The Chosen Pt. 03


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Stephen tried to release her, but she was strong as hell, and she kept him inside her as she had a phage orgasm on his cock.

When it was over, Stephen flopped on his back, and his heart was beating hard in his chest. His dick felt strange like something had crawled up inside it.

"That's crazy!" Stephen thought and let his pulse slow down before he had a heart attack.

Julie recovered at last and hugged him, "Feel better now?" She asked.

"Amazing!" Stephen replied.

"I loved it," Julie told him and kissed him on the lips, "If you were around more often, we could do this all the time."

"That might kill me," Stephen said.

Julie laughed, "The Chosen don't die." Then she snuggled close and fell asleep.

"Fuck!" Stephen thought as he rubbed Julies warm back with the tips of his fingers, "What the hell does that mean?" But the thought was quickly lost like a fart in the wind.

The nanites worked hard all night, and by morning Stephen had forgotten everything but the great sex with his daughter.


The next morning, Emma outdid herself and cooked bacon and eggs while Matt drank coffee and watched her. It was easy to do as she was completely naked. Her golden skin looked perfect.

Emma brought him a plate and set it in front of him.


"Sure thing," Emma grinned, standing beside him, "Do you think my boobs look bigger?" She asked.

Matt looked at them, and they did seem more prominent. Almost double in size from what he remembered. Her nipples had been the diameter of dimes before, and now they were more like quarters. When they were hard, they became domed like someone had put a ping bong ball under them.

"Oh Yeah," Matt replied, and filled his hand with one, "They look perfect!"

Emma giggled, "Is that what you tell all the girls?"

"No," Matt teased, "Just the easy ones." as he rubbed her nipple to hardness with his thumb.

Emma laughed and slapped his hand slightly.

"I missed my period last week," Emma said, "Do you think you got me pregnant?"

Matt didn't look worried, "I think you know the answer to that."

Suddenly the answer popped into her brain.

"Yeah, I guess I do!" She laughed.

Emma kissed Matt goodbye, and he headed off to work.


The new load of Matt's nanites in Emma's body had been transferring new knowledge and instructions to her nanites all night long. Emma now knew that she wouldn't have periods anymore; her eggs would be put into stasis until it was time for her to have a child. When she had sex, the semen and sperm would be destroyed and utilized by the nanites for other purposes.

Emma felt confident and knew that she had to pass the knowledge on to the other chosen. Upgrading them as the voices in her head demanded. She had reached saturation like Matt even though her body was still being changed from the inside out.


Back at home at about the same time, Stephen woke up feeling better than he had in months. His new nanites, even so, few of them, had reduced his hangover to a slight headache. The fact that Julie was in bed with him didn't hurt either. He left her sleeping and headed for the shower. Even the permanent back pain he'd endured for years felt better.

"It's too bad I need to get back home and check on the dogs," He thought as he packed his bag and cleaned up the guest room.

By the time he got done shoveling out his truck, he was hungry and headed back inside. Julie was up in her pajamas and handed him a cup of hot coffee.


"Your welcome," You sure you can't stay another night?"

"I wish I could," Stephen replied, "I need to make sure my dogs are okay."

Julie frowned, "Too bad, and maybe you can come back soon?"

"I'll come back just as soon as I can get free," He replied, "With Emma helping me for the tours, I can get done twice as fast."

"Make sure she doesn't crash and hurt herself."

"I taught her how to drive dogs, and she'll be fine."

"I suppose, but I worry about her."

After eating some peanut butter toast, Stephen had a second cup of coffee before heading out. He kept thinking about the night before, and it was making his crotch stir a bit.

Julie was all smiles as they talked, and Stephen couldn't help notice the nipple points in the front of her pajama top. He was thinking about how much he'd like to strip her naked and fuck her one more time before he left, but he wondered if last night had just been a fluke or maybe even a dream.

"Well, I guess I better head out," He said as he downed the last of his coffee.

Julie got up and came over and sat down sideways on his lap with her arms around his neck.

"Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?" She asked, "Or do you just love them and leave them again?"

"It's not a dream!" He thought as she kissed him on the lips like a long lost lover.

He found his hands squeezing her boobs through her pajama top. He could feel how warm they were, and his cock started to get hard where she was sitting on him.

Julie giggled and pulled her arms from around his neck and undid the buttons on her top. She was letting it fall to the sides to show him her bare boobs.

