The Club

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Wife and husband join an exclusive club for Members Only.
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"I am so glad you came, come right in here, this is where I conduct all of the interviews."

Gayle was a very attractive woman in her late 30s, though she could have been just a really hot woman in her 40s. She was definitely a bit older in an "I know what I want" kind of way. Since Holly was only 25, and just finding out what she really wants, it was comforting for Holly to have such a strong, beautiful woman guiding her and her husband. Holly had been so young when she had married the older Jim, that she had really not fully explored her needs and desires.

"Let's get this out of the way first." Before they could blink, Holly and her husband Jim had their blood drawn by Gayle and processed into sample packages to go off to the lab.

"Wow, you are so quick at that!" Holly was impressed that she did it so quickly so as not to even make her fear it.

"I was a nurse in a former life, Holly. I know what I am doing."

"So, you answered the craigslist ad because you, Holly, are wanting something more. It is not always an issue that your partner, Jim is your husband, right? I thought so. It is not always an issue of what he lacks, but might just be an issue of what else you need."

Gayle got right to the point, and Holly liked that. Holly had been frustrated with Jim's lovemaking for some time now, and she was not even sure why. It was not that his cock was small, which it is, but perhaps it was something more.

"Jim, Honey, are you devoted to Holly?"

"Yes...totally..." Jim stammered. The whole experience was a bit much for Jim, but he really truly loved Holly and was so infatuated and in love with her and her amazing body and beautiful features. They had been married for 6 years now, but even he understood that she was not getting what she needed.

"And so you want what is best for her, even if it means you cannot give it to her?"

"Absolutely! I love Holly and I adore her, but I realize that, even with my best efforts, there is something that I just cannot do for her."

"And what is that, Jim? Can you put your finger on it?"

"Well, I...uh...I guess..."

Gayle smiled, good at what she does. "Holly, do you want to help Jim out? Be honest, the sooner you are the better it will be for everyone and you two can move forward."

"Well, Gayle, I mean, Jim, you is hard to say, and I want to say first that when you lick me and make me cum, it is amazing, I do NOT want that to stop, under any circumstances...but the truth is...when you fuck me, it is not enough. Your cock... Is not ...enough." Holly was visibly disturbed to have to put it into words.

Gayle smiled knowingly. She had heard all of this before.

"Let me just start out by telling you about our Club. There are Members and there are Supporters. Holly, you already qualify to be a Member, as you are wanting "more" and you are young and hot. As soon as we get your test results back."

Holly smiled, liking that she met Gayle's qualifications.

"Jim, you would qualify as a Supporter, if you agreed to some rules and requirements."

"What are they?" Jim asked, with a certain eagerness that belied his interest in seeing Holly get what she deserved.

"Jim, you would have to agree to help host the parties for the Members. That would mean you sign up to do some duty, such as food, fluffer, cleanup, setup, things like that. And you would have to pay. Members do not pay, just Supporters. In return, you get to be at the party, even though you may have a duty to attend to, you will definitely get to see a lot, and especially, you will get to see Holly with the other Members."

"OK. I can agree to that."

"I like that you do not ask other questions, Jim, like how much you have to pay or questions about the duties. You will make a fine supporter."

"The other rules are simple. Anything goes, so long as you always, I mean always, pass blood tests before every event. We take no chances, so if you are having sex with anyone else, including Jim, I suggest it is strictly safe sex practices."

"Why is this so important, Gayle?" Holly asked, looking innocent and pure.

"Well, Holly, it is because our Members prefer not to use protection with each other in or outside of our events. Everyone has agreed that the freedom and passion of not using any safe sex practices within the Membership is waaaay hotter and all of the Supporters agree too. They like it when their wives and girlfriends are free to fully indulge in the benefits of Membership." Gayle slightly winked on that last word, which was not lost on Holly.

"Jim, there is another rule I neglected to mention. You are not allowed to do anything at the events, or if there is a private date with a Member that you attend, unless a Member gives you permission and if they ask you to do something, you have to do it. You are agreeing to submission. Can you do that?"

"That is a little scary, but yes, I can do that."

"Good boy, Jim. I think this is going to work out just fine."

"OK, Gayle, is that it?"

