The Condos


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I asked if she were having a party celebrating my departure.

"Hell no, Sweetie, I want you to come home. I need to talk with you." She said, "I am in the bathroom so I can talk, I have a surprise, we have company, your cousin Alfie is staying here until you get back."


"I said your cousin Alfie is staying with Annie and I until you get back. He is such fun."

"Listen to me carefully, get him out of our condo as fast as you can. Do not let him stay the night under any circumstances, understand me?"

"I heard you, but he is such a sweet guy I hate to throw him out."

"Please just do as I say. If you do not do as I say this could be the end of our marriage, Do you understand?"

"NO, I don't understand. Don't you trust me?"

"Sue, I love you and I do trust you. Have I ever been unreasonable with you about anything?"

"No, but I still don't understand."

"Listen, they are calling my flight to board now. Just tell him if he is there when I get back I will have my pistol in my hand when I step through the door. I will kill him on sight. Am I clear on that? I'll call you in a while, He ruined one marriage for me and I need you to beware of him. He is womanizer, both you and Annie be careful, he is a charmer." I shut off my phone and hurried to board my plane, I was headed home and not for Hawaii.

Two hours later I called home again. Sue answered and said everything was fine and that Alfie was being a perfect gentleman. I told her that I had meant what I had said. I said, "Sue I love you with all my heard. I know Alfie. If you do not follow my instructions our marriage is over. You and Annie can start packing right now. I am calling Dave Brooks, our attorney, and have him get the divorce papers drawn up and ready for our signatures."

"WHAT, are you serious? I can't believe this!"

"You had better believe it. I have never been more serious in my life. Did you give Alfie my message?"

"No, it was too embarrassing."

"Will you do it now?"

"I, I, don't know."

"Then I will have the divorce papers delivered tomorrow because I think it is too late to save our marriage now. Let me talk to Annie, Please!"

"Hi, Daddy, what is going on?"

"Annie did your mother tell you what I told her to do?"

"Yes, and I told her she had better do what you said."

"Annie, listen to me, Alphie is a sycopath. He will fuck both of you one way or another. Go in my den and open the upper right hand desk drawer. When it is open reach up above the drawer and you will feel a pistol fastened under the desk top. It is held by Velcro straps. It is loaded and ready to go. Call security at the office by dialing 9-9111. Get your mother to join you in my office, lock the door. Shoot if he tries to get in. Can you do that?"

"Yes Daddy, are you sure he is dangerous?"

"Yeah! His has tried to kill me several times, DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD HE SAYS. I know him, he may decide to kill you if he can't fuck you, or he may want to do both."

"You are scaring the hell out of me!"

"Great, now get busy!"

I called the security office and explained the situation to the chief of security, a retired County Sheriff. He said he would handle everything until I got there. I said, don't wait for me, do what you think is best to protect Mrs. Murphy and her daughter."

I sweated for the next half an hour, then my cell phone rang. It was in my hand, I snapped it up to my ear, "Hello!"

"Oh, Honey you were so right about Alfie. Why didn't I listen to you?"

"Are the two of you OK? Did he hurt anyone?"

"We are alright. The police have him. He is on the way to the hospital and then to jail. When will you be home?"

"In about four hours, Sweetie, I my on my way there now. Have Ray call and find out the arrival time at MCO on United direct from LAX. Then he can pick me up."

"Four O'clock this afternoon?"

"Yes, who shot Alfie?"

"Nobody shot him, he kept trying to kiss me and take my clothes off, he wouldn't stop, so I decked him. Then he tried to hit me so I broke his nose and then ruined his knees. That's all I did."

"That's all you did?"

"Yes Dear, I tried to hold my temper and not seriously hurt him. He is family, isn't he."

"I don't know who he really is, no Murphy family I know of has ever claimed him. You did say Annie is fine didn't you?"

"Yes our sweet daughter is fine, here she wants to talk to you."

"Daddy, everything is fine here, we miss you so much, please hurry home to us. Momma is very upset because she didn't do what you told her to do. She has been crying all afternoon because she didn't believe you."

"Did you see what happened with Alfie and your mother?'

"Most of it. I heard the yelling and I got there as Momma punched him in the nose and broke it. Blood was all over the place. Then he started after her again and she hit him in the knee with a jab kick. Her steel stiletto heel hit perfectly and ripped the kneecap half off. When he fell she stamped her heel on the other kneecap."

