The Change Pt. 01

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An unexplained event physically changes RJ.
12.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 12/05/2023
Created 09/20/2023
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This is a story that takes place in the "Tom & Mary" universe. While it's not needed, I do recommend reading both parts of "Tom & Mary".


My name is Erika Davenport and this isn't my story, though I am a large part of it. No, this is my child's story. My child is my life, as it usually is for single parents. I got pregnant at an extremely young age and ended up marrying the father. We weren't forced into it at all, because we deeply loved one another, but we did need my parents' permission to do so. Since I was pregnant, they reluctantly gave their permission. 5 months after we tied the knot, I gave birth to Robert Jameson Davenport, we nicknamed him RJ. Even though we struggled for a while, my husband eventually urged me to go to college after passing my GED. His job was barely enough for us financially, but he knew my dreams. Despite some late nights, we made it through and he was standing there cheering me on when I finally earned my law degree. Life was perfect.

Unfortunately the perfection didn't last. 4 days shy of my 26th birthday and 3 months after getting my degree, my husband was the victim of a shooting at a convenience store. Wrong place, wrong time. I suddenly found myself single and now having to raise a ten year old child on my own. While my husband's life insurance was quite substantial, I still needed to work full-time. By the grace of God and with the help of family and friends, we were able to get our lives back on track. I was also able to find a law firm who was quite flexible in my hours. By the time RJ entered seventh grade I was able to buy our first house. A small 3 bedroom, 1 and half bath ranch in a suburb of Chicago.

For the next few years, our lives were, well, idyllic. RJ was an excellent student, I was promoted twice at the law office and was now earning twice what I was earning when I bought the house. And while I did go on the occasional date, my heart really wasn't in it. I still felt like the devoted wife to my husband, even though he was long passed. Meanwhile, RJ was turning out to be the spitting image of his father. He now towered over me (6'1" to my 5'5"), he had the same deep blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. He showed nothing of my green eyes and flaming red hair, but I was fine with that.

RJ's 18th birthday was 2 weeks prior to his graduation. So he asked if we could do a combination birthday/graduation party. He was after me to have a party for months after I had an in ground pool installed last summer. I finally acquiesced and agreed to it. As I made plans for the party, I got notification from the school that he'd graduate "with high honors". I was so proud of him! More to celebrate!

The day of graduation I was beaming as only a mother could. It was so incredibly difficult to not clap when his name was called out, but the school wanted things to move quickly. I still quietly applauded my son though! Once the last student's name was called and degree received, hats flew into the air and parents cheered. Many pictures were taken and then I took my leave to make sure I was there to greet the caterer at the house. I knew RJ would get a ride from his best friend, Rick.

The party was loads of fun. I even broke out the bikini that I worked hard to get myself into! I had finally lost that excess weight and I was going to show off a little bit. I knew my 36DDD boobs would drive the boys to distraction, but I wanted to make Cecilia (Cece to her friends and Rick's mother) jealous for a change. I love my next door neighbor to death, she's truly my best friend, but I occasionally got tired of her constantly pointing out how good she looked in a certain outfit. Her Greek heritage gave her flawless olive skin and her body was the stuff models dreamed of having. So when she and Rick saw me, the dropping of jaws was all worth it. Rick exclaimed, "Lookin' good, Mrs. D!" Even RJ smiled at all the compliments I was receiving. Cece's icy stare last a few seconds before she came over and gave me a huge hug, admitting that looked wonderful. The rest of the day was so much fun.

After the last guest left at about 8:00 and after I had put away the last of the food, I was lounging on our deck while enjoying a glass of wine. RJ walked up behind me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. Looking up and him with a smile, I asked, "What was that for?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, just 'cause. And a 'thank you' for everything. Not just for today, but for everything since.... since dad... well, you know."

I smiled softly and said, "Honey, I'm your mom, I did what I had to do. But I know your dad would be extremely proud of you and the man you've become."

RJ smiled and said, "Thanks, mom. Hey, wanna join me in the pool before it gets too dark?"

I shook my head no and said, "Go ahead, I want to enjoy my wine."

