The Conditioning

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Wife lays claim to everything.
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This story contains female domination, verbal degradation and humiliation, and perceived exploitation. Both characters are consensual adults. Please skip if these subjects offend you.


This is the fourth story I've written about my wife and myself. It is the only story that isn't mostly true. While fantasy in the sense that it hasn't happened, I think it's not unrealistic. I'm certainly not against any of it. She runs our marriage and everything else concerning either of us as she desires, to the level she wishes. The next few paragraphs though, are completely true.

You should know first that my main downfall is the fact that the more (for complete lack of the existence of a better word) cruel she is to me (on so many deep planes) the MORE I want her to screw me over. I find myself literally and in every understanding of the word . . . powerless to her.

But combine that weak powerlessness with my turn ons, and you get me, a guy who wants his wife to profit at his expense on every conceivable level, while his natural response to this is to further commit, worship, obey, and cherish. Oh, and need. Definitely need.

Usually my wife tells me what I'll give up for the privileged of getting treated like shit, and what she won't be giving up. This was the first and only time that I would offer something big up to her to speed things up towards the inevitable. In our everyday life, I know better than to ask for anything, but this was a little different. Sometimes, because she rules me with such impunity, we make a kind of trade.

These trades always involve me sacrificing something for her gain, be it time, work, money, or services. For her part, she usually shows me just a little stronger that she's down to fuck me over, and gains doubly. Just last week I spent 200 dollars on her, on a whim. That's not extreme or anything, but I'm trying to imagine me spending 200 dollars on me. I can't really, it just doesn't happen anymore. Something HAS changed.

I had told her that I wanted her to have more control, more freedom, more money, less responsibility, less work, etc. Really, I just wanted her to have more at my expense. If you understand the way I've described my bond to her, then it makes some kind of sense. The truth is, I want her to have an exorbitant amount of purely selfish gain.

That desire of mine for her gain just happens to match the intensity with which she treats me. It's very yin and yang to me. The equal input and output is the only demand I've ever had or will ever have. As a matter of fact, I believe that if she were to fully grasp the concept of what this cycle does for me, I'd be ruined.

She knew that I always wanted her to have more and more control over me, but I also wanted her to have a disdain and disgust to fuel her chase for "Her". I kind of actually wanted her to see me as less than worthy, partly for that purpose. Looking at me, she could tell that I was really dripping to be fucked over this time, just by the way that I was so easily slain by her lately. She looked at me and smiled that smile where her tongue traces around her teeth, as if both analyzing and judging.

"So. What it is you want to give me? What do I . . . deserve? Don't panic. It's only right for you to feel that I deserve more. You wanna give me something big? You want to show me how much you love me?" she coyly suggested, making her lips pout. I made sure to take all of her in before pausing at her eyes. She stared coldly and intently before speaking again. She now fully sensed my willing vulnerability, and at this, she slightly wet her lips.

"You feel guilty for what you offer me in a man, you sick fucker? You feel like you owe me? Forever?" She let her words turn over in my mind, mauling me. A dense explosion of colliding lights in my brain. And her malicious words echoed like a deep pool within a dark cave. She knew exactly how to exploit me. And I breathed it. She spat venom in this way knowing that it would make me hold back nothing in my answering. A tool meant to pry into me, exposing my underbelly. So very weak to any deviousness from her.

"Yes! I want you to ultimately have it all, you know that! But I've been thinking." I spat out. She rolled her eyes in a sign of disrespect.

"Well we all know what a great idea it is for you to think." she said sarcastically. "Tell me something that isn't obvious. We know that you're too stupid to make good choices, so it's painfully clear that I should have it all. So what else is your squishy dumb brain thinking?" She waited expectantly and impatiently. I melted at her insults.

"I want you to have ALL of the money. Actually. Really. I want my checks to direct deposit to your separate, private account and I want an insulting allowance. I want to know that I work more than full time and that you take it all!" I've done the home work, you could have around $2,200 a month just to spend as you please!" I panicked through my delivery.

"I want you to have ALL of the power, too. To not only not have to answer to me at all, even when it's inconvenient, but to flaunt it. I want you to TAKE everything that you find desirable. I want you to get the next new car instead of me." I added quickly, because I felt like it wasn't enough. She spoke right over the top of me.

"Wait a second. You want me to have two new cars in a row, while you keep having awful, ugly, shitty looking used cars? Mmm, that sounds hot. But you know people would wonder about that, the family and whatever. We can't actually do that." she dismissed the idea as disingenuous.

