The Chosen Cuckold

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We all choose our lives.
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A year ago I was sitting on top of the world. I had a $350,000 house, a voluptuous wife named Amber, a successful business that we owned, a boat, a Harley and a generous bank account. And then like most men that have it all, I screwed it up royally by having an affair with my best friend Paul's wife. Paul has been my best friend my whole life. He's a very successful black doctor who is married to a gorgeous blonde stacked white wife named Devon. When Amber found out about the affair, she went ballistic, but agreed that instead of ruining two marriages she wouldn't say anything Paul or Devon but that she and I would get divorced on her terms. I found myself in our lawyer's office meekly signing the documents. I lost the car, the house, the Harley, my retirement and savings and my half of the business. I walked out of the lawyer's office a broken man with not a dime to my name or place to live.

Paul my best friend stepped up to help me out. He offered to let me stay at a room in house or I should say mansion. I didn't want to accept because I didn't want to be around Devon and have to suffer that indignity, but I agreed having nowhere else to go or nothing else to do. And then depression set in. I sank into a deep depression knowing that I had no money, no wife, and no job prospects. Once again, Paul came to the rescue. Paul told me that he could help my depression with a strict regime of anti depressants and vitamins. I felt relieved and guilty. Relieved by the fact that Paul was being so accommodating and helping me out in my time of need and guilty for the fact that I had had an affair with his wife that he didn't know about.

I began to do little odds and ends around the house to at lease show some sort of gratitude towards him. I would mow the lawn, or take out the garbage. And soon after the regime of pills that Paul had me began to take effect I noticed my mood improved. I wasn't so depressed all the time and my mood seemed to improve. I also noticed some other strange things happening. My voice seemed to take on a higher tone no matter how I tried to make it sound deeper and more masculine it always came out in a higher pitched feminine tone. I lost most of the hair on my body and my cock which was never big to begin with seemed to be even smaller and my load of cum when I jerked off went from being plentiful and white to small and almost non existent and clear. I asked Paul and he assured me that it was just a combination of the pills he had me on and told me that things would return to normal soon but I had to stick to the regiment for six months or I could suffer a sever setback and some serious side effects.

Of course Devon was always present snickering and rubbing my nose in it. She loved waltzing around the pool with her gorgeous tits hanging out of her bathing suit lounging in the sun while I sweated my ass off cleaning the pool and mowing the lawn. Whenever we were alone together she barely spoke to me and when she did it was with an air of someone talking to the hired help. She never mentioned our affair and never mentioned my divorce. One day Paul told me that he appreciated everything I was doing around the house and he felt that it would be a good idea if he gave me a little stipend for all I was doing. So he began to give me a hundred dollars in cash every week for as he put it, 'the little things you do around here.' By that time the little things I was doing consisted of laundry, cooking, cleaning, housework, yard work, and just about anything you could name that meant Paul and Devon never had to lift a finger for anything.

My job prospects were non existent and most of that was due to my appearance. My pill regime that Paul had me on had the effects I've described but now it appeared that I was growing breasts. Small as they were they were definitely there. Paul however, continued to reassure me that things would be back to normal shortly. He told me that he and Devon were expecting a guest for dinner and gave me a menu of what to prepare and what time they wanted dinner served. This was the first time Paul had given me an order and it was almost as if I was talking to Devon, but I meekly agreed, thankful for all he had done for me thus far.

I went ahead and prepared a lavish meal and had everything set and ready to go, Paul and Devon were in the living room having martini's when the doorbell rang and Devon yelled into me to answer it. I opened the door and my jaw dropped and there stood Amber. She was looked hot, with her long black hair cascading down her back, her voluptuous figure ample as always. She wore a low cut black dress showing off her cleavage and plenty of leg. She wore black stiletto high heels which made her taller than me. She smiled and said, "Hey stud you going invite me in or just stand there gawking?" She laughed as she brushed past me and walked into the living room. I couldn't imagine why Amber would be here and be their dinner guest and I didn't want to ask. So I dutifully returned to the kitchen and finished cooking dinner and served it. As we all sat around the table eating, there was an awkward silence as I sat with my head down eating not knowing what to make of all this. Finally Paul put his fork and knife down and spoke me directly.

