Up From The Morgue


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The smile on Alex's face was all the reward I needed.


I almost laughed out loud. They made it so easy sometimes.

When we reached the door of the old Hawthorne both of our eyes scanned the mailboxes. It only took a second. Right there. Apartment number six.

The little tag read "Vic Crump."

Even if he was considered a pro, this guy had absolutely no imagination.

Though the building itself was considered a historical landmark, the owners hadn't managed to keep it up to the splendor from the days of old. The paint in the hallways was peeling, the carpet was threadbare and many of the old solid oak door had been replaced with cheap hollow core laminate knockoff's. The deadbolt was a Chisholm, flimsy and cheap like the rest of the place. I reached into my jacket pocket for my picks when Alex held out a hand.

"Never mind, Andy. Just get ready."

It always amazed me how fast my partner could slip under his coat and emerge with his pistol in his hand. The Colt M1911 Government model weighed 2.44 pounds empty and a little over three fully loaded. I'd held it and even fired it a few times at the range. The thing seemed to weigh ten pounds or more and Alex handled it as if it were a toy. Even though I had a carry permit, I never did. This was one of those days I wished I was carrying something besides a cell phone.

Alex stepped back and his foot went up.

Was he really going to do that?

Oh crap....

Even if I was freaking out slightly I watched with a hint of pride as my bear of a man lifted his leg and connected squarely with the lock on the door. The flimsy mechanism snapped and the door sprung open. Alex bounded through with his gun held out and I was hot on his heels.

"Hold it, Krum!" The fleeing crooks heels disappeared around a corner, deeper into the apartment.

Things slowed down to a crawl, like being in a car accident. Everything was moving at about a quarter speed, giving my racing brain time to think and analyze.

Viktor Krum's pounding feet had stopped and I heard a scraping noise.

"Alex! Look out!" Even though my mind was racing at a million miles an hour my voice still had to obey the laws of physics and my warning almost came too late. My partners hand came up almost fast enough to block the wooden chair flying at his face. He caught most of it on his forearm but the back of the chair spun around and smacked him square in the face, knocking him backward.

Oh hell no....

I just don't fucking think so!

Nobody hits my man and gets away with it.

Something was slowly floating towards me and I grabbed it out of mid air.

Alex's gun landed in my palm and I gripped it like a club. And as Viktor Krum appeared back around the corner in an attempt to avoid being captured, the heavy steel gun was already swinging back down. It caught him square on the temple and he went down like a sack of potatoes.

I've never fired a gun in anger and I hopefully never will.

But I can definitely swing one and will again if I need to.


Marty called us back down to the station one more time.

He seemed happy enough that he even added "please" to his request.

In Marty's office were the falcon, briefcase, notebooks and the books we had found in Krum's apartment.

Viktor Krum was in custody and being extradited back to Europe to face charges. Interpol had posted a sizable reward for his capture and we were going to split it with the department. Alec Summers had been captured at the state line with close to a million dollars in cash and when they pressed him, he admitted to the strangling of Velda Smits, aka Vicky Summers.

Acting on information they had gotten from Summers, they went back and searched the basement of the restaurant and found a hidden room. Inside were some metalworking tools, a crucible, an electric furnace and some molds.

They also found one more falcon down there. Now there were two identical statues on the table.

"You guys are not going to believe this." Marty said. "The irony of it is killing me."

With a pocket knife, he scraped away a section of paint from one of the statues on the square base. The metal underneath was a dull gray. Lead, as we expected.

A scrape of paint from the second statue revealed something completely unexpected. A brilliant shiny yellow.

"Is that... gold?" He nodded, smiling.

"Fourteen pounds of it."

"Holy snap."

Summers had been fencing stolen gold for years through his restaurant and skimming from the take. He'd melted all of his stolen gold down and made it into a replica of his replica, storing it right out there in the open. His retirement nest egg hidden in plain sight under a simple coat of black paint.

Krum and Smits had gotten wind of his operation from another fence and had figured out where the gold was, but then Krum had gotten greedy when he got his hands on the bird and gone to ground, trying to screw his partner out of her share. In order to put the heat on him, Smits had come to us. She had also gone to Summers, threatening to expose his operation in exchange for some blackmail money. The move turned out to be her last mistake as Summers just killed her then went on the run.

Knowing he couldn't move that much gold at once, Krum had tried to sell the books for a little ready cash, not having any idea what they were worth.

He'd actually thought the briefcase and notebook were worthless. They were fished out of the dumpster behind his apartment.

The man was a philistine.

At least he was going to have a dandy new scar to show his friends when he got to prison.

We counted it as a win.

Wrapped up just in time, as the next day was The Love Of My Life's birthday and I had something special planned.

Alex and I were taking the day off.


I took it as a testament to both my ingenuity and Alex's love and extreme patience for my ways that I managed to keep his present a secret until the time was right. After all, it took up and entire corner between the bathroom and the bedroom and I'd just hung a curtain around the whole corner then told him "Don't look until I tell you. Please."

