The Coin Ch. 01

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The Wish.
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It was my first year in college, a freshman, and a virgin...but not by design.

No ego involved, I can honestly say I was a handsome young man and was told so by many of my female friends. I'm six feet tall, dark hair, blue eyes, fit, and smart enough to be at the top of my class.

My problem starts when I open my mouth, no confidence leads to a lot of babbling and no dates. Hell, I would be so nervous I would ask a girl out without even introducing myself; which usually brings on a lot of laughter and a lot cold shoulders.

Hopefully today will bring me better luck and be a game changer for me.

I'm going to ask Amanda out on a date, a classmate of mine, she was the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on.

There she was, outside of our science class waiting for the class in session to be relieved. I walked up to her and asked her out in front of the other students which brought on laughter.

Again, I never introduced myself; she snickered with the others and obviously gave me her number out of pity,

I ditched class, walking away in embarrassment and shame...even though I had her number.

It was Friday, 3:30pm in the afternoon, and I had nothing to do but hide my face from the rest of the population.

On my way to my dorm I saw a shiny large gold coin on the hallway floor which I picked up and put in my right front pocket.

Once in my room I went to the fridge, grabbed a slice of cold pizza and opened a Coke. I sat at the window, and gazed down at the u-shaped turnabout between the women's and men's dorms while devouring my pizza.

4pm... the crowds, mostly girls, started to gather below as cars started to pull up to the curb. Some waited while others got into vehicles and pulled away.

They were probably on their way to a wonderful night of dating; talking, laughing, drinking, dancing...and obviously fucking. Something I've never done despite being a good catch.

What the fuck!

Why couldn't I have been born a girl!

Heaven knows I suck at being a guy...especially when it comes to the ladies.

I sighed.

I pulled the coin out of my pocket and looked at it closely then glanced back out the window below.

4:30pm I grabbed another slice of cold pizza and another Coke from the fridge and peered out the window.

I guess life has its funny way!

"I'd give anything to be a worries..." my thought never completed.

As I continued to pass the coin between my fingers a beautiful blonde haired green eyed

Genie appeared before me.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed.

"You're wish; is my command master," the beautiful Genie said.

My body slowly became numb as I levitated off of the floor; I had no control as my arms and legs extended outward.

"What's happening...what are you doing to me?"

"I'm granting you your wish master," she told me.

My body tingled and vibrated softly; I couldn't speak.

"You're going to be thrilled master," she said as time seemed to slow down.

This had to be a dream; it's the only explanation.

"How do you feel master?" she asked.

" voice...what did you do to my voice?" I asked finally being able to speak.

"I granted your wish master,"

"What wish?" I panicked.

"To be female master," she giggled.

"What do you mean female?" she asked concerning.

"The other gender master," she giggled.

"I know what the other gender is,"

"Then what is your question master?"

"Why do I feel so different and why do I sound like a girl?"

"Because you are a girl master,"

"I'm a girl!" I exclaimed.

"That was your wish; was it not master?" she asked giggling.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Sure it was; you flipped the coin between your fingers wishing you could be a girl master," she giggled.

"Change me back and stop calling me master," I demanded.

"It's not so easy," she giggled.

"Change me back,"

"Look how beautiful you are," she giggled as a magical mirror appeared from thin air.

My face feminized, my's not me!

"I'm so excited for you," she giggled.

There's no clue of my former self and no resemblance to my immediate family; all resemblance of my family are gone.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"This isn't real, you're not real, this is just a dream and I'll wake up and it'll be all over,"

"Sorry to disappoint but you really do need to come back to reality. This is real, I'm real, and you're now a beautiful woman," she giggled

"Who am I; why don't I look like myself whatsoever?" I asked.

"Heather is the answer to your first question. You may have been a handsome male but you certainly would've made an ugly female to answer your second," she giggled.

"Can you please put me down?"

"Sure," she replied as the mirror lowered with me.

"I'm shorter," I stated as I looked around the room comparing my height to the heights of all the doors.

"Of course, you're five foot seven, blue eyes, dirty blond, and have a cute but impressive tight 34B-29-34 figure. What more could you ask for?"

"Okay, you've had your fun now change me back," I said admiring my figure in the mirror.

