The Christmas Dinner


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"I did not speak to Mayor Harrison, William, for all of this last year. It wasn't until December 23 that I received a call from him that said, same place? The sex the first time wasn't even very good. It was more like sharing a meal served at Denny's!"

The only thing you could say about eating at Denny's was that you got plenty to eat for a reasonable price. I stopped speaking as I fought to control my tears.

"Candace, how in the hell did Kenneth find out and what were you thinking? Did it occur to you that you were risking your marriage by meeting with the Mayor a second time not to mention a third time? I can understand the first meeting, sort of, but not any time after that." Harriet stood up to leave. I could tell she was not thinking too highly of me, at the moment. I did not think too highly of myself!

As I thought about Harriet's question I wasn't sure I wanted to know how Kenneth found out! As I thought about how I'd used a charitable act to hide my once-a-year indiscretion, and on Christmas Day, the only thing I could think about was how damned I was.

"I'm not sure how Kenneth found out and I am only guessing it was through contact with Loaves and Fishes, because he still contributes 25 turkeys each year. But I don't really know. Harriet, what am I going to do?" At that moment I really had no idea what to do.

"Candace, I don't know. Pray? Make sure you never have any contact with your fuck-friend the Mayor. I do know that if Kenneth knows it was Mayor Harrison, pray for him as well"

It would be Christmas Day in less than an hour

I glanced at the clock on the wall and turned back to my sister before she spoke. "Candace we leave for church in 20 minutes, you are welcome to join us, as you have always been. The only one who can judge and help you now is . . . ." Harriet didn't need to say God, Jesus, or Hosanna.

I did go to Midnight Mass with Charles and Harriet. All through Mass I kept looking around the Cathedral hoping to see Kenneth, praying our love would sustain us. Kenneth, at least to my knowledge, was not in the Cathedral that night.

It was a beautiful Mass, especially when everyone's candles were lit and all other lights in the Cathedral were turned off. We all were souls that were nothing more than the flickering candles we each held. I was afraid my soul, even if Kenneth forgave me, would always have a dark spot, a carcinogen, that I would carry in this life and the next.

No, I would not, under any circumstances, join the Mayor ever again. In the Cathedral, before God, I made the promise I would never let another man touch me. If it took the rest of my life I would remain faithful to Kenneth, the man I loved, my husband. I made this promise on my knees, in silence.

Mayor William Harrison

Candace had made it clear this was the last time we could meet, the last Christmas Day. So I need to do everything possible to make sure it is memorable, especially if I am to have any hope of changing her mind! Well, I was able to get her here last year!

I know she doesn't care for caviar type foods so I've made sure the room has fresh flowers and chilled white wine. Strawberries and champagne is a bit trite so the tray of finger food that includes havarti cheese, aged salami, roasted almonds, and finger-sized sandwiches made with veal pate, and an assortment of fresh vegetables.

Once I was sure everything was just right I decided I had time to take a quick shower.

A Christmas card was placed strategically beside the silver platter of food. The words written inside did not say much but I knew Candace to be impressed more by simple acts of charity. If she knew I volunteered 4 years ago to get re-elected she would not be joining me.

"Candace, Christmas Day is the day you saved me, I am grateful. Please accept the enclosed in sincere appreciation . . . Love, William"

I knew time was going to be tight because Candace would want to get back to her family to celebrate Christmas Day and I need to make sure I make it for my wife's family's Christmas dinner. If Candace is here by 8:00AM we will have at least 2 hours which should be plenty of time to fuck her silly.

As the Mayor was stepping into the shower to enjoy a relaxing moment the door to the hotel room was silently opened and closed. Electronic card keys have eliminated the sound of tumblers falling as a metal key fits, just right, into the matched cavity.

Even if the Mayor had heard the door open and close he would not have been alarmed because there was only one person who knew he was there and that was Candace.

As he felt the hot water and inhaled the eucalyptus body-wash he recalled how easy it had been to seduce her last year. He chuckled to himself as he recalled how she had taken him in his arms as he talked about how he loved his wife and family. The when he'd described how he might not win re-election he knew Candace would soon take him completely into her. It was clear she had felt guilty, very guilty, for cheating on her husband. Yet he'd been able to convince her she had just saved his life.

"I really am a no good shit." The shower muffled his words as he smiled.

It was not until I turned off the shower that I noticed there was now a soft music coming from the room. Did I turn on the stereo? She must already be here. Smiling I quickly toweled off and put on the comfortable robe furnished by the hotel. I was now feeling a sense of urgency wanting to feel Candace's naked breasts fall upon my chest, and taste her wonderful pussy. It's probably just the thought of doing something so outrageously wrong that is such a rush! Ah, just enjoy her fruits. Every nerve in my body was alive with anticipation.