And with that he shouted an "ok" at me and jumped in. I watched him start do some laps, took a sip of my wine, and closed my eyes for a sec. It was then everything changed. To this day I still do not know exactly what happened, but it happened in an instant. As I sat there resting my eyes enjoying the relaxing effects of the wine there was a loud CRACK and I felt like I was hit by some force, like a concussion wave, causing me to drop my wine glass, and making me jump. I was immediately alert. I then saw RJ in the pool floating on his back, unconscious. I rushed to him and jumped into the pool. Looking back at it now, it was an incredibly stupid thing to do, but my son was injured and possibly dead! I didn't realize it at the time, but I remember now how much warmer the water felt and there was a slight tingle to my skin.

I got RJ pulled out of the pool somehow. Right then both Cece and Rick had rushed over to see what made the noise and why I cried out. I was a screaming mess. Shouting at RJ to wake up, while Rick started applying CPR to him. Cece, thankfully, had the calm sense to call 911. After what seemed like hours (probably less than 10 minutes), the EMTs showed up and took over for Rick. RJ did have a pulse and was breathing on his own. In short order they loaded him up in the ambulance, I jumped in the back, and Cece said she'd follow us to the hospital.

The next few weeks were the hardest of my life as RJ was in a coma. Despite all the tests that were run, he seemed perfectly fine, even though his EEG readings were "slightly odd, but nothing to worry about" according to the doctor. I could only hope and pray my son would come back to me.

33 days after the accident he finally stirred. 2 days later he woke up entirely. My son was going to be fine.

How little I knew then.

August 14th he finally left the hospital, almost two weeks after he had awakened, and was back home with me. He still had a long road ahead of him, but he was on his feet again, albeit a little shaky. He collapsed on the coach the moment he got home, saying that he felt like he had just run a marathon. I let him rest up and I let Cece and Rick know that RJ was home. They came over for dinner and we had a small welcome home party for RJ. It was then I thought I noticed something a little different about RJ, but I thought I was imagining things.

Because of the accident, RJ decided to take a year off before going to college. Thankfully the scholarships he had earned would still be there for the next school year, something that many of the parents and teachers made sure would happen for him. I found this out later and was supremely touched.

So for the next week or so, after he got back, he just rested. And even my big, strong, independent son allowed his mother to dote on him. It was on the eighth day of his being home that I definitely noticed the changes. His hair was going from sandy blonde to more of a strawberry blonde. And his eyes seemed a bit different as well, less blue and more... green? I then started paying very, very close attention to him.

By the end of the second week, the changes were even more dramatic. His hair was definitely more red than blonde and his eyes were green like mine. I also saw that he was wearing larger, baggy tops for some reason. I immediately called the doctor to make an appointment. Something happened to him that night and I was going to get my answers.

As we impatiently waited for Dr. Jensen to enter the room, I kept trying to get RJ to open up, but he was avoiding all the questions. Finally the doctor came in and she broke the tension.

"Hm, so what seems to be the problem today, Mrs. Davenport?"

I looked incredulously at her and said snippily, "Look at him! He's changed. His hair, his eyes, and... more I think. He won't talk to me!"

The doctor looked and me and then RJ and then asked, "RJ, would you prefer I examine you alone without your mother present? You are 18 now."

I was about to say something, but RJ spoke before I could. "Mom, please? This is...this... just please."

I was about to protest, but the look he gave me told me all I needed to know. As I walked out I said, "Please call me back in afterwards? I need to know." RJ nodded and I reluctantly left.

After waiting for an arduous 20 minutes, the nurse called my name and said I could return.

As I entered the room, the doctor was going over something with RJ, but she then paused and looked towards me.

"Ah. Mrs. Davenport. Well, the good news is that RJ is in perfect health. He's healed up remarkably well since his accident."

She then paused and I said, "But....?"

She looked and RJ and he nodded his head softly and mouthed, "Tell her."

Clearing her throat, the doctor said, "Well, in all honesty, I don't know what's causing these changes. His hair and eyes seem to be taking on your attributes and then there are his breasts."

I interrupted and almost screamed out, "Breasts?? What do... how?"

The doctor quickly interjected and said, "Yes, breasts. I do not understand how or why he's getting them, but I've taken blood samples and we'll run tests. But he's currently at a 34C. He, um, can I tell her this as well? The other thing?"

Turning red, RJ slowly nodded.

