The Club Ch. 01


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Deni's cycle finished the Saturday morning her friends arrive, and they were a noisy gathering for the whole morning. At lunchtime James made huge sandwiches for everyone and then made funny observations, about who had the biggest mouth and how their potential husbands would be pleased. He had the girls in tears of laughter until he ate his sandwich. All the girls watched and waited to see what he could handle. James began by cutting one sandwich up into bite size pieces, and the girls all ragged on him. So with much fanfare he picked up his second sandwich, and with a second look at them fitted the whole thing in his mouth -- the girls were astounded.

"Well Deni doesn't take after you then," offered Priz (Priscilla).

"Maybe he's not Deni's dad," offered Buffy, bringing an 'Oooh', from the other girls.

"I am so your little girl, aren't I daddy," Deni asked in her best little girl's voice.

"Of course you are sweetie," James assured her in his best dirty old man's voice, and this brought a bigger 'Oooooh,' from the girls.

After lunch the girls sat around the lounge room and reminisced, as they had in the morning they had caught up on current events in each others live. The girls weren't too sad to see Mrs. Ivy gone from the scene and were glad for Deni that she had moved back into home to be with her dad.

About halfway through the afternoon the 'Principal's office' event came up and they called for James to join them. He came and sat next to Deni. They wanted to tell him how much they appreciated what he had done for them, one girl, Jackie went very quiet. They all expressed how lucky Deni was to have a dad like hers.

"You don't know how lucky I am," she told them, took her dad's had and squeezed it and they smiled broadly at each other.

"We're going to retell that story in full tonight," said Deni meaningfully to her dad.

"Late and after a few drinks," said Buffy and all the girls giggled accept Jackie.

"Dad, Jackie wants to ask you something," Deni told her dad and all the girls went quiet, all eyes were on James and he looked at Jackie concerned.

"Mr. Ivy, I really liked Mr. Stanford," Jackie said of the teacher who James had hit and her tears flowed.

"I understand," James began and the girls were shocked, even Deni.

"He made you feel wanted, beautiful and desired at a time in your life when you need to feel these things desperately from someone who cares. However, the other girls here didn't ask for his advances. I reacted because my little girl did not want his dirty talk or advances, so I defended her. Yet, you don't see yourself as a victim, but rather the object of desire and need by a man you desired, am I correct?" he asked Jackie who had stopped crying and sat with her mouth open in amazement as to how Mr. Ivy knew her inner most feelings.

"Yes, all that's right, but how did you know?" she asked and all the other girls wanted to know too.

"I know, because we all have needs, but society says you were too young, and as your teacher a relationship was not appropriate with him. Only you can determine if such a relationship is for you or not, but for the others here, they said no and he should have stopped, but he didn't." James left them to think about this and all were lost in their own thoughts, finally Priz said,

"Wow, that's deep, but I see what you mean Mr. Ivy."

All the other girls 'mmmed' and nodded their agreement. Deni had a deeper appreciation for her dad now and loved him all the more.

"So, you have a choice Jackie. You can put this behind you, or you can be waiting at the prison doors when he is released."

Jackie looked at James with thankful eyes brimming with tears; this had torn her up for two years.

"Or, you can find someone who will fulfill your needs and desires while caring for you, loving you and being the man you really need."

Deni looked at her dad and said,

"Dad, can Jackie and I talk to you in your room, there's something else... private."

"Sure," James answered and the three of them stood up and walked into James's bedroom.

The other girls knew this was coming, because Jackie had told them she needed to speak to James in private with Deni, and the girls thought it had to do with this issue. Deni shut the door behind them and heard the girls turn the TV on and begin watching a movie. She looked at Jackie and said,

"Sit down Jackie," offering the young woman James' bed to sit and Jackie obeyed, and Deni sat next her and held her hand, James pulled up a chair and sat opposite them.

"Jackie?" Deni encouraged her friend, "we're spoken about this, you can tell my dad, he will understand," she told her. Jackie looked up at James, took a deep breath and said,

"I know that Deni has told you how excited she became when you rushed into the Principal's office, but she didn't tell you that I did too," she looked at her friend and Deni nodded encouragement, James was just stunned, where was this heading he wondered.

