The Complete Marriage Ch. 03

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Marcus takes control, and Roxanne loves it.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/18/2021
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Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus arrived at LAX with more than enough time left before their flight. Marcus excused himself once they got to their terminal. He had to call his mother and let her know that they got to the airport okay.

When Marcus walked away, Chad commented that Marcus's mother treated him like a child.

Roxanne sighed and told Chad that Marcus had been through a lot. And he was going to need time to adjust to being married, being an adult, and away from his mother. Chad kissed Roxanne and told her that they had the rest of their lives.

"Yes, mother. We made it. Yes. Everything is fine. I agree. Chad is a good-looking man. I guess they do look good together. No. We didn't have sex last night. Yes. They did. . ." Marcus's mother wanted to know all the details of his wedding night. Marcus told her that they slept and woke up and went to the airport.

Marcus's mother told him that she wished she could have joined them, but she was sure, with Chad there, that everything would be okay. He could be the man and protect them if they ran into any trouble. Marcus nodded and said, "Sure."

Marcus's mother told him that she hoped he wouldn't get hurt while away. And he assured her that everything was going to be fine. She came back with, "You're my only son. And if anything ever happened to you, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Marcus told his mother that they were only going to be gone for two weeks, and then he'd be back. Marcus's mother told him that she wished she was with him so that she could kiss him goodbye one more time. Marcus looked over at Chad and Roxanne and noticed them talking to another couple. Then he told his mother that he had to use the bathroom and he would try to call when they got to the island.

The other couple was sitting on the ground in front of Chad and Roxanne and were smiling. The woman had long blonde hair. She was wearing a halter top and jeans. The man with her had dark curly hair and was wearing a flowery shirt that was wide open at his chest and jeans. They looked like free spirits, or as some people would call them, hippies.

Marcus stayed next to the phones and watched Chad, Roxanne, and the other couple. Everyone was laughing, and Chad and Roxanne acted as if they knew this other couple.

Marcus wished he knew what they were talking about, but he also didn't want to interrupt. The four of them seemed to be having a good time without him being there, and eventually, he would have to join them, but he decided to wait and watch for the time being.

He wasn't judgemental of the other couple, but he saw similarities between the other couple and Chad and Roxanne. There was trueness and openness that could be seen by anyone paying attention. And Marcus had trouble being himself because he'd always been told who to be and how to be.

Marcus knew that his mother was his biggest problem. The second biggest problem was that he never learned to fight or even defend himself. He had trouble making decisions. He didn't know how to say no. And he always had to remember that what was okay for other people wasn't okay for him.

"Fuck you, mom," Marcus mumbled. "If I was the man I should have been, I'd be right there right now. And Roxanne and I would be that couple." But Marcus knew that he wasn't like other men. "He was raised to be better than that."

When Marcus returned to Chad and Roxanne, Roxanne introduced him to Sunshine and Dale. Sunshine told Marcus that it was so cool of him to share his wife. Marcus smiled and said, "A woman can never be loved too much or too often."

Marcus felt a heaviness in his chest. Chad and Roxanne had known Sunshine and Dale for no more than a few minutes and Roxanne had already told them that Chad was her lover.

Sunshine informed Marcus that Dale had shared her, too. She explained that love is love and everyone should be loved by everyone.

Marcus couldn't help but think that eventually, Chad would be sleeping with Sunshine, and Dale was going to be sleeping with Roxanne.

Marcus sat back and listened to Sunshine talk about how beautiful it was that the three of them were so open. Sunshine said that beauty always finds beauty and love always finds love.

Dale talked about how giving your partner the freedom to love others is true love. "It's like when you have more than enough to give, you give. And the more you give, the more you have. No one is your property. Even a wife should be shared. I mean, if you love her, why wouldn't you want everyone else to know how good you have it?"

Sunshine told Marcus that although he looked like a stiff, she thought he was pretty cool.

Marcus wondered how many other people had overheard their conversation. And if anyone had, what did they think of him.

Marcus knew that he could tell Sunshine that he found her to be attractive, but he also felt guilty for finding her attractive. Marcus found himself picturing Chad and Sunshine together and Dale and Roxanne together. This helped with his feelings of shame for feeling attracted to Sunshine.