"Ok. He's also grown larger below the waist. He mentioned to me that prior to the accident he was a bit above average length when hard, he's considerably larger now."

I said, "Larger? What do you mean larger? Is he deformed??"

RJ kind of chuckled when I said that and he spoke up and said, "No, mom, larger as in hung like a horse. I've almost doubled in size now."

I guess my jaw dropped when I said that and the doctor then said, "Now, Mrs. Davenport, I'll be taking semen samples to verify that he's fine, but, despite the physical changes, he seems to be a healthy young man."

"With 34C breasts," I said.

"Well, yes, those. But it may be something that'll go away in time. We'll see what the tests say."

I numbly nodded before saying, "So is he all right to go home then? He's not going to be readmitted in the hospital? Any medication?"

"No, I'm not prescribing anything and I won't be readmitting him, but he may benefit from some larger fitting clothing, especially pants. And maybe a sports bra for now?"

RJ audibly groaned when he heard that.

I said, "Ok... I'm still very worried, but I guess we just need to wait to see what the tests says and then take the next step. As long as you're sure he's fine to go home?"

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, he's fine. And please let me know if you notice any other changes."

Both RJ and I said we would.

For the next week or so, RJ's hair continued to turn a deeper red until it nearly matched mine. I also noticed his features had softened a bit as well and RJ mentioned that his body hair had almost disappeared completely, except for his pubic hair. His breasts had also increased in size, to the point they almost rivaled mine. The only thing that hadn't changed was his height.

Once we received the report back from the doctor about what was possibly going on with RJ, she indicated that everything was normal, but would like to see us again soon. RJ asked if it was at all possible for her to come to the house as he was getting more and more reluctant to go out in public. She understood and said she'd come by after office hours that night.

At 8:00 pm the doctor finally showed. I led her to RJ's room and gave them some privacy.


(RJ's POV)

"So, RJ, how are you doing?"

"Dr. Jensen, these keep getting bigger and bigger! And my nipples are incredibly sensitive all the time!"

Smiling, the doctor said, "Well, RJ, you're now feeling like how we women feel sometimes, but I don't think you should be concerned. Here, let me remove your top and.... Oh my. They are huge!"

"I know, right? I mean, yeah, I've seen women's boobs before with big nipples, but these are... they're like small fingers almost! And look how brown they are!"

All the doctor does is nod before saying, "I'm going to examine them, so you may be a bit uncomfortable as I do so. Please try to relax."

As Dr. Jenson touches and examines RJ's breasts, he lets out an audible moan of pleasure. Dr, Jenson smiles slightly when she hears it.

Sitting back she asks, "So I heard you moan, why was that?"

Turning red slightly, RJ says, "Well, I said they were sensitive... and now I'm really turned on because of it."

Looking down, the doctor sees and the massive tent in RJ's sweat pants. Thinking to herself, "My God, I didn't even think about what I might be doing..."

Outwardly, Dr. Jensen says, "I need to examine you there now as well, so please remove your pants."

Standing up to remove his pants, RJ's dick springs forth and nearly smacks the doctor. She jumps back, amazed at its size and girth.

Taking a deep breath, the doctor says, "I'm going to examine your penis and testicles, you might feel a bit of pressure."

As she proceeds with the examination, she thinks, "In all my years as a doctor, I've never seen such humongous penis and these testicles are nearly twice the size I've ever seen or felt! And... and his scent... it's almost intoxicating. It's like it's overwhelming my senses, it smells heavenly."

As the doctor examines RJ, he nervously stands there. But the he realizes the examination has changed slightly and he looks down to see the doctor stroking his huge dick and... smelling him? He knows he should stop her, but he cannot help himself because what she's doing feels so good. As he continues to watch her, he sees that she appears to be in a trance and is very, very close to his dick, almost close enough to kiss it.

RJ thinks, "Damn, I think she's getting off on stroking me. Fuck, this feels good. C'mon, doc, you know you want to kiss it, go for it...."

RJ then places his hand gently on the back of the doctor's head and give her a slight nudge forward. With no resistance whatsoever, she moves forward and her mouth opens, taking his dick into her mouth. She then begins to bob her head up and down on the biggest dick she's ever seen. She struggles to get it in, but something in her is driving her to do it. All she knows is she need to bring pleasure to this dick.