"I asked Amber to join us for dinner tonight because I wanted to bring her up to date on how things have been going since you've been staying her battling your depression issues since your divorce. Well I figured tonight would be a good time to bring everyone up to date. And I know that you're going to hear some things tonight that are going to surprise and maybe shock you and I thought it best that all the players were present."

I felt my stomach turn and had a lump in my throat and wasn't sure what I was about to hear but knew I was going to hear it one way or the other. Paul stood up and poured himself a brandy and went on.

"You see, the things your body has been experiencing due to the vitamin regime I've had you on was intentional. The pills you've been taking these past few months are a combination of heavy female hormones meant to produce the changes you've seen and felt. Furthermore, I know all about your affair with Devon, although she doesn't refer to it as an affair she refers to it as a useless fling." I was shocked and I could feel my face turning white and my stomach turned. Devon and Amber both smiled as he went on.

"You also need to know that I've been enjoying your beautiful ex-wife Amber for years now, even before the two of you were married. When Amber came to me and told me about you having a fling with Devon, I confronted her and she admitted it and admitted it defiantly wasn't worth it."

They all snickered and I felt my face reddening now and the knot in my stomach grew bigger.

"Are you surprised that I wanted to fuck a real man all those years we were married?" Amber said. "You don't have to answer, it's a rhetorical question."

"Let's face it, Amber and I have both seen and had that pathetic excuse you call a cock and we both realized how useless it was after having Paul's cock, which by the way is a real cock!" Devon said with a grin on her face.

Paul downed his brandy, sat back down and spoke next.

"So now you have a choice to make. You can stay here and continue serving us including Amber when she sees fit. Or you can leave here tonight. But be reminded that if you leave here tonight, you have nowhere to go, no money, no job, and after 48 hours without the pills I've been giving you you'll sink back into a deeper depression than you've ever felt in your life. On top of that, if you stop the regime of medications you've been on, your body will not return to normal like I told you. In fact, your body will NEVER return to normal again."

Amber stood and sashayed her big thick ass past me and poured herself a drink.

"How ironic that all those years we were married and you would always tell me how fascinated you were with cuckolding and how you begged me to indulge you and I never would. But in reality you WERE a cuckold all those years and you NEVER knew it. And now sweetheart, you can have your cake and eat it too so to speak. Although we're not married, you can live the life you always wanted being a little sissy and serving a real man and TWO real women. The only difference is we won't be married, but you'll still serve!!"

My mind was reeling and I couldn't believe all this was happening. My mind was trying to digest all that had happened in the past few minutes. Amber had been fucking Paul the whole time we had been married, they all knew I had fucked Devon and now I had in effect given up my entire existence because I didn't want to hurt my best friend Paul and ruin his marriage and my ruination was all his idea! I was trying to sort through things in my mind and decide what I could do and where I could go. Paul was right, when he said I had nowhere to go, no money, and my body was at his mercy.

"You have fifteen minutes to make your decision," Paul said.

"We'll be in the living room having drinks. But understand this, if you decide to leave here tonight there's no coming back. And if you decide to stay things will be a bit different, but we'll talk about that after you tell us your decision. You have fifteen minutes starting now; we'll be in the other room."

The three of them stood and walked into the living room while I sat there looking at the clock.

The clocked ticked by and I stood, feeling weak in the knees and piled the plates from dinner and brought them into the kitchen. My thought process was racing through options which seemed very limited. On the one hand, if I left they were right I would have nothing and with my body the way it was I knew I would be in trouble on the street and on the other hand, if I stayed at least I knew I would be safe and secure, but what would my life be like? I found myself standing in the living room, hands folded in front of me, head down, as the three of them turned to face me.

"So have you made your decision?" Paul asked.

