The Cheating Zone 12: Vows


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"I have thought about it," he said. "What brought this on?"

"I'm really getting sick and tired of hearing my mother go on about how I should be cheating on you," she said. "That's just part of it. I can't stand to be apart from you. What do you say? We can call Pastor Bob and schedule a small service just for us and our families."

"Let's ask him tomorrow morning after church," he said. She smiled and kissed him deeply.

"I love you so much," she said.

"I love you more," he told her, returning her kiss.


The next afternoon after church, Tabitha walked into the kitchen, where she found her mother nursing a cup of coffee. Her eyes were red and puffy, and ringed with dark circles. It was obvious she had just gotten out of bed and she looked as though she had been put through the ringer.

"Good afternoon," Tabitha said. "I see you finally managed to get out of bed. How did it go last night?"

"I won, again," Linda said. "I think I'm getting a bit old for these all-nighters."

"Congratulations," Tabby said. "How many men did you take on?"

"I think they said 47 in all," Linda croaked. "I lost count. Anything new with you? How was church?"

"Church was fine," Tabby said. "Everybody asked how you were feeling. From what I was told you were quite the wild woman. I told them you were still in bed. By the way, Zach and I have an appointment with the county on Wednesday to get our license and do our required counseling. The wedding is set for a week from Friday, at 4:30 pm. It'll be a private ceremony with just family and close friends. I trust you and Dad will be there."

"We'll be there, dear," Linda said. "Maybe by then I won't be so sore and I'll be able to walk."


Zach and Tabby met at the courthouse on Wednesday, blood test results in hand. They filled out the form, paid their fee, and were directed to a waiting area for the counselor. After a half-hour wait, they were ushered into a small room that held a desk, three chairs and a very large woman who reminded Zach of the term, "battle axe."

"Have a seat," she said, her pudgy fingers pounding on a well-used keyboard. When she finished, she put on a pair of glasses and looked over some paperwork.

"So, you two want to get married," she said.

"Yes, we do," Zach said. The woman looked at him over her glasses.

"Pastor Hastings informed me you two plan to remain faithful to each other," the woman said with more than a hint of disapproval in her voice. "Is that true?"

"Yes, it is," Tabby said.

"Uh huh," the woman said. "Are you aware that the state allows for divorce on the grounds of fidelity?"

"We're aware of that," Tabby said. "Is there a problem with us choosing to be faithful to each other? It's not illegal."

"No, it's not illegal," the woman said. "But it is highly irregular. Tell me, how many sex partners have you two been involved with?"

"None," Tabby said, causing the woman to look at her sharply.

"Same here," Zach said. The woman looked at both of them, shocked.

"You mean to tell me that neither of you have engaged in sexual intercourse with anyone?" she asked. "At your age? I find that very difficult to believe."

"But it's true," Tabby said. "Zach and I have always been close and we decided a long time ago to wait until our wedding night."

"Are you two part of some kind of religious cult?" the woman asked, her brows furrowed.

"No," Zach said. "We've attended the First Community Church all our lives. This is something we chose to do."

"Well, I've known Bob Hastings for years and he's a good man," the woman said. She looked hard at Zach before speaking again. "You do realize that Ms. Jones has every right to take as many sex partners as she chooses, right?"

"I know," Zach said. She looked at Tabitha before speaking again.

"And you know that Mr. Greenley can have as many partners as he chooses?" she asked.

"Yes," Tabby said. "We know all that. But we're both consenting adults and we've chosen to be faithful to each other." The woman sat back in her chair and regarded them both for a few moments before continuing.

"I trust you two are current on your STD blockers?" she asked. Zach and Tabby looked at each other before answering.

"Uh, we're not taking them," Zach finally admitted.

"And why not?" the woman asked, clearly irritated with his statement.

"Because we're not sexually active," Zach said. "I have a note from my doctor," he added, handing the woman a folded piece of paper from his pocket. She took it, read it over, then handed it back to Zach and made a note in her file.

"Very well," she said. "But if you ever plan to have sex with someone other than your spouse, you need to start taking them. Understand?"

"I understand," Zach said.