RJ moans loudly as the doctor is giving him his first blowjob. He can feel his orgasm building and tries to warn the doctor that he's about to cum, but she ignores it. Her passion has built up to the point that her pussy is pulsating to the point of giving an orgasm as she sucks off RJ. She can feel his dick getting bigger and he's about to cum and she tries to brace herself, but her throat is flooded with more cum than she's even taken before. All she can do is let loose his dick and keep pumping it with her hand, getting drenched in semen. She then explodes with a powerful orgasm, more powerful than she's ever felt.

Once RJ's balls have been emptied and he looks down at Dr. Jensen, he see a woman covered in so much cum, you'd have thought that she had experienced a bukkake session. He finally speaks up and says, "Dr. Jensen, are you ok?"

Slowly coming to her senses, she sees what has happened. At first she is aghast at what she has done, but the scent of RJ's cum calms her and she realizes that it must've been RJ's pheromones that over powered her in some way. Standing up shakily, she asks, "Um, that... that's not something I have ever done with a patient before. Please, please do not say anything to anyone, I could lose my license!"

"Doctor, I won't say anything! That was the awesomest thing ever!"

Smiling wanly she say, "Um, yes. Well, is there a bathroom nearby I could use?"

"Huh? Oh! Oh yeah! Door across from mine!"

"Thank you. Please excuse me, I'll be right back."

After she leaves, RJ lays on his bed and smiles the biggest smile he's had in a long time, thinking, "So what if I've got boobs, I've got this massive cock!"

Once the doctor returns, she says, "All right, RJ, based on your examination and despite your.... uniqueness now, I think can say that I think you're as normal as you can be, but there are some things I still want to test. Let's talk to your mother before I leave."


After about 30 minutes, I hear RJ's door open. I thought I heard it before, but it sounded like someone use the bathroom.

"Ah, Mrs. Davenport. I've given RJ an extensive exam and, as I mentioned to him, despite his unique condition, he's as normal as can be. His breasts are normal breasts, albeit quite large and his nipples are a bit bigger than normal and very sensitive. His penis, as you know, is very large, as are his testicles, but it's perfectly fine. The lack of body hair is interesting, but it doesn't appear to be a problem. Overall, your son is as healthy as a teen age boy can be."

I look at her with a somewhat shocked expression and say, "So we have nothing to worry about then? But there's nothing you can do to reverse what's happened?"

"Mrs. Davenport, I don't think it's reversible. For better or worse, this is who RJ is now. I suppose we could try surgery for breast reduction, but I honestly don't know what would happen if we tried."

RJ then said, "I... uh... I don't want the reduction. Yeah, these are a pain to deal with since they're so new and big, but I kinda like 'em."

I guess the surprised look on my face got a laugh out of RJ and he said, "Mom, it's ok. Like the doc said, we don't know would happen. Besides, I've been through enough. I guess I just need to accept the fact that I'm a bit of a freak now."

Dr. Jensen then said, "No, RJ, not a freak, you're just a unique person now. There's no description since you're the only one who is like this. I do still want to run a few more tests though, but nothing serious."

As hard as it was for me to accept it, I had no choice. Thankfully RJ was accepting the changes.

Dr. Jensen drew some more blood and took hair samples and then we said our goodbyes to her. I then sat down to talk with RJ.

"Honey, are you sure you're fine with all of this. I mean, once people find out..."

"Mom, I'm good. Honest. Yeah, it's kinda freaky, but this is who I am now physically. It doesn't change who I am. I mean, I'm still me, y'know."

I smiled and said, "Yes, I know. I just need to get used to seeing you like this now. You're still tall like your dad, but now you sort of look like me."

"That's not the worst thing in the world, mom."

Leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek, he then says, "Mind if I go to my room and play some video games?"

I nod and say, "Sure, honey. Enjoy."


(RJ's POV)

Back in his room, RJ texts Rick to see if he's online.

Risk responds: Duuuude, whare ya been?

RJ: Still dealing with some accident stuff.

Rick: Yeh, figured. U ok?

RJ: Yeah, kinda, I guess.

Rick: what's up?

RJ: Hard to describe. There's a reason I haven't been out of the house in awhile.