"I know that Deni told you she played with herself that night as she remembered what you did and how she felt, well so did I." James was confused and Deni could see it, so she clarified the issue,

"Dad, Jackie wants to touch herself in front of you and I said it was ok, a long as I was here." James gave his daughter a look of 'are you serious?'

"Its ok dad, it was Jackie who was my bedmate most nights and she really feels she needs to do this."

James felt in a terrible position, Deni moved to make room for James and waved him in. James stood up and sat between the two girls. Jackie lifted her dress to reveal she was wearing little black panties, he didn't know what to do next, but Jackie slid her hand down her panties and looking at James began to finger her pussy. James was mesmerized because now she was pulling her panties off the expose her pussy, and her only pubic hair was a little tuft above her clit. To James, Jackie's pussy looked shriveled, and James felt so proud of how beautifully his daughter was built.

Jackie stared at James and fingered herself on the outside of her tiny pussy lips and then began sliding her finger in and our of her love tunnel, her breathing was quickening. Within no time her finger was on her clit or at least where it should be, because James could not even see a bump where Jackie's clit should be. However, Jackie certainly knew where it was by her reaction, and rubbed her finger across her clit she until she climaxed, then she lifted herself up and hugged him, put her panties back on, straightened her dress, got up said her thanks, opened the door and left closing it behind her.

"That was strange," James said to his daughter as he sat dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry I couldn't warn you, but Jackie wasn't sure if she could do it and made me promise I wouldn't tell you in case she changed her mind." Deni looked at her dad hoping he would understand.

"No other surprises this weekend?" he asked.

"No, none, or any other weekend," Deni smiled at her dad, how she loved him.

He had allowed Jackie her to do what she needed without one move to take advantage, mind you Deni wanted to be present so Jackie wouldn't take advantage of her man. Her dad was her man and she wasn't going to share him, no matter the need of her best friends.

"Let's join the others," she said and they too left the room.

Jackie was a new woman the rest of the weekend, and James felt better for it. The girls continued to chat until James announced a bar-b-que dinner on the back pergola, and light conversation accompanied their meal, with funny stories and ribbing of each other and James felt like one of the girls. After dinner they all retired to the lounge room to continue their discussions and sip on drinks, although some more then sipped. Since leaving their bedroom, James and Deni had remained by each other's side, all afternoon and all evening. About 10.00pm some of the girls were yawning, it had been a big day for them; they had confronted some big ghosts and stared them down. Deni took this as a signal to put the earlier topic back on the table,

"What do we remember of that day?" she asked her friends.

The noise level dropped dramatically, but Buffy spoke immediately,

"I felt like I had been sold out by my parents and the school; that I was completely abandoned by everyone, because no one there spoke for us. And then your dad stormed in," Buffy's smile was accompanied with tears as her two emotions fought for control, "I thought superman had smashed through the door," she said and her smile grew and her tears flowed.

"Why couldn't my dad do that for me?"

"That's how we all felt," said Priz, also tearfully and all the other girls including Deni began to sob also.

"Do you think I did what I did, for my little girl?" James asked the group and they all said 'yes', even Deni who seemed a little withdrawn from him.

"Well I didn't," they all looked shocked, even Deni who looked at him as if he had just abandoned her which was his intent.

"I did it for all of you because I knew no one else would, no one would defend their little girl, not even Deni's mum."

He couldn't hold back his emotions, emotions rooted in an event two years ago that had cast a massive shadow in his life.

"NOT EVEN HER OWN MUM," he said loudly with intense feeling, shocking the girls even more.

Their tears were forgotten as they stared wide eyed and opened mouth at James, Deni more then the others. James' tears flowed freely now.

"It was an accident I was told at the time, but I made it my business to do what I did because I knew no one else would. You all needed a dad who loved you and cared for you, and would put his own freedom on the line for you. You needed to know someone loved you all, enough to do what I did."

