The Cheating Zone 06: The Counselor


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"Not directly," she said. "But his DNA does include a gene that has been dormant for many millennia. The only way that gene could've showed up is if an ancestor of his had mated with what the ancient Greeks considered to be one of their gods. But that would have happened thousands of years ago. I haven't seen this show up in many, many years."

"So, what, does that mean Castle can shoot lightning from his ass or something?" Tom asked. She smiled.

"No," she said, "but it would explain why the monitor didn't pick up his thoughts in English. It could also explain a bit of his behavior and his desire to subjugate and control everyone and everything around him. I doubt very seriously that he's even aware of it."

"Can you figure out which god that gene came from?" Tom asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe, given enough time," she said. "I don't think it really matters, though. Remember that in ancient Greece, it was believed that Zeus sired about 30 percent of the population. And many of those so-called gods were what you would consider to be complete assholes," she snorted derisively.

"You sound like you speak from personal experience," Tom said.

"Remind me when this is all over and I'll tell you stories that never made it into the great libraries," she said.

"So, does this change anything?" he asked.

"No," she said. "If anything, it only makes it more inevitable. But it does explain his drive to control everyone around him and his obsession with his own alleged superiority. It makes me wonder what it is he's afraid of losing." She looked at him. "You took the pills he gave you?" she asked. "The ones made from his semen?" Tom nodded.

"Yes, you know that," he said. She turned to her computer and made a few more clicks.

"Which means you consumed some of his genetic material," she said. "Let me check something." After a few minutes, she relaxed. "Well, a DNA scan shows that whatever he gave you is completely out of your system by now, which is good." She turned back to the monitor on the wall. "Let's see what they have planned."

As they watched, Castle got up from his chair. He towered over the two women.

"Alright," he said. "There's nothing more we can do here. Pack up, we're heading out."

"Where are we going?" Charlene asked.

"I think it's time we arrange for you to become a widow, my dear," he said. "Your husband is missing for now, but he'll eventually be found. And when he does pop back up, I think we need to deal with him once and for all. He's no longer useful to me." The thought monitor remained blank.

"Are we going to do it in front of him again?" Charlene asked. The thought monitor read: "C: Please, say yes." Castle nodded his head, laughing wickedly.

"Oh yes, my dear," he said. "But first, we're going to humiliate him in ways he can't even imagine. Maybe I'll have the two of you piss on him with me. Or crap in his mouth." Charlene and Rachel giggled with delight as Tom blanched in horror. The thought monitor displayed: "C: Yes! I'd love to shit in Tom's mouth! That would be a blast!"

"So where are we going?" Charlene asked.

"Not far," Castle said. "Just up the coast to San Francisco. I have to get things ready for when your husband turns up." The monitor showed Charlene's thoughts: "Good. Then I'll have his insurance." It also showed Rachel's thoughts, indicating that she did not approve of what Castle was planning.

"And what then?" Rachel asked. "Can we stay with you afterward?" Castle smiled.

"Sure," he said. The thought monitor read: "CA: Until I sell you two bitches into slavery." Tom looked at Dr. A.

"We need to move fast," he said. "He's going to sell them into prostitution."

"You still love your wife?" she asked. "Even after everything she's done and wants to do. Or do you just want her back long enough to dump her?" Tom knew she was right. Even after everything she had done with Castle, the truth was he only wanted her to come back to him so he could have the final say in their marriage. She nodded her head. "I understand. You don't want her to have the final word in your marriage. Trust me, she won't. In fact, her own thoughts may very well seal her eternal fate." She clicked a few more things on her computer before turning back to Tom.

"You're clearly a target, Tom," she said. "And it won't be safe for you for a little while. I need you to stay here while I do my job. Don't worry, you'll be completely safe here. Just rest and take it easy for a while. There's a really nice Twilight Zone marathon on tonight. Maybe you can watch that for a while. I'll be in touch."

"But maybe I can help protect you," Tom said. She laughed.

"You're sweet, Tom, really, but there's no need," she said. "Go on, I'll be along in a bit." Tom got up, thought about arguing the point, then thought better of it. He went into the small apartment and put his pajamas back on and turned the television on.