"By then I can get a decent 5 year old car for around six thousand. I could start saving my allowance now, if we went through with it. It would be nice, and I'd keep it looking new. I'm serious about finding a way for you to have it all. I've put so much thought into that." I wanted to go on, but she knew me better than anyone. She knew I was serious about making real changes. The only key though, was that I needed her to want them too.

She thought about it for moment, and the looked at me and smiled again. She stopped smiling, then shook her head back and forth slowly, as if realizing something inevitable. She looked at me and pierced through my eyes with hers with zero effort.

"You. Are. Hopeless. Aren't you? There's no fixing you. There's no change for us. You will always be a pathetic freak, won't you?" she was solemn in her tone. I could barely make out her words.

"Good thing for you that this "Us" works just fine for me. I like being your world. Your ruler. Your dreams. I like being your . . . Master." I couldn't stand up. I watched her in awe as she bent down towards me.

"So, my twisted little pet, what would I have to give up to get all that you're offering me?" she said in a completely mocking tone.

She made it a point to reveal the phenomena that happens when I'm fucked, when we both look at each other and revel in it, in our own ways. It's during these times that phenomena happens that you could tell exactly what dynamics were in play, without knowing either of us or us saying a word.

"Above all, I just need you to be okay with my suffering. I'd prefer if you got off on it, but we can't change people. But I need you to be okay with whatever suffering there is associated with the things you impose. It's the one way I know that it isn't a one way relationship. The only real way to know that you approve. If that happens, then everything is permissible. If not, nothing will work long term. Just don't ever do anything that you wouldn't have. That's as simple as I can make it." This was the thing I had been trying to say from the beginning.

She took the time to process that. I was relieved. I nervously anticipated her next anything. She surprised me when she moved on.

"Alright, fuck off sissy. I'll catch up with you soon. I have some ideas that are going to pry your tiny mind open for me to play with, and make it my own." She looked at me like someone would look at someone eating off the floor. I was rock hard with anticipation. I went to lay down at the foot of her bed because I didn't want the moment to end.

It was later that night, after dinner. I was watching TV when my wife came in. Dressed in those ass hugging jeans that left nothing unknown about the shape of her ass. She had on a black tank top and her hair pulled up. My eyes fell to her shoes automatically, as they always do. She had on these amazing black leather wedge heels. They have straps that cross over and wrap around the ankle.

"Let's go out to the shed where we can have some privacy." she motioned for me to come with her. I followed closely behind watching her ass held so tightly in those jeans. Both in the shed, which is fully converted into a room, she closed the door.

"Stand in the center of the floor so that I can tie you up." she stated, as though instructing someone from an Ikea instruction book. I leaped at the opportunity. She tied my legs together at the ankles and tied my hands behind my back. Other than that I could move freely.

"Don't move." she said. Well, that was that. She hung a blindfold around my neck, and pulled it tight enough to cut my air off. I almost fell over as I stared into her sexiness. She let go and stood back about two feet. She pointed a remote past me, and Top 40 music filled the room. They broadcast from the clubs on weekends, and that's what was on then.

"Let's get you in the mood to be generous." she said as she looked down at her shoe and wiggled her foot. My dick raged to get out of my pants. Instead of taking off her wedge, she pulled out one of her old, nasty shoes from behind her back. Her mouth dropped open in mock surprise.

"I want your head clear before you start making life-changing choices." she said in a sultry tone before covering my nose and mouth with the inside of her well worn shoe. I breathed in and out, panting and unable to stop it. She licked her lips as she pressed it tighter. I was woozy and needed to sit.

"That should set you straight. Now, I'm going to put this blindfold on you and I want you to listen to my voice." She covered my eyes. I couldn't quite tell where she was because of the music. She breathed on my left ear and kissed it, covering my lower ear with her lips. I shuddered in her warmth.

"I can't really hear you clearly though, it will be hard to make out what you're saying." I protested.

"Better listen up then, bitch." she spoke in a raised tone that I could hear clearly. I strained my head to hear where she went but couldn't quite track. Then she spoke.

"Did you know . . . that if I had just a bit more self-confidence, I would fuck somebody on the side." What? Had I heard that right? I was so weakened already that it wouldn't be uncommon to hear something different than had been said. The song playing about the sex being good enough to keep stepping out certainly didn't help.

"What did you say?" I asked impatiently, as you would when you wanted to hear what was being said but had been rudely cut out. She hit the remote and the music stopped.

"I said . . . If I had more time, I'd fucking love to join that gym right up the street." She continued. "It could work out if you'd take on dinner responsibilities full time." she mused. The music suddenly came back on. I didn't know what to say. There's no way that's what she had said. What she had claimed to say in fact, actually supported what I was pretty sure she really said.

