The Circle Ch. 01


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Alice sat Indian style on a small hassock in front of her TV. This spread her legs, and put her pussy on display except for the small patch of denim fabric over the area. This also gave the guys a problem of whether to look at Alice's pretty face, stare at her cleavage in hopes of some kind of inadvertent display of tit, or dream about her pussy.

Alice challenged in a teasing tone, "What's the real goal here?"

Jim volunteered, "Relationship building."

Alice laughed, "In other words, you want to get laid on a regular basis."

Her words shocked the three young men, but each nodded.

She filled in, "And you're inexperienced enough that you've sought expert help in your seduction."

Three heads nodded again.

Matt volunteered, "We wanted to forge our ... physical relationships with them before the end of the year, but sooner is better. If something long lasting results, that'd be great, otherwise I guess things will just peter out – so to speak." He smiled at his humor.

Alice frowned slightly, "Is this a dare or something between the three of you?"

Bob blushed, "I'm afraid I initially put it on that basis, but I could see some full-blown romances emerging if we click. I was asking about dream girls, and we each picked one of these three. They're close friends, as it turns out."

"Is there a contest for who gets laid first?"

They guys shook their heads.

"But you'll share news of the conquest?"

Jim said in a low tone, "Errr, we thought we would, but in a gentlemanly way." The way he spoke made Alice think there was more to what the men wanted.

Alice said, "I'm just trying to figure out what I'm dealing with here. I want the up-front, open and honest view of the landscape, plus what your expectations and fears are in approaching your potential girlfriends."

Matt said, "That pretty much covers it. We would hope for relationships, but fear we'd just be turned down flat if we blunder in the slightest."

Alice teased, "I want to know about your romantic skill sets."


"Are you guys any good or are you total clunkers in the bedroom? Are any of you virgins?"

The guys looked at each other with severe discomfort. Their egos were on the line to even begin to answer the question, particularly in front of each other. They each shook their heads.

Jim spoke, "I've had some sexual encounters; none turned out to be real romances. I've been reading sexy stories online and watching porn, so I think I've learned some techniques but I've had a only a rare chance to demonstrate a few of them to anyone."

Bob and Matt nodded in agreement with his self-assessment, and made a couple of 'Me too's.'

Alice asked, "Tell me about the girls."

Jim jumped in again, "Sheila Parkinson is a stunning blond – tall, lithe, busty, but she's got attitude. She's cynical and I think suspicious of guys trying to date her. She's good looking enough to believe that every guy just wants to fuck her." He'd used the 'F' word to see if Alice reacted; she didn't.

Bob said, "Monica Young is also pretty, but in the 'girl next door' kind-of way. She's a brunette, is athletic, and I just feel some latent chemistry there. I think she's smart too."

Jim jumped in, "I like her too. Like Sheila, she's model quality, and so's Zoey."

Matt followed up, "Zoey Frye is a pixie. I think she's cute and would be a lot of fun to have as a girlfriend. She used to be near the top of our high school class, but I've lost track of what she's been up to since. I used to want to follow her around like a puppy dog."

Jim observed, "The three of them were as thick as thieves in high school, and I often saw them together around town. I think they're closer than sisters."

Bob said, "I like both Sheila and Zoey, and if Matt wasn't so focused on her, I could see dating her too."

Matt said, "Well, I wouldn't mind being with Sheila or Monica either."

Jim nodded in agreement. He said, "I like all three of them equally."

Alice summarized, "Let me read between the lines here. The three of you really like three girls, and the girls could almost be interchangeable as far as the three of you are concerned?"

"Yeah," Matt sheepishly said as his cohorts nodded.

"So, who you romance doesn't matter?"

Jim protested, "Oh, it matters to me. I realize in talking about it, that I want all three of them."

"Together?" Alice emphatically asked. She was grinning. This was starting to get more interesting by the second.

Bob grinned, "Maybe. I wouldn't mind dating all three either. I wonder if girls do that, especially these girls?"

Matt and Jim nodded in agreement with Bob's statement about dating all three.

Alice unfurled her long legs and stretched them out in front of her. The guys followed her every move. She was obviously thinking about their situation, plus she was teasing the guys with her blatant sex appeal.

Alice asked, "How do the girls feel about you three?"

Matt shrugged.

Bob said, "They know us from high school, seeing us around the university campus, and we've seen them around town to wave to, but nothing further. We have name recognition, but not much else. We're a year or so older than they are too."

"Are you guys on Facebook?"