"Yes, Holly, let me welcome you as a Member for the first time. From what you have told me about your history and Jim's I am sure these blood tests are going to come out just fine. The next event is a week from Saturday. I should have the results a few days before that, so I will call you."

Several days went by and though Holly put all of this out of her mind for the most part, every so often, she would remember and have tingling electricity run up and down her spine and land in her pussy.

A small package came one day. It was addressed to Holly. Holly started to open it up and as if by magic, the phone rang. It was Gayle.

"Did you get the package I sent, Dear?"

"I was just opening it! Should I continue unwrapping it?"

"Of course! Perfect timing. Is Jim there too?"

"Yes, let me just go into the other room where he is working." Holly was feeling the excitement of a teenager, finding out she had just been accepted on the cheerleading squad and a little bit like Christmas morning, wrapped up with that buzz in her panties.

"Jim! Gayle is on the phone and she sent us a package! I will put her on speaker phone." Holly's eyes flashed as she smiled at Jim.

"Hello Jim, I hope you two are ready! This is going to be a ride!" Gayle now spoke to the room through the speaker of Holly's phone.

"OK, Gayle, I found...A slim collar"

"That one is for you, Sweetie. It does not come with a leash...yet... but it will signify your desire to be dominated by some real men, and maybe a certain dominate woman?" Holly blushed at this and could almost see Gayle's wink through the phone.

"Yes!" was all that Holly could say, or needed to say.

"OK, next I am seeing a thicker collar with a short leather leash." Holly narrated as she opened up more of the package.

"Yes, Holly, this one is for Jim. Jim, Honey, you will need to wear this at all times at the party. It will identify you as a Supporter and will make things much easier for everyone involved. It is to remind you that you are there to serve, and it will let others know that they can command you as necessary. How is this sounding to you, Jim. Are you still with us?" Gayle had used a slightly more commanding tone with Jim to underscore his position.

"Yes, Gayle. I understand. I am to wear this collar and leash."

"Good Boy." She spoke the words as if Jim were a dog.

"OK, Gayle, there are just two envelopes left. One for me and one for Jim." Both of them open their envelopes and begin to read the lists.

"Right you are, Holly. These include some special instructions for you both, about how to dress, behave and a bit about what to expect. Jim's includes a bill for your initial membership and a fee for this first party. Jim, is there any problem for you to pay all of the $600 by Friday? It would be best if you could do this right away, so we can have the funds for some party expenses."

"OK, Gayle. I may have to move some things around some of my accounts, but I can do that."

"Perfect. Also, Holly will have to spend some money on some things before the party too. Any questions about these requirements, Holly?"

"Let's see, I have some of these items, like the heels, but I may need to buy the thigh high stockings...Waxing? I have never waxed my pubic hair before."

"That one is pretty key, Holly, and believe me, you will come to enjoy the ritual, even the pain of it, especially when you look down and see that bare skin, feel it touched by a real man, and even later, when Jim licks you...Trust me. You are going to love the effect. Plus, along with your collar, heels, thigh highs and your makeup, the way you are going to look to all those heat-packing Members, is going to create such a stir in your's and their loins...Trust me on this!"

"OK, you got it, Gayle. I will just trust the process."

"Alright, Sweetie. You have my phone number, just feel free to call me if you need any further guidance from me. And Jim! Don't forget to pay ASAP. Both of you wear your collars and I will see you at my house, aka The Club this Saturday. Make sure you come early, so you have time to settle in." With that Gayle hung up.

"Wow, Jim, this is really happening! I am so excited!"

"I am happy for you, Holly. I am nervous, but seeing your face light up makes it all worth it. I am going to go get on the computer and send the money right now."

Jim left and Holly went into her bathroom for a little private time to herself. She took off all of her clothes and looked at her perfect body in the mirror. She quivered, replaying some of what Gayle had said. 'Heat-packing Members' echoed in her head, and her pussy involuntarily moistened. She touched herself just a little and stared at her delicate mound of soft hair. She was still not totally sure about the waxing part, but she trusted Gayle and so her mind was made up for her.