Sunshine had said that everyone should love everyone, but did she mean sexually? She said that she'd been shared. Even if Sunshine would have sex with him and Roxanne would be okay with it, Marcus knew that he couldn't. It would be wrong. His mother would see him as unable to control his urges, and the church would see him as a lustful man.

Marcus listened to Chad and Roxanne as they made plans to do things with Sunshine and Dale. Of course, it was assumed that Marcus would be involved, but he wasn't really part of the conversation.

Deep down, Marcus wished that he could be open about his wants and desires, but he also knew that he needed to keep those to himself. Marcus heard his mother saying, "No woman wants a man that can't keep his dick in his pants."

Marcus knew that a real man has control over himself and his surroundings. And he was committed to remaining aloof about the whole thing with Chad, Roxanne, Sunshine, and Dale.

He figured that if he didn't need to have sex with Roxanne or Sunshine that he was better than Chad or Dale. Where this was an issue with Marcus was in the fact that by thinking he was better than Chad or Dale, he was also being prideful. "And God hates a prideful man."

Marcus reminded himself that anger, resentment, irritation, envy, grumbling, and complaining are all aspects of pride. And they're all sinful acts of the heart. Marcus knew that all of these things God hates. And his goal was to be a Godly, Christ-like man. So, he put away any feelings of being better than Chad or Dale and realized that God brought them into his life for a reason, one he may never understand.

Marcus had never been around hippies, and that's what Sunshine and Dale were. They both had long hair, they both wore flower clothing, and everything was "groovy" with them. And they used the word man more often than not.

Dale told Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus that he and Sunshine were going to the Bahamas to meet old friends, make new friends and just hang out and have a good time. Marcus informed Dale that Chad, Roxanne, and he were going for their honeymoon.

"Man, that's groovy, the three of you having your own love fest. That's real love, man."

Sunshine said that she thought they could all have a great time together. Chad and Roxanne agreed and Marcus smiled his agreement.

Sunshine told Marcus that she saw him as the strong silent type. Marcus just smiled. He couldn't admit to Sunshine that he wasn't physically strong or that the reason he was quiet was that he didn't want to say the wrong thing. Marcus told Sunshine, "I'm the type of guy that tries to live my life as Christ would."

"Jesus is just alright with me, man. I dig that. Right on."

Dale commented, "Jesus was cool, man."

"Jesus is alive today," Marcus said. "Look to Jesus if you want to know real love."

Roxanne looked at Marcus and then at Sunshine and said, "God gave me Chad and Marcus."

"God is very cool," Sunshine responded. "No one can ever understand God, but we can learn a lot from him or her, I guess."

"Jesus taught one very important thing," Marcus told Sunshine. "Love one another." He continued, saying, "God loves us with such incredible love. He wants us to experience incredible, life-changing love, mercy, and compassion, too, and not only from him but from those around us. He wants us to show that love to others and for them to show that love to us."

"That's beautiful, man."

Sunshine told Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus that she and Dale were going to the Bahamas to see their friend Junbuk. He grew up and lives on the island. Sunshine said that she and Junbuk had been lovers on many occasions. She explained that Junbuk introduced her to Dale, and they've been together ever since.

Marcus asked who Junbuk was and how she'd met him.

"Oh, man. I was at this get-together at another friend's house and Junbuk was there. He looked so exotic. And he had this accent. I just fell in love with him when I met him. I felt this soul connection with him. It was like, wow, man. "

Roxanne asked Sunshine to tell her more about Junbuk and this soul connection she and he had.

"You know, it was like finding something you didn't know you lost. There was this complete feeling that we both felt."

Marcus interjected that Chad had completed their marriage.

"And that's so cool, man. See? Love is everywhere. You just have to let it find you, man."

"Junbuk is like a guru," Dale added. "He's a spiritual teacher. He says that all life is connected. And like Jesus, Junbuk says that we are to love everyone, too. He says that love is what connects us all. And if you can't love another, that is your biggest problem, because love is what matters above all things. Without love, what do you have?"

Marcus asked Dale if he thought that when Junbuk talked about loving others that he was talking about sex.

"We're like birds and bees, man. If you know anything about pollination, we humans do that, too. A bee will go from one flower to another and then another, and both the bee and the flowers benefit. We're kind of like that, man. We're the bees and women are the flowers. You dig?"

