The Commuter


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WHACK! The other cheek was also reddened, and I was about at the end of my patience. Then those damn hands again, this time riding up the insides of my thighs, slowly, softly. They rose all the way to my crotch and pushed my cheeks aside, just enough to slip all the way into the seam between my legs and groin. They were cool and refreshing on my skin, felling very soothing on that area.

When they emerged from darkness and found my cheeks, they lessened their pressure and glided softly over my burning cheeks. The sting was still there, but the touch of her hands soothed me and somehow made it all ok. My shaft was pulsing against the back of the couch. I was getting desperate to figure out what was going on. She was so damn good at what she was doing to me, taking me into and out of a state of serious horniness, and yet hardly said a word. Why was that? And why was she only working me over and not giving me a chance to pleasure her?

The blood was accumulating in my head, as bent over as I was, and each time I had a chance to contemplate my situation, it came to me that I was not all that comfortable. And then she would distract me once again, usually with a whack on my ass. But on this occasion, she changed her tactics. I heard, rather than saw her move around to the front side of the couch.

There was some more noise. It sounded like the coffee table being moved. I heard a rustling noise beside me, felt the seat cushions move. The lights went out.

I felt more than saw the approach of darkness from a blindfold. One second I was looking at the coffee table top, about as far up as I could raise my head, or let it down for that matter, secured as it was to my hands behind my back. She must have kneeled on the couch beside me to apply the blinding device, and it took no more than a second or two to secure it.

There was a period of adjustment now. This new condition, me being not only unable to direct my vision as a result of the position my head was restrained to, began immediately to work on my mind. I felt my equilibrium, already confused in this partially upended position, begin to leave me all together. I was floating up, as if in zero gravity, even feeling a touch of nausea. Now I was an astronaut! The change was incredible, and all the result of a simple blindfold.

Then the tugging on the side of my head was followed by release! My mouth was clear! I felt a cavern of space there where the ball had been jammed. I could breath and open and feel air in my mouth.

There was an aroma suddenly that I couldn’t mistake. Her sex was very close. It had to be moist, judging from the ample scent emitting from it. She was hot! The first good sign yet was upon me, wafting up my nostrils like nectar to a desert nomad. It was exquisite. I wanted more.

I didn’t have long to wait. I next felt my head raised up by my hair and harness, and suddenly dropped. My mouth opened to protest, but was suddenly full of soft swollen pussy lips that seemed to beg me to suck them.

SHE WAS THERE! My God this was good! Finally! I rolled my eyes under the blindfold, and slipped into a moment of sheer ecstasy. My nose also struck pay dirt, landing on her clit. It was hard! I felt its hardened head on the tip of my nose! I was in that instant more happy, more horny than I can remember ever being before. I had no idea this delicious meal would be before me, so I dove in with abandon.

I lifted my head aggressively and dropped my nose down hard on her clit again. She bumped under the pressure, and groaned some guttural sound. I dragged my bearded chin over her opening pussy lips and followed it with my tongue. And then I stopped and worked her clit and lips with my entire face, devouring every bit of her I could.

It didn’t occur to me then that I was playing directly into her hands. She had wound me up like a toy and turned me loose on an area of her body she wanted attention applied to. And I executed her wishes without command. I was on programmed automatic and doing exactly what she had had in mind all along.

She bucked up against my head. I could only assume she had moved the coffee table right up to the couch and planted her ass on its edge. Her legs must be against the couch’s back, to the sides of my hips, a position which further opened her to my face. I could visualize her despite the darkness of my blindfold, leaning back on her elbows on the table, pushing her hungry cunt up to my ravishing face. Two eager organs meeting in a kind of controlled combat, each trying to win its place over the other, I being the underdog in chains. It was delicious! Worth every spank, worth every fearful moment.

