The Closet Domme Pt. 02 Re-Awakening Ch. 04


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She walked in today with her burgundy skirt and jacket, a white flower print shirt was accentuated by her 5 inch beige heels. Despite everything that had happened, her choice of shoes had stayed the same. Then, it happened, her world flipped on her again.

Jacky threw her bag up on the conveyor belt to be x-rayed and she moved to walk through the metal detector herself. The guys here didn't really know her, so the announcement that she needed to have her shoes checked was no surprise. The eyes that walked over to look at her were though.

A young deputy strode around the corner of the large desk at the front and looked directly into her eyes. Jacky's disconnection and fretting over going into court dissolved immediately. He was about 5'11" solidly built, although not nearly as muscular as Eric. His dark short cut hair made his baby blue eyes that much more striking to her.

"Ma'am, I need you to step on the black square and put your arms out please." His deep voice came out of full red lips as she stood there stupidly.

When she realized what he had said, she moved to where he indicated and raised her arms up to the side. The young deputy started at her feet running the metal detector up her legs from a bent position and over her chest where it alerted and under each arm.

"Do you have a belt on ma'am?"

"No, it's my bra, and if you want to see that you'll have to buy me lunch first." Oh my God, the words had fallen easily from her mouth and once they were out she felt silly that she had said them. What was she thinking? Just when Eric had helped her start healing, here she was openly flirting with this man who couldn't be more than 25 years old.

"Well, I'll take your word for it this time, maybe lunch later. You can head to your courtroom now though." A soft chuckle had her admiring the young man as he smiled and blushed when he looked at her again.

Wait...wait...wait. Did he say lunch later? No, she was reading into it, he was just be funny and engaging in the friendly banter.

"Thanks cutie." Jacky turned and walked to her bag that was on the table waiting to be picked up. She seized it throwing it over her shoulder. A glance to him showed the young deputy was still staring at her as he walked back behind the counter waiting to be summoned again for a check of the next person.

Jacky caught her bottom lip in her teeth as if it was an instinct and tilted her head downward. Then, she turned and walked off towards her courtroom.


Checking in with the clerk and finding her client in the jury box in custody was almost second nature to her as she waited for the Judge. She hoped this would be quick, although knew she would have to argue about bail. After all, these rich clients liked that it seemed. Jacky did save herself a little of the painful memories by sitting in the front row of the audience, not near the small deputy's desk that she looked at instinctively when she entered the room.

"Ma'am only attorneys can sit in the front row." A deep, familiar voice roused her from her notes as she sat waiting. She glanced up and noted those devastating blue eyes staring at her.

"Well, it's a good thing they still let me practice then, Deputy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You looked too young to be an attorney." She wasn't sure if he was joking, or God forbid had just wanted a reason to talk with her. His being so close made her temperature rise though as no one had in long time. Even Eric, as sexy as he was, did not have this effect on her so immediately.

"Well, you look to young to be a cop, so now we are even dear. May I stay here then, or do you want to strip search me this time?" She stared dead into his eyes, waiting for him to flinch or blush or laugh. Her sarcastic banter was in full force and she was baiting him.

"Tempting, but don't I have to at least get you a dinner to go with that lunch first?" He was smiling as he walked away and moved to one of the other deputies. She smiled back, but with a hint of surprise in her face. He had not broken his stare after all, despite her attempts.

Jacky waited then, as the Judge took forever to take the bench. Thank God for this young , flirty deputy she thought, it was a welcome distraction from her otherwise beleaguered thoughts. It made her wonder though if she was able to really be involved with a cop again, after all the last one had really fucked her up.

"All rise." The Judge entered as the cute deputy made his obligatory proclamation. Once they sat back down things started to proceed through the calendar and before she knew it, Jacky was up.

"Yes, Judge that's my matter. Jacky Fredrick appearing on behalf of the Defendant. He will plead not guilty at this time, deny all allegations, and we would like to be heard as to his custody status."

"Good afternoon Ms. Fredrick. When we are done, can you give the clerk one of your cards."

"Judge, she gave me one before."

"Okay, well if you made the clerk happy then let's proceed. Your client is being held on $250,000 bail Ms. Fredrick, what are you asking?"

"Judge, my client is a longtime member of the local community, with strong family ties. We are asking that he be released on his Own Recognizance or at least that the bail be lowered. There is no reason to believe he is a flight risk."

"With all due respect Ms. Fredrick, your client is accused of stealing 5 million from fellow members of this community, so I am unwilling to release him on O.R.. I will lower his bail to $100,000 given that this is his first offense. Now, when would you like to come back and for what?"

This Judge seemed fair, but she did not want to press her luck, besides her client had more than enough equity in his properties to post bail.

"Could we please have 4 weeks your honor to determine if we will be able to proceed to negotiations or a preliminary hearing?"

"Certainly counsel, how about 4 weeks exactly? If that works, please have a seat and the deputy will bring you the paperwork on bail and for the next court date. Your client will need to sign saying that if he posts bail he will return at all future court hearings. I just like to have that in my courtroom when I give people a break. It makes it faster for me to issue a warrant later if they don't show up."

"Certainly, your honor."

Jacky smiled at her client, who seemed pleased. He knew her from work around the office and also knew that she had far more courtroom experience and poise than her boss.

She sat for a few minutes putting her things back in her bag and the cute deputy approached her again.

"Ms. Fredrick, your client needs to sign here and then I can give you a copy of the paperwork. And, you can go inside the jury box to talk with him, even though I didn't get that strip search in just yet." His banter was bordering on real flirting and when she looked up she knew he was testing her just as much as she had tested him. This cute young deputy was making her mind wander as she sat there.

Jacky talked with her client, William, briefly and had him sign where indicated. She knew he would be out later that day because she fully intended to call the bail agent she had on standby as she left the courtroom.

She approached the Deputy as she left the jury box and held out the clipboard. They were off to the side away from everyone else as he detached the carbon copy from the form her client signed. He put his copy to the side and picked up her minute order from the small table. Apparently, here the deputies did a lot. When he handed it back to her, he smiled and she turned to walk out. She didn't want to say more for fear of going further than she intended.

"Oh, Ms. Fredrick, you forgot something."

"Sorry, do you need him to sign something else?" She turned ready for just another piece of paper.

The deputy produced a post-it and handed it to her. It was surprising already and then she glanced at what was scrawled on it. "Lunch Saturday? Call me." His number below the words was almost unreadable, but she figured she would figure that out later as she smiled and left the courtroom.

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