"Did Junbuk say those exact words," Marcus asked. "Or is that possibly how you perceived or heard what Junbuk said?"

Dale was confused.

Marcus then asked Dale if he felt that he could love someone and not have sex with them.

"Yeah, man. Love isn't sexual, but sex is love. But you have to remember, man, Love and sexual desire come from the same part of the brain. Love is an emotion and sexual desire is an emotion. Never try to understand love or sexual desire, man. Just experience them.

Marcus rephrased his question, "Do you believe that you could be with a woman, love her and not have sex with her?"

"Yeah. Definitely. If you don't have sex with someone, that doesn't change how you feel about them."

Marcus found out how much of the conversation he'd missed when Sunshine said, "Oh, yeah. Chad took Roxanne's virginity and consummated your married, and you and Roxanne haven't had sex, yet."

Dale thought for a moment, then he remembered Chad telling them about their arrangement. Dale told Marcus that their arrangement was kind of weird, then added, "But, we're all weird in our own way."

Marcus told Dale that his arrangement was with God, not with Chad or Roxanne.

"So, you talk to God?" Sunshine asked Marcus.

"I do. It's hard to have a relationship if you don't communicate. It might seem to some a one-way conversation, but you can feel God answering you. And sometimes God answers directly."

Marcus explained that God works in unusual ways that don't often make sense to us. God's plans may not always be what we want, but what he wants for us. God wants only the very best for us and for us to glorify Him in all that we do.

Sunshine smiled and told Marcus that she respected that.

Chad asked Marcus what he thought God's plan was for the three of them.

"I can't even speculate on that, Chad. I've let go of the wheel. God's in the driver's seat. I'm letting go and letting God."

Sunshine told Marcus that she went to Sunday school when she was younger and she remembered the story of Hosea. She told everyone that God had Hosea marry a prostitute. And even though Hosea's wife continued to be a prostitute and even got sold into slavery, Hosea was willing to buy his wife out of slavery. He truly loved her.

Marcus corrected Sunshine by telling her that Hosea loved and trusted God, and that was why he did what he did. Marcus agreed that Hosea probably did love Gomer, but it was through the love and grace of God.

"So, wait a minute," Dale interrupted. "So, God told this dude to marry this prostitute, and he did. And that worked out?"

"It had to do with the relationship between God and Israel," Marcus explained. "Hosea and Gomer were representations of God and his love for his people. Hosea was chosen to live out the relationship that God and Israel had. In essence, it is a love story, but not one that most people see as the type of love story they are familiar with."

Dale shook his head and said, "God's a trip, man."

After boarding the plane, Chad, Roxanne, Marcus, Sunshine, and Dale talked about various subjects and quickly became friends.

Once they'd all cleared customs, Dale invited Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus to join them and meet Junbuk. Chad mentioned that Roxanne, Marcus and he had to check in at the resort, then they'd be free to go with them. Chad looked at Marcus for his approval, and he got it. Junbuk had sent a van for Sunshine and Dale. So, there was more than enough room for everyone.

When the van pulled up to Junbuk's house, it looked like all the rest of the houses that Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus had seen the entire way from the airport to the house. There was nothing special about the house. It was painted pink, had two floors and a fairly long driveway. There was vegetation all around Junbuk's house, but very little vegetation on Junbuk's property.

Dale had made Junbuk out to be some kind of super guru. Marcus was expecting to see an older guy with a long white beard. When Marcus saw Junbuk, he didn't see an old man. Junbuk was maybe in his forties, dark-skinned, fit, and tall. Sunshine introduced Chad, Roxanne, and Marcus to Junbuk.

When Junbuk reached out and shook Marcus's hand, his legs gave way a little. Junbuk smiled and told Marcus, "You are a powerful man."

Junbuk's knees hadn't gone weak because of Marcus's grip, it was his energy that affected Junbuk. Junbuk noticed something special about Marcus, and he told Marcus that he wanted to spend time with him.

Junbuk didn't have much furniture in his house. He had what he needed and not much more. Junbuk told Marcus that he usually lived alone, but from time to time people dropped by and stayed a day or two, or a week or two.

Marcus told Junbuk that Chad, Roxanne, and he were going to be on the island for two weeks and that they were staying at the resort not far from his house.