"I've looked over your resumes and finances and I don't see anything that would prevent you two from getting married," she said. "I am very concerned about your vow of fidelity, and your claim of virginity. It's not a good idea to blatantly disregard societal norms. That's no way to start a marriage, in my opinion. However, you two seem to be sincere in your desire, and it's not illegal. So, I am going to approve your license, however, I suggest you seek additional counseling. Maybe in a few years, and with the right coaching, you can start to enjoy a more normal relationship."

As Zach and Tabitha watched, the woman signed and stamped the license, then made a copy and handed it to Zach.

"Good luck, you two," she said. "Please feel free to call if you decide to go for counseling. I have a number of people I can refer you to."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary," Tabitha said, standing up. Zach stood as well, and they bid the woman goodbye.

"God, that woman was awful," Tabby said when they got outside the courthouse.

"Yeah," Zach said. "I feel sorry for the poor guy she's married to." Tabby laughed.

"Well, at least we're legal now, so we can get our apartment and get married," she said. The next several days were a blur as Zach and Tabitha prepared for the wedding while securing an apartment of their own.

That weekend, some of Zach's friends took him to a bar where they shared a few beers and watched a mildly-erotic stage show. At first, he had no idea what they planned and felt uncomfortable going to a bar like that, but Tabitha said she was alright with it so long as there was no touching. Zach knew that her mother and some friends of hers had also planned to celebrate with her that night as well.

"Don't worry," his friend, Jeremy, told her. "He'll be just as pure as the day he was born. I promise."

"Darn well better be," she said with a laugh. "Go on, have some fun with your friends."

"Okay," he said. "And you be good tonight as well." She smiled and kissed him.

"Don't worry," she said. "I'll be on my best behavior." After Zach left his house, she got in her car and headed to the lounge where her mother had reserved a booth. When she got there, she saw that her mother was already there with Lisa, Carmelita and Gloria, three of her best friends from high school, and she spotted a few wrapped presents on the table. She got to the booth and ordered a mixed drink.

"Well, there she is," Linda said, hugging her daughter. "Let's get this party rolling."

"This is nice," Tabby said as she looked around the lounge. She couldn't help but notice the waiters and male strippers who walked around the tables, chatting up the women, when they weren't on stage. She also noticed the lounge was filled mostly with scantily-clad women who openly fondled the strippers who flirted with them. "I see there's a lot of women here," she told Linda.

"Of course," Linda said. "This is 'ladies night,' so..."

"Ahh," Tabby said. "You come here a lot?"

"Sometimes, when your father is out playing golf or something," she said. "I especially enjoy the strippers." They both laughed at that. After their drinks arrived, Linda passed the wrapped presents to her daughter. "Go ahead, dear," she said. "Open them up."

Tabby picked up the first package and tore the wrapper off. Her face turned red as she saw the 11-inch dildo inside.

"Something to help you get ready for your wedding night," Lisa said with a guilty smile.

"I'll help you with that if you're not sure how to use it," Linda said with a smile.

"I think I can manage," Tabby said. They all giggled like schoolgirls and Tabby opened the rest of the gifts. She loved them all, especially the see-through "sleepwear" with holes strategically placed to expose her nipples and crotch. They spent some time chatting about the wedding when a large, light-skinned black man wearing a bow tie and a revealing thong came to their table.

"Good evening, ladies," he said with a smile. "How are you, Linda? I haven't seen you since the VFW bash the other night."

"I'm doing fine, Jacques," Linda said. "I finally recovered, by the way." He laughed.

"Congratulations on your victory," he told her. "So, what brings you ladies out tonight?"

"We're celebrating my daughter's wedding," Linda said. "You've never met my daughter, have you?"

"No, ma'am, can't say that I have," he said. He extended a hand to Tabby. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. So, you're getting married?"

"Yes, I am," Tabby said.

"Well, congratulations," he said with a smile. "If we had known that, we would've reserved a VIP room for you."

"I appreciate that, but I just wanted a small gathering," Tabby said.

"Well, to each his, or her, own," Jacques said. "If there's anything you ladies want or need, just let me know, okay?"

"Actually," Linda said, stroking the front of his thong, "there is something I'd like, if you don't mind."