"Yes I have. I'll stay." I said. It was as if someone else was talking not me. But it was out there and I had said it. I would stay and be subject to the fate they had decided for me.

And then they laid it out for me. What my life was going to be like. I listened as the three of them basically took turns telling me their version of things. I would effectively be there cuckold slave. I would be responsible for doing all the things I had been doing but in addition, I'd be responsible for assisting them all sexually and would be required to be used sexually by them or anyone they chose. I would wear what they wanted, do what they wanted, and allow them to do whatever they wanted to my body. The first step after they had all finished was when Paul produced a needle and proceeded to inject something into my upper and lower lip. I felt a stinging pain and they went numb. I was then told to finish the dishes and then join them in the bedroom. That was it, no explanation of what had just been injected into my body or why my lips were now numb just a very matter of fact attitude on their part.

I finished the dishes my little cock stirring as I wondered what they were doing in the bedroom and wondering what my new life would be like. Once in the bedroom my answer became painfully clear as the three of them lay on the bed naked in a tangle of black and white. Amber's huge ass was in the air as she knelt on all fours and Paul pounded her from behind, while Devon lay with legs spread and Amber licking her pussy furiously. When they saw me enter they all stopped in mid stroke and looked at me and began laughing. "Look at your lips!" Amber said, and went back to licking Devon's pussy.

I looked in the mirror and to my horror saw my reflection looking back at me. My lips were huge, almost grotesque and I could barely feel them. What little feeling I did have felt as if I had been stung by a bee. I gasped and put my hands to my lips and looked at Paul for some type of reassurance, or explanation.

"Don't worry, the feeling will come back in a half an hour or so but the lips will stay that size until the next injection. In the meantime, get your clothes off put your new lips and tongue to work on my ass while I please these two gorgeous ladies."

Knowing my fate was sealed I obediently complied stripping my clothes off as the three of them watch my now hairless body with budding breasts and my tiny cock was revealed to the all of them for the first time. Amber laughed and commented on how she thought I had a tiny cock and pathetic body before but now I was even more pathetic. I took my place behind Paul on the bed and began to perform as he had instructed me. I was humiliated and devastated but at the same time my tiny cock was twitching and dripping to which they all found very amusing.


That night was spent with Paul fucking Devon and Amber in every possible position and the three of them enjoying each other and humiliating me. I was made to clean Paul's cock after they were done, I was made to lick both Amber and Devon clean after Paul shot his huge load into each of them. I had to suffer the indignity of standing naked before the three of them as they lay on the bed and scrutinized my body and made fun of it. I had to hear them discuss their 'plans' for me as if I wasn't even in the room.

'Oh wouldn't he look good in a long red wig! Or maybe a blonde pageboy! How big should we let his tits get?'

And on and on, and at one point Paul explained to them that the collagen he had injected into my lips could either be increased or decreased depending on how 'freaky' they wanted me to look. Amber told them how when we were married she used to put me in a chastity device and then feed me Viagra and enjoy the humiliation of watching me squirm. She also told them how I was so tiny back then that sometimes the chastity device would slip off. They all laughed at that and Devon said she had been researching some newer devices especially designed for tiny dicks and had ordered one and it was pink! I could feel my face turning crimson as they discussed how I would look dressed in different outfits. Everything from a French maid to a cheerleader to a beer hall girl was discussed as I stood there knowing that as much as it humiliated me it also turned me on. Finally, Amber got up and said she was going home and Paul and Devon turned out the light and went to bed.

As I escorted Amber to the door watching her big booty butt sway as she walked I couldn't believe that I had at one time had all that and had given it up! At the door, I stood there still naked and shivering as the cold night air rushed in around my body Amber in obvious delight of this just smiled and took her time. She cupped my little balls and smiled,

"I see you still get all drippy even though Paul has you on your new meds." I could only hang my head and mutter yes.