"Wow! Listen, tell her I want her to wear her high heeled sneakers when I get home and tell her I am telling her to move out."

"Oh! Daddy, NO, please don't do that, it will kill her. It really will. She has not trusted men for almost twenty years. She had been doing great with you. We both love you, Don't do it to her."

"She trusted Alfie instead of me. Where does that leave me? I was scared for her life and safety, she destroyed my trust and my ego. What do you guys expect of me?"

"Momma dearly loves you, you figure out what it will take for you to forgive her. OK?"

"Let me talk to your momma. OK?"

"Oh! Chuck, I love you baby, Please forgive me. I didn't dis you to him. Every time he knocked you I corrected him. Please, please forgive me."



"Sue I will always love you, just save all of your loving for me. I do forgive you. Do you forgive me?"

"Forgive you, for what?"

"For not protecting you."

"You weren't here."

"It is my job to protect my family, I didn't do it."

"Chucky, my love, I will forgive you in this case, I can't blame you for that. You had business to take care of."

"NO, I have a family to take care of, right. My family always takes precedence over everything."

Several months later Sue and I were entering the Club for lunch when she pulled away from me and walked over to a bulletin board and started reading a large poster about a Ballroom Dancing contest two weeks off. I knew she loved to watch Ballroom Dancing and watched it whenever it was on TV. I asked her, "Want to come and watch it with me?"

"Yes, I would love that unless you have something else you want to do."

"No, I can't think of anything more important than watching you smile." She grinned at me, "You are so damned good to me. I love you. Have you ever wanted to learn Ballroom Dancing?"

"I don't think so. I barely get by on the old two-step." I never thought about going any further."

Sue smiled, "Maybe someday we can take lessons together."


Sue brought up the dance contest several times before the Saturday night of the event. I had become involved slightly when Security wanted me to review the Parking and the entry from the parking. The parking would be in a large parking lot adjacent to the Banquet Room. We had had other functions use the Banquet Room before without problems.

That afternoon Sue told me that Jim and Pam Davis were going and had invited her to go with them. I told her that I might join them later if it was alright. She smiled delightedly, "I would love that Dearest.

That evening we had a nice dinner at the Club and Sue met the Davis's and they left for the Contest. I started toward the Condo. I stopped in my tracks, my wife always deferred to me about anything we did. I needed to be with her for this event that SHE wanted to watch tonight.

I entered the door and looked for Sue and Jim and Pam. I saw them at last. There was another man sitting by Sue. Sue and her companion were laughing constantly and seemed to be very well acquainted. He was a large blonde haired man. His arm was around her and she leaned into him and kissed his cheek. It felt like a knife in my heart.

An announcer stood on a small elevated platform with five people seated there behind a long table, He welcomed everyone and thanked the condo association for allowing them to use the hall. He introduced the five judges. Then he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a rare treat for you tonight. An old team who were once State Champions for 5 years straight just met tonight for the first time in about 5 or 6 years. They have consented to dance several dances for us tonight before the contest begins. They want everyone to know that they have not practiced or competed in five years. Let me present Suzan Carter and Steve Johansson.

The lights dimmed and Sue and her companion walked hand in hand to the center of the floor. They stood facing each other, holding hands, with their heads leaning forward so that their foreheads were touching. The music started and they twirled around the room, twisting, turning, and spinning through intricate steps. When the song ended they finished with a deep dip, their bodies molded to each other and their lips pressed together. The crowd cheered and screamed there approval and screamed for more.

The next tune was much slower and more sensuous, they were dancing as lovers dance. Two bodies pressed together, moving as one body, pelvises against each other slowly and their hands smoothly and sensuous caressed each other, then they spun slowly apart, then they came back together in a loving embrace. It was sexy as hell, almost pornographic. I felt a hand on my arm and looked down to see Annie with a worried look on her face. "Are you alright, you look sick."

I shook my head, "I guess I am OK, Ah, the look like they belong together, don't they."

"They should, they were together for five years. Aren't they wonderful together. They haven't seen each other in years. He moved to Hollywood for a job, her work was here."

