story of the next generation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
... O.O Fucking AWESOME.

I read them and now I want to read another one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Mesmerizing!!! This was the best story !!!

Thank you,, this was one of the best stories I've ever read!!,,,you've left me wanting more,,, a lot more! Hope to hear more of these two very soon!!! Thanks again!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fucking amazing

I couldn't put this story down. Your descriptions and crass remarks that your characters would say were so realistic and.funny. You truly have a gift for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Loved your story. Thank you.

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