She was scented only naturally, and heavily so. She must have been heating up more than I during her dominance of my body and mind. I could tell by the lush wetness of her lips and slit she was gushing juice up at me, begging me to drink it all and make room for more. I did my best to grant her every wish and dove continually back into her for more. My tongue worked overtime and time again to scoop out every drop it could, delivering it back to my throat upon scintillated taste buds eager for more. I made sure my nose kept nuzzling her clit, pushing it around, compressing it and letting it flick by under pressure. I continued to breath through heavenly scented nostrils, taking her aroma in with every deep breath. I know my cock was doing all it could to poke holes in the back of the couch.

Suddenly she bucked up at me and half yelled and half moaned out loud. Her orgasm had hit her like a train and it was driving us up into the mountains. We climbed together, me humping the couch in some small, reflexive attempt to cum, while delivering her the blow of her live. I puffed her up with a deep breath delivered into her and then inhaled it back out of her. She bucked again, even harder. It was apparent she’d never had that done before, and frankly I had only done it that once. It just seemed the right thing to do. We were so intent on being one body, connected so intimately as to make no mistake that we were the same, that whole new ideas were coming to mind, and whole new sensations were coming to our bodies.

She bucked up a third time and locked her thighs around my head and pulled me back down with her. Had she held me like that for long, I’d have suffocated. As it was, her next buck of orgasm popped me back up for air, only to be sucked right back down again. This time, she gave me two tiny bucks, as if to signal something. I realized she wanted me to blow her up again and gladly complied.

She timed her next buck up stroke to my inhale of her exhaust and we both groaned in ecstasy beyond imagination. This new idea had proved to be such a hit we finished her off with several more cycles of blowing and sucking her cunt to exhaustion.

She fell back down on the table one last time and stayed there. Thankfully, and still quite surprising to me, my head felt far too comfortable in her crotch to want to remove it. She let me stay as well, and we caught our breath for several minutes.

Eventually, I felt her hands come down gently on my head and massage it as they pushed it around in her crotch. She was humming her approval of the act just completed and saying nothing else. She just kept massaging her pussy by controlling the back of my head. I had no complaints, only a vague question of what could possibly be next.

We rested like this for some further time. After she finally had enough of my face in her lap, she picked my head up by the hair and harness, backed away by pushing off from the couch, climbed up off the table and walked around the room a bit. I surmised she was “walking it off,” a recovery operation I was excluded from. I heard her rummaging in her things again, or thought I did, and wondered what bizarre fantasy was next. If she were going to let me have mine, she would have untied me by now. So I resigned myself to more discipline and possibly pain. Once again I began to wonder if I was going to regret this day. Yet, with all that had happened so far, my mind drifted into another foggy world of fond memory of being cradled in her groin like a baby in the womb. It had been warm, delicious, and safe, almost loving.

Chapter Six

The ball gag was shoved back in my mouth. I felt and heard her fastening it down. I was once again silenced. My shirt had been pulled back from my head and up my back, but my pants not pulled back up. They and my jockeys remained at my feet, held there by no more than their presence below the cuffs. I was hoping that she was at least going to move me. Being humped over the couch for nearly an hour now was having its negative impact on my blood and body. My face must be red, I thought, though there was no one but her to see it. My legs were getting stiff. My stomach was crunched enough now to completely aggravate the tension I was feeling from my weight upon it. PLEASE, I thought, move me.

The next sensations were of some kind of straps being fastened to my knees. They were then pulled together somehow, probably similarly to the wrists. I realized this woman was a master of ropes and leverage. She always seemed to manage to set up a new position and restraint plan while I was still helpless under the old one. Then she would release the old restrictions, and execute some new arrangement flawlessly, truly preventing me from escaping at any point.

I could yell of course, or thrash around like a fish on the deck of a boat, but I did not. Perhaps it was that one last bit of control I did possess that kept me from panicking. It was sufficient comfort in control of my destiny to grant me the slightest modicum of reassurance that I was not in any real physical danger. Now if only I could count on her to not ruin my social and professional life too.

“Get up!” Her words stung my ears as she pulled on the rope from my head harness to my hand cuffs behind, helping me to stand and straighten. The stretch felt good and I relaxed enough to lick my lips again, savoring the taste of this dominance freak once again. She may be running the show, but I was sure not lacking for excitement, lust, and now reward.