The two dancers ended the dance with a long passionate hug and kiss. I turned and hurried out the door, I heard Annie telling me to wait. I needed some cool fresh air. I walked across the patio and collapsed in a chair. I could hear the screaming and cheering. I put my face in my hands and felt the tears flood from my eyes. I heard Annie say, "Daddy, look at me. It is not what you think. Momma loves only you. I have seen them do that exact same routine a thousand times. They are not in love and never have been. He is gay, and they have never been more than dance partners. They never went out together or anything. Please, let's go tell Momma how proud of her we are. Come on." She dragged me back to the Ballroom. The crowd was wanting still more. Sue walked over to the judges and talked to the announcer. The turned and saw Annie and I. She rushed to me and threw herself into my arms.

The announcer asked for the crowd's attention. "Sue Carter has asked me to announce that she is now Mrs. Charles Murphy, and that her husband is insisting that she stop dancing for tonight because she is six months pregnant. Let's give them a round of applause. That was an amazing performance under the circumstances." He turned to the judges, "How would our judges rate their performance if they were competing?" Each judge held up a paddle bearing a number ten.

There was a roar of approval from the crowd. Sue turned to me and softly pressed her lips to mine. She pulled gently back and wiped a tear from my eye. She started walking toward the our condo. She whispered, "I love you Sweetie. You are my life."

I smiled a little, "I suspect there are still a lot of things I do not know about my amazing wife. I don't know if my heart can handle too many more of them."

Sue looked at Annie, "What does he mean?"

"What do you think he means, he just saw the woman he loves with all his heart making love to another man."

Sue's jaw dropped and her eyes popped wide open, "Oh! My God! I had forgotten how that routine looks. I was just concentrating on the getting it right after all this time." Tears ran from her eyes, she sobbed, "Oh! I never meant to hurt you. I never knew he was going to be here. He didn't know about me. I just didn't have time to think about anything, everyone wanted us to dance. How could I do that to you?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were a championship Ballroom Dancer."

Suzy sobbed, "Honey, I was afraid it would make you feel bad that you can't dance that well. I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I was afraid you would want to try it and really hurt your legs." The strain on the legs is really quite strong in Ball Room dancing, I don't want you to even try it."

We entered the building and then our apartment.

"Sue, I have trouble buying that story, you are a much better communicator than that. I wonder if you didn't have more than that you didn't want me to find out."

She looked up into my eyes, "Yes dear, there other things I haven't told you about myself. There is nothing I have done that I am ashamed of, just some things that really mean nothing to me but might be a challenge to you. I don't want to do that to you. I don't want you to think of me as better than you in any way. I want us to be equal."

"Sue, that is not possible, you are much better at managing money than I am. I am much better at building things than you are. If you mean you think you are better at self defense than I am, well, that doesn't bother me a bit. I used to be very good but I am slower than I was, due to wounds and ageing, I just can't move the same. I guess that applies to my love making too. All I can do is try as hard as I can. If it isn't good enough, you will have to tell me I can't cut it, that I don't satisfy you anymore."

"WHAT are you talking about, sex is mostly mental. You are a very superior man in all respects. Everything about you turns me on like no one before you has been able to do. Aside from the sex, which I dearly love, I would love you anyway, you are just so perfect for me, to be near you is heaven. We just fit together in all ways, we mesh perfectly. When we make love we join totally, when we walk hand in hand I am completely content because my soul mate is joined with me. I desire what only you, my husband, can give me. I will never cheat on you for several reasons, first, I love the gently way you dominate me when we make love. You don't do it all the time but it keeps our loving changing and exciting. I could not stand to lose that. Second, I know that you are the most caring and sensitive and sensual man in the world. Third, you are very strong mentally and physically yet you are very easily hurt. You do not easily forgive or forget transgressions against you, you will fight if pushed too far. I firmly believe that if you felt I was cheating on you, you would investigate, you would say nothing until you had proof then you would give me a chance to explain. If the answer was incorrect you would never hurt me. You would simply be gone. I suspect I would never see you again, I would have to deal with your attorney." She smiled gently at me, "I love you way too much to ever take a chance of any of that happening." She giggled, then grinned, "How about it, do I have you figured out, or what?"

Before I could answer, her face saddened and she began to sniffle, then she started to cry, she cried harder and harder, until I grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. She stopped crying and I hugged her to me, "What is wrong Sweetie, talk to me, everything will be alright."