"You have a beautiful body Heather," she giggled.


"You're welcome," she giggled.

"What am I going to do?"

"Do about what?" she inquired.

"My hair, it's a mess," I answered.

She laughed.

"What?' I asked snapping out of it.

"Nothing," she rolled her lips together and looked off to the side.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"You were admiring your body and asked about your hair," she giggled.

"What?" I couldn't imagine doing that.

"You're just a little confused; your mind is in conflict with the changes; it's just a hormonal thing," she giggled.

"A hormonal thing," I yelled.

"Yes, changing genders is the most difficult of spells," she tried laughing it off.

"What the fuck..." I screamed in anger.

"What?" she screamed back.

"What the fuck..." I screamed again.

"Is that the thanks I get for granting you your stupid wish," she yelled.

"Fuck..." I began before my mouth froze.

"That's it, don't piss me off bitch or you'll live to regret it.

"Argh!" I sounded as my reflection showed a three-hundred pound, five foot old woman with no hair and missing teeth.

"Do you understand...or should I leave; it's no skin off my back,"

I was mute; sign language was my only form of communication.

"Good, I forgive you, you can speak now,"

"Change me back I don't like hormones," I said frantically but respectfully.

"It's not that easy," she giggled.

"What do you mean it's not that easy?" I said looking at my complexion in the mirror.

"You're in the mutating stage; any tampering could cause death,"

"Why did you do this to me?"

"You wished it," she giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"You, you're so cute," she giggled.


"Come on," she baby talked me.

"When's the mutating period end?"

"Never days or weeks; more like years; possibly five...maybe more,"

"Why didn't you warn me?"

"You rubbed the coin; you made your wish and I granted it,"

"Is there anything that can reverse this wish?"

"Yes, of course, but..."

"Then why didn't you say so?" my demeanor changed.

"I thought this is what you wanted?"She inquired.

" wasn't thinking...I mean...I was but...I have family and school being a girl right now is not going to work for me right now,"

"So you want to be a girl later?" she giggled.

"Yes...I mean no..."

"You're so silly," she interrupted giggling.

"How can I turn back into my old self again?"

"Are you sure you don't want to be a girl?" she giggled.


"You didn't sound so positive a minute ago," she giggled biting the tip of her pointer finger.

"I'm sure," I said shakily.

"Okay, there's series of tasks that must be a female, to change back to your male form," she informed me.

"Like what?" I asked now admiring my nude

female body.

"First, you do realize the chance to change genders doesn't come along every day?"

"You're stalling,"

"No, it's just you're so beautiful; are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes...I think so...yeah,"

"You don't sound to sure that you actually want to change back," she giggled.

"I'm positive,"

"You don't want to take it for a test drive before going back to a disgusting male?" she giggled.


"You'll have to pay attention then," she insisted.

Again my reflection grabbed my attention.

"Hello," she called.

"I'm sorry, it's just the female form is so beautiful outside and within,"

"First, the hormones are going to drive you crazy and you're still mutating through puberty,"

"I understand,"

"The next step in a girl's life is dating..."


"You heard me; dating, making out, falling in love, and..."

She paused.

"and getting pregnant," she continued.

"Is this some sick joke," I yelled.

"No," she said.

"Argh!" I screamed silently as my reflection changed to a hideous form.

"The spell is bound by tasks; each task will be completed until the next task is given. Eventually you will HAVE to get pregnant. When the seed penetrates an egg then you'll be free," she giggled.

"You're kidding?"

"Maybe I should just leave," she threatened.

"No, I'm sorry, this is all new to me, I'll do whatever I have to," the small male voice pleaded.

"That's better,"

"Can you do something with this damn hair of mine?

I can't believe I just asked that!

She snapped her fingers.

"That's perfect, flat ironed curls slightly past my collar bones," I giggled.

The Genie laughed hysterically.


"You're becoming such a flake," she continued laughing.

"No I'm not," I responded seriously.

"You'll have to concentrate if you want to become male again,"

"The coin," I picked it up off the floor where

I had dropped it when I levitated.

"Sorry, it's no longer valid; you'll have to follow the program,"

I sighed peering out the window.

"Listen, you're a female, a genetic female, you'll have to follow the program," she informed me.