Not needing any more hints, Stephen clutched them and sucked a beautiful big nipple into his mouth.

"Mmmmm, that feels good, daddy."

Stephen's dick was becoming uncomfortable with Julie sitting on his lap. He squirmed, and she stood up and pulled the bottoms of her PJ's off and stepped out of them. To his surprise, it looked like she'd shaved her pussy bare. She took off her top and sat down on the end of the dining room table facing him.

Julie grinned at him and spread her legs wide open, rubbing her bare pussy almost in front of his face.

"You make my pussy so wet," She cooed, "You have to fuck me before you can leave."

Stephen wasn't the brightest man in the world, but he got that message loud and clear. He stood up and fought his belt open, unzipped and dropped his jeans and shorts down around his knees, and got between her thighs as Julie laid down flat on the cold table.

When he got close, she reached down and guided his cock to her wet opening, and he pushed into her.

"God, that feels sooooo GOOD!" Julie whispered.

Stephen pulled her closer until her butt was right on the edge of the table. He bent over and grabbed both of her boobs and began to pump her. Her pussy was so wet and hot that he almost lost his mind and started to fuck her hard and fast.

"Oh YEAH! OH Oh OH, "Julie let out each time their bodies met with a wet smack, "Yeah, Fuck me, Ohhhh Fuck me, DADDY!"

It wasn't very long until Stephen let out several grunts with each spurt of cum he sent into her. Five or six blasts, each one was making Julie moan.

"Oh Yeah, daddy," She groaned, "Give it to meeeeeeee!" and her body began to shake from her orgasm.

When his cock stopped throbbing, Stephen pulled out and expected a flood of cum to follow, but it didn't. But his entire shaft and even his balls tingled from the nanites that had soaked into his skin. His daughter looked so sexy lying on the table naked. Her nipples big swollen points, and her pussy lips fat and flushed with blood from her excitement.

He pulled his pants back up as she put a hand on her pussy, "God, your cum feels so hot!" She groaned and rubbed her pussy mound faster.

The inside of her vagina was swarming with nanites mixing with her dad's semen. The phage was starting again, and she wanted it so bad!

"Make me cum again, daddy, and my clit feels so hot!" She groaned as he watched her.

"Please," She gasped as the heat in her vagina started to spread, "Lick my hot clit!"

Stephan wasn't one to refuse his daughter anything, so he quickly bent down and tongued her clit as she started to writhe around and moan.

"OH SUCK ME! UNNhhhhhhh yeah, suck my fucking CLIT!"

Stephan opened his mouth and sucked her clit as hard as he could.

"AH AH AH AH!" Julie yelled as she wrapped her thighs around his head tightly and began to buck.

Julie bounced around so much that when she lost control from her climax, two squirts of nanite filled juice hit the back of Stephens' throat. He swallowed it even before he knew what had happened.

It was over quickly even though it made his throat tingle, and his mouth tasted like old pennies. He didn't say anything as Julie sat up with a big smile on her face.

"God, you got me off so hard!"

"My pleasure, baby!" Stephen told her quickly, forgetting what had just happened.

He did wash his face and brushed his teeth before he sat down for another cup of coffee with Julie before heading out. He felt happier than he could ever remember and sincerely wanted to stay. He would have except for his dogs.

It wasn't 15 minutes later that Emma walked through the door, and she was smiling when she sensed what had happened. Not only that, but her gramps asked her to ride up to the cabin with him. Now instead of after New Year's.

Emma gave a quick yes and went to pack a suitcase with the help of her mom. Stephen sat back in the afterglow of the last 24 hours and wondered how strange the world was.


Matt sat down at work, and his hands flew over the controls of his room. He scanned all the cameras in the store as easy as glancing at a clock to see what time it was. Matt felt stronger than ever, so strong that he bet he could kick the heavy metal door off the hinges if he wanted to. Not only that, he was horny; despite Emma, he wanted to fuck somebody, anybody, and he settled in to find them.

It didn't matter if they were chosen or not. Matt's body was producing vast amounts of semen that needed to be released. The female Chosen had the same desires; their bodies were craving the semen proteins to modify their bodies per programming.

The semen would be broken down into its essential elements and proteins and then used by the nanites as fuel as they built new cell structures and enhanced the female host to be even more desirable to the males. Millennia of trial and error had produced the proper programming to achieve the end results of the male and female hosts.