Dr. A entered the room as Tom settled into the large, comfortable bed. She sat on the bed next to him and held his hand while stroking his face. He looked at her and realized that he actually loved this woman who was ready, willing and able to fight for him. He wanted so bad to wrap his arms around her and make sweet love to her. She apparently sensed this and smiled, her eyes flashing.

"Tom," she began. "You're a very good man. But I cannot be with you the way you want. That doesn't mean I don't love you, I do. But what you want is impossible, at least for now." He looked sad as she spoke. She stroked his face and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"But know this, Tom," she added. "I'll always be with you, here," she said, placing her hand over his heart. "And here," she said, placing a hand on his forehead. "And maybe, on some cold, dark night when you're sad and alone, I may join with you in your dreams. I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. Treat everyone you meet with fairness, honesty and justice. Be happy -- live, love and enjoy life. Trust me, there is someone out there for you. You just haven't met her yet."

She kissed him one last time, her tongue briefly meeting his. His mind exploded with the contact and he felt a jolt go through his entire body. She sat back up and smiled. She turned the television to the channel with the Twilight Zone marathon.

"Keep an eye on this," she said before leaving. "I'll be in touch." With a final look back, she left. Tom sat in the bed, wondering what she was going to do. He felt bad that he couldn't be with her to help, but he trusted her. He relaxed with a cup of her tea and began watching the marathon.


Meanwhile, Castle, Charlene and Rachel had loaded their luggage into his car and set off for San Francisco, taking the coast highway. As Castle drove, Charlene and Rachel were making out in the back seat, fingering each other's pussies as they kissed. He watched them in the rear view mirror and smiled as he drove.

After about three hours, the girls began complaining that they needed to relieve themselves and wanted something to eat and drink. He took the next available exit and drove down the two-lane road, passing a sign that read, "Karma, pop. 2125."

He parked at a store and the three of them went inside. After relieving themselves, the girls grabbed a Coke and a hot dog. The balding man, wearing a shirt with a name tag that read, "Ralph," took their money and looked at them.

"You folks aren't from around here, are you?" he asked.

"No," Castle said. Ralph smiled.

"Welcome to Karma," he said. They couldn't help but notice the strange look on his face, but shrugged it off. Going back outside, they saw two police officers next to the car.

"Can I help you officers?" Castle asked. One of the officers asked for his identification. He complied, reluctantly pulling out his driver's license. He looked at the license, then back at Castle.

"The three of you will need to come with us," the officer said.

"Why?" Castle asked. "We haven't done anything. We just stopped to get something to eat. Are you just hassling us because we're from out of town?"

"No," the officer said. "The three of you are being arrested under Special Ordinance Number 1. Now, turn around and place your hands behind your back." Castle began to argue but the officer held him in check. "We can do this the easy way, sir, or we can do this the hard way. Your choice," he said, his hand on his handgun. Castle looked at Rachel and Charlene.

"Do what they say," he told them. He looked at the officer. "I'll have your job for this," he said. The officer smiled.

"You're not the first one to threaten me, sir, and I'm still here," he said. The officers read them their Miranda rights and placed them in the back of the police car. A few minutes later, they were booked into the local jail.

"Do I get a phone call?" Castle asked at the jail. The booking sergeant shrugged his shoulder.

"Sure," he said. Castle pulled out his cell phone, but couldn't get a signal. What kind of a town is this, he wondered. Castle looked at the sergeant.

"I can't get a signal," he said. The sergeant laughed.

"Welcome to Karma," he said. "You know what they say, Karma can be a bitch." The officers around them laughed. He tossed a quarter on the counter from Castle's belongings and pointed to a rotary coin phone on the wall. "You can use that one."

Castle looked at the phone, took the quarter and inserted it into the phone. He dialed a number, but got a message telling him the number was no longer in service. He replaced the receiver, confused. That had never happened before. The officers led them to their cells and locked the iron doors behind them.

"Do we get a lawyer?" Castle asked the officer who locked them up.

"Yeah, the public defender will see you in the morning before your trial," the officer said.