Her eyes opened and she rubbed her eyes with her hands. She put a hand gently on each side of my face, then she kissed me. She moved back a few inches, she sniffled and said, "I love you so much that even the remote chance that you might leave me tears me apart. I can not even conceive of how I could survive if I found out I would never see you again."

I softly placed my lips against hers. I parted my lips slightly and touched her lips with the tip of my tongue. Her lips trembled then parted a little bit. Then I felt her tongue touch mine tentatively, lightly touching, then pulling away. I inserted my tongue forcefully but gently into her mouth and caressed her tongue with mine. Her lips parted more and our tongues gently and lovingly caressed and rubbed softly over, under, and around each other.

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked to see Annie standing watching us. I pulled away from Sue and said, "Annie, are you OK. Please don't cry."

Sue stepped away from me and took Annie into her arms and kissed her. "Did we embarrass you too much?"

"Hell, no. You guys are so in love with each other that it is easy for you to hurt each other. You are working things out much faster now with less drama. I love both of you so much that I just hate to see these silly misunderstandings go so far. Not that you guys are really arguing, but one of my psychology professors said that a good tool for couples is to only argue in the nude."

I smiled at Sue, "That would ruin some of my best arguments. You would win them all. How about it, would you like to go back and watch the dancing? One thing though, Sue go to the bathroom now, because I am not letting go of your hand again until we are home again." My girls are so cute, they looked at each other, smiled, and hurried to their bathrooms.

The contest was fun but no team was on the level of Sue and her ex-partner. When it was all over I think everyone in the house wanted to say something to Sue and Steve. Annie and I sat back and watched. After each person talked to her Sue checked to make sure we were still there in our seats. Annie whispered in my ear and when she turned back away from us the next time we quickly scooted down the row to another spot. When Sue turned and looked for us she froze. Her eyes scanned the room till she found us. Her face lit up in a grin, she motioned for us to join her. She winked at me and had me sit in a chair directly behind her. She gently sat in my lap. She greeted some more fans and then turned and laughed, "Now I know exactly where you are my love."

She squirmed around in my lap as she talked, until she had me partly erect. Gratefully the end of the lime reached us soon. She got up and hugged me when I rose. She looked up and smiled, "Sweetie, you have me all hot and wet, let's go home."

Steve who was still standing next to Sue grinned, "I hope you don't have far to go, in all the time I knew Sue, I never heard her say anything like that to anyone. She is just glowing with happiness, that is new too! He shook my hand, "Damn, you are one lucky guy!"

I smiled at him, "Yes, I sure am."

She never did buy the extra Condo.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Too much fantasy. And while she acted stupidly and was trusting at the end, she is a seasoned professional and married to the MC. Alfie is a monster and she should have heeded his warnings, but he did a poor job of communicating. And once he learned of the threat, wouldn't he drop everything? Arrange for someone to get to their home? Instead it is like she failed an obedience test, and he is at first adamant about moving her out. Wtf? Yes she was stupidly trusting, and did not listen to his warnings, but he also communicated then to her in an absurd way. He could have spent the time to have a dull conversation with her and explain WHY Alfie was such a threat. But nope, gives ultimatum, and he has a plane to catch. F$ck that! And then he is intransigent even after she beat up Alfie when he made his move to tape her, and only when she explains she never let Alfie humiliate her husband. Oh joy! Now he can forgive her. Wtf? MC comes off as a selfish sshole. And the characters are too amazing to be so unattached. Sue hasn't dated in 20 years? Like reading the strained plot from a B-level superhero movie.

InfosaugerInfosaugerover 3 years ago

Ok, I admit I was looking forward to more sex between daughter and Charles and maybe even threesomes.

But nevertheless a very good story.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 3 years ago
Not bad but

Nowhere near your best. Lots of missed opportunities here.

fisheronefisheroneover 6 years ago

First you never allow a man to sleep under husbands roof without talking to him first and then refuse to have him leave at husbands request. Then just as things settled down Sue erotically dances with a male knowing husband is going to drop in. It appears that she has a lot of learning to become a long term spouse. To disrespect a man under his roof and work are hard to repair .

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
you should realy rate your stuff to women romance stuff :)

every some lines someone is shedding some tears in one way or the other, seems the eyes are the most moist issue in most of your stories which last longer then a two pages.

you are free to post whatever you like as I am free to choose some more talented authors as well

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