"Yes," echoed around The Circle

"When you start asking for dates that'll be the first place they look for more information about you. They'll go further too. What do your pages say about you and the kind of person you are? Be authentic, but also be complete. Emphasize your good traits that you want them to pay attention to, and own up to your weaknesses but in a way that makes them hidden strengths. If there are no secrets to be discovered they'll warm up to you faster, and that'll help thaw out your ice princesses."

Matt said, "I briefly looked at Sheila and Monica on Facebook. There's a lot there we could learn about them."

"Good," Alice encouraged. "Do your research about each of the girls before you even start talking to them."

Bob posed, "Should we just ask them for dates, one at a time, or what?"

Alice shook her head. "You need to start at zero with these girls. Get your Facebook and other social pages in order since you can be sure they'll look you up – if they haven't already. Then, I suggest you ask for a group date – the three of you taking the three of them out, to the beach up at the lake for instance. It's safe. They can huddle together. It'll give them a chance to get to know each of you. If that goes well, then ask them out on a couple date, but for the first couple of dates keep it almost platonic and don't get all handsy on them. We'll talk more about that later."

Jim said, "Do we take them gifts or anything?"

"No, maybe, yes. There are different things that turn on a girl. We're not all the same, you know. Some girls like gifts, but others want quality time with you, including some intellectual stimulation that you offer them. Others want to hear words from you about how great they are and how much you care about them. Still others want you to do things for them – wash their car, or drive them on errands, for instance."

Alice smiled, "The fifth in my list is physical. Most girls want to be touched, smoothed, rubbed, kissed, licked, fondled, sucked on, tongued, fingered, and everything else you can think of that involves being physical, but only after they trust you and feel some chemistry with you."

Bob said, "Monica is athletic."

Alice nodded, "I bet you that she likes something physical as an expression of your interest in her. You could also do athletic things with her on a date – a combination of physical and quality time together."

Alice shifted position again, pulling one leg up under her as she left the other shapely leg stretched out. She watched as each man's eyes followed her leg movement, focused on her pussy, went back to her breasts, and then came up to her face.

She laughed, "You guys are horny and too obvious in your gawking. You'll drive the girls away if you leer at them the way you're ogling me. I happen to love it. I'm a physical person, by the way. With your potential girlfriends, you have to learn to look them in the eye and not undress them with your lascivious stares."

Matt whispered, "I'm sorry. You're just so hot to look at."

Alice sat up straight, "How are you going to know whether one of you succeeds in your physical goal with one of the girls?"

Jim said, "We'll let them know ... I guess without going into too many details."

Alice turned to Bob, "Will you believe him?"

"Not necessarily. We sort of considered that, but don't know what to do."

"Oh, how?"

Jim confessed, "We thought maybe we'd be together with all our dates."

"In one room?" Alice asked, sounding astounded, but sporting a huge and approving smile.

"Well, yeah, we ... kind of ..."

"I like the way you guys think. I think that's a good idea – highly unusual, but OK. If the three of them are as buddy-buddy as you say, then it might work. Oh, how I'd like to be there to watch that, and maybe even join in."

"You're not shocked," Bob asked in disbelief that they'd shared such a revelation and that it had been received so well.

"No. It's very daring – if you can pull it off. The closer the girls are together, the more likely they'll be willing to play in that sort of game. One might get ahead of the others, and then the others will strive to catch up, but another one of them will get ahead, and so on. Pretty soon, you're balls deep in pussy." She paused and teased, "Were you thinking that you'd swap partners?"

The three guys looked a little sheepish, and in that response Alice saw that she'd guessed correctly. She knew more about what the men wanted than they did. The men had never talked about a swapping goal to one another, and only in the past few minutes had they even realized they wanted to date all three women.

Alice said, "Have confidence, but you need to be sure you won't get embarrassed in front of each other, because that'll carry over to the girls and you'll lose momentum or even kill the deal of three for three."

Alice continued, "With the girls, you will want to keep varying who goes out with who as you get increasingly physical with them, and I remind you – go slow! Keep everyone's progress at about the same level until you succeed."

Jim summarized, "So group dates, slow progression of getting physical, and don't get embarrassed by what each other are doing, especially when we're triple dating and making out with them."

"Maybe a little more prep is needed to be sure you're all comfortable together in physical situations," Alice suggested.

"How do we do that?" Bob asked.

Alice smiled, "Practice. Have you guys seen each other naked or played around together?"

"Heck, no," Matt said. The others agreed.

"Then you need to practice ahead of time. You don't need to play with each other unless you have some bisexual tendencies, but you need to get comfortable in group situations."