"Public defender?" Castle asked. "What the fuck are we being charged with?"

"Violating Special Ordinance Number One," the officer said.

"What's that?" Castle asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," the officer said before leaving. "Now, be good and don't give me any reason to restrain you. Trust me, if you think we're tough, just wait till you see the judge in the morning." Frustrated and angry, Castle sat down on his bunk. These hicks will pay for their insolence, he thought to himself.

The next morning, a small man with a briefcase came into the jail and sat across from Castle. He opened his briefcase and took out a thick folder. After going through the folder, he looked at Castle.

"Well?" Castle asked. "Why are we here? What is this ordinance we've been charged with? Can you get us out?"

"Well, Dr., uh, Castle, is it? You're guilty of violating Special Ordinance Number 1," the lawyer said. "Unless you're going to tell me you aren't you. Your file is quite, um, interesting, if I do say so myself. According to this, you're responsible for cuckolding and destroying a number of husbands, turning their wives against them. Do you deny this?"

"I confirm or deny nothing," Castle said. "In fact, I plan to take the Fifth." The lawyer nodded his head.

"I'm afraid that won't won't work with this judge," he said. "Your best bet is to admit everything and beg for her mercy."

"I beg for nothing from no one," Castle declared defiantly.

"Very well, have it your way," the lawyer said, standing up. "You're set to see the judge in 15 minutes. I suggest you prepare yourself. And remember, Karma IS a bitch. The officers will be by shortly. Good day."

"Wait," Castle yelled as the attorney walked off, ignoring him. A few minutes later, two officers came to his cell, shackled his hands and legs and locked the chains to another that went around his waist.

"Alright, prisoner, out," they ordered. Castle shuffled out of the cell as best he could in the irons. He met up with Rachel and Charlene, who were similarly chained. Tears were running down their faces.

"Please," Charlene begged, "we didn't do anything."

"Silence," one officer ordered. "Speak to the judge, but only when you are spoken to, understand? That goes for all of you."

They were led into a large room with a long table. People were seated on each of the table, which ended at a very high lectern. Castle, Charlene and Rachel were placed at one end of the table, next to the lawyer who spoke to them earlier in the day.

What they didn't know was that Tom was watching the proceedings on the television in Dr. A's apartment. Just before seeing the three being led into the dark, ominous room, the marathon had been interrupted with a news report saying that a number of men had been mysteriously killed in a spate of "accidents" that took place overnight.

According to the report, at least 50 cars were struck by lightning and had each been burned to ash, the occupants utterly destroyed. Weather reports said the lightning was unexpected as there was not so much as a cloud in the sky. Watching the video, Tom realized that two of the cars in the report were in front of his apartment and two more were in the alleyway behind his apartment.

In addition, the report said that a number of other men were mysteriously struck by lightning. Some were simply standing on a street corner, two were struck as they sat in a restaurant waiting for food, and others, mostly law enforcement, were struck as they sat at their desks. Authorities said they are investigating the odd incidents, but have no leads.

As Tom continued watching, the television showed Castle, Rachel and Charlene being led, shackled, into the strange courtroom. As he watched, a tall door opened and a woman with long, flowing hair wearing a robe walked through the open doorway and up to the tall lectern. Her eyes glowed with what looked like fire, but Tom recognized her as Dr. A. The people on each side of the table stood as she entered, and sat when she motioned to them to do so.

"I demand to know what's going on," Castle barked.

"SILENCE!" Dr. A ordered, pointing a very long sword at him. Instantly, Castle's mouth was zipped shut, and he was unable to say anything more. "The three of you are here to answer for your crimes," she added. "I will start with you, Rachel Conley. What have you to say for yourself?" Rachel looked at the judge with fear in her eyes.

"Please, your honor," she said. "I was tricked and manipulated. I didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone. I was just... caught up in what the doctor wanted to do. I thought he was helping me. Please, have mercy on me." Dr. A considered her for a bit before answering.

"You had several chances to leave, but didn't. Granted, you played no role in your husband's murder, but you did participate in the humiliation of another man," she said. "And I know you disapproved of the doctor's plan to murder Tom Waters. But you are not without blame. For your crimes, and your participation in his wicked plot, you are sentenced to life in Karma. Where and how you spend eternity will be decided at the end of that time. Begone!"