On Friday, the day before the party, she stood in front of the same mirror with her clothes off again. This time there was no hair anywhere on her below her scalp. She had been waxed the day before, and it had hurt. But now her legs, arms, armpits, above, to the side, and below her pussy, even her ass was completely bare and smooth. It did look good. She had also tried on her collar. She admired the result in the mirror.

Holly was really nervous, and she tried a few poses in attempt to look sexier, and to make herself feel better.

It wasn't working, she was just feeling more self-


"Jim! Could you come in here, please!" Holly called in Jim, hoping to get a pep talk and a man's opinion.

"Yes, Sweetie! OH! Wow! You look amazing!"

"Thank you, Jim, that is just what I needed to hear. I am so nervous about tomorrow night! I am terrified that I will look ridiculous or that the Members will not be into me."

"Holly, trust me, they are going to take one look and devour you the next moment. In fact, maybe if you wanted to come over to the bedroom."

Giggling, "Oh, thank you, Jim, yes, I could use a lick." And with that, she laid back and allowed Jim to lick her newly smooth pussy. OH, yes, Gayle was right. Holly did think it felt extra amazing having no hair there.

The next 22 hours were full of nervous energy for both Holly and Jim. Both were really excited, but also scared about what the night would bring. While it was an internal roller coaster for them both, the time finally came for them to get into the car and head to Gayle's house.

Gayle's "house" turned out to be a huge mansion, in an exclusive neighborhood. As they pulled up the driveway, a short balding man, wearing a collar and leather leash like Jim's, opened Holly's door and accepted the keys from Jim. He did not say much, but just told Holly that when she was ready, the car would be brought to the door and the keys given to Jim. The man was polite, but not exactly there to formerly greet them. He did seem to know that they were new.

Entering the foyer, Holly's coat was helped off of her shoulders by another collared man who introduced himself to Jim and handed her coat to him and told him to follow, where Jim hung up her coat and placed his own next to hers. When he returned from the coat room to the giant entryway, Gayle was there, dressed in an amazing black leather outfit which clearly signaled her status as the Queen.

"Holly and Jim! I am so glad you are here! And a bit early, that is perfect, so you will have some time to orient. You two are the only new people we are expecting, so everyone else will already know the drill. I can see you already met Stanley. He will show Jim where to go. Jim, you have bathroom duty, as is customary for all of the first time and newer Supporters. There will be one other with you in there, um, Harold who is only at his third event. Stanley will show you the way and introduce you. I will be in a little later for some training." Gayle smiled at Jim and shooed the men off.

"Now, Holly, I know you are nervous. But I promise you, the Members are going to absolutely love you tonight. You look super hot! So just take a few deep breaths and relax. Come with me, we can chat a little in my dressing room and you can get yourself ready."

Another collared man came through the foyer on his way towards the kitchen.

"Jason! Would you be a dear and bring a bottle of champagne and two glasses up to my dressing room for Holly and myself?" Gayle smiled knowing that her request would be taken as a command.

"Of course, Mistress." Jason scurried off to the kitchen.

"Up this way, Sweetie!" Gayle ushered Holly up the grand staircase that curled around the room and into the second floor where opulent white carpeting and perfectly appointed art, furniture and décor told Holly that Gayle was quite well off and had great taste.

They entered Gayle's dressing room, which was to the side of her bedroom and linked by a huge bathroom. "As you can see, when my husband passed away, he left me all of the money I would ever need. And, though I loved him deeply, even while alive, he never did fulfill my complete needs. He was a man much like Jim. He was devoted, and loving and could lick my pussy like a champion, but he just never could please me with his little dick. He knew this, and so he always encouraged me to get what I needed."

Gayle paused as Jason came in with the Champagne and two flutes. He poured the drinks and handed one to each of the women. Gayle and Holly sat on paired chairs before a large dressing table with lit mirrors. It was almost as if this room were designed for just this conversation.

Sipping her drink, "I created all of this around having exactly what I wanted, and my late husband supported it all the way. In no small way, he was the first Supporter, I was the first female Member, and my many lovers were the first Members.

After my husband passed, I found out that my other women friends needed this medicine too, so I started the Club. I have been carefully selecting the right people for years now, and most are still members, even if they do not come to every party. Of course, the parties are just the beginning, because many people meet their lovers here and so the Club really extends beyond the parties."