"Of course," he said with a broad smile. "Anything for you, my dear. Help yourself." Linda smiled wickedly and pulled the front of his thong down, revealing a very large cock. Tabby estimated it to be at least nine inches, and it wasn't even hard. As they all watched, Linda pulled his cock out and stroked it with her hand. She turned to the other girls before speaking.

"Take notes, girls," she said. "There may be a test later." They all giggled and watched as Linda expertly took all of his hardening cock in her mouth and sucked it. Jacques put one hand on the back of her head and moaned quietly, his eyes closed. As they all watched, Linda continued sucking until he erupted in her mouth. She swallowed everything he gave her, then licked his cock clean. Smacking her lips, she pulled his thong back up and smiled at him.

"That was delicious, as always," she said. He smiled back down at her.

"I'm glad you approve," he said. "I always enjoy taking care of my best customers." He gave her a kiss on the lips and looked at the other girls. "Remember, if you need anything, just let me know."

"Well, I just might need something after a while," Carmelita said, lifting her short skirt to reveal her shaved pussy.

"Say the word, my dear, and we'll get you taken care of," he said with a wink. She smiled back as she ran a finger along her slit.

"Are you really going to, you know, have sex with that guy?" Tabby asked after Jacques left.

"Why not?" Carmelita asked with a shrug. "It's ladies night, after all. And why should those girls have all the fun?" They looked where Carmelita pointed and saw a young naked blonde getting fucked by a stripper on her table as her friends cheered her on. Another stripper came to the table and the blonde took his cock in her mouth as the first pounded her between her outstretched legs.

"Wow," Tabby said as she watched. The first stripper finished inside her pussy as the second blew a load in her mouth. Then they switched places and began again.

"That's it," the blonde growled. "Fuck me full of your cum," she said through clenched teeth before sucking the other stripper.

"See what you're missing out on?" Linda asked Tabby quietly. "That could be you."

"No, Mom," Tabby said. "That'll never be me. Please, not tonight."

"Okay," Linda said. "I'm sorry. I just hate it that you're missing out on all the fun you could be having."

"I know, but trust me, Zach is all I'll ever need," she said. They talked and drank for a bit longer.

"So, have you and Zach done the deed yet?" Gloria asked Tabby.

"No, not yet," Tabby said.

"Not yet?" Gloria asked. "You two have been together since forever. What are you waiting for?"

"Our wedding night," Tabby said.

"Seriously?" Gloria asked. Tabby nodded her head.

"Oh my God," Gloria said. "I thought the two of you would've been swinging from the chandelier by now." Tabby laughed.

"Nope," she said. "We decided we wanted to make our wedding night extra special."

"You mean, you're both still virgins?" Gloria asked.

"Yeah, we are," Tabby said.

"Wow," Gloria said. "Let me tell you about my first time," she added before telling her story. Except for Tabitha, they each told the story of how they lost their virginity.

"So, what about you, Linda," Carmelita said.

"Well," Linda began. "As you all know, Tabby's dad and I went to the same high school as you did. I was on the varsity cheerleading squad in my senior year, and it happened the night of our homecoming game."

"You had sex with a football player?" Gloria asked.

"Actually, it was all of the players," Linda said. "Some of them two or three times. We won that night, and started celebrating in the locker room. The next thing you know, it turned into an orgy."

"Did you know Tabby's dad back then?" Lisa asked.

"Oh yes," Linda said. "He was a defensive lineman back then. I don't know who enjoyed that night more, me or him. Anyway, I learned two things that night."

"What's that?" Gloria asked.

"First, I learned that I loved being made airtight," Linda said, causing the girls to giggle. "And second, I knew that I would marry Mike someday."

"That's sweet," Lisa said.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but all this talk about sex is making me horny, and I did promise my husband I would bring something back," Carmelita said, standing up. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. "If you guys don't mind, I just have to get fucked." Linda laughed.

"Go for it, girl," she said. Carmelita smiled and motioned to Jacques with her finger. He smiled, nodded his head and made his way to their table.


The next morning, Zach woke up with a pounding headache. He remembered most of the night, right up to the point where Jeremy put him in the car and helped him in the house. As drunk as he was, he knew that all he had done was watch.

After he relieved himself, he got a call and saw it was from Tabitha.

"Hey," he said when he answered the phone.

"Hey yourself," she said. "What time did you get home?"

"I don't remember," he said. "It was pretty late. How about you?"