Mayor William Harrison noticed a few of the finger sandwiches had been consumed as he stepped from the bathroom. Steam followed him. He was relaxed and felt good, very good. He was not expecting to see anyone but Candace so he was genuinely surprised to see a man sitting in one of the room's side chairs as a flash of light rudely greeted him. There was a second and third flash of light before he heard the voice.

"Please sit down Mayor." Shit, who is this man to presume about giving me a directive. I also did not recognize the voice and this was a little disconcerting.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I was startled and decided the best defense was to be offensive.

"I am Kenneth Glimmer and I am here to wish you a Merry Christmas." His voice was filled with contempt. I immediately knew who he was, telling me I needed to be very careful. No, I needed to be more than careful; this man could make my career very difficult.

"What is it I can for you Mr. Glimmer?" It was best I play the role of the civil servant I was.

"I haven't figured that out yet. I needed to meet the man who, let's just say has let himself get a little too friendly with another man's wife." Shit I never expected to have to actually meet Candace's husband.

"I have just one question."

"Just one?" He is exceptionally calm for a man whose wife I was hoping to bed this day.

"Ask your questions Mr. Glimmer." I could feel the air sneak into my lungs, slowly. It is probably best to be as honest as possible.

"Are you a Christian? No, that isn't the questions, are you a Catholic Christian?" It was not the question I was expecting. He knows I am Catholic by all of the Catholic Charities I support.

"That was what I thought. A God fearing man who does not hesitate to commit grave sins, to take what he wants, to bear false witness, to inflict pain at the expense of his own pleasure and well-being." Candace's husband was not making any sense! Is he lecturing me?

"It is a grave sin to covet another man's wife. It is a grave sin to commit adultery. Your transgressions are just against me. I will not judge you William Harrison that is not my place." I made up my mind that this guy was a nut case more than anything else and nut cases can be very dangerous. "I will also hang on to this, a souvenir, something to remember this day and how you tried, once again, to seduce my wife." He was deliberately pocketing the card I had left for Candace. It was damming evidence. Damming? I couldn't help smiling as I thought about the irony of my thoughts.

"Once again, what do you want me to do about this?"

"I want you to do the Christian thing Mr. Harrison and do it by the end of this day, December 25. That is all. I want you to right two grave sins and do it before God, your confessor, and those you love. If anyone can do this it is the Mayor, the Tax Collector, the Thief who once demanded, as he was upon the cross, that Jesus save him. I want you to save yourself Mr. Harrison." I heard his words, words that really did not make any sense as all. Kenneth Glimmer was no Priest. Who was the Tax Collector? Who was the Thief he spoke of? Should I fear for my person?

"Don't worry Mr. Harrison; I will never physically harm you. But I trust you to make only right decisions when I leave. Well, I have over-stayed my welcome. Once again, Merry Christmas Mayor." Who is this guy? There are not "right" decisions. There is only profit and loss, winning and losing, and doing what feels good.

It was clear Candace would not be joining me, at least not this Christmas day. "Shit!" I was angry. After all the hotel room and food alone had cost me close to a thousand dollar! "And what the fuck was Glimmer talking about when he said to do the Christian thing. Gibberish . . . "

Kenneth Glimmer and The Last Supper

I was counting on Mayor William Harrison not knowing what I meant by doing the "Christian thing". That is why I invited his wife to meet the "good" Mayor in the hotel lobby along with two local news stations. There is nothing quite like the howl of a hungry reporter to stir up loads of negative slimy gossip. Most of which was the truth. They would film him as he stepped from the hotel lobby. They would film his wife. They would then begin conducting their own investigation trying to get the truth as to what he was doing, on Christmas Day, with public funds, in a downtown hotel.

The "good" Mayor did do the "right thing" by not mentioning my wife's' name. It was more out of self-preservation that he kept her name quiet; bringing Candace into things would confirm he was having an affair! He could, for the cameras lie through his teeth. I did not know if he would be able to convince his wife of his innocence and it is not for me to judge him further.

I, Kenneth Glimmer, wanted to stay and watch the ensuing mayhem but knew it was not like me to derive pleasure from seeing the Mayor in abject pain. He was a man who had no respect for the meaning of Christmas, birth, his marriage or his responsibility to the people who elected him. He was like the crucified thief next to Jesus who expected Jesus to simply save him, especially if he was really the Son. The Mayor had had the opportunity to express his remorse, to come clean, to be human. Instead he chose to be the blustering politician who really did not respect people and did not have a clue that it was Christmas Day and what that meant.

I did not go home until December 26. It was personally too painful to be in Candace's presence on such a Holy day. I had gone to midnight mass and had watched my wife cry and pray. I knew her sister had probably insisted Candace go with her. Charles was seated next to Harriet looking like the Cathedral was the last place he wanted to be even if he physically looked like Santa Clause. Charles would later thank his wife for insisting he join them. It had been a heart-warming homily about reconciliation, faith, love and hope.