Holly squirmed in her seat, but the drink was working its magic. She was already feeling a lot more comfortable.

"Holly, Dear, may I offer you any enhancements tonight? It is not like you will need any, and there is no pressure, but some of us ladies like a little ecstasy or GHB, to bring us into our bodies. If you are not into that, it is totally OK, but I wanted to make it available to you."

"Oh, I am not sure. I have done ecstasy before, but I think with my nerves it may be too intense for me tonight. I think I have enough natural stimulation. I have never tried GHB. Isn't that the date rape drug?"

"I think you are thinking of rufies, but indeed some bad people have dosed women without their knowledge, which is a shame. It does not mix with alcohol, so this drink would be your only one, but a little dose might be just the thing. It can have a similar effect as alcohol without making you drunk. We would not want to overdo this one, but I am pretty expert. Would you like to try a little?"

"Sure, Gayle, if you recommend it."

Gayle took a dropper out and put just a couple of squirts of a liquid into a teaspoon. "Since you are drinking a little bubbly, this will be a safe, small, dose." She spooned the drug into Holly's mouth, which gave Holly a flush of pleasure, being taken care of, like a child.

"Now, let's see what you put together for an outfit!" Gayle helped Holly remove her jogging outfit, that had been recommended for her to put over her lingerie for the ride over.

Downstairs, Jim was being introduced around to the other Supporters. Some had arrived early, even before their wives and girlfriends because they had preparatory duties. Jim could not remember all of their names, but Stanley and Jason were among them and took Jim around. Most Members were not yet there and would be arriving in about 30 minutes. Stanley showed Jim the kitchen, the play spaces, the bedrooms, the dancefloor, the dungeon and finally the large bathroom.

Jim noticed that the entire house was set up permanently for a sex party. The dungeon did not look temporary in any manner. The bedrooms were many, 10 in all, and most had huge beds that all had anchor points on the head and foot boards. The rooms all had bedside tables, and a Supporter named Mike was arranging lubes and towels and other supplies. Jim noticed that there was a conspicuous absence of condoms.

There were several Supporters in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks, and Jim noticed that there was not a buffet like at other parties, but rather trays that were for serving being arranged. A round of appetizers was already being arranged on several trays.

The final place Stanley took Jim was his duty station for the night, the bathroom. There he met Harold, a slender man who was wearing nothing but his collar and a set of panties that easily contained his small penis. Harold was very friendly and told Stanley that he would orient Jim from there. Stanley left, though he first took off his clothes, all except for panties and put them in a small cubby.

The bathroom was no ordinary bathroom. It was enormous! It had 5 stalls, 5 urinals and two single beds immediately on each side of the large entryway that did not have a door. There were a line of elegant sinks and mirrors that could accommodate 10 people easily along the back wall.

On one side was a doorless passage leading to both a dry and a wet sauna. On the other side, the matching passage led to a large communal shower, with 10 shower heads all around the room, the room easily able to shower 20 people at once.

"Wow." Was all that Jim could say at first. The bathroom had the size and utility of a gym locker room. However, it had the grandeur of a palace and did not at all evoke gym class.

"Yeah, it is perhaps the most amazing bathroom I have ever seen as well."

Jim's gaze fell back to Harold and those revealing women's panties.

"Ah, yes, perhaps you were not told, like I was not told. We have a uniform. It is a little embarrassing, but you get used to it. In fact, I have yours right here." Harold handed Jim a small, pink bag from a popular women's lingerie shop. It had a little card attached, which simply read 'To Jim, from Gayle'. Inside was a very skimpy pair of panties that were accurately sized to Jim's dimensions. They were pink, just like Harold's.

"Yeah, pink. Pink is for us newer Supporters. There is not exactly a hierarchy, but if you do well, Gayle will give you white, then black. We get to select our party duties in that order. Black selects first, then White, then Pink. Don't worry, you will get used to this."

Jim was actually accepting all of this in stride. He was more nervous about what Holly was doing and how she was doing. But he just had to focus on his job for the time being. He changed out of his street clothes, put on his collar and leash and pulled on the panties, which fit perfectly.