I was instantly hit with the thought that this was a trade that would mean my becoming more of a maid SO that she could go invest in feeling more confident and sexy. And that's when she mashed her shoe into my face again. I still had the blindfold on. I breathed heavily and knew that I would gladly make that trade. I hoped she had more ideas that "favored" me.

"I plan on taking every fucking dime you ever earn and I will gladly spend it all on me while you beg for scraps. I want you to watch me funnel all finances into my control for my purposes. I have no problem treating myself to the finer things." She said it loud enough to make out most of it. I again objected for clarification.

"What?! What? What did you say that time?" I was certain I heard right. The music cut out again.

"I said, we should plan out our finances better, so we can spend it the right way. The way to get ahead instead of begging for scraps. Let's watch it funnel into worthy purposes, get the finer things. Why, what did you hear?" she mocked.

"I guess that's what I heard too." I said in a stupor. The music came up again.

"I want lots and lots of evidence to hold over you, in case you ever fuck this up or try to pull back. That's part of the reason it's better for me to do the thinking for you. No hissy fits from you when you don't think. This is all your fault anyway, and you should be completely accountable. Don't you agree?" she asked, knowing I did. I nodded.

"We'll get some really dirty things on video, things that you would do anything to keep private. Doesn't that sound like a good idea? Yes, yes it does. You would be happy to assist." answering her own question.

"I will use, abuse, and manipulate you whenever and however I see fit. I will take control of all money. It's MINE. I will do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want." She hit my lips with her shoe with each syllable.

"I will decide for you your very opinions when it suits me, you sad, gross, worthless fucker. I will extort more and more out of you, and you will give me your life in return. I will have all of your passwords, all access to everything, all the time. You will be my property. You have no rights of your own." She ripped the blindfold off and I saw that she was expectant. She continued before I could agree.

"Because you've thrust such heavy responsibility onto me, I expect you to make some sacrifices as well." she giggled at her words, amused at what they really meant. "There will be times that I don't want to deal with you. You will go jerk off alone, to me. Perhaps I'll let you make captions in worship to me while you abuse your clit. Who knows? But you will NEVER complain when any of this happens. Instead, you will thank me profusely, as you should. And you will mean it." I agreed. I would agree to all.

"You will ALWAYS be grateful for whatever I give you." she said very sincerely. She drove the point home by full on smacking me with her shoe. It hurt badly enough for me to yelp.

"You may let me know how you feel if it's important, it's possible to forget you sometimes, but you may never show me attitude. Ever. Am I clear missy?" That was intentional. Again to force my submission.

"Of course, mistress. Fully and completely. Thank you for letting me be in your life!" I knew that all was lost to her. And I loved it.

"We'll do things occasionally, like go to the sex shop, I understand that you need involvement, and I will for my part, show you that. Besides, I plan on taking full advantage of ALL of my new rights, so you'll EARN every bit of it." She stroked my face and smiled. I kissed her hand and closed my eyes. I was snapped out of it instantly.

"It's getting late. Why don't we go in and relax. You can be my foot rest for the evening, I think I'll test the waters and read a story about a real man pleasing a woman like a champion. Maybe I'll let you lick me to satisfaction while I admire something hot." She smiled at my dog-like agreement.

I needed to get to the bank and start that paperwork. Maybe I could spend a couple hours detailing her car for real on the way. My mind raced for ways to serve my goddess.

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lover1413lover1413over 9 years ago
Great Story so far

Great Job -this is very very hot. Great dialogue and great surprises. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This guy is a prime example

Of someone so desperate to be owned that any woman who wouldn't use him forever would be stupid. This is the type of guy that would be miserable and angry if he didn't have a woman like this. And if you can't actually make it your thing it will never work. But if you can then he will be happy and content and loyal for life. Where these things go really badly is when one party fakes it. I've seen it happen. The guy killed himself. I've probably wasted my words since these stories are hardly ever real. But just in case it's real I have done my good deed for the day. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

It is good to have fantasies.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 9 years ago
So she can abuse him and he likes it?

Well, if she really wants to fuck him up, why not divorce him and make him sign outrageous alimony? Then he can live in a homeless shelter while she can date someone she respects and who actually respects her...because this...this...travesty isn't respect, it's masochism.

It's like the saying: "How do you hurt a masochist? When he asks you to hit him, say no and walk away."

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Goddess? You mean manipulative bitch right?

Terribly written story about two people that have the IQ of peas. Thoroughly unlikeable characters and unimaginative writing have lead us to a story that just isn't entertaining to read. You never say anything that would convince me that he is or would be happy having this slut treat him like an animal. What's sexy or fun about it? I'll answer - nothing. No stars as giving this mess even one star would be an insult to the star.

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