It wasn't long before Matt caught a teenage girl shoplifting as her and her mom shopped together. The girl might have fooled her mom but not Matt's eyes. He grabbed them, trying to leave and had the girl named Mary locked in the cell as he talked to her mom Chelsie.

Mary was only two weeks past her 18th birthday. And she was a thief big time. Matt had pulled out over $200 hundred dollars of merchandise out of her big purse that looked more like a shopping bag. Her mom Chelsie Tudor was 38, blonde, and had huge tits and a narrow body Matt liked.

Mary was a brunette with big brown eyes and sweet tits of her own for her age. Mary was thin except for her boobs and wearing low cut tight jeans that showed her camel toe to anyone with eyes. Matt planned on getting those jeans off her so he could fuck her little teen pussy.

Matt thought that he wouldn't mind fucking the mom either as he explained what was going to happen to her daughter if she didn't play along.

"I can't believe this!" Chelsie told him, "She's never been in trouble before."

"Sorry, Ma'am," Matt replied, "She's in trouble now."

"Can you let us go with a warning?" Chelsie asked, "We can pay for the merchandise."

"It's kind of late for that," Matt said, "The crime has been committed, and I have no choice."

"We all have choices," Chelsie begged, "This is going to ruin her future.

"Probably," Matt said, "She will have a record from now on."

"Jesus!" Chelsie replied, "I can't believe she did this!"

"You saw the stuff in her bag."

"Is there any way you can go easy on her?"

Matt sat back and smiled, "Maybe."

"Well, what is it?"

Matt gave his plans to Chelsie, who at first was pissed off and then shocked, and finally realized it was the only way.

"You are a sick man," Chelsie told him at last, "I guess I don't have any choice but let her go to jail."

"Nope," Matt told her, "It's this, or she goes to jail."

"Can I go talk to her?"


Matt let Chelsie into Mary's cell and slammed it shut.

"I'll come back in 10 minutes for your answer he said and walked out.

"Answer to what?" Mary asked as Matt watched the video feed from the cell at his desk.

"You really fucked up this time!" Chelsie told her daughter.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you go to jail, you'll have a record as a thief. You think anyone wants to hire a thief?"

"I suppose not."

"College might not even take you now."


"Yeah, really...what the hell were you thinking?

"I don't know," Mary shrugged her shoulders, "Nobody ever caught me before."

"So that makes it okay?"

Mary shrugged her shoulders again.

"Listen to me, have one way out of this."

"What is it, mom?"

Chelsie told her daughter what the cop wanted, and she freaked out.

"You can't be serious!" Chelsie said, "I don't want that cop fucking me!"

"I guess you should have thought of it sooner," Chelsie scolded her, "You think I want him fucking me?


"So you make up your mind," Chelsie told her, "We either do this, or your life is screwed."

"I have to let him fuck me?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, and me too," Chelsie replied, "Thanks to you!"

"I'm sorry mom!"

"It's kind of late for that," Chelsie told her, "What's it going to be?"

"I'll do it, I guess."

"No guessing, yes or no?"


"Smartest thing you've done for a long time!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You will be," Chelsie replied, "When that cop fucks you like a little whore!"

Mary buried her face in her hands and started crying.

"Stop crying and take your punishment!" Chelsie told her, "We are going to do whatever he wants and then get the hell out of here!"

"Okay," Mary sniffled.

Matt took his cue and walked back to the cells.

The women were sitting on the bunk, looking at him when he slid the door open.

"Did you decide?" He asked them with a smile.


"What's it going to be?"

"Whatever you want," Chelsie told him.

"Good," Matt grinned and started taking his clothes off, "Take your daughter's clothes off, and then she can strip you."

"Oh MY GOD!" Mary complained but let her mom take her top and bra off.

When they were both completely naked, Matt smiled at them as he stroked his huge penis hard in front of them.

Both women were taken aback not only by the unusual size of Matt's penis and testicles but the total lack of body hair and golden tan. Not to mention his toned body that looked like he worked out consistently.

"This could be worse," Chelsie thought, admiring his body even if he was making her do something she didn't want. Mary had similar thoughts as she looked at Matt naked in front of them.

That quickly ended when Matt told them, "I want to see you kiss each other. A nice full kiss."

"NO WAY!" Mary complained, and Chelsie slapped her daughter lightly on the cheek.

"Do what he says!"

The women ended up kissing in front of Matt even if they didn't want to as Matt squeezed and played with their tits.