With that, Rachel disappeared from the courtroom. Dr. A turned her attention to Charlene, who was now sobbing.

"And you, Charlene Waters, wife of Thomas Waters," Dr. A said. "You were married to a good man who only wanted the best with you. But you turned on him, helped destroy and humiliate him. And you participated and approved of the plot to murder your innocent husband. Watch!"

A video screen appeared, showing the conversation they had before leaving for San Francisco. The thought monitor revealed Charlene's approval of Castle's plan to further humiliate and murder Tom.

"Your own thoughts have determined your sentence," Dr. A said as Charlene's eyes grew wide in horror. "And so, it shall be done unto you FOR ALL ETERNITY!" She waved her sword and Charlene disappeared from the courtroom. Dr. A turned to Castle and with another wave of her sword, opened his mouth.

"And you, bastard child of the gods," she said. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He looked at her in fear and glanced at his attorney before speaking. He remembered what the lawyer said.

"Please, your honor, I admit my crimes. Have mercy on me, I beg you," he croaked. Dr. A smiled briefly. Watching Castle squirm and beg, Tom couldn't help but smile.

"Mercy?" she asked. "You mean the way you had mercy on Jason Conley? The way you had mercy on Tom Waters? The way you had mercy on the 50 other men you destroyed? You don't know the meaning of mercy." She stopped for a moment and thought. "I will spare you the death sentence," she said. Castle smiled, and Tom watched in disbelief. "Instead, I sentence you to an eternity of equal justice. What was yours now belongs to the man you destroyed and what you have done to him and others will be done unto you. FOR ALL TIME!"

She waved her sword and Castle disappeared from the courtroom. She turned to the large monitor, where Tom could be seen and addressed him.

"Observe, Tom," she said, waving her hand. Tom sat in the room as the image on the television changed to the scene he had witnessed before. At Dr. A's feet, next to the woman boiling in oil was another woman, Charlene, spread naked, her mouth pulled wide open. Above her was a large, horned, winged creature bent over, defecating into her mouth.

Next to her was a man he recognized as Castle, placed inside a large metal container, paralyzed. Like Charlene, his mouth had been pulled open. He was surrounded by three more of the hideous winged creatures, who took turns urinating and ejaculating on him, aiming for his mouth.

The image changed until Tom only saw Dr. A. She smiled, her eyes flashing.

"Remember, Tom," she said. "No one escapes my justice. Ever."

"I love you, Adrestia," Tom said. Her smile widened.

"And I love you as well, Tom," she said. "And I will always be in your heart and mind. Now, go, live, love, use your newfound wealth wisely and be happy."

The image on the television changed again, reverting to a black-and-white image of a grim-faced man wearing a suit and holding a cigarette in one hand.

"Meet Mortimer Jenkins, known to some as 'Dr. Castle,' an evil man who poses as a healer, but in reality is a dispenser of death, sorrow, pain and poison," he said. "With him is one of his accomplices, a woman who traded the comfort of a good, loving man for the power that comes with avarice and greed. Between them, they have made their collective beds and are now lying in them for all eternity. They thought they could have it all, but in the end, have nothing but pain and sorrow. A hard lesson learned only in... The Cheating Zone."

He winked and took a long drag off his cigarette.

Fade to black...

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Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a fine extension of the story by NTRmaster called “the Marriage Counselor”. He incorporated Dr A from other stories he wrote. It was a wonderful and very clever story which I give 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

@Bentover-I agree with the last Anon comment, why don’t YOU write a few stories and show all these no-talented writers here how they ought to do it.

Another great story, ‘Tramp, thanks for sharing. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


"You keep repeating the same story"

And yet you keep reading authors who also do the EXACT SAME THING, only with a great deal LESS creativity.

Tell you what: maybe you could write a couple stories yourself and give us all a Master Class on how it's done.

Yeah, how about you do that?

Show us how YOU would do it, oh great god of the pen.

B3ndoverB3ndover9 months ago

You keep repeating the same story

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