"You can stay away from the rest of the world there. It is self-contained and is for pleasure, all pleasure, luxury. You will not find that here."

Marcus told Junbuk that he had a fine house and that he was sure that it served its purpose.

"We are given what we need," Junbuk said. Then he asked, "Do you like conch?"

Junbuk led Marcus to the kitchen where a woman was using a hammer on some kind of meat. Junbuk said, "We're having conch and rice for dinner." Marcus wasn't sure what conch was, but he was hungry enough that as long as it was food he'd eat it.

Junbuk asked Marcus if he knew why he was there. Marcus looked confused. Junbuk told Marcus that nothing happens by accident, and Marcus agreed.

Marcus told Junbuk that Chad, Roxanne and he was on the island for their honeymoon.

"A honeymoon for three?"

"It's hard to explain," Marcus said.

"One can't explain the mysteries of the universe. We experience them. You are here to teach and to learn. You are more than a man. You are powerful, and you do not know it."

This was twice that Junbuk had said that Marcus was a powerful man, and Marcus had no idea why. Marcus asked Junbuk what he meant when he said that he was a powerful man.

"It is not physical strength that I am talking about, my friend. There are outside sources that surround you. You are led by a powerful source, one you may not know about, but it's there."

Marcus informed Junbuk that he was a Christian and that he believed in the power of Christ.

"Tonight will be an important night," Junbuk said. "A most important night, indeed. Light will come in the darkness."

Marcus wasn't sure what Junbuk meant, but he felt that if he asked for clarification that he would be more confused. As he always had, Marcus decided to put his faith in God, and whatever happened would happen.

Marcus was introduced to several other people that were at Junbuk's house. Most of them looked like Sunshine and Dale. Everyone ate together, sitting on pillows on the floor. Everyone seemed nice, and most seemed to be very spiritual in their thinking.

Roxanne and Chad hung out with Sunshine and Dale most of the time. On occasion, Roxanne would approach Marcus, put her arm around him, and kiss him. No one seemed to notice or care that Roxanne did the same with Chad.

It was hot on the island, and Marcus seemed to be the only one fully clothed. Most of the other men and women were topless. Junbuk noticed that the other people's nakedness hadn't affected Marcus, "You do not see what others see?"

Marcus looked around and shook his head. "A body is a body, Junbuk."

"Ah, but the body is a tool. It is what carries our soul."

"I guess it can be," Marcus replied. "Our souls are what carry us, too."

"You are a patient man, Marcus. And very forgiving."

"I try to follow God's guidance."

"And God will do you right," Junbuk said with a smile.

Just then, a young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes walked up and put her arm around Marcus. Marcus looked at the woman and said hello. The woman introduced herself as Kila. Marcus introduced himself in return. Kila told Marcus that they had to talk about his mother.

Marcus wasn't sure what Kila knew of his mother, or what she'd been told, but he was willing to listen to what Kila had to say. Marcus and Kila walked out to the back patio and sat down. Kila told Marcus that his mother had done what she felt was right, but what she taught was not Godly teaching.

Marcus asked Kila if she was a Christian. Kila told Marcus to just listen, and he did. Kila said, "You are not with your mother now. You are a married man in the eyes of the world and the eyes of God. Loving isn't just a Godly thing, it's a physical thing. You have been patient and faithful. You were made to be a sexual being, and you have a wife. You are to leave your mother and father and cleave to your wife and she to you. Let no man separate what God has brought together."

"So," Marcus asked again, "you're a Christian?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were Christian," Marcus said.

"Uh, no. Why do you ask?"

"Because of what you just said, it sounded like something a Christian would say."

"I'm a Buddist," Kila responded. "By the way, my name is Kila."

Marcus told Kila that he knew her name. Kila asked Marcus how, and Marcus told Kila that they had been talking. Kila told Marcus that she had no idea what he was talking about. Marcus shook his head and told Kila that she had just said to him that he was a grown man, he was married, He was a sexual being, and to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. Kila looked at Marcus, oddly, then got up and said she had to be somewhere.

Marcus sat alone, wondering what had just happened.

Moments later, Roxanne found Marcus sitting on the patio. She sat down next to Marcus and asked him how things were going.