When he bored of that, Matt stood in front of them, stroking his huge hard cock, "I want you to suck your daughter's nipples until they are nice and hard."

Mary resisted but gave in as she got a threating look from her mom. Chelsie bent down and began to suck on her daughter's nipples. Taking in each one and licking and sucking them until they were hard.

"Your turn," Matt told Mary.

"You can't be serious?"

"Do it or go to jail!"

Pissed off Mary did what he told her, sucking on her mom's nips until they were wet and hard.

"Now what?" Chelsie asked.

Matt sat down to the right of Chelsie and began to grope her beautiful big boobs. Bending down to suck her nipples as he put his hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy. It was wet and getting wetter from his touch.

Marry turned her head because she didn't want to watch. Matt got up and sat down to the left of Mary and gave her a similar treatment until the girl let out a little moan. Then he stood up between where they were sitting on the edge of the cot.

"You can take turns sucking my cock until I decide who to fuck first."

"Jesus!" Mary grumbled.

Chelsie sucked Matt's big dick first, and she didn't hesitate to do it right. She sucked his cock and got Matt feeling good, and then he pointed it at Mary.

"Do it," Chelsie told her daughter before she could complain.

Mary began to suck Matts dick as her mom watched. She had never been so humiliated in her life! Even worse, it was turning her on a little bit. She never thought being forced would do that, but here she was sucking a big strange cock and liking being bossed around.

"That feels good; I think I'll fuck your mom first and save you for last."

Matt had Chelsie get down on all fours.

He told Mary to spread her legs wide, "I want your mom to eat your pussy while I fuck her."

Matt pushed Chelsie forward until her head was in Mary's crotch.

Mary couldn't believe what was happening to her. She froze in place as her mom's head got between her legs.

"Oh MY GOD!" Mary replied as her mom's mouth touched her bare pussy and started to kiss and lick it.

Matt got behind Chelsie, and her pussy was hot and wet as his massive penis penetrated her.

"Ahhhh, Shit!" Chelsie groaned as that massive cock went deep inside of her. It felt so fucking huge and stretched her pussy like she'd never felt before.

"Keep eating that pussy." Matt reminded her as he began to enjoy fucking moms' cunt.

"Your mom has a nice juicy pussy!" Matt told Mary as he slapped Chelsie on the ass a few times as he fucked her from behind.

Mary tried to stop getting turned on as her mom licked her clit, but it didn't work. Chelsie would look up at Mary while she licked her pussy, only stopping to moan at times as Matt fucked her. Soon Mary was moaning just like her mom.

Chelsie had never been fucked like that before. The cop's huge fucking penis ramming so deep that she thought she would lose her mind. She was so turned on she ate her daughter's little pussy to a massive orgasm for both of them.

After Chelsie came, Matt told her to get on top of Mary and do a 69. Marry didn't complain as her mom straddled her and put her wet pussy to her mouth. Chelsie buried her head between her daughter's legs and began to lick her little pussy again as she felt her daughter's tongue in her slit.

After watching for a while, Matt pulled them to the end of the cot and spread the little teens' legs wide apart. Pulling mom's head up and making her suck his dick until it was soaked with saliva. Then he pushed it slowly inside Mary's tight teenage twat.

"UNNnuuuuuh!" Mary groaned loudly, as Matt's long fat cock pushed its way to the top of her vagina.

Ignoring Mary's groans, Matt began to pump her.

Mary's little pussy was hot and wet as he rammed her over and over again. Matt pulled out from time to time to let mom suck her daughters' creamy pussy juice from his cock before stabbing it back in.

In a few minutes, Matt groaned loudly and shot a monumental load deep into the teen. His dick was spurting big hard blast of semen that made the young girl moan while she humped him back.

Finished, Matt pulled out and let the mom suck the last few drops of cum out of his cock as Mary laid there breathing hard while warm cum leaked out of her pussy and down her butt crack.

Matt laughed and told them both to get dressed and get out. After they left, he went back to watching the monitors as if nothing had happened.


On the walk back to their car, Mary couldn't help complaining.

"That cop came in me!"

"What did you think was going to happen?" Chelsie replied.

"It feels nasty!"

"I doubt it's the first time you've had a man cum in you."

When they crawled in the car, Chelsie told her daughter, "You caused it. When we get home, you take a hot bath and clean yourself out. You'll be fresh as a daisy and don't ever steal again!"