On the morning of December 26 I walked into my home, tired from not being able to sleep properly in a hotel bed. No, I was just tired, sad and was not sure I still had a marriage to return to. As I opened the front door the smell of fresh-brewed coffee told me Candace was awake and waiting for me. Sitting at the breakfast nook table, (a table designed for 2, maybe 3 people) I noticed she looked grey and sallow. There was a slight smile (of hope?) that crossed her face as I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat next to her.

The coffee tasted like it had been brewed a couple of hours ago and half of the pot was gone. Candace had been awake and probably sitting at the table, waiting, and thinking.

"Candace?" I took her hand softly and cradled in with all of the love I could muster. "If this ever happens again we will not survive." I was not threatening her. It was a fact. It was important we both understood what the consequences would be for leading a concealed life, no matter the reason, especially during a time when we are supposed to be celebrating Christmas.

She did not answer me with words as she nodded she understand and reached out to hold my hand with both of hers.

"How did you know?" Looking at hand that held my hand I smiled and looked at the wedding band on her finger.

"You told me Candace. You were crying in your sleep about a week ago as you repeatedly said things like "get away from me", "I can't do this" and "I love Ken." Then you would lapse into an incoherent babbling. "When you said, I can't do this" I knew something was seriously wrong and began poking around until I found the Mayor's name, albeit in a cryptographic chicken-scratch, in your datebook. You also had the name and time of the hotel, albeit written in small print; as if you wanted me intervene." Candace nodded her understanding.

"Ken, iy only happened . . ." I put my fingers to her lips to stop her from saying anything further.

"What is important is where we go from here." Candace just nodded in relieved agreement.

That afternoon Candace and I ate leftovers that Harriet had sent home with Candace. It was the beginning of a very different life for Candace and me. The love was still there, and I did not find it necessary to keep track of her. Sadly, like the mystery of faith, I would never really understand how or why she had gotten involved with the Mayor, a truly evil person.

For the next 4 years I would not let myself enjoy Christmas Eve with Harriet, Charles and Candace. Nor could I bring myself to be with Candace on Christmas Day. This was not something I planned to do out of some kind of sick retribution. It was more of a biological illness that began a few days before Christmas. My stomach hurt, I had diarrhea, my head hurt and I seemed to have a fever. I thought I was being tested, as Job (as in the Old Testament Book of Job) was tested with a body covered with boils. Yes, yes this also meant I did experience erectile dysfunction especially when near Candace, something I had never experienced.

As soon as I was away from Candace all of my symptoms evaporated. So I packed a bag and spent December 24 and 25 in a hotel room, alone. It would be 4 years before I would be able to enjoy Christmas with my wife and family. Yes, I did see a psychologist who told me what I already knew, that time was necessary to heal the feeling that I had of been betrayed by the one I loved the most. Judas did this with Jesus, yes? Yet, he had been forgiven.

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fairway9fairway92 months ago

Great story. I loved how you put it all together.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I know, at the same time, to vicariously fuck one of my staff would be an empty experience the next day. I need to be able to look Charles in the eye and tell him I love him like no other person, and mean what I say.

I don't care who you are or what your philosophical persuasion, if you go outside of your marriage, for any reason, you give away a part of that marriage

===> Yup. Harriet is a keeper.

Surprised by all the vehemence against a writer who chooses to have religious themes interwoven. It is the author's story. If you don't like it, don't read. Don't pretend though that faith and religion don't exist.

Will agree that the ending was a let down. Not so much the reconciliation but after he confrontation with thr Mayor, there is no on page communication with Candace regarding.her one time slip (and her second intended one, which her sub conscious mind wad clearly against). Considering how she described the sex as nothing special, actually compared it to Denny's, why even entertain a second time as Harriet pointed out? No explanation. The husband's therapy is to somehow avoid her on Christmas eve and Christmas Day for four years? Huh?

Also unclear if she actually went back and f$cked a second time. She met him 4 years ago on Christmas. He describes seducing her last year. But she says it happened in the third year. Those are two different incosnsitent statements. Work it out. And now having not spoken to the Mayor for the last year, he texted her and beckons her and she planned on a conscious go? Wtf?

Christian are taught to forgive. That is not the same as reconcile. Catholics frown on divorce. But modern Catholics do get divorced. After so many years and with kids, he might stay in the marriage and make a sacrifice. It is his choice. But there is zero discussion of why and how they reach any sort of agreement to stay together. Her one time slip (if it was once, unclear) is and enough, but planning to go again? That is a big chasm, even if once a year. And on Christmas Day? Wtf. So the end is just totally unfinished and focuses on his avoidance pattern. But nothing else is discussed on page when she tries to tell him it was onlynonce and ge cuts her off.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKat5 months ago

Willing cuck with no real revenge on the Mayor. 1*

deependerdeepender11 months ago

Well done. Well written. It is a great shame that the trappings of religion blind so many to the truth. Thank you for your effort and your courage. A little bit of leaven leavens the whole lump.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not to my taste

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