Tears poured down his face, contorted with emotion. Deni threw her arms around her dad and as she had done since she was a little girl, buried herself in this man whom she loved so much it hurt. Within seconds there were six young women holding him in a group hug, and everyone was howling.

One by one the girls peeled of James, and he was left with Deni in his arms as she sobbed into him. The five girls looked at each other and all felt as though a weight had been lifted from them, and they filed one by one into Deni's bedroom and shut the door behind them, they were exhausted. Meanwhile Deni and her dad stopped sobbing, but Deni was still buried in her dad. James lifted his daughter with one arm under her knees and the other across her back.

He carried her into their bedroom like a Prince Charming or White knight, while she clung to him with her arms around his neck and her face in his chest. He laid her on their bed, but she hung on like a little child does when it's frightened, so he held on to her until she began to ease her grip. James sat up and regarded his daughter as she looked at him with intense adoration and love.

"I never knew it was for all of us," she whispered.

"When are you going to stop making me fall in love with you all over again and again and again? Why are you so perfect for me?"

"Because you are so perfect for me," he answered with deep affection for her filling his voice.

They were content to look at each other for many long minuets, until Deni told her dad,

"I'll use the bathroom first," she smiled and got off the bed and walked into their en suite.

So James walked out to wait in the lounge room; as he waited each of the other girls came out in turn to hug him and tell him again how much they appreciated what he did. Priz was the last of girls went back to the bedroom. James sat for about five minuets, when Deni called to him to that he could come back into the bedroom. James stood and suddenly felt very tired, and walked into their bedroom. Deni was tucked into her bed on the floor, but before he could ask, she whispered, "for show," and pointed toward her bedroom door.

"Are you tired," James asked.

"Yeah, I'm really exhausted after today."

"So am I."

James said and walked into the en suite himself, ten minuets later he walked back into their bedroom, Deni was sound asleep in their bed. James smiled like a loving dad, walked to his side of the bed and climbed in. Deni had her back to him, just as they both liked it. James snuggled into his daughter's back and she snuggled right back, and James placed his right hand on the front of her panties and she moved her legs so he could cup her pussy -- she did all this in her sleep. James marveled at his daughter. Deni felt so safe and comfortable with him already that she allowed him the most intimate of touches as she slept.

James woke first the next morning and found they had moved away from each other during the night, so he snuggled back into his daughter's body. This time she responded with moan. James could now hear the girls were beginning to rise,

"They're up," Deni said sleepily.

"Ready to get up yourself," he asked.

"Yeah, but just wait till they go today, boy are you in for it; my choice remember?" Deni reminded her dad.

"Choice of what," he asked confused.

"Choice of who plays what," she reminded him with a grin.

"Oh yeah I forgot," he said and his spirits rose that much more.

"Now before we get up, how about some serious groping by you on me," she suggested, so James moved his hand down to her panties and slid right into them to her pussy.

Deni rolled on her back and they kissed long and hard as James fingered his daughter's gorgeous pussy which was smooth and puffy, and it was only when the girls got rowdy that father and daughter broke apart, dressed and walked into the kitchen.

The whole day was spent in laughter and fun, with Deni close by her dad's side the entire day. She found ways to allow her dad to look up her dress during the whole day, it seemed to James that nearly every time he turned to look at her she was flashing him her little pink panties. A few times Deni even managed to flash her pussy ay him, the whole day was a dream come true for James. On top of this, Deni would also whisper surreptitiously sweet nothings to him, with such things like 'my pussy is so hungry for you I had to slip a sausage into it', and 'my pussy has no hair, and is soft and bulging for you'.

However, on two occasions Deni positioned herself so her friends' view was blocked and invited her dad to play with her pussy through her panties. 'Yes' thought James, 'one of the best days of my life.' At one point Buffy and Deni seemed to be gesturing to each other about something and it appeared to becoming heated, James felt his daughter become tense and looked to see the cause. The other girls knew what the tension between Buffy and Deni were, but James asked,

"Ok, what's going on between you two?"

Trying to make light of whatever it was that was between them.