She applied a collar to my neck and must have run another rope from my hand cuffs around my body to the front and through a ring affixed to the collar for the next jerk of a rope pulled my head forward and my hands around and up toward my chin. When they could go no further, wrists touching the underside of my Adam’s Apple, She was walking, tugging on the rope, leading me like her dog. I had no other choice but to move my feet below my knees to keep my balance.

The restriction on my knees however forced me to take very short steps, no more than a few inches at a time, and only with the aid of moving my hips alternately up and down to allow my feet to clear the carpet at the appointed steps. I had no choice but to follow her. And she didn’t move slow! I had to almost hop at times to keep up. The one saving fact was that the minute we started walking, I stepped out of my pants, more by instinct than anything else.

We traveled a distance that I figured must get us to the bedroom. I had seen so little of the suite when we had stepped in that I was pretty much lost now. She turned me around roughly, using the rope holding my wrists to my chin, and her other hand I guess to push on my shoulder. I complied as quickly as my bound state would let me.

She let go, left me standing there. I heard more rustling around, even a couple mechanical clicks and the like. For the life of me, I could not figure out what she was doing. I felt a slight breeze go by on several occasions, as she must have been moving around quite a nearby, but that was about the only thing I did know. She owned me.

I next felt her hands on my cock. It was such a shock that I flinched embarrassingly, pulling my hips back, as if she were hammering me with a club, rather than stroking me with her cool soft hands.

“So! You still don’t trust me?” She was a woman of few words. There followed no explanation, no demand for a response, only some more rustling and then what I could only surmise was round two, began!

I felt rather than heard her next move. What could only be a heel point and shoe toe combination pushed on my bare chest and forced me off balance to the rear. Fortunately, I was at the foot of the bed. I collapsed on my butt on the firm mattress. If I remembered correctly, I was facing a mirror over the low credenza along the wall, with my back to the head of the king sized bed. I felt tugs on my wrists, which were still affixed to my collar.

The next sensation was of her fingers manipulating the hand cuffs and releasing me from the collar. I dropped my hands, out and to my rear to support me on the bed, then stretched the kinked muscles out of my torso. After a minute, I pulled on my arms, trying to lean forward to remove my blindfold, thinking my “training,” or whatever she had been performing, was done.

Much to my surprise, my hands wouldn’t move from the outstretched position! I tugged harder, but they were held, probably by the ropes she had so carefully and skillfully adjusted and repositioned. I relaxed my arms in concession, only to feel them pulled suddenly and dramatically to my rear. They were pulled so far in fact, in a brief moment, I was totally taken in by the surprise and my hands pulled all the way behind me, toward the head of the bed.

The strain on my shoulders with my arms bent back so severely prompted me to immediately scramble on my but up the bed to relieve the pressure. My action was effective in that my arms were pulled out some and then not pulled any longer. They were affixed to something where the bed met the wall, probably to an anchor she had installed using more line around and under the bed. I was surprised at how effective my senses were picking up possibilities from the sound, smell and touch of what little I could take in. I was completely surprised to realize my shirt must have been another cleverly removed item, during the switch from cuffs fastened to my collar, to cuffs now fastened to the head of the bed. I was naked, with my arms tied above and behind me. And then the feet followed, spread-eagled and secured to the bottom sides of the bed.

I couldn’t see a thing. The blindfold was intact and in place. My cock shriveled in the sudden fear and exposure of lying completely naked before a stranger, and my embarrassment was complete. This woman could do as little as simply leave and I was to suffer indignity that I might never live down. She could go to opposite extremes and hurt, or even kill me, taking whatever pleasure she wanted in the process, and there would be nothing I could do. Only one other alternative presented itself, though I was hard pressed to dream of it. She could pleasure herself, and me, to no end. I sure hoped I was dealing with door number three!