"Too bad really that you couldn't have been satisfied with me that you had to sneak around behind my back and fuck Devon, but I have some news for you. You see Devon actually seduced you! That's right, after I found out how tiny and pathetic your cock was and how utterly submissive you are and especially after I'd had Paul's huge gorgeous black cock I couldn't live with yours for the rest of my life. So the three of us decided to make you into what you are now as you stand before me; a sniveling wimp and a pathetic excuse for a man. But we both know that you were never a man and yet not quite a woman, so we decided what a hoot it would be if we made you into just that! Not quite a man and not quite a woman."

As she fondled my balls like she used to when we were married I could feel my cock which now barely only grew to about two inches rock hard but in reality never got hard growing stiff. I caught a whiff of her perfume mixed with the sex smells of Devon and Paul and glanced at her low plunging neckline with no bra and it was all over. I felt myself shudder as the orgasm racked my body even though she wasn't even touching my cock, just fondling my balls. My clear liquid discharge spurted out and onto the floor a final humiliation to cap off the night's activity. Standing naked in the doorway with my beautiful bountiful ex-wife who had just been fucked by my best friend, as she fondled my tiny balls and cock that in essence he had created and shooting my pathetic load while not even having my cock touch and shooting a clear discharge that really couldn't qualify as a load. Amber reached over and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear,

"I'm going home stud muffin, you need to get down on your knees and clean that up with your tongue. We'll be seeing a lot of each other in the future."

She laughed and walked out the door and as I watched her big ass bounce down the sidewalk towards the car that used to belong to me my body was rocked by yet another 'orgasm.'

I knelt and cleaned up the discharge with my tongue with a mixture of feeling racing through my mind. Then I went to bed and wondered what lay in store for me. I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and just stared in the mirror. My face had changed, gone was the five o'clock shadow most 'men' have, my lips were huge, my skin smooth, my body virtually hairless except for my eyebrows and what little hair was left on my head. My breasts although not huge were bigger than a normal man's and then there was my voice, that high pitches girlish tone was always there no matter what I tried to do. Finally I went back to bed and cried myself to sleep.


The next days, weeks, and months saw a transformation in my not only physically but mentally as well. Devon decided that she would dress me and sometimes treated me as if I were her living doll. I was subject to constant changes in clothes, wigs, shoes, lingerie and makeup during the day. Mind you during all that I still had to complete all the chores that were required of me. Amber was always there in the background on the phone with Devon or Paul or she'd stop over to the house and I would serve. My humiliations became worse as they exacted their revenge on me. Devon had always wanted to use a strap-on on someone and it sure as hell wasn't going to be Paul so I drew the short straw. Devon thrived on humiliating me as she would make me get all dressed up and then come into the living room and bend over the coffee table so I was facing Paul who would sit on the couch while she went behind me and fucked me with her strap-on. It would make her so wet that I would have to sometimes simultaneously suck Paul's cock as she was fucking me.

I cooked, cleaned and worked like a dog. I averaged most nights four to five hours sleep. I'd work all day usually in some humiliating outfit Devon wanted me in cooking, cleaning; doing housework and yardwork (thank God the mansion has high hedges) and then I would serve them dinner. My dinner would consist of the scraps leftover from their plates and as a further humiliation would have to scrape all their leftovers into a bowl, kneel before Paul and recite the following:

"Please Sir, may I have some cream for my food?"

Paul would then acquiesce and take his mammoth cock out and either let me suck it or jerk it off until he shot a load on my food, or he would say no and I would go to bed hungry. How very Oliver Twist of them! If Devon was out shopping on the weekend, Paul would often lounge around watching porn and summon me between his legs to suck his cock for sometimes the entire duration of the movie before shooting his huge load deep in my throat. Sometimes as I knelt there sucking him Paul would tell me how the regime of medications he had me on would keep me in a constant state of flux between male and female. He wouldn't give me enough to make me totally into a female and he would never again allow me to be a male. So I would always be in the middle, half man half woman, and believe me my emotions reflected that. I would get emotional and cry and they would laugh at my predicament.