"Nothing," replied Deni quickly, but Buffy was not to put off and answered James,

"There's a really cute guy at Uni who keeps asking Deni out since the start of the semester, but she keeps knocking him back. He's a really nice guy," Buffy pleaded.

Deni had been watching her dad's face from the moment Buffy began to speak; her face showed the deep concern she felt at him hearing what she never wanted him to hear.

"Then you go out with him then, "Deni shot back at Buffy and then returned her imploring eyes to her dad's face.

James was silent for a few moments and his face gave nothing of his thoughts away, until he spoke,

"So why tell me," he eventually asked with a look of mild surprise now.

"Because we all think she should go out with him, they'd make a cute couple," Buffy replied undaunted by Deni's reply, and then the strangest thing happened.

James felt great jealously so strong the colour drained from his face and Deni though she could really kill someone for the first time in her life. She had never wanted to put her dad through this, and she felt his body deflate slightly.

"Well I can't go out with anyone else," Deni said defiantly, challenging Buffy,

"Anyone else," Jackie picked up, "who are you going out with then?"

The cat was nearly out of the bag and among the pigeons. You could have cut the air with a knife, and everyone waited for Deni's reply. Her mind was racing. James decided that whatever his daughter said he would stand by her no matter what.

"I' m sitting next to the love of my life and I don't want anyone else," Deni said as her tears began to flow.

Her friends just stared, no one said a word and then Priz laughed and said,

"We know you love your dad, because he's such a hunk and a great guy, who wouldn't love him, but you have to find a man for yourself one day."

Before Deni could reply the other girls saw the 'true' meaning as did Priz and they all laughed too. Deni searched for her dad's hand and as he took her hand, he squeezed it and she knew she had his total support.

"No Priz, I don't want to find my own man, because I've found my own man, my white knight, my prince charming, the man whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, the only person -- let alone man, who has always been there for me, protected me, loved me unconditionally and who is..."

Deni paused her as she reconsidered what she was about to say, 'yes' she thought 'they have to know or they will pester me like this forever.'

"And who is spectacular at looking after me."

Deni had decided to tone it down a bit. Now the girls truly understood and the truth was sitting next to each other on the couch, and suddenly so much made sense. The close physical contact, the implicit way they understood each other, the way they seemed to work as an old married couple. As one, the five girls turned their heads and looked at the door of the master bedroom.

"Yes," said Deni, "my dad is the love of my life. He is the only man I will ever love because no one could love me as much as he does. I fell in love with my dad in the Principal's office."

Deni's tears began to flow again and James could feel his daughter's body begin to shake with emotion.

"For two years I tried to deny my feeling and it tore me apart inside. I love him more than life and I want him ... I want him in my life, always. I want him in my bed and I don't care what anyone thinks,"

Deni's voice had been rising in pitch and volume and she finished with,

"So leave me alone."

With that she turned and sobbed uncontrollably into her dad, and James wrapped his arms around his daughter. Now the girls were staring at James, what did he have to say about this disgusting situation. He considered his words carefully.

"Yeah, and that's what I think," he said in a slightly silly voice, as he consoled his daughter. Priz was the first to speak,

"Man I wish I could find someone who I could say that about; and someone who would love me as much in return, that he would burst into the Principal's office and deck that prick with no other thought but to protect me."

Her tears flowed with Deni's.

"Yeah, and that's what I think too," said Jackie trying to mimic James's silly voice, then she was joined by the others except Buffy who just continued to stare.

Deni had heard her four friends voice their support, but what about Buffy; Deni looked out from her father's chest and looked at her friend, that was enough for Buffy who broke down too.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Deni. I'm just so happy for you. That day I wished Mr. Ivy was my dad, because if he had been then I would have wanted him too, just like you do, but my dad's a bastard. I'm so happy for you two I could burst."

With that five young women launched themselves at this new couple and Buffy said,

"We will never tell a soul, but can we all still be friends?"

Deni was hugging her friends as was James and she replied,

"Please never be strangers, always visit, always visit, I love you guys."