Chapter Seven

I was truly regretting my audacity, my nerve, my totally self-serving and sinful decision to attempt to bed this Latina redhead and cheat on my wife. I thought of my kids, and what they would think if they suddenly walked in on what was going on in that room. Unknowingly, I was beginning to pull and strain at the ropes securing me to the bed.

Then in total confusion yet again, the ball was removed from my mouth. Was I about to get another drink? Was I once again to be brought to the well of her delicious and delirious delight? I was hoping with all my might.

Whack! It made a lot more noise than it did pain. I felt the unmistakable slap of leather on my thigh. Whack! It crossed my other thigh. It came again, and again, surely reddening my skin, and driving my now petite penis into oblivion. I was near the point of cracking, of breaking out into a blood curdling yell of panic, when the leather stopped, the bed moved under her weight upon it, and my face was suddenly filled once again with the delicious and aromatic sex of my tormentor’s pussy.

She put her weight right down on me. I next felt her sucking my limp prick out of its hole while her tits rested on my stomach just above my hips. How could I go from panic to lustful bliss in one breath?

I think she was becoming frustrated, having trouble shocking my cock out of its shriveled state. Her hips suddenly started grinding her pussy into my face as if it were punishing me for not responding. Whatever her reason was, its effect was to jump-start the little “tough guy” hiding between my balls and start his countdown to lift off.

Once started of course, my cock had a mind of its own. It was like a racehorse, as if it had been restrained somehow, and once released, was running full speed to the finish line. It poked up as fast as was physically possible and was banging on the back of her throat in no time. I, meanwhile, used my tongue and teeth alternately to ravish the feast pressing down upon me. Each time she would rock her hips forward, I would bend and contort my neck at just the right moment, and nibble her clit to move just a little further. I was fighting back.

As this motion continued, she began a Pavlov’s Dog response on each forward stroke. And each time it exaggerated just a bit further. When I thought I was getting just about all the distance I could from her hips, I timed my next move impeccably. Her pussy moved forward, then despite my mouth not following this time, bumped forward yet a little more. I had indeed moved my mouth in just the opposite direction. At the precise moment of maximum forward, I tilted my head back and used my tongue like a battering ram, bursting through her sphincter muscle on the first plunge.

She froze, lifting her head off my now upright cock, and remained silent, my tongue still pushed through her hole and impaling her. My eyes were wide open behind the blindfold, wondering just how much trouble I was in now.

“What the hell….” She rose from my cock, pushing off from the mattress and lifting those glorious globes off my loins. “You like that hole too?” Her voice was incredulous, as if she couldn’t believe that I could be so insolent as to take the initiative and attack her ass while she was so very much in charge. “Wellll,” She dragged out the word, “You should have told me.”

The Latina Woman sat upright, her full sitting weight pressed down on my face, centered over my mouth and pivoting on her rectal entry. My tongue was not pressing so hard suddenly, pulling back in fact from fear of reprisal. What had I done? What was she about?

To my immense relief, she rose and took the burden off my face. I couldn’t help but lick my lips and then put my tongue back in my mouth. A smile even escaped me, prompted by the mischievous accomplishment. As I opened my mouth to chuckle audibly at the little caper, the ball was reinserted, and with more than a little force. It was secured there once again.

I felt ropes, or something, being fastened to the cuffs on my legs, just above the knees. More rustling. I felt my legs released! I brought them together in a kind of womanly fashion and reveled in the sudden release and laxness on my groin muscles. I even bent my knees to give them a chance to contract from their previous outstretched position.

The pleasure was soon lost. I felt my knees suddenly restrained from somewhere near my head. Each time I relaxed them, they were bent back further, and I could not regain the ground that I’d lost. She had some kind of “thing” going with the ropes again and before long my knees were nearly at my chest. At least I could keep them together. With the sudden anger I had inspired in her, I was glad to have been able to close my knees first, then have them pulled up, now covering and protecting my balls and cock. I felt my ankles tugged again, held toward the foot of the bed. She now had me still on my back, but with my torso bent in two, a fetal position on my back. At least I was able to self protect.