I became disoriented, I was now looking down at the turnabout from the other side; I was in the women's dorm.

"Shit!" I exclaimed closing the blinds quickly.

"Now what's the problem?"

"A guy in the other building; a peeping tom,"

"See, you have all the female instincts and assets, now it's time to get out there and have some fun,"

"What do you mean go out and have some fun?"

"Go out, meet a guy, let him entertain you and you him,"

"Describe entertain will you?"

"What the fuck you stupid bitch," she said annoyed poking me.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded.

"Listen, you whiny bitch...

I tried to move her poking finger away but she was intangible to my touching her though I felt her touching me.'re a fucking female. Go find a cute guy and let him use one those three fuck holes of yours,"


"You heard me,"

"Sorry, I'm not use to being a girl, it's the hormones, I'm disoriented, confused, this is a big change for me,"

"I gave you all the tools to make it through your journey back to manhood so if you don't want it I'll leave; last warning," she barked.

"I'm sorry, I need your help, please help me," I had no choice but to beg at this point if I ever wanted to get back to being a male.

"That's better,"

"Please, my clothes,"

She opened two doors, "Your closet; your clothes, shoes, purses, and safe. Your jewelry box and makeup kit is on your desk.

"I can't do makeup!" I exclaimed.

"First things first virgin," she said

She threw a pair of lace panties on the bed, followed by a black dress, and a pair of three inch heels.

I just looked at the items.

"Pick up the panties...then the dress," she commanded.

As soon as my hand touched the panties I knew what to do with them and slipped them on; they felt good against my soft smooth skin.

" the dress," she insisted.

Amazing, again, as soon as my finger touched the dress I knew how to put it on.

" the shoes,"

I sat on the edge of the bed, slipped them on, and buckled the ankle straps.

"Now sit down and apply your makeup,"

I was a little concerned until I opened the makeup kit and went to it.


"Thank you," I giggled elated with myself.

"See, it's not so bad, follow the procedures and you'll be fine. Handle tampons and sanitary napkins the same way; anything feminine you touch will be like you've used it forever," she told me.

A full length mirror appeared before me once more as I stood; I was amazingly beautiful. A smile stretched from ear to ear as I turned and twisted admiring myself.

"Feeling feminine?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"Feeling sexy?"

"Yes," I said smiling.

"Is this what you wished for?"

"Yes," I answered running my hands over my curvy body without realizing it until a few seconds later.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it now is there?"

"And if you fail?"

"Who can fail looking like this?" I exclaimed.

"That's the spirit!" she exclaimed.

"In all seriousness...what's my first task?"

"Finally, an intelligent question parts your lips,"

"Please, the task,"

"The first task; make out with a male partner before midnight,"

My look said it all.


"Yes, I never even had a gay thought in my head," I started.

"By the time you leave here the only thing you'll be thinking about is having girl fun. Conversation, flirting, drinking, dancing, holding, hugging, kissing, and who knows what else,"

"I'm scared,"

"Don't be, you're a girl, a very smart girl, the little faint voice inside you will remind you of your task at hand. It'll be a female voice but if you want to be male again you'll adhere to its words. Otherwise you're just a typical girl, on a typical night looking for a little fun,'

"How do I meet a guy?"

"No wonder you couldn't get a date; you're a total loser,"

"I'm sorry; you put me in a predicament..."

"You mean you put yourself in the predicament,"

"Yes, I'm sorry; I put myself in a predicament,"

"Again your lips part with the truth,"

"Now, how do I find a guy?"

"It's 7:30pm; they'll find you,"

"What?" I asked her but she transported me to a club.

She not only transported me to a club but I was sitting at the bar.

"I asked if I could buy you a drink," a guy repeated.

This cute guy was answering a question I initially asked the Geniebut in actuality was just repeating what he had just asked me; freaky.

"Sure," I smiled.

"What's your drink of choice," he asked.

"I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asked laughing.

"I'm sorry; it's been a trying day,"

"Beer, liquor, a girly drink?" he inquired eye brows raised.

He was trying so hard I couldn't help but giggle.

"At least I made you laugh," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry; I'll have a tea," I answered.

"Bartender...two long islands, the good stuff," he shouted out.

"Hi, I'm Mike," he put his hand out.