"How? Group sex?"

"Exactly. Now, let me show you what that might be like and also teach you about gawking ... and I'd like to see your lovemaking skills. All this talk about relationships and sex has got me cranked up further than I was before you got here. I told you I am a very physical person ... and having three hunky guys in my living room is turning me on."

Alice turned to Bob who was closest and pulled him into a standing position. She maneuvered so she was right in front of him, very close – only an inch or two apart. She pulled his head down and kissed him.

Alice asked Bob, "What do you feel kissing me like that in front of your friends?"

"I'm boiling, but I was a little embarrassed because we're being watched."

Alice shifted to where Matt was sitting and pulled him to a standing position. She repeated the hot kiss with him. She followed that with Jim, only in his case the knot in her blouse somehow became undone so the front of her shirt parted revealing a beautiful expanse of tanned skin from neck to her navel where a little jeweled chain tantalizingly shook.

As Matt and Bob watched, she pulled Jim's hand to her bare breasts. He moved cautiously, afraid that he was overstepping some boundary with her despite her lead. His whole focus was on her and what she was doing and emoting. When he'd touched both breasts, she turned to Bob and pulled his hands to her breasts.

Bob kneaded her breasts and then kissed her with a lot of passion. He then moved to suck on her breasts. Alice tilted her head back and moaned as a nipple disappear in his mouth for a few seconds and emerged in a state of hardness, "Oh, God, just what I wanted you to do. Do you feel embarrassed?"

Bob said, "No, I feel you and that's hot."

Matt moved behind Alice and held her up. He kissed her neck and fondled the breast that Bob wasn't sucking on. Jim moved in and kissed her lips, using his tongue to encircle her lips in a sensuous manner. Although the men had never been in a group situation before, their response to Alice's horniness came naturally.

Alice mumbled something about living in the Now, and about not being embarrassed as they each made love to her at the same time. Somehow that problem, if it was one, faded away as the seconds ticked by.

Jim knelt next to Alice and slowly undid the belt and zipper on her cutoffs. She helped with one hand so he was certain this was what she wanted, yet he still went slowly to be sure she had a chance to stop him or complain at his audacity. Instead, she thrust her pelvis forward into his efforts, and when the pants came loose, she shimmied her body so they fell to the floor and into Jim's waiting hands. She was commando. Alice's slit had a small tuft of pubic hair just above and the intoxicating and luring aroma of her sex instantly filled the room.

The three men stood there touching all the erogenous zones they could find on Alice. They soon found that her entire body was one lusty zone of horny womanhood that desired all the sexual attention they could deliver.

One by one various items of clothing from the men got tossed aside, until the quartet was nude and writhing together in the middle of Alice's living room like a tableau of three men and one woman. Alice held each cock, pumping and fondling as fast as she could. There was no doubt what she wanted. Any sense of embarrassment between the men had vanished in the interest of sex of some kind with Alice.

The men silently rotated the area they focused on: one at her neck, kissing and using a talented tongue on her ears when they weren't kissing. Another was at her breasts, ensuring that they were alert and cared for. Another would be at her pussy, using fingers and tongue as best he could to raise Alice's body heat to that of a white-hot sexual furnace. After a moment or two, the trio of men would change positions so that they each gave the others full access to all Alice offered – and that appeared to be everything.

Alice kept groaning, "Oh, God, never stop. More. Do that more. Right there. Kiss it. Harder. Oh, fuck. Finger me. Fuck me." It wasn't always clear whom she was talking to, but the men got the message and kept attending to her physical needs.

Alice consumed the young men, yet they responded with the benefit of youth and just kept going, bouncing back quickly from their orgasms to give her more and more and more, as she lusted after each man. Often she'd be engaged with all three in some way, or as two watched she'd be putting on a show for them with a third.

About midnight, Alice lay limp in her bed with multiple shots of cum from three men leaking from her pussy. She'd also swallowed a copious quantity as well. Matt held his 'Aunt Alice' in his arms and gently kissed her temples. Alice purred like a contented cat.

Jim lay sprawled across her thighs, looking up her body, and hence at her sodden pussy. He allowed one finger to trace lazy patterns with the fluids from her pussy, smearing them around her lips, upper thighs, her tuft of pubic hair, and abs.

Bob lay on Alice's other side, toying with her left breast with a couple of fingers.