Then of course I offered him some other things to keep him occupied.

Believe me, it took a lot of doing to keep a detective from getting curious.

Happy, happy work.

We had begun our day in one of our favorite ways. I'd awakened my sleepy bear with a kiss and a cup of coffee and after he had gone to the bathroom and returned to bed I snuggled down under the covers to take his big wonderful cock in my hands and my mouth and sucked on him until he groaned, lifted his hips and came.

As much as I loved coffee, Alex and his streams of salty fluid were my absolute favorite morning treat.

Morning, afternoon, evening..... If his come were fattening I'd be pleasantly plump by now. Lucky for my vanity I always had other ways to work off the excess protein.

I had gotten him dressed to walk with me a few blocks down to our favorite cafe for breakfast and then happily undressed him again when we returned home again and into the shower. We spent a long time under the steamy spray getting both clean and extremely horny. Each time he began to growl I'd put a hand on his chest and plant my lips against his and whisper "Wait, lover. Soon."

Then it was time.

I dried him off and gave him a warm promising kiss then took his hand and led him to the curtain.

"Happy birthday, Alex."

Now installed in one corner of our apartment was an antique barbers chair. I'd had it dismantled and completely refurbished. The metal parts gleamed with a layer of brand new chrome. The faded tattered old red leather had been replaced with new shiny black leather to match the décor. To one side stood a cabinet on wheels which also served as a moving work surface. A thick leather strop dangled from one side.

My lover's eyes were wide.

"Andy, it's.... it's beautiful. I... don't know what to say." I gave him a smile and a kiss then opened the door of the cabinet. On one side were a stack of large towels. Black, of course. I grabbed one and unfolded it with a snap then laid it out over the seat and back.

"Your eyes say it all, my sweet man." One hand patted the seat. "Step right up. You are my first customer of the day."

The seat reclined him to just the right angle, as if I was cradling his head in my lap. All of my secret practicing had paid off. I'd lathered up his face with the brush and stropped the straight razor until the blade rang like a bell. Then I proceeded to shave every inch of his handsome face.

I'd practiced because I wanted to do it right and make it special for him. What I hadn't really counted on was how intimate such an act was. Holding him and touching his face. Slowly scraping away the morning bristle of thick whiskers. Being so very careful not to cut him.

It was making me so gawd awful horny I wanted to scream. I was uncomfortably hard the entire time and the few glances down I spared I could see his thick cock twitching against his thigh as he stayed about half hard throughout the whole process. It took every ounce of concentration to keep my hands from shaking with pent up lust and I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I finished and laid the razor back down on the cabinet.

The little electric warmer kept a towel steamy hot and just damp enough to wipe the last traces of lather off of his face. Just off to the side it kept something else comfortably warm which I would be needing in just another minute. As the last bits of lather was whisked away I leaned down and spoke right into his lips.

"Oh my god Alex... I want you so bad right now." His arms came up around my neck and he kissed me long and hard, his tongue slipping into my mouth. A little moan of desire came through my nose. Then it was his turn to moan as my hand slid down over his belly and wrapped around the shaft of his cock. My lovers body responded to my touch and he rapidly grew hard as I stroked him slowly.

God, I loved getting him hard.

And everything that tended to come after that.

It took a bit of effort, but I managed to pull my lips back from his and whispered into his mouth, interspersing my words with little kisses.

"Don't." Kiss.

"You." Kiss.

"Move." Kiss.

"Birthday boy." Kiss.

"I'll be right back." Kiss.

Disentangling myself from his arms I stepped to the side and leaned over his waist. My fingers tugged back his foreskin and I opened my mouth wide to sick his big beefy beautiful cock deep into my mouth. Alex groaned and sighed happily and one large warm hand settled on the cheeks of my ass, kneading my flesh in his fingers while I sucked and licked hungrily.

It was the second time I had his cock in my mouth in less than three hours. I would happily do it a hundred times a day to keep my amazingly wonderful lover contented. It was easy to see he was as wrapped up as I was and wouldn't have taken me long to bring him to orgasm again.

But I had other plans.

As much as I wanted to taste his salty joy once again I pulled back and stood up. I reached down for the lever to tip the back of the chair up into a sitting position. One last holdout remained for his birthday present. A little holder on the side of the towel steamer was just the perfect size for a pump bottle of our favorite lubricant and kept it just a few degrees above body temperature.

Smearing a generous portion of the lube over his hard upstanding prick made me shiver all over. I wanted him inside me so bad it was giving me the shakes all over again. My sphincter twitched, anticipating that delicious ache as he spread me open. Alex was so big it hurt a little bit every time he fucked me, but the pure ecstasy of it over rode the pain.

"Oooohhh... I want you inside me." Wiping my hands off on the towel, I tossed it aside and climbed up into the chair, straddling his hips with my knees. Settling in, I wiggled until I felt his hard tool pressing between my cheeks. "Please put your cock in me, Alex. Please."