"Hi, Heather," I said shaking his hand while wondering what a long island was.

"Are you here alone?"

"You're not a stalker are you?"

"No, not likely," he laughed.

"Are you here by yourself?" I asked.

"I'm here with a few friends and now you," he nodded toward a group of people.

Four guys and three girls acknowledged me with smiles.

"They seem nice enough," I said.

Mike slipped the bartender twenty five and told him to keep the change.

"This is delicious," I said sipping my drink.

"Not my usual drink but it is very good," he said.

"What's your usual drink?" I asked.

He proceeded to tell me, time passed as he kept me laughing; I really enjoyed the attention.

"You want to dance?" he asked.

"Sure," I answered hoping this body came prewired.

I got off the bar stool a little tipsy after two delicious long islands and he caught me.

"Thank you,"

"Always willing to help a damsel in distress," I laughed as he took my hand and led me out to the floor.

My body knew what to do, how to move, how to seduce.

"You're a really good dancer," he told me.

"Thanks, you're not bad yourself,"

"You're lying," he told me.

I laughed and so did he.

We danced...we laughed...we partied...then the DJ played a slow song; an opportunity Mike didn't pass up.

Mike pulled me in and kissed me, we parted, and then he kissed me again. This time passionately and methodically; his tongue teased mine until it joined in the playful dance.

We moved slowly to the music...our bodies pressed together; he had a massive hard on.

He gave me that look; I fell for it line and sinker.

I put my arms around his neck while he cupped my ass and pulled me in; we kissed.

It was electrifying as our tongues engaged and our bodies pressed tightly together.

His hardened member caught between us.

I was a virgin and wanted to see a real life penis for the first time in my life.

Mike ended the kiss.

We laughed as we peered into one another's eyes.

"You want me to take care of that for you?" I whispered into his ear as I peeked at my wrist watch.

11:15 hopefully it's enough time.

"My car's outside,"

"What are we waiting for?"

He took my hand and led me out to his vehicle and we both hopped in the back seat.

Once in Mike unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, raised his ass in the air, and pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees.

"I'm on my period," I lied.

He smiled, I smiled, and he kissed me as I grabbed his hard penis in my hand; I couldn't believe how hard it was.

Once he broke the kiss he lightly guided my head down to his lap.

"I've never done this before," I admitted hoping he would be satisfied with a hand job.

"Do whatever comes natural beautiful,"

I giggled as I started to stroke it with my hand

I wanted to lick it but I didn't really know him and wanted to take it slow.

After a few minutes his penis got even harder.

"Ah!" he moved as he shifted his hips slightly.

I must be doing it right.

"Ah!" he again muttered.

My confidence grew as did his moans.

His hand raised the back of my club dress.

My heart raced as I got excited.

His finger slipped between my ass and my panties; he playfully massaged my anal opening slipping in the tip of his finger.

"Mmm," I faintly moaned as my panties suddenly dampened.

"Ah!" he sounded loudly covering my faint maons.

His penis started pulsating; ejaculating his sperm approximately twelve inches into the air. I watched as his penis continued pumping out his sweet smelling sperm while he inserted his finger deeper into me.

My panties were completely saturated as they soaked up the juices from my vagina.

My head rested on his thigh as we enjoyed the moment afterwards.

He removed his finger from my opening as he motioned for me to get up. He grabbed a small white towel from the back and cleaned himself up.

I dabbed my tongue into his sperm that was on the back of my hand.

"Yummy!" I thought to myself.

He handed me the towel and I cleaned up my hand.

"Well?' I asked.

"I was hoping for a blow job,"

"Are you serious?"

"That's what I brought you out here for; a blow job!"

"You're unbelievable,"

I stepped out of the vehicle and called Uber from my cell.

It was midnight and on my way back to campus.

"You look awfully familiar," the driver told me.

"Really," I said believing he was trying to pick me up.

"Didn't I give you a ride last weekend?" the driver asked.

"No, I don't think so," I answered.

"I could've sworn I gave you a ride last weekend," the driver added.

"Everyone has someone that looks like them," I told him.

"I guess so,"

It was a quiet ride back to the dorm after that.

Finally in my room, I showered, brushed my pearly whites, got into my pjs, and into bed.