"About 1:30 in the morning," she said. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, I did, and I was a good boy, except for maybe getting drunk," he told her.

"Yeah, that's what Jeremy said," she replied.

"So, did you have a good time?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was fun, and they gave me some rather interesting presents," she said. "And yes, I was a good girl. Although I have to admit I got a bit horny watching everything that went on."

"Think you can manage for a few days?" he asked her.

"I think I can manage," she said. "Don't forget, we have a lot to do yet, so I'll be by in a couple hours and we can go out, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," he said. "Just let me get this jackhammer out of my head."

"Okay, sweetie," she said, laughing. "See ya in a while."

Finally, everything got done and the couple, along with their families, made their way to church for the happy event.

"Oh, my," Linda said as she helped her daughter into her wedding gown. "You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." She wiped tears from her eyes as she took in her daughter. "Zach is really one lucky man to have you. I just hope you two are doing the right thing."

"Thanks, Mom," Tabby said. "I think we are."

"You know, Zach would make such a sweet cuckold," Linda said.

"Don't even start that, Mom," Tabby said with a smile. "You know how I feel about that."

"I know, dear," Linda said. "It's just that he reminds me so much of his father."

"Listen, dear, just know that if you have any questions -- any at all -- feel free to call me, okay?" Linda asked. Tabby laughed.

"No problem," she said. "I watched all those videos like you asked. I think I have it under control."

"Good," Linda said. "Now, let's go get you married."

Zach stood at the altar with his younger brother, Ryan, who had come home from college to be Zach's best man. He had a hard time catching his breath as he watched her father, Mike, walk Tabby down the aisle. When they reached the altar, Pastor Bob asked the age-old question, "Who gives this woman to be married?"

"Her mother and I," Mike said, as he placed Tabby's delicate hand in Zach's. He shook Zach's hand and sat with Linda, who wiped a tear from her face.

The service was like most weddings until it came time for the two to exchange vows. Pastor Bob paused for a moment, then uttered the phrase, "forsaking all others until death do you part." At that, Linda fainted.

"I do," Zach said. Tabby repeated the promise when it was her turn.

"By the power vested in me by the state and almighty God, I pronounce you... husband and wife," he said, prompting another set of gasps. While not illegal, the state had encouraged churches to refrain from using gender-specific terms in ceremonies like these, but Bob was in no mood to worry about the consequences.

"You may kiss the bride," Bob told Zach. Pulling the veil from Tabby's face, Zach smiled and gave his bride her first kiss as his wife. By the time he finished, everyone was on their feet, applauding the young couple.

After the ceremony, they retreated to another room for a reception, which included a light dinner and some dancing. Toward the end of the festivities, Zach's father gave his son an envelope.

"What's this?" Zach asked.

"Just a little something for you two," he said. Looking in the envelope, Zach saw two tickets for Hawaii and another paper that showed a reservation for the two for a week. There was also a small wad of cash. After Zach showed it to Tabitha, he hugged his parents.

"Thanks, Dad," he said. "This means a lot."

"Well, we just wanted you guys to have a memorable honeymoon," the older man said. "The plane leaves about 9:00 am tomorrow morning, so you might want to give yourself time to get some sleep tonight."

Later that night, Zach held his new wife in his arms, having made love to her for the first time ever. His mind was still reeling from the experience.

"Just think, my husband," Tabby whispered in his ear. "We get to do this as much as we want from now on."

"I can certainly live with that," Zach said.

"Better yet," she said. "You're the only man who will ever get this."

"And you're the only woman who will ever get this," he said.

"Damn well better be," she said, kissing him deeply. They slept in each others arms and woke up early to catch their flight to Hawaii. Fortunately, both of them were able to take the week off so they could enjoy the trip.

After their honeymoon, they went back to their jobs. Tabby worked as an emergency room nurse, and Zach was an IT specialist for a regional bank with branches along the west coast.

Then about three months later, the nation was gripped by the coronavirus pandemic. Because of their positions, they were able to remain working, even though many others had been laid off. They followed all the guidelines and managed to remain free of the virus.

About three months later, the country began re-opening and they thought life would get back to some semblance of normalcy. But a few weeks later, the virus re-emerged with a vengeance.