That sweet sweet pleasure. Feeling the slippery head of his prick sliding in between my ass cheeks and settling at the opening of my ass while his fingers held him in place. The deep breaths and reciting my mantra as I tried to relax enough to allow him access. The deep ache as the tip of his wide fat prick levered me open turning into a sharp pain before he slipped past the tight ring of muscle. The incredibly warm full feeling as more and more of his cock slid inside my ass until my thighs settled down on his lap.

Only Alex's love made me feel better than this. I had to stop and rest, panting with my head pressed against his chest while his hands patted my back softly. Sometimes it was all I could do to keep from coming as soon as he was all the way inside of me and this time was no different. My equally hard cock pressed against his belly and just the slight motion of him breathing was sending jolts of pleasure up and down my spine radiating from my prick.

"God, Alex... I love you." His hands captured my face, tipping it up to his.

"And I love you, Andrew Jones. With all of my heart." His hard prick twitched inside of me, making me shudder and squeak. "And with some other bits of me, too." He added with a smile. "There is nowhere I ever want to be but here and there is no one I ever want to be with but you." One thumb caressed my cheek. "You are my heart and my body and my soul, Andy. I will love you forever."

"Yes, forever."

It was a bit of a stretch but we managed it. My arms went around his neck as I reached up and he leaned down and our lips met in a smoldering kiss as I slowly began moving on that massive tool impaling my ass. I always felt so stretched and so full of him I thought I might split right in half. At the same time we were so connected. I could feel him pulsing and throbbing inside of me. Every blood cell coursing through our veins sang a song of love and lust. Each little droplet of sweat on our skins brought the scent and taste of pure ecstasy. Our breaths mingled with our bodies as we began to move together.

Oooohhhh god... I wasn't going to last very long.

I'd been wanting him to fuck me since I took him in my mouth first thing this morning. Even though I'd been face down on the bed last night with that mighty cock pounding my ass until I came over and over again... that had been hours ago. Sometimes I really hated the need to rest up and recuperate in between.

I could feel every vein and tendon in his prick as it slipped in and out of my ass. That big bulbous head was rubbing up and down over my prostate gland making guttural moans of pleasure echo from my chest with each thrust. And at the same time my prick was rubbing up and down his belly, leaving a sticky trail of precome all over his skin.

The blood was pounding in my ears and all I could hear was moaning and the frantic sound of flesh against flesh as I pounded my ass down on his prick. Through half closed eyes I focused on nothing but Alex's handsome face.

He spoke against my lips.

"Come for me, Andy. Come come come come come...." His had slipped between our bodies and wrapped around the shaft of my cock. His other hand closed on one ass cheek, gripping me hard and pulling me all the way down on his prick.

That did it.

Lightning split my head and I cried out. My whole body vanished in a flash of fire and a puff of smoke. I was torn apart and reformed over and over again in seconds. My balls contracted hard up against my body and my prick began spewing come all over his hand and our bellies.

Moments later my lover let out a roar of delight and I felt his prick grow even larger inside of me and then begin pumping what seemed like gallons of come inside me, painting all of my insides with his joy. Feeling him come inside me send my body off into fresh spasms and I spattered our bodies again with my own sticky fluid. His slick fingers rolled around and around the head of my prick, making me jerk and squeak and cry out over and over again until I couldn't take it any more and my head lolled down against his chest, gasping like a long distance runner with the hiccups.

God.... I loved him.

Even if the sex wasn't always this good I would have loved him just as much.

This just made it even better.

Alex lay back against the leather headrest, red paced and panting but with a happy smile on his lips. When I could breathe halfway normally again I stretched up and kissed his chin.

"Happy birthday, Alex. I love you." His free hand patted my bottom.

"Thank you, Andy. Best birthday present ever. And I love you too, my sweet man. Now and forever."


I liked the sound of that.

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JustrexJustrexabout 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you and yes, I screwed up the titles

Thanks for the compliments.

I screwed up the titles and the order they came in.

Sorry about that.

It's difficult to change them once they are published.

I'm thinking maybe one more story for these two.

I do enjoy writing about them.


aclassyladyaclassyladyabout 9 years ago
almost didn't read

I looked at the title and was not going to read the story, but then I looked at the writers name and said to myself he does good stories. I then started to read the story and I am glad I did. It is a good story all by itself, but with reading the other 2 stories with these characters it makes it a fabulous story. Can't wait for more!!!!! Still an excellent story from a fabulous writer. Keep up the good work. This was awesome to see things from andy's POV.

woman3450woman3450about 9 years ago
Love this series!

Please continue. The stories are great and love the noire theme. So different from most here. Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I like this series and I'm glad you did one from andy's perspective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Old meets new

I really enjoy your Andy and Alex stories. I wish they were better titled so that readers know they go together. I understand thy aren't chapters but all are related. It may not matter to you, but I bet your rating would be higher. Having said that, I am taken with your style and love the series. Keep them coming!

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