The Computer Course Ch. 01


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"Hey you two. I have found a dinky little putting green behind the hotel, It's a gorgeous day -- so why don't you join me for a quick round?" We had no choice but to go with him.

In the early afternoon we split into two project teams to work independently on the same hypothetical problem. The four younger men made a natural grouping and, following our plan, Dave attached himself to them. This left me with the two older blokes and the dreaded Chris. The two management men, immediately took control and started approaching the problem using management principles. I felt that they were starting on the wrong track and tried to say so, but just when I wanted Chris on my side, he chose to support the big guns. To cut a long story short, it was 10 o'clock before we switched to my way of solving the problem and just after midnight when we finally came up with an adequate solution.

I went to our room to find, that Dave had single handed manoeuvred the mattresses into position and was now lying asleep upon them. By this time, I was absolutely knackered and very tensed up. "What kept you? Our team had it all wound up before seven thirty," he wanted to know. Despite my need, I was really past it and Dave having spent the evening waiting in the bar, as a measure of his own frustration had consumed far too much alcohol. We did screw but it was really only going through the motions.

The morning course session was again instruction. While rather rushing our lunch, Dave and I decided to sneak back to the room, taking care to avoid Chris. We almost made it. My key was actually in the door when a voice behind us said, "There you are. I've been looking all over for you two. Are you coming to finish the putting?" With rather bad grace we followed him outside.

This time, when the test project for the day was given in late afternoon, it was for work to be done in pairs. Dave and I quickly declared ourselves as a team, grabbed the test criteria and headed out of the room, neatly avoiding Chris who was obviously hoping to attach himself to us. On the way up to out room Dave glanced inside the folder and with satisfaction declared, "Thought so. I was tipped off about this one. I know the answer and there is absolutely nothing for us to do."

As soon as we were in the room, I stripped off and flung myself on the bottom of the bed with my legs hanging over the end. Due to the extra purchase Dave could get from having his feet on the floor, this was far the best position for a short sharp shag. "Fill me please," I pleaded. "I have had this burning itch all afternoon and only having you inside me can soothe it."

Dave was eager to comply but he had not been at it for more than a minute when there was a tapping on the door. "Shit," he cursed, pulled out, slipped on the short robe from his bed and went to answer it while I simply jumped naked under the covers of the bed. I heard a voice that I recognised to be Chris but could not decipher what he was saying. 'Get rid of him,' I prayed but the next moment Dave said clearly. "You had better come in."

As they advanced across the room he explained, "Chris has guessed that we are having a bit of fun together -- I think that we can fit him in as well." As he spoke my friend indicated that I should resume my previous position. Feeling rather awkward I did so but Dave showed no sign of embarrassment as he slid himself back into me. To Chris he said, "I had started so I am going to finish -- you will have to wait for your turn."

Looking sideways, I saw that the unwelcome guest to the party had lost no time in getting rid of his clothes and was sitting in a chair watching and fondling an already stiff penis. The prick looked just like the man -- very long and very thin. For whatever motive, after two or three minutes, Dave change his mind and called out, "On second thoughts there is room for you at the front. I am sure that Alan will be happy to oblige."

The next moment, the preying mantis was hutching himself down the bed towards me with legs splayed and obscene looking dick bouncing grotesquely before him. I had to force myself to open my mouth and let him put it inside. It was an unpleasant experience. Had Chris been content to just let me suck it might have been all right, but from the start he seemed intent on getting it right down my throat, constantly causing me to gag. Fortunately the ordeal was not of long duration because our unwelcome guest was over aroused and squirted his stuff into my mouth within a matter of minutes. Even here, in contrast to Dave's thick creaminess, the tall mans semen was more watery and stringy with a far from pleasant flavour.

Had Dave's cock not been still up my arse, I would have dashed to the bathroom and spat it out but in the circumstances had to swallow as if it was the worst kind of medicine. Meanwhile my lover just kept humping away in the slow and steady rhythm that I found he can maintain for hours. Chris returned to the spectator's position in the chair, from where he sat watching us. After a while, Dave changed to more flamboyant sex, pulling well out then slamming home and I quickly realised that he was putting on a show for the gallery. It must have looked good because I saw the intruder's long ungainly organ quickly regain its earlier stiffness. As if on this cue, Dave had a quick orgasm and removed his penis from my bowels. Chris was out of the traps like a greyhound, almost tripping up in his eagerness to fill my vacant hole.

How is it that you can enjoy being buggered by one man and loathe the experience when committed by another. Perhaps it is due to my instinctive dislike of Chris but there is a chance that I am being unfair to him. His dick was longer than Dave's and so went further in. It kept poking against some part of me in a way that caused discomfort even pain but he kept thrusting in just the same way even though my involuntary flinching must have told him that he was hurting me. Again I did not have to suffer for long.