Alice said, "God, that was the best fucking evening I've ever had fucking. I hope you all come back. Put me on your route for good advice and demonstrations about lovemaking, although I have no pointers to give out at this time. You men were fabulous. I suggest you come back the night before you go out with the girls; that way you won't be so horny with them."

Matt said apologetically, "We gotta go. We've all got to work tomorrow, and so do you."

Alice sighed, and the quartet moved in the general direction of the living room and their clothes. Alice just walked around nude, giving each man a full body hug to say goodbye.

To be continued

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¡¡Ay, Caramba!! Qué estúpidos son...

Sorry, my bilingual side got irritated with the "oh so negative" comments posted about the story... is FANTASY!! So, treat it as such! And, enjoy the narrative in the fashion it is intended, or take your reading elsewhere.

As far as the sex habits of "regular folks (sic)"...I have had threesome, and some near group stuff...and know of people who DO act like this is their lives. That being said, do not jump to a conclusion you obviously have little-to-no experience with!

Now, on to Chapter 2, and beyond...cannot wait to see the "thaw" begin!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very dismissible nonsense. Not an iota of verisimilitude in the whole

pile of dreck. What a complete waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Two out of three comments are negative.

Let''s suppose one rated it one star and the other two stars.

To counterbalance up to 4.61 requires 16 five star votes.

This chapter is rated 4.63.

So, it is obvious that the comments do not properly reflect

the opinions of the readers -- or at least the voters.

Furthermore, I consider one Favorite per thousand views to be the benchmark -- few attain it.

This chapter got more than one and one half times that.

TrollTure has some insights about the nonrealism of the story.

To that could be added the unlikely 'Aunt Alice.' First that she would exist and welcome three horny guys when they knock, and then prepare them with advice and practice fucking. Second, that such an unlikely woman is so conveniently the 'aunt' to one of the three horny guys.

But to put this "nonrealism" into perspective, the ordinary sex lives of millions of people that occur daily, are not compelling Literotica reading.

Just as the banal daily life of thousands of accountants is not interesting reading compared to one who embezzles from his employer or customers.

The likely and realistic tends to not be as interesting as the unlikely and less realistic. As demonstrated by the Jerry Springer and Maury Povich shows.

Of course, this can be carried too far, as it was in the Literotica story I recently came across that had a guy with a 12 inch dick sevicing 20 women a day (Mattei - A Nation's Father). Even through he was a pill-enhanced breeder in an apocalyptic future decimated of males, I could not relate to him, and so abandoned that story.

This story, however, while not entirely likely or realistic (as per TrollTure), still has people and situations that are not so far fetched that I cannot relate.

In short, SteveWallace has given me a first chapter that is realistic enough to relate to, and out-of-the-ordinary enough to be interesting.

And that appears to be a set-up for even more interesting chapters.

Good job.


Paul in Oklahoma

TrollTureTrollTureover 5 years ago
No... I don't think so

The blurb for the first chapters of this seemed worth the exploration, but I changed my mind almost immediately. As soon as I saw the description of the book the Bob character is reading I lost interest. First of all, who really believes that stuff? If it actually worked all the readers would become highly successful, right? "Just believe in yourself! Just have clear goals!" Yeah!

It doesn't matter how many famous people you trot out, I'm pretty sure that Gandhi and Steve Jobs did things their own way. The truth is that this is something you read about in your email spam-folder.

And second, live life by some sort of formula? "You will only be a success if you have these 18 friends, 9 male and 9 female." Most people don't have 18 friends, period, let alone 18 that they're able to talk to about anything! And all to be entrusted with your secrets and fears? And you must listen to theirs? That's not a circle of friends, that's a gossip column.

The exact same girls whom they desire are ALSO reading a self improvement book at the same time! How convenient.

The guys' attitude to the girls annoyed me. Basically "Jim can fuck Sheila, Bob can have Monica and Matt gets Zoey. But duhhh, how can we prove that we actually fucked them?" Insanely juvenile. At that point they simply look like jerks.

Actually, stories that involve large groups of people having sex aren't my thing, so this isn't a comment about the sex. It was my own fault that I started reading this.

No, I can't. Go on reading, that is, I'll stop at this point.

(And if you DO set your goals, make them achievable, not actionable.)

joaodasdesgracasjoaodasdesgracasover 8 years ago
Pretentius and Unrealistic Writing

This oozes pretentiouness, so much. And who in bloody hell do you know that talk like that? Nor even Laureate Writers talk like that, and you also switched between PoVs and Persons (1 and 3rd) in the same scene. Oh, and the Circle idea is... Ridiculous. It oozes pseudo-science.

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