The moment that he pulled out, Dave moved forward eagerly. "Your turn Chris sweetheart, I've been hoping for this since the first day of the course. Come on, get your arse in the air - let the dog see the rabbit."

The tall man backed away in consternation. "I didn't realise - I thought...." he flustered.

"It's turn and turn about here, I thought you knew," Dave grinned.

"Well yes I did but I've got to go. I only slipped away from the others for a few minutes - there is still the course project to finish." Chris was still retreating, feeling about blindly for his clothes.

"Pity," Dave commiserated. "Never mind - you can be first in line next time."

Chris nodded wildly as if in agreement but scrambled into his clothes as fast as possible and left the room at great speed. "We won't be bothered by him again," Dave told me with great satisfaction.

"It's all right for you," I complained ruefully. "I was the one who had to put up with him."

"Don't gripe - it couldn't have been that bad. Anyway - if you are going to carry on with your new hobby then you'll have to learn to take the rough with the smooth."

"His cum tasted vile - it had a kind of fishy flavour."

"Figures. In the restaurant he eats nothing but sea food." While speaking, Dave had placed his arm comfortingly round my shoulders but this was only to urge me back into my previous position face down over the end of the bed. Arranged to his satisfaction I felt the hard stiff prick with which he had threatened Chris, reintroduced to my eager anus.

Before abandoning myself to the delightful sensation of his flesh moving inside me, I harked back to his previous remark. "What do you mean 'carry on with my new hobby'? This is something that I only do with you - something about you makes me want to do what I never even thought of doing before I met you."

"Don't you believe it," Dave told me confidently without breaking rhythm. "You like it too much to give it up when I'm not around. Look at you now - you can't get enough."

He was right. Dave raised me to a plateau of sexual sensation that I had never experienced with my wife, no matter how fulfilling our marital sex life had been. I could not imagine that this might be it for the rest of my life. For that moment and for the next two days I managed to put that panic inducing thought from my mind. I abandoned myself to the pleasure of being fucked for the rest of that evening and at times during the night. He had me in countless different positions and my mouth and tongue became intimately acquainted with every inch of his body. The next night was the same and our last night together even more so. His cock was up me for virtually the whole night. Actually we overdid it to the extent that I could hardly walk the next day and even when arriving home had to use the excuse of a trapped nerve. Even though we only fell asleep shortly before dawn, I woke instinctively in time to perform the morning fellatio ritual.

As I finished and stood up licking my lips I found that Dave was grinning at me. "I'm really going to miss that in the mornings - you real are a glutton for the old ball juice."

"I was wondering about the future," I said hesitantly. "This doesn't have to be the end. Occasionally at weekends we could meet at a hotel somewhere. I could easily pretend that it had to with work - a seminar or something."

"I'm afraid that I can't Alan. This week has been great and I have loved every minute of it but this has got to be it. Store it up as a glorious memory like I'm going to do. If you want more of this kind of fun, find someone nearer home - there are plenty of gay and bi-sexual men around."

"But..." I began but then could not continue. I had felt sure that he would agree to something and his rejection made me feel uncharacteristically emotional.

"Alan, lover - old mate. This week has been special but if we try to prolong it, we can only spoil it. Think of the lies and deceit. If we arranged to meet things would always start to go wrong. Weekends would be aborted because of some snag at one end or the other and that would lead to futile waiting and anxiety. Apart from anything else, how are we going to communicate to arrange liaisons." Standing up he placed a hand on my shoulder. "If you are honest with yourself, all that you need is a male body. Believe me there are better bodies than mine out there - and bigger cocks, if that interests you."

I tried to put a brave face on it. "You just dropped into my lap," I said, "I just don't know how to start looking for a replacement.

"If I remember correctly," he smiled, "It was you who dropped into my lap."

After that we finished packing our bags before going down to the lobby. We did not touch again apart from shaking hands as part of the hand shaking ceremony with other course members.

Helen welcomed me home with a loving kiss and my two teenage kids deigned to say "Hi Dad," as they passed me on their way out. I'm pleased to say that my wife likes her regular supply of sex and I could tell that she had expectations when we went to bed. I used my trapped nerve as reason to be excused but instead of waiting until the following night, she started to shuffle seductively down the bed. I am ashamed to say that I fell asleep before her lips even touched my dick.

We made up for it the next morning, then Saturday night and Sunday morning. My week of alternative sex had certainly increased my appetite and that same period of abstinence had given Helen a hunger that was hard to satisfy. I enjoyed reverting to being the one who did the fucking and at the end of a week of passionate sex every night it was hard to remember that I had filled any other role. I revelled in my willing wife's lush body and all my heterosexual instincts came rushing back to the fore.

It was three weeks after I returned home that I first got the burning itch in my anus. The first thought was that Dave had given me something nasty and I had visions of making a secret but humiliating visit to a VD clinic. It got worse but I put off seeking medical attention. I continued to have sex with Helen on the principle that if I was going to pass on any infection, she would have got it already. I felt very guilty but about the possibility of having passed on a sexually transmitted disease rather than the things I had done with Dave - strangely I felt very little guilt at all about that.

On the fourth night of my affliction, unable to sleep because of the intolerable internal itching, with Helen snoring beside me, I wet two fingers and pushed them inside my anus. It helped immediately but I had to force them in as far as I could before I found true relief. I knew then that, rather than being infected, my body was simply craving what it had learned to need. After that, whether I had screwed Helen or not, I had to do the same thing to ease the itch. Many nights I fell asleep with my fingers in place and it became a morning habit to scrub the discoloration from my fingernails.

I thought about Dave a lot and sometimes when fingering myself I pretended - well you know what I pretended. In the street, I found myself looking at men and wondering when previously my gaze had unerringly sought any attractive female within range. The danger signal was the first night when I was so overwhelmed by a craving for male sex that my wife's voluptuous charms failed to arouse me. In desperation, I bought a nine-inch salami and while pretending to take a bath, rammed it up myself. This did still the body craving for days at a time but my mind was constantly active with memories of my five nights away from home.

I took up cruising or is it cottaging? Odd lunchtimes from work and evenings when I had a legitimate reason to leave the house, I went out looking for public conveniences in the belief that there was where it was all happening. Most were boarded up but one in the local park was still in use. I had no idea what to do so simply stood at the urinal a long time while people came and went. I dare not approach anybody in case I made a dreadful mistake and no men approached me for no doubt the same reason. I felt that there must be some signal that I should be giving but I had no idea what it was. I did start feeling optimistic because I saw faces that had been in more than once and some looked at me in more than a casual fashion.

Then I read in the local paper that a gang of 'queer bashing' skin heads had badly beaten a man in the park and I dare not return there again. So I moved on to plan B. Using the pretence that I was having a night out with a friend, I went to the notorious gay club in town.

When I say 'to' I mean that I took up a vantage point nearby to spy out the lay of the land.

Now had the clientele appeared as normal as I believed myself to be, I would have entered like a shot and perhaps had all my problems solved. Unfortunately, almost all the people that I watched entering, both male and female, seemed anxious to advertise their deviant sexual orientation. I gathered, possibly wrongly, that the club was for those following an exclusively gay lifestyle and not for part time players like myself.

My next resort was the Internet. Up until then I had used the external connection on my PC exclusively for sending and receiving E-mails. I started scanning for pornography. I searched on a gay key and skipped from web page to web page looking at the free sample pictures. Actually I did better looking at the cocks of men engaged in straight sex because those sites were both more explicit and more generous in pictures offered for free viewing. Then almost by accident I came across a site offering gay stories rather than pictures. I downloaded a great number of these tales and spent many hours pleasurably reading. I found great difficulty relating to the majority and got more out of the stories which were possibly true rather than the obvious fantasies. Some really excited me and I stored these in a hidden archive, deleting the rest.

It was only gradually that the idea came to put up my own experience. I have spent two weeks composing it, but here it is. I hope that I will get some kind of come back from it.

[ Above is the story as referred to in the section that follows. It never did get on the Internet until now.]

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks...loved it and remembered my first time...yes and was addicted. I consider myself bi sexual but closeted. What a rush...BH

readerSamreaderSamalmost 11 years ago
such harsh comments

readem21 and wimp_hater welcome to gay male category. here we don't usually have many haters like you. i hope you enjoy the story as much as i did. i also hope your di*ks are hard as i am right now. if u happen to be homophobes i humbly advise you two to not "Accidentally" crash into this category.

jeansguyjeansguyalmost 11 years ago

Well, ya know how it is, some readers are less intelligent and don't understand what the classification means...after all there is no "F----t" classification and some readers just are incapable of understanding what Gay Male means. Anyone want to bet the user name contains this person's IQ?

avidreadravidreadralmost 11 years ago

I have reported Readem to the website. I don't know what they can do but I felt it needed to be done. This chapter is clearly labeled gay male so I don' know why the reader was surprised.

chesthairslavechesthairslavealmost 11 years ago

Under no circumstances is it acceptable for a reader to advise an author to "KILL YOURSELF". The reader "Readem 21